965 resultados para tissues of Corbicula fluminea
Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein complex that elongates telomeres, allowing the stable maintenance of chromosomes during multiple cell divisions. Here, we describe the isolation and characterization of the catalytic subunit of mouse telomerase, mTERT (mouse telomerase reverse transcriptase), an essential protein component of the telomerase complex. During embryonic development, mTERT mRNA is abundantly expressed in the whole embryo, especially in regions of intense proliferation. We found that the mTERT mRNA expression in both embryonic and adult tissues is independent of the essential RNA component of telomerase, mTR, and therefore, of the formation of active telomerase complexes. mTERT protein is present exclusively in tissues with telomerase activity, such as testis, spleen, and thymus. mTERT protein is barely detectable in the thymus of mTR−/− mice, suggesting that mTERT protein stability in this tissue may depend on the actual assembly of active telomerase complexes. Finally, we found that mouse and human telomerase catalytic subunit is located in the cell nucleus, and its localization is not regulated during cell cycle progression.
It has been widely reported that the presenilin proteins PS-1 and PS-2 in extracts derived from a variety of cultured cells and from tissues are fragmented extensively by endoproteolytic processing events. It generally has been presumed that this endoproteolysis is a physiologically normal intracellular event following presenilin expression, which might play an important role in the still unknown functions of these molecules in connection with Alzheimer disease. We demonstrate herein, however, that, if a variety of cultured cells and several mouse tissues are examined under conditions minimizing cell trauma, the presenilin molecules in the extracts are found to be intact but that, if the cells and tissues are prepared under somewhat more stressful conditions, the endoproteolytic fragments are then observed. We conclude that these particular endoproteolytic events are not the result of physiologically normal processing of the presenilins but are rather artifacts occurring during the common procedures of specimen preparation.
The proline-rich γ-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla) proteins (PRGPs) 1 and 2 are the founding members of a family of vitamin K-dependent single-pass integral membrane proteins characterized by an extracellular amino terminal domain of approximately 45 amino acids that is rich in Gla. The intracellular carboxyl terminal region of these two proteins contains one or two copies of the sequence PPXY, a motif present in a variety of proteins involved in such diverse cellular functions as signal transduction, cell cycle progression, and protein turnover. In this report, we describe the cloning of the cDNAs for two additional human transmembrane Gla proteins (TMG) of 20–24 kDa named TMG3 and TMG4. These two proteins possess extracellular Gla domains with 13 or 9 potential Gla residues, respectively, followed by membrane-spanning hydrophobic regions and cytoplasmic carboxyl terminal regions that contain PPXY motifs. This emerging family of integral membrane Gla proteins includes proline-rich Gla protein (PRGP) 1, PRGP2, TMG3, and TMG4, all of which are characterized by broad and variable distribution in both fetal and adult tissues. Members of this family can be grouped into two subclasses on the basis of their gene organization and amino acid sequence. These observations suggest novel physiological functions for vitamin K beyond its known role in the biosynthesis of proteins involved in blood coagulation and bone development. The identification and characterization of these proteins may allow a more complete understanding of the teratogenic consequences of exposure in utero to vitamin K antagonists, such as warfarin-based anticoagulants.
Previous studies of mRNA for classical glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPx1) demonstrated that hepatocytes of rats fed a selenium-deficient diet have less cytoplasmic GPx1 mRNA than hepatocytes of rats fed a selenium-adequate diet. This is because GPx1 mRNA is degraded by the surveillance pathway called nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) when the selenocysteine codon is recognized as nonsense. Here, we examine the mechanism by which the abundance of phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx) mRNA, another selenocysteine-encoding mRNA, fails to decrease in the hepatocytes and testicular cells of rats fed a selenium-deficient diet. We demonstrate with cultured NIH3T3 fibroblasts or H35 hepatocytes transiently transfected with PHGPx gene variants under selenium-supplemented or selenium-deficient conditions that PHGPx mRNA is, in fact, a substrate for NMD when the selenocysteine codon is recognized as nonsense. We also demonstrate that the endogenous PHGPx mRNA of untransfected H35 cells is subject to NMD. The failure of previous reports to detect the NMD of PHGPx mRNA in cultured cells is likely attributable to the expression of PHGPx cDNA rather than the PHGPx gene. We conclude that 1) the sequence of the PHGPx gene is adequate to support the NMD of product mRNA, and 2) there is a mechanism in liver and testis but not cultured fibroblasts and hepatocytes that precludes or masks the NMD of PHGPx mRNA.
Evidence That Auxin-Induced Growth of Tobacco Leaf Tissues Does Not Involve Cell Wall Acidification1
Interveinal strips (10 × 1.5 mm) excised from growing tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv Xanthi) leaves have an auxin-specific, epinastic growth response that is developmentally regulated and is not the result of ethylene induction (C.P. Keller, E. Van Volkenburgh [1997] Plant Physiol 113: 603–610). We report here that auxin (10 μm naphthalene acetic acid) treatment of strips does not result in plasma membrane hyperpolarization or detectable proton efflux. This result is in contrast to the expected responses elicited by 1 μm fusicoccin (FC) treatment, which in other systems mimics auxin growth promotion through stimulation of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase and resultant acid wall loosening; FC produced both hyperpolarization and proton efflux in leaf strips. FC-induced growth was much more inhibited by a strong neutral buffer than was auxin-induced growth. Measurements of the osmotic concentration of strips suggested that osmotic adjustment plays no role in the auxin-induced growth response. Although cell wall loosening of some form appears to be involved, taken together, our results suggest that auxin-induced growth stimulation of tobacco leaf strips results primarily from a mechanism not involving acid growth.
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells and lymphoid tissues from HIV-infected individuals display high levels of "tissue" transglutaminase (tTG) with respect to seronegative persons. In asymptomatic individuals, > 80% of the circulating CD4+ T cells synthesize tTG protein and the number of these cells matches the level of apoptosis detected in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells from the same patients. In HIV-infected lymph nodes tTG protein is localized in large number of cells (macrophages, follicular dendritic cells, and endothelial cells), showing distinctive morphological and biochemical features of apoptosis as well as in lymphocytes and syncytia. These findings demonstrate that during the course of HIV infection, high levels of apoptosis also occur in the accessory cells of lymphoid organs. The increased concentration of epsilon(gamma-glutamyl)lysine isodipeptide, the degradation product of tTG cross-linked proteins, observed in the blood of HIV-infected individuals demonstrates that the enzyme accumulated in the dying cells actively cross-links intracellular proteins. The enhanced levels of epsilon(gamma-glutamyl)lysine in the blood parallels the progression of HIV disease, suggesting that the isodipeptide determination might be a useful method to monitor the in vivo rate of apoptosis.
Carcinogen-DNA adduct measurements may become useful biomarkers of effective dose and/or early effect. However, validation of this biomarker is required at several levels to ensure that human exposure and response are accurately reflected. Important in this regard is an understanding of the relative biomarker levels in target and nontarget organs and the response of the biomarker under the chronic, low-dose conditions to which humans are exposed. We studied the differences between single and chronic topical application of benzo[a]pyrene (BAP) on the accumulation and removal of BAP-DNA adducts in skin, lung, and liver. Animals were treated with BAP at 10, 25, or 50 nMol topically once or twice per week for as long as 15 weeks. Animals were sacrificed either at 24, 48, or 72 hr after the last dose at 1 and 30 treatments, and after 24 hr for all other treatment groups. Adduct levels increased with increasing dose, but the slope of the dose-response was different in each organ. At low doses, accumulation was linear in skin and lung, but at high doses the adduct levels in the lung increased dramatically at the same time when the levels in the skin reached apparent steady state. In the liver adduct, levels were lower than in target tissues and apparent steady-state adduct levels were reached rapidly, the maxima being independent of dose, suggesting that activating metabolism was saturated in this organ. Removal of adducts from skin, the target organ, was more rapid following single treatment than with chronic exposure. This finding is consistent with earlier data, indicating that some areas of the genome are more resistant to repair. Thus, repeated exposure and repair cycles would be more likely to cause an increase in the proportion of carcinogen-DNA adducts in repair-resistant areas of the genome. These findings indicate that single-dose experiments may underestimate the potential for carcinogenicity for compounds that follow this pattern.
We have used a pharmacologic mediator to open intercellular connections in selected vessels to allow liposomes to escape from the blood stream and to extravasate into tissues that have appropriate receptors. We have examined the effects of substance P (SP), a peptide known to increase vascular permeability in selected tissues, such as trachea, esophagus, and urinary bladder in rats. We used quantitative fluorescence analysis of tissues to measure two fluorescent markers, one attached to the lipid (rhodamine-phosphatidylethanolamine) and another, doxorubicin (an anti-tumor drug), encapsulated within the aqueous interior. We have also examined the deposition of liposomes microscopically by the use of encapsulated colloidal gold and silver enhancement. Analysis of the biochemical and morphological observations indicate the following: (i) Injection of SP produces a striking increase in both liposome labels, but only in tissues that possess receptors for SP in postcapillary venules; (ii) liposome material in these tissues has extravasated and is found extracellularly near a variety of cells beyond the endothelial layer over the first few hours; (iii) 24 h following injection of liposomes and SP, liposome material is found in these tissues, localized intracellularly in both endothelial cells and macrophages. We propose that appropriate application of tissue-specific mediators can result in liposome extravasation deep within tissues that normally do not take up significant amounts of liposomes from the blood. Such liposomes are able to carry a variety of pharmacological agents that can be released locally within selected target tissues for therapeutic purposes.
Peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase (MsrA; EC is a ubiquitous protein that can reduce methionine sulfoxide residues in proteins as well as in a large number of methyl sulfoxide compounds. The expression of MsrA in various rat tissues was determined by using immunocytochemical staining. Although the protein was found in all tissues examined, it was specifically localized to renal medulla and retinal pigmented epithelial cells, and it was prominent in neurons and throughout the nervous system. In addition, blood and alveolar macrophages showed high expression of the enzyme. The msrA gene was mapped to the central region of mouse chromosome 14, in a region of homology with human chromosomes 13 and 8p21.
The EVI1 gene, located at chromosome band 3q26, is overexpressed in some myeloid leukemia patients with breakpoints either 5' of the gene in the t(3;3)(q21;q26) or 3' of the gene in the inv(3)(q21q26). EVI1 is also expressed as part of a fusion transcript with the transcription factor AML1 in the t(3;21)(q26;q22), associated with myeloid leukemia. In cells with t(3;21), additional fusion transcripts are AML1-MDS1 and AML1-MDS1-EVI1. MDS1 is located at 3q26 170-400 kb upstream (telomeric) of EVI1 in the chromosomal region in which some of the breakpoints 5' of EVI1 have been mapped. MDS1 has been identified as a single gene as well as a previously unreported exon(s) of EVI1 We have analyzed the relationship between MDS1 and EVI1 to determine whether they are two separate genes. In this report, we present evidence indicating that MDS1 exists in normal tissues both as a unique transcript and as a normal fusion transcript with EVI1, with an additional 188 codons at the 5' end of the previously reported EVI1 open reading frame. This additional region has about 40% homology at the amino acid level with the PR domain of the retinoblastoma-interacting zinc-finger protein RIZ. These results are important in view of the fact that EVI1 and MDS1 are involved in leukemia associated with chromosomal translocation breakpoints in the region between these genes.
In Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium it has been shown that selenophosphate serves as the selenium donor for the conversion of seryl-tRNA to selenocysteyl-tRNA and for the synthesis of 2-selenouridine, a modified nucleoside present in tRNAs. Although selenocysteyl-tRNA also is formed in eukaryotes and is used for the specific insertion of selenocysteine into proteins, the precise mechanism of its biosynthesis from seryl-tRNA in these systems is not known. Because selenophosphate is extremely oxygen labile and difficult to identify in biological systems, we used an immunological approach to detect the possible presence of selenophosphate synthetase in mammalian tissues. With antibodies elicited to E. coli selenophosphate synthetase the enzyme was detected in extracts of rat brain, liver, kidney, and lung by immunoblotting. Especially high levels were detected in Methanococcus vannielii, a member of the domain Archaea, and the enzyme was partially purified from this source. It seems likely that the use of selenophosphate as a selenium donor is widespread in biological systems.
Glycoproteins expressing the Lutheran blood group antigens were isolated from human erythrocyte membranes and from human fetal liver. Amino acid sequence analyses allowed the design of redundant oligonucleotides that were used to generate a 459-bp, sequence-specific probe by PCR. A cDNA clone of 2400 bp was isolated from a human placental lambda gt 11 library and sequenced, and the deduced amino acid sequence was studied. The predicted mature protein is a type I membrane protein of 597 amino acids with five potential N-glycosylation sites. There are five disulfide-bonded, extracellular, immunoglobulin superfamily domains (two variable-region set and three constant-region set), a single hydrophobic, membrane-spanning domain, and a cytoplasmic domain of 59 residues. The overall structure is similar to that of the human tumor marker MUC 18 and the chicken neural adhesion molecule SC1. The extracellular domains and cytoplasmic domain contain consensus motifs for the binding of integrin and Src homology 3 domains, respectively, suggesting possible receptor and signal-transduction function. Immunostaining of human tissues demonstrated a wide distribution and provided evidence that the glycoprotein is under developmental control in liver and may also be regulated during differentiation in other tissues.
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