970 resultados para toxic bait
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al Department for Feed and Food Hygiene del National Veterinary Institute, Noruega, entre novembre i desembre del 2006. Els grans de cereal poden estar contaminats amb diferents espècies de Fusarium capaces de produir metabolits secundaris altament tòxics com trichotecenes, fumonisines o moniliformines. La correcta identificació d’aquestes espècies és de gran importància per l’assegurament del risc en l’àmbit de la salut humana i animal. La identificació de Fusarium en base a la seva morfologia requereix coneixements taxonòmics i temps; la majoria dels mètodes moleculars permeten la identificació d’una única espècie diana. Per contra, la tecnologia de microarray ofereix l’anàlisi paral•lel d’un alt nombre de DNA dianes. En aquest treball, s’ha desenvolupat un array per a la identificació de les principals espècies de Fusarium toxigèniques del Nord i Sud d’Europa. S’ha ampliat un array ja existent, per a la detecció de les espècies de Fusarium productores de trichothecene i moniliformina (predominants al Nord d’Europa), amb l’addició de 18 sondes de DNA que permeten identificar les espècies toxigèniques més abundants al Sud d’Europa, les qual produeixen majoritàriament fumonisines. Les sondes de captura han estat dissenyades en base al factor d’elongació translació- 1 alpha (TEF-1alpha). L’anàlisi de les mostres es realitza mitjançant una única PCR que permet amplificar part del TEF-1alpha seguida de la hibridació al xip de Fusarium. Els resultats es visualitzen mitjançant un mètode de detecció colorimètric. El xip de Fusarium desenvolupat pot esdevenir una eina útil i de gran interès per a l’anàlisi de cereals presents en la cadena alimentària.
Thymulin is a pharmacologically active metallononapeptide inducing the differentiation of T cells and enhancing several functions of the various T cell subsets in normal or partially thymus-deficient recipients. Its effect on suppressor T cells is, so far, the most remarkable and should be the first to find useful clinical applications. The peptide is a natural hormone, available in synthetic form. It is not toxic and one may foresee its clinical use as one of the major immunoregulatory agents in the near future.
In recent years, one of the most significant progress in the understanding of liver diseases was the demonstration that liver fibrosis is a dynamic process resulting from a balance between synthesis and degradation of several matrix components, collagen in particular. Thus, fibrosis has been found to be a very early event during liver diseases, be it of toxic, viral or parasitic origin, and to be spontaneously reversible, either partially or totally. In liver fibrosis cell matrix interactions are dependent on the existence of the many factors (sometimes acting in combination) which produce the same events at the cellular and molecular levels. These events are: (i) the recruitment of fiber-producing cells, (ii) their proliferation, (iii) the secretion of matrix constituents of the extracellular matrix, and (iv) the remodeling and degradation of the newly formed matrix. All these events represent, at least in principle, a target for a therapeutic intervention aimed at influencing the experimentally induced hepatic fibrosis. In this context, hepatosplenic schistosomiasis is of particular interest, being an immune cell-mediated granulomatous disease and a model of liver fibrosis allowing extensive studies in human and animals as well as providing original in vitro models.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a l’University of Pennsylvania, EUA, entre els mesos d’agosta a desembre del 2006. Les hemo-catalases són enzims que protegeixen les cèl•lules dels efectes tòxics del peròxid d'hidrogen. Aquesta reacció té lloc en dues etapes, via l'intermediari Compost I (Cpd I). Tanmateix, el Compost I pot seguir una reacció secundària, a través de l'intermediari Compost II. Hi ha dos tipus d'hemo-catalases: les hemo-b (com la d'Helicobacter pylori, HPC) i les hemo-d catalases (com la de Penicillium vitale, PVC). Experimentalment s'observa que les hemo-b catalases formen Cpd II més fàcilment que les hemo-d. La formació del Cpd II consta de dos processos: la reducció del catió radical porfirínic i la protonació del grup oxoferril. Durant l'estada, es va estudiar el procès de transferència electrònica a la porfirina utilitzant una metodologia desenvolupada recentment. Els resultats mostren que per PVC la reducció és més fàcil que per HPC. Posteriorment hem realitzat una sèrie de optimitzacions de geometria CPMD QM/MM al llarg del camí per la transferència de protó (PT) de la histidina distal a l'oxoferril. Mentre que per HPC aquesta PT és espontània, per PVC l'isòmer hidroxoferrílic és menys estable que el catió imidazoli.
Brain metastases occur in 20-50% of NSCLC and 50-80% of SCLC. In this review, we will look at evidence-based medicine data and give some perspectives on the management of BM. We will address the problems of multiple BM, single BM and prophylactic cranial irradiation. Recursive Partitioning Analysis (RPA) is a powerful prognostic tool to facilitate treatment decisions. Dealing with multiple BM, the use of corticosteroids was established more than 40 years ago by a unique randomized trial (RCT). Palliative effect is high (_80%) as well as side-effects. Whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT) was evaluated in many RCTs with a high (60-90%) response rate; several RT regimes are equivalent, but very high dose per fraction should be avoided. In multiple BM from SCLC, the effect of WBRT is comparable to that in NSCLC but chemotherapy (CXT) although advocated is probably less effective than RT. Single BM from NSCLC occurs in 30% of all BM cases; several prognostic classifications including RPA are very useful. Several options are available in single BM: WBRT, surgery (SX), radiosurgery (RS) or any combination of these. All were studied in RCTs and will be reviewed: the addition of WBRT to SX or RS gives a better neurological tumour control, has little or no impact on survival, and may be more toxic. However omitting WBRT after SX alone gives a higher risk of cerebro-spinal fluid dissemination. Prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) has a major role in SCLC. In limited disease, meta-analyses have shown a positive impact of PCI in the decrease of brain relapse and in survival improvement, especially for patients in complete remission. Surprisingly, this has been recently confirmed also in extensive disease. Experience with PCI for NSCLC is still limited, but RCT suggest a reduction of BM with no impact on survival. Toxicity of PCI is a matter of debate, as neurological or neuro-cognitive impairment is already present prior to PCI in almost half of patients. However RT toxicity is probably related to total dose and dose per fraction. Perspectives : Future research should concentrate on : 1) combined modalities in multiple BM. 2) Exploration of treatments in oligo-metastases. 3) Further exploration of PCI in NSCLC. 4) Exploration of new, toxicity-sparing radiotherapy techniques (IMRT, Tomotherapy etc).
A 3D in vitro model of rat organotypic brain cell cultures in aggregates was used to investigate neurotoxicity mechanisms in glutaric aciduria type I (GA-I). 1 mM glutarate (GA) or 3-hydroxyglutarate (3OHGA) were repeatedly added to the culture media at two different time points. In cultures treated with 3OHGA, we observed an increase in lactate in the medium, pointing to a possible inhibition of Krebs cycle and respiratory chain. We further observed that 3OHGA and to a lesser extend GA induced an increase in ammonia production with concomitant decrease of glutamine concentrations, which may suggest an inhibition of the astrocytic enzyme glutamine synthetase. These previously unreported findings may uncover a pathogenic mechanism in this disease which has deleterious effects on early stages of brain development. By immunohistochemistry we showed that 3OHGA increased non-apoptotic cell death. On the cellular level, 3OHGA and to a lesser extend GA led to cell swelling and loss of astrocytic fibers whereas a loss of oligodendrocytes was only observed for 3OHGA. We conclude that 3OHGAwas the most toxic metabolite in our model for GA-I. 3OHGA induced deleterious effects on glial cells, an increase of ammonia production, and resulted in accentuated cell death of non-apoptotic origin.
We have used the cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum (Dd), to express the Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein (CS), a potential component of a subunit vaccine against malaria. This was accomplished via an expression vector based on the discoidin I-encoding gene promoter, in which we linked a sequence coding for a Dd leader peptide to the almost complete CS coding region (pEDII-CS). CS production at both the mRNA and protein levels is induced by starving cells in a simple phosphate buffer. Variation in pH or cell density does not seem to influence CS synthesis. CS-producing cells can be grown either on their normal substrate, bacteria, or on a semi-synthetic media, without affecting CS accumulation level. The CS produced in Dd seems similar to the natural parasite protein as judged by its size and epitope recognition by a panel of monoclonal antibodies. We constructed a second expression vector in which the CS is under the control of a Dd ras promoter. CS accumulation can then be induced by external addition of cAMP. Such a tightly regulated promoter may allow expression of proteins potentially toxic to the cell. Thus, Dd could be a useful eukaryotic system to produce recombinant proteins, in particular from human or animal parasites like P. falciparum.
A preliminary study of the pharmacokinetic parameters of t-Butylaminoethyl disulfide was performed after administration of two different single doses (35 and 300 mg/kg) of either the cold or labelled drug. Plasma or blood samples were treated with dithiothreitol, perchloric acid, and, after filtration, submitted to further purification with anionic resein. In the final step, the drug was retained on a cationic resin column, eluted with NaCl 1M and detected according to the method of Ellman (1958). Alternatively, radioactive drug was detected by liquid scintillation counting. The results corresponding to the smaller dose of total drug suggested a pharmacokinetic behavior related to a one open compartment model with the following parameters: area under the intravenous curve (AUC i.v.):671 ± 14; AUC oral: 150 ± 40 µg.min. ml [raised to the power of -1]; elimination rate constant: 0.071 min [raised to the power of -1]; biological half life: 9.8 min; distribution volume: 0.74 ml/g. For the higher dose, the results seemed to obey a more complex undertermined model. Combining the results, the occurence of a dose-dependent pharmacokinetic behavior is suggested, the drug being rapidly absorbed and rapidly eliminated; the elimination process being related mainly to metabolization. The drug seems to be more toxic when administered I.V. because by this route it escapes first pass metabolism, while being quickly distributed to tissues. The maximum tolerated blood level seems to be around 16 µg/ml.
The potential of ochratoxin A (OTA) to damage brain cells was studied by using a three-dimensional cell culture system as model for the developing brain. Aggregating cell cultures of foetal rat telencephalon were tested either during an early developmental period, or during a phase of advanced maturation, over a wide range of OTA concentrations (0.4 nM to 50 microM). By monitoring changes in activities of cell type-specific enzymes (ChAt and GAD, for cholinergic and GABAergic neurones, respectively, GS for astrocytes and CNP for oligodendrocytes), the concentration-dependent toxicity and neurodevelopmental effects of OTA were determined. OTA proved to be highly toxic, since a 10-day treatment at 50 nM caused a general cytotoxicity in both mature and immature cultures. At 10 nM of OTA, cell type-specific effects were observed: in immature cultures, a loss in neuronal and oligodendroglial enzyme activities, and an increase in the activity of the astroglial marker glutamine synthetase were found, Furthermore, at 2 and 10 nM of OTA, a clustering of microglial cells was observed. In mature cultures, OTA was somewhat less potent, but caused a similar pattern of toxic effects. A 24 h-treatment with OTA resulted in a concentration-dependent decrease in protein synthesis, with IC50 values of 25 nM and 33 nM for immature and mature cultures respectively. Acute (24 h) treatment at high OTA concentrations (10 to 50 microM) caused a significant increase in reactive oxygen species formation, as measured by the intracellular oxidation of 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin. These results suggest that OTA has the potential to be a potent toxicant to brain cells, and that its effects at nanomolar concentrations are primarily due to the inhibition of protein synthesis, whereas ROS seem not to be involved in the toxicity mediated by a chronic exposure to OTA at such low concentrations.
BACKGROUND: We conducted a randomized, phase II, multicenter study to evaluate the anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mAb panitumumab (P) in combination with chemoradiotherapy (CRT) with standard-dose capecitabine as neoadjuvant treatment for wild-type KRAS locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with wild-type KRAS, T3-4 and/or N+ LARC were randomly assigned to receive CRT with or without P (6 mg/kg). The primary end-point was pathological near-complete or complete tumor response (pNC/CR), defined as grade 3 (pNCR) or 4 (pCR) histological regression by Dworak classification (DC). RESULTS: Forty of 68 patients were randomly assigned to P + CRT and 28 to CRT. pNC/CR was achieved in 21 patients (53%) treated with P + CRT [95% confidence interval (CI) 36%-69%] versus 9 patients (32%) treated with CRT alone (95% CI: 16%-52%). pCR was achieved in 4 (10%) and 5 (18%) patients, and pNCR in 17 (43%) and 4 (14%) patients. In immunohistochemical analysis, most DC 3 cells were not apoptotic. The most common grade ≥3 toxic effects in the P + CRT/CRT arm were diarrhea (10%/6%) and anastomotic leakage (15%/4%). CONCLUSIONS: The addition of panitumumab to neoadjuvant CRT in patients with KRAS wild-type LARC resulted in a high pNC/CR rate, mostly grade 3 DC. The results of both treatment arms exceeded prespecified thresholds. The addition of panitumumab increased toxicity.
In a small forest of 4ha placed inside the Ecologic Campus of Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, were made captures of mosquitoes each fifteen days (during the day and the night) in a complete year: March 1988 to February, 1989. The daylight captures were made on human bait and the night captures were made with New Jersey trap. Sixty one captures were made, yielding 497 specimens of 15 species.
Acute infantile encephalopathy predominantly affecting the frontal lobes (AIEF) has been described as a new entity, based on MRI findings (acute abnormal diffusion-weighted imaging signals in the frontal lobes followed by atrophy) and exclusion of other acute encephalopathies. Patients present with acute onset of fever, status epilepticus, and coma. Different causal mechanisms have been suggested such as localized viral infection, toxic insult due to cytokines, or postictal damage. Only children of Japanese descent have been described. We report the case of a Caucasian girl whose history and MRI findings were similar to the Japanese cases. She had a massive regression with verbal apraxia, while cognitive development was less affected; she initially presented with a cluster of complex partial seizures (and not convulsive status epilepticus), making epileptic or post anoxic-ischemic sequelae highly unlikely. The place of this proposed entity among other recently described acute encephalopathies with abnormal diffusion on MRI is discussed.
A study was made on the distribution of anophelines in Suriname with special emphasis on the principal malaria vector Anopheles darlingi and on the occurrence of other possible vector species. Peridomestic human bait collections of adult mosquitoes and collections of larvae were made in many localities with a recent history of malaria transmission. Stable population of An. darlingi were only found in the interior, south of the limit of tidal influence, due to year-round availability of breeding habitats in quietly sunlit places in flooded forest areas and along river banks. In the area with tidal movement of the rivers, breeding is limited to flooded areas in the west season. Anopheles darlingi was only incidentally collected in low densities. In the interior, malaria transmission occurred in all places where An. darlingi was found. The absence of malaria transmission along the Upper Suriname River could be explained by the absence of An. darlingi. In the malaria endemic areas, An darlingi was the most numerous mosquito biting on man. In the tidal region, malaria outbreak are infrequent and might be explained by the temporary availability of favourable beeding habitats for An. darlingi. However, evidence is insufficient to incriminate an. darlingi as the vector of malaria in this region and the possible vectorial role of other anophelines is discussed.
BACKGROUND: Dissection during laparoscopic surgery produces smoke containing potentially toxic substances. The aim of the present study was to analyze smoke samples produced during laparoscopic colon surgery using a bipolar vessel sealing device (LigaSuretrade mark). METHODS: Four consecutive patients undergoing left-sided colectomy were enrolled in this pilot study. Smoke was produced by the use of LigaSuretrade mark. Samples (5,5l) were evacuated from the pneumoperitoneum in a closed system into a reservoir. Analysis was performed with CO2-laser-based photoacoustic spectroscopy and confirmed by a Fourier-transform infrared spectrum. The detected spectra were compared to the available spectra of known toxins. RESULTS: Samples from four laparoscopic sigmoid resections were analyzed. No relevant differences were noted regarding patient and operation characteristics. The gas samples were stable over time proven by congruent control measurements as late as 24 h after sampling. The absorption spectra differed considerably between the patients. One broad absorption line at 100 ppm indicating H2O and several unknown molecules were detected. With a sensitivity of alpha min ca 10-5 cm-1 no known toxic substances like phenol or indole were identified. CONCLUSION: The use of a vessel sealing device during laparoscopic surgery does not produce known toxic substances in relevant quantity. Further studies are needed to identify unknown molecules and to analyze gas emission under various conditions.
Background: Thaumatin is a protein originally isolated from an African fruit (the "katemfe"), but various thaumatin-like proteins have been found in apples, grapes, kiwis and olives, etc. Thaumatin has natural sweetening properties and is about 2000 to 3000 times more potent than sucrose. It is therefore used in the food industry, particularly in the processing of low-calories sweeteners. Recently, thaumatin-like proteins have been described as a new family of allergens. Methods: We report the case of a 44-year-old woman occupationally exposed to thaumatin, who developed an allergy to it. The first symptom was an urticaria, which she presented two years after the factory she was working in (a sweeteners manufacturer), started to use thaumatin. Later on, she perceived an acute episode of a sensation of lump in the throat, persisting mild dyspnea, dysphonia and cough. Despite normal peak flow values and a normal chest examination, her general practitioner treated her with local corticoids and systemic antihistaminic drugs, which improved the symptoms. As occupational physicians, we were asked about the likelihood of an occupational disease. We visited her working place, and assessed the exposure to thaumatin. We concluded that the probability for a delayed asthma related to a thaumatin exposure was high, despite the lack of an exposure test. Results: The case was submitted to the insurance company as an occupational disease, and was accepted as such. It was therefore decided not to perform the exposure test, given the absence of true benefit for the patient, who was advised to switch job, and to avoid any exposure to thaumatin in the future. A few months later, the symptoms had completely disappeared. Conclusion: Some molecules only used in specific industry sectors, can cause health problems, such as allergy, but also toxic impairments, etc. The occupational physician, trained to find out which products and identify which molecules are involved, can contribute to the diagnosis, and help make possible a safe return to work for the patient.