970 resultados para therapeutical ultrasound


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Toxoplasmosis is one of the most common infections all over the world. Most cases are asymptomatic, except in immunosuppressed individuals and fetuses, which can be seriously damaged. Prenatal diagnosis should be made as soon as possible since treatment of the mother can minimize fetal sequelae. Our aim in this study was to test the polymerase chain reaction technique (PCR) in 86 samples of amniotic fluid from women who seroconverted during pregnancy. DNA was amplified using external primers and, in a second step, internal primers, in a nested PCR system. Samples were also inoculated into mice and the newborn were evaluated by T. gondii serology, skull x-ray, transfontanel ultrasound, fundoscopic examination, lumbar puncture and clinical examination. PCR was positive in seven cases and negative in 79. Among PCR-positive cases, two were negative by inoculation into mice and by clinical evaluation; among PCR-negative ones, three had clinical evidence of toxoplasmosis and one was positive after inoculation into mice. PCR showed values of sensitivity = 62.5% and specificity = 97.4%; the values of inoculation into mice where 42.9% and 100%, respectively. Although PCR should not be used alone for prenatal diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis, it is a promising method and deserves more studies to improve its efficacy.


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RESUMO:RESUMO: Nos últimos anos a ultrassonografia emergiu como um instrumento importante no diagnóstico da patologia torácica. O progresso tecnológico possibilitou a conceção de novos equipamentos como a ecoendoscopia brônquica radial e linear. Verificou-se, igualmente, o aparecimento de indicações para a realização de ecografia transtorácica. Uma das principais doenças impulsionadoras da técnica ultrassonográfica no tórax foi o cancro do pulmão, primeira causa de morte oncológica a nível mundial. A aplicabilidade e conhecimento do papel dos ultrassons no âmbito do diagnóstico e estadiamento do cancro do pulmão não se encontram esgotados, persistindo focos de controvérsia e dúvida científica que se pretendem esclarecer. A presente tese foi organizada em cinco capítulos: o primeiro abordou de forma geral e introdutória o estado da arte referente à ultrassonografia torácica, cancro do pulmão e a sua conjugação; o segundo destacou os principais objetivos; o terceiro sumarizou a metodologia utilizada; o quarto englobou os cinco estudos publicados, descritos subsequentemente, e o quinto incluiu uma discussão concisa, as principais conclusões e perspetivas futuras. O primeiro estudo avaliou a rentabilidade diagnóstica, segurança e curva de aprendizagem num coorte de 179 doentes submetidos a ecoendoscopia brônquica linear. De acordo com as indicações para este procedimento os doentes foram subdivididos em três grupos: (1) diagnóstico, (2) diagnóstico e estadiamento e (3) estadiamento. Para o primeiro, segundo e terceiro grupos a sensibilidade da ecoendoscopia foi 86.1%, 86.7% e 95% respetivamente e a precisão técnica foi 87.5%, 93.1% e 97.7% respetivamente. O treino originou um aumento progressivo do número de locais puncionados por doente, com menor duração e sem complicações, comprovando a eficácia e segurança do método quando realizado na população Portuguesa por broncologistas com experiência. O segundo estudo foi conduzido para averiguar a eficácia e custo da ecoendoscopia brônquica linear realizada através da via aérea e/ou esófago no diagnóstico de lesões sugestivas de neoplasia do pulmão, após ineficácia das técnicas convencionais. Nos doentes incluídos prospetivamente alcançou-se um diagnóstico definitivo em 106 casos (87.6%). A sensibilidade global para o diagnóstico de cancro do pulmão foi 89.8%, a especificidade foi 100%, o valor preditivo positivo foi 100%, o valor preditivo negativo foi 20% e a precisão foi 90.1%. Esta estratégia ultrassonográfica abrangente evitou intervenções cirúrgicas diagnósticas em doentes anteriormente submetidos a broncoscopia flexível ou punção aspirativa transtorácica guiada por tomografia computorizada, proporcionando uma redução significativa dos custos. No terceiro estudo investigou-se a viabilidade e papel da conjugação da ecoendoscopia brônquica linear com técnicas moleculares na avaliação de antigénios tumorais e padrões de metastização ganglionar em doentes com cancro do pulmão de não-pequenas células (CPNPC). Os marcadores citoqueratina 19 (CK-19), antigénio carcinoembrionário (CEA), molécula de adesão celular epitelial (EPCAM), sialyl-Lewis X e CD44 foram determinados nos aspirados ganglionares de 33 doentes com neoplasia e 17 controlos 10 Ultrassonografia através de citometria de fluxo (CF) e reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real (RTPCR). Os doentes com CPNPC possuíam um compartimento celular epitelial significativamente aumentado e com marcação superior de CK-19 comparativamente ao grupo de controlo. O compartimento imune foi também analisado nestas amostras e revelou-se alterado no CPNPC com aumento da população de monócitos e diminuição das subpopulações linfocitárias. Os transcriptos de CK-19, CEA e EPCAM estavam elevados nos doentes com cancro do pulmão, identificando-se uma correlação positiva entre estes marcadores e o tamanho da lesão primária. Concluiu-se que a identificação de CK-19, CEA e EPCAM nas amostras obtidas por ecoendoscopia e avaliadas por CF e RTPCR foi viável, podendo auxiliar na deteção de metástases ganglionares no CPNPC. O quarto estudo envolveu a combinação da ecoendoscopia brônquica radial com uma criosonda para o diagnóstico de lesões pulmonares sólidas periféricas. Foi determinada a viabilidade, rentabilidade diagnóstica, tamanho das amostras e segurança do método. Lesões inferiores a 40mm foram localizadas por ultrassonografia sendo os doentes randomizados para a realização de biópsias transbrônquicas com pinça seguidas por criosonda ou vice-versa. Nos 39 casos incluídos a lesão foi visualizada pela minisonda em 31 doentes (79.5%), com 80.6% de prevalência de cancro do pulmão na amostra. A rentabilidade diagnóstica da pinça de biópsia foi 61.3% e da criosonda foi 74.2%. O tamanho do tecido adquirido pelas criobiópsias foi significativamente maior do que o alcançado por pinça (11.17mm2 vs. 4.69mm2, p<0.001). Ocorreu um único caso de hemorragia moderada, controlada através de medidas conservadoras. As biópsias transbrônquicas com criosonda sob orientação de ecoendoscopia radial foram seguras e eficazes na obtenção de amostras histológicas. O quinto estudo determinou o valor diagnóstico da ecografia transtorácica na identificação de malignidade em doentes com derrame pleural de natureza indeterminada. Foram examinados de forma prospetiva 154 doentes. Os resultados clínicos e radiológicos de cada caso foram ocultados ao executante do exame que gerou imagens estáticas e vídeos ultrassonográficos relevantes. Estes foram posteriormente visualizados, sendo as suas características classificadas por revisores independentes e comparadas com o diagnóstico definitivo. Em 66 casos o diagnóstico foi de derrame pleural maligno (68.2% com cancro do pulmão) e em 67 de derrame benigno. A ecografia torácica obteve 80.3% de sensibilidade, 83.6% de especificidade, 81.2% de valor preditivo negativo e 82.8% de valor preditivo positivo na deteção de malignidade. A nodularidade pleural ou diafragmática, espessamento pleural superior a 10mm e sinal de swirling foram significativamente diferentes (p<0.001) sendo sugestivos de derrame maligno. A existência de nodularidade pleural e ausência de broncograma aéreo ecográfico aumentaram a probabilidade de malignidade (OR 29.0 e OR 10.4, respetivamente). A ecografia transtorácica permitiu diferenciar derrame pleural maligno do benigno. A existência de nódulos pleurais constituiu o fator discriminador mais relevante. Em conclusão, os resultados desta tese possibilitam uma melhor compreensão do papel da ecoendoscopia brônquica (linear e radial) e ecografia transtorácica no diagnóstico e estadiamento do cancro do pulmão, com implicações e aplicabilidade na prática clínica.------------- ABSTRACT: In recent years ultrasonography has emerged as an important instrument in the diagnosis of thoracic diseases. Technological progress has enabled the design of new equipment such as radial and linear endobronchial ultrasound. In addition, indications for transthoracic echography were established. One of the main diseases responsible for the progression of chest sonography was lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer mortality worldwide. The applicability and knowledge of the role of ultrasonography in diagnosing and staging lung cancer is not depleted, persisting foci of controversy and scientific doubt that we intend to elucidate. The present thesis was organized into five chapters: the first included a general introduction regarding chest ultrasound, lung cancer and their combination; the second emphasized the main objectives; the third summarized the methodology used; the fourth encompassed the five published studies, subsequently described, and the fifth included a concise discussion, the main findings and future perspectives. The first study evaluated the diagnostic yield, safety and learning curve in a cohort of 179 patients submitted to linear endobronchial ultrasound. According to procedure indications, the patients were divided into three groups: (1) diagnosis, (2) diagnosis and staging, and (3) staging. For the first, second and third groups, endobronchial ultrasound sensitivity was 86.1%, 86.7% and 95% respectively and accuracy was 87.5%, 93.1% and 97.7% respectively. Practise led to an increase number of punctured sites per patient, in a shorter period of time and without complications, proving the safety and efficacy of the method when performed in the Portuguese population by expert echoscopists. The second study was conducted to determine the efficacy and cost of linear endobronchial ultrasound performed through the airway and/or oesophagus for diagnosis of lesions suggestive of lung cancer, after failure of conventional techniques. Of the patients prospectively enrolled a definitive diagnosis was reached in 106 cases (87.6%). The overall sensitivity for the diagnosis of lung cancer was 89.8%, specificity was 100%, positive predictive value was 100%, negative predictive value was 20% and accuracy was 90.1%. In conclusion, this global ultrasonographic strategy avoided diagnostic surgical procedures in patients that had undergone flexible bronchoscopy or computed tomography-guided transthoracic needle aspiration, providing a significant cost reduction. In the third study, the feasibility and role of linear endobronchial ultrasound combined with molecular techniques in the evaluation of tumour antigens and patterns of lymph node metastasis in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) was investigated. Cytokeratin 19 (CK-19), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EPCAM), sialyl Lewis-X and CD44 were determined in lymph node aspirates of 33 lung cancer patients and 17 controls, using flow cytometry (FC) and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). In patients with NSCLC the epithelial cell compartment was significantly increased nd showed brighter CK-19 staining, compared to the control group. In NSCLC patients the immune compartment revealed an increased monocyte population and decreased lymphocyte subsets. The transcripts of CK- 19, CEA and EPCAM were higher in lung cancer patients and a positive correlation between these markers and the size of the primary lesion was also found. We concluded that the identification of CK-19, CEA and EPCAM in endobronchial ultrasound samples, using RT-PCR and FC was feasible and might aid in the detection of NSCLC lymph node metastases. The fourth study involved the combination of the radial endobronchial ultrasound with the cryoprobe for diagnosing solid peripheral lung lesions. We determined the feasibility, diagnostic yield, sample size and safety of the method. Lesions less than 40mm were located by ultrasound and forceps or cryobiopsies were performed in a randomized order. Of the 39 cases included, the lesion could be visualized by the miniprobe in 31 patients (79.5%), and lung cancer prevalence was 80.6%. The diagnostic yield of the biopsy forceps was 61.3% and for the cryobiopsy was 74.2 %. Cryobiopsies were significantly larger than forceps biopsies (11.17mm2 vs. 4.69mm2, p<0.001). There was only one case of moderate bleeding that was controlled by conservative measures. Transbronchial cryobiopsies under radial endobronchial ultrasound guidance were safe and effective in obtaining histological samples. The fifth study determined the diagnostic value of transthoracic sonography in predicting malignancy in patients with an undiagnosed pleural effusion. One hundred and fifty four patients were prospectively scanned. Relevant ultrasound images and videos were generated by an operator blinded to clinical and radiological results. These were subsequently visualized, its characteristics classified by independent reviewers and compared to the final diagnosis. A malignant pleural effusion was diagnosed in 66 cases (68.2 % with lung cancer) and a benign effusion in 67 cases. Thoracic ultrasound had a sensitivity of 80.3 %, specificity of 83.6%, negative predictive value of 81.2 % and positive predictive value of 82.8% to detect malignancy. The presence of pleural or diaphragmatic nodularity, pleural thickening greater than 10mm and swirling signal were significantly different (p<0.001 ), being suggestive of malignant effusion. The existence of pleural nodularity and absence of lung air bronchogram were more likely to indicate malignancy (OR 29.0 and OR 10.4, respectively). Transthoracic ultrasonography permits the distinction between malignant and benign pleural effusions. Pleural nodules were the most relevant feature. In conclusion, the results of this thesis provide a better understanding of the role of endobronchial ultrasound (linear and radial) and transthoracic sonography in lung cancer diagnosis and staging, with direct implications and applicability in clinical practice.


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Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer worldwide. The effectiveness of its treatment depends on early stage detection, as well as on the accuracy of its diagnosis. Recently, diagnosis techniques have been submitted to relevant breakthroughs with the upcoming of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Ultrasound Sonograms and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans, among others. The work presented here is focused on studying the application of a PET system to a Positron Emission Mammography (PEM) system. A PET/PEM system works under the principle that a scintillating crystal will detect a gamma-ray pulse, originated at the cancerous cells, converting it into a correspondent visible light pulse. The latter must then be converted into an electrical current pulse by means of a Photo- -Sensitive Device (PSD). After the PSD there must be a Transimpedance Amplifier (TIA) in order to convert the current pulse into a suitable output voltage, in a time period lower than 40 ns. In this Thesis, the PSD considered is a Silicon Photo-Multiplier (SiPM). The usage of this recently developed type of PSD is impracticable with the conventional TIA topologies, as it will be proven. Therefore, the usage of the Regulated Common-Gate (RCG) topology will be studied in the design of the amplifier. There will be also presented two RCG variations, comprising a noise response improvement and differential operation of the circuit. The mentioned topology will also be tested in a Radio-Frequency front-end, showing the versatility of the RCG. A study comprising a low-voltage self-biasing feedback TIA will also be shown. The proposed circuits will be simulated with standard CMOS technology (UMC 130 nm), using a 1.2 V power supply. A power consumption of 0.34 mW with a signal-to-noise ratio of 43 dB was achieved.


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The results discussed in this thesis originated the following communications in International and National congresses: Sacramento JF, Coelho JC, Melo BF, Guarino MP and Conde SV. (2014) Assessment of caffeine dose and time of administration required for resetting insulin sensitivity in high sucrose diet in rats. 50th Meeting of EASD (European Association for the study of Diabetes), 14-19 September, Vienna, Austria Coelho JC, Melo BF, Sacramento JF, Guarino MP and Conde SV (2014). Establishing the caffeine dose that chronically restores insulin sensitivity in animal model of prediabetes. Fundação Astrazeneca Innovate Competition, iMed conference 6.0®, 10-12 October, Lisboa, Portugal Also, during the last year I was involved in other ongoing projects that originated the following communications: Coelho JC, Melo BF, Sacramento JF, Ribeiro MJ, Guarino MP and Conde SV (2014). Are the effects of carotid sinus nerve resection on insulin sensitivity mediated by an increase in Glut4 expression in skeletal muscle?. XLIV Reunião Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Farmacologia, XXXII Reunião de Farmacologia Clínica e XIII Reunião de Toxicologia, 5-7 February, Coimbra, Portugal Sacramento JF, Rodrigues T, Coelho JC, Matafome P, Ribeiro MJ, Seiça RM, Guarino MP, Conde SV (2014). Elucidating the mechanism by which carotid sinus nerve resection restores insulin sensitivity in pre-diabetes animal models. International Society for Arterial Chemoreception (ISAC) XIX University of Leeds, 29th June - 3rd July, Leeds, United Kingdom


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The relationship between bladder tumors and Schistosoma haematobium is well known, but only sporadic cases of bladder infection due to Schistosoma mansoni have been reported. In this case, a 48-year-old woman with macroscopic hematuria, dysuria and a palpable abdominal mass was investigated. Ultrasound showed a large exophytic mass in the bladder. Transurethral resection of the bladder revealed viable eggs of Schistosoma mansoni. The patient was treated clinically with oxamniquine and surgery was performed to resect the large mass. This case shows that schistosomiasis Mansoni in the bladder can simulate bladder cancer.


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INTRODUCTION: Abdominal palpation and ultrasound findings among patients from an endemic area for schistosomiasis in Brazil who had been followed up for 27 years were compared. METHODS: In 2004, 411 patients from Brejo do Espírito Santo, in the State of Bahia, were selected for the present investigation after giving their written informed consent. Based on clinical data, they were divided into three groups: 41 patients with evidence of liver fibrosis in 2004 (Group 1); 102 patients with evidence of liver fibrosis in the past (1976-1989) but not in 2004 (Group 2); and 268 patients without evidence of liver fibrosis at any time during the 27-year follow-up (Group 3). All of the patients underwent abdominal ultrasound in which the examiner did not know the result from the clinical examination. The data were stored in a database. RESULTS: The prevalence of periportal fibrosis on ultrasound was 82.9%, 56.9% and 13.4% in Groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. In the presence of hard, nodular liver or prominent left lobe and a hard palpable spleen, ultrasound revealed periportal fibrosis in 70.9%. However, periportal fibrosis was diagnosed using ultrasound in 25.4% of the patients in the absence of clinical evidence of liver involvement. Thus, ultrasound diagnosed periportal fibrosis 3.1 times more frequently than clinical examination did. CONCLUSIONS: Although clinical examination is important in evaluating morbidity due to Manson's schistosomiasis in endemic areas, ultrasound is more accurate in diagnosing liver involvement and periportal fibrosis.


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INTRODUCTION: The current prevalence of glomerulonephritis in patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis mansoni in Brazil was evaluated. METHODS: Sixty three patients (mean age 45.5±11 years) attending the outpatient infectious disease clinic of a University Hospital in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, from 2007 to 2009, were consecutively examined and enrolled in the present investigation. Diagnosis of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis was based on epidemiological, clinical and parasitological data and imaging techniques. Eight patients, who presented >30mg/day albuminuria, were submitted to percutaneous ultrasound guided renal biopsy. Kidney tissue fragments were examined under light, direct immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. RESULTS: All patients showed mesangial enlargement. In five, mesangial hypercellularity was observed and four presented duplication of the glomerular basement membrane. Areas of glomerular sclerosis were diagnosed in four. Deposits of immunoglobulin M and C3 were present in six samples; deposits of IgG in four, IgA in three and C1q in two samples. In all patients, immunoglobulin A was reported in the lumen of renal tubules. Deposits of kappa and lambda were observed in six samples. Electron microscopy revealed dense deposits in the glomerular tissue of three patients. Arterial hypertension, small esophageal varices, slight increases in serum creatinine and decreases in serum albumin were associated with glomerular disease. CONCLUSIONS: Renal disease associated with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis was verified in 12.7% of patients and type I membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis was observed in 50% of them. Schistosomal glomerulopathy still is an important problem in patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis in Brazil.


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INTRODUCTION: The prevalence of cholelithiasis in the general population ranges from 9 to 18%. This prevalence is known to be higher in the presence of parasympathetic nerve damage of the biliary tract either due to surgery (vagotomy) or neuronal destruction (Chagas disease). The objective of this study was to evaluate the association of cholelithiasis and chagasic or idiopathic megaesophagus. METHODS: The ultrasound scans of 152 patients with megaesophagus submitted to cardiomyotomy and subtotal esophagectomy surgery were evaluated. The presence of cholelithiasis was compared between chagasic and idiopathic esophagopathy and ultrasound and clinical findings were correlated with age, sex and race. RESULTS: A total of 152 cases of megaesophagus, including 137 with chagasic megaesophagus and 15 with idiopathic megaesophagus, were analyzed. The mean age was 56.7 years (45-67) in the 137 patients with chagasic megaesophagus and 35.6 years (27-44) in the 15 cases of idiopathic megaesophagus, with a significant difference between the two groups (p < 0.0001). The group with chagasic megaesophagus consisted of 59 (43%) women and 78 (56.9%) men, while the group with idiopathic megaesophagus consisted of 8 (53.3%) women and 7 (46.6%) men, showing no significant difference between the groups. Of the 137 patients with confirmed chagasic megaesophagus, 39 (28.4%) presented cholelithiasis versus one case (6.6%) in the 15 patients with idiopathic megaesophagus. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of cholelithiasis is high in patients with chagasic megaesophagus and preoperative ultrasound should be performed routinely in these patients in order to treat both conditions during the same surgical procedure.


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INTRODUCTION: To describe the clinical and epidemiological profile of pregnant women and children treated at a reference outpatient clinic for congenital toxoplasmosis. METHODS: Pregnant women potentially exposed to Toxoplasma gondii were observed. Diagnoses were made using serologic tests compatible with acute toxoplasmosis. Children presenting with: Toxoplasma-specific antibodies (IgM or IgA or ascending IgG titers higher than maternal titers in the first 3 months of life) coupled with toxoplasmosis symptoms; intracranial calcifications (by transfontanelar ultrasound or cephalic segment tomography); or retinochoroiditis (by fundoscopy examination) in the first 8 months of life were also included in the study. RESULTS: Fifty-eight mother-child pairs were observed (mean age of the mothers was 22.1 years). Most patients lived in urban areas (86.2%) and had attended less than 8 years of school (51.7%). Diagnosis was made after birth in 19 (32.8%) children. Thirty-four (58.6%) women received some type of treatment during pregnancy. Most (72.4%) of the children did not present with clinical alterations at birth. The main findings were ophthalmological: 20 (34.5%) children with retinochoroiditis, 17 (29.3%) with strabismus, and 7 (12.1%) with nystagmus. Of the children with retinochoroiditis, 9 presented with subnormal vision. Ten (32.3%) out of 31 children presented with intracranial calcifications by cephalic segment congenital toxoplasmosis, and 9 (42.9%) children presented with delayed psychomotor development. CONCLUSIONS: Our results highlight a critical situation. Protocols for follow-up of pregnant women and their children must be created to improve medical care and minimize sequelae.


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INTRODUCTION: Injuries caused by sea urchins are the most common caused by marine animals in humans in Brazil, with the black sea urchin (Echinometra lucunter) causing the most injuries to bathers. METHODS: This study observed 314 human wounds with emphasis on the early observation of clinical signs and symptoms and their implications on the recommended treatment. RESULTS: All the injuries were caused by black sea urchins and were observed in bathers. The lesions and the pain were associated with penetration of the spines; there was no early inflammation or pain without pressure on the wounded places. Complications arising from this kind on injury, including infections and foreign body granulomas, are associated with the permanence of the spines in the wounds. CONCLUSIONS: The study confirmed that this kind of injury is the most common accident caused by aquatic animals in Brazil. The main therapeutical recommendation is early removal of the spines to prevent late complications, such as infections and the formation of foreign body granulomas.


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We describe a schistosomal polyp in the anus of a 24-year-old patient, born in Viçosa, State of Minas Gerais, and living in Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais. From 8 to 13 years of age, he swam in the rivers that bathe Viçosa. The histopathological examination has shown a lesion, lined by a keratinized squamous epithelium, ulcerated, with granulomas, centered or not by Schistosoma mansoni egg, laid, in loco, by the female present in the vascular lumen of a vein of the hemorrhoidal plexus. There was also a diffuse, nonspecific inflammation in the dermis. The patient was treated with praziquantel. Four months after the treatment, sigmoidoscopy showed a normal rectal mucosa, and negative oogram and stool tests. Ultrasound of abdomen was normal.


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Introduction This study evaluates the factors associated with the development of severe periportal fibrosis in patients with Schistosoma mansoni. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted from April to December 2012 involving 178 patients infected with S. mansoni who were treated in the Hospital das Clínicas of Pernambuco, Brazil. Information regarding risk factors was obtained using a questionnaire. Based on the patients' epidemiological history, clinical examination, and upper abdomen ultrasound evaluation, patients were divided into 2 groups: 137 with evidence of severe periportal fibrosis and 41 patients without fibrosis or with mild or moderate periportal fibrosis. Univariate and multivariate analyses were conducted using EpiInfo software version 3.5.5. Results Illiterate individuals (30.1%) and patients who had more frequent contact with contaminated water in towns in the Zona da Mata of Pernambuco (33.2%) were at greater risk for severe periportal fibrosis. Based on multivariate analysis, it was determined that an education level of up to 11 years of study and specific prior treatment for schistosomiasis were preventive factors for severe periportal fibrosis. Conclusions The prevailing sites of the severe forms of periportal fibrosis are still within the Zona da Mata of Pernambuco, although there has been an expansion to urban areas and the state coast. Specific treatment and an increased level of education were identified as protective factors, indicating the need for implementing social, sanitary, and health education interventions aimed at schistosomiasis to combat the risk factors for this major public health problem.


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Introduction Toxoplasmosis may be life-threatening in fetuses and in immune-deficient patients. Conventional laboratory diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based on the presence of IgM and IgG anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies; however, molecular techniques have emerged as alternative tools due to their increased sensitivity. The aim of this study was to compare the performance of 4 PCR-based methods for the laboratory diagnosis of toxoplasmosis. One hundred pregnant women who seroconverted during pregnancy were included in the study. The definition of cases was based on a 12-month follow-up of the infants. Methods Amniotic fluid samples were submitted to DNA extraction and amplification by the following 4 Toxoplasma techniques performed with parasite B1 gene primers: conventional PCR, nested-PCR, multiplex-nested-PCR, and real-time PCR. Seven parameters were analyzed, sensitivity (Se), specificity (Sp), positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), positive likelihood ratio (PLR), negative likelihood ratio (NLR) and efficiency (Ef). Results Fifty-nine of the 100 infants had toxoplasmosis; 42 (71.2%) had IgM antibodies at birth but were asymptomatic, and the remaining 17 cases had non-detectable IgM antibodies but high IgG antibody titers that were associated with retinochoroiditis in 8 (13.5%) cases, abnormal cranial ultrasound in 5 (8.5%) cases, and signs/symptoms suggestive of infection in 4 (6.8%) cases. The conventional PCR assay detected 50 cases (9 false-negatives), nested-PCR detected 58 cases (1 false-negative and 4 false-positives), multiplex-nested-PCR detected 57 cases (2 false-negatives), and real-time-PCR detected 58 cases (1 false-negative). Conclusions The real-time PCR assay was the best-performing technique based on the parameters of Se (98.3%), Sp (100%), PPV (100%), NPV (97.6%), PLR (∞), NLR (0.017), and Ef (99%).


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Different aspects of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis are revisited here. Manson's schistosomiasis causes periportal fibrosis and portal hypertension in approximately 6% of infected subjects, usually with preservation of their hepatic function. The assessment of liver involvement is of major importance in determining the prognosis and risk of complications from schistosomiasis, such as upper digestive bleeding secondary to variceal rupture. For many years, the diagnosis of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis and liver fibrosis was made by abdominal palpation and the finding of liver and/or spleen enlargement. However, there is no consensus regarding the clinical parameters of the liver and spleen to be considered in this physical evaluation. For the last three decades, abdominal ultrasound (US) has become the best imaging technique to evaluate liver fibrosis caused by schistosomiasis mansoni. However, US is a subjective procedure and is therefore examiner-dependent. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings have provided valuable information in addition to ultrasound and clinical examination. The combination of a comprehensive history and physical examination, basic laboratory tests (a stool examination for Schistosoma mansoni eggs and a blood cell count), biomarkers for liver fibrosis/portal hypertension and imaging methods seem to offer the best approach for evaluating patients with this disease. In situations where research is involved or in patients with severe disease, MRI may be considered.


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Introduction Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and liver steatosis (LS) are the most common causes of chronic liver disease, and their coexistence is frequently observed in clinical practice. Although metabolic syndrome is the main cause of LS, it has not been associated with HBV infection. The aims of this study were to describe the lipid profile and prevalence of LS among HBV carriers and to identify the characteristics associated with LS in this group. Methods This retrospective cross-sectional study included hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-positive patients evaluated during 2011 and 2012. Results Of the 83 patients included, the mean age was 46.4±12.5 years, 53% were men, and 9.1% were hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) -positive. These patients exhibited the following lipid profile: total cholesterol = 175.4±38.8mg/dL, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) = 113.0±32.7mg/dL, and triglycerides = 91.1±45.2mg/dL. Their fasting glucose was 95.3±14.5g/dL, and fasting insulin was 6.1±5.9µIU/mL. Liver steatosis was observed on abdominal ultrasound in 11.3% of individuals. Factors associated with the presence of LS included higher levels of total cholesterol, prothrombin activity, fasting insulin, and body mass index (BMI) as well as lower levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST). Conclusions These findings suggest that LS in patients with chronic HBV appears to be a consequence of metabolic alterations and insulin action rather than of viral factors.