954 resultados para the quasi-steady-state method
In this letter, a novel phase noise estimation scheme has been proposed for coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing systems, the quasi-pilot-aided method. In this method, the phases of transmitted pilot subcarriers are deliberately correlated to the phases of data subcarriers. Accounting for this correlation in the receiver allows the required number of pilots needed for a sufficient estimation and compensation of phase noise to be reduced by a factor of 2 in comparison with the traditional pilot-aided phase noise estimation method. We carried out numerical simulation of a 40 Gb/s single polarization transmission system, and the outcome of the investigation indicates that by applying quasi-pilot-aided phase estimation, only four pilot subcarriers are needed for effective phase noise compensation. © 2014 IEEE.
The heterogeneously catalyzed transesterification reaction for the production of biodiesel from triglycerides was investigated for reaction mechanism and kinetic constants. Three elementary reaction mechanisms Eley-Rideal (ER), Langmuir-Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson (LHHW), and Hattori with assumptions, such as quasi-steady-state conditions for the surface species and methanol adsorption, and surface reactions as the rate-determining steps were applied to predict the catalyst surface coverage and the bulk concentration using a multiscale simulation framework. The rate expression based on methanol adsorption as the rate limiting in LHHW elementary mechanism has been found to be statistically the most reliable representation of the experimental data using hydrotalcite catalyst with different formulations. © 2011 American Chemical Society.
The rise of celebrity culture is a theme that has attracted a significant amount of attention within both mainstream sociology and cultural studies in more recent times. Ensuing debate has identified contemporary sports figures as an important facet of the celebrity‐media nexus and as possible signifiers of cultural change. In this paper we take one particular sports celebrity, South African soccer star Mark Fish, and evaluate his image in relation to debates surrounding sport, politics and the post‐apartheid state. We argue that because Fish appears to enjoy all the benefits of celebrity status (within his home country at least), an analysis of his career and identity provide a useful means by which to think about the changing political and nationalistic values within South African society.
* This work was financially supported by RFBR-04-01-00858.
A version of the thermodynamic perturbation theory based on a scaling transformation of the partition function has been applied to the statistical derivation of the equation of state in a highpressure region. Two modifications of the equations of state have been obtained on the basis of the free energy functional perturbation series. The comparative analysis of the experimental PV T- data on the isothermal compression for the supercritical fluids of inert gases has been carried out. © 2012.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33; 93C15, 93C55, 93B36, 93B35, 93B51; 03B42; 70Q05; 49N05
Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2013
A tanulmány célja, hogy értelmezze a globális gazdaság alapvető fontosságú építőelemét, az üzleti hálózatot, majd megvizsgálja annak felépítését és működésének főbb vezérlőelveit. Először az alapfogalmak – üzleti hálózat, ellátási lánc és ellátási háló – meghatározására és azok felépítésének bemutatására kerül sor. Ezt követően a cikk röviden ismerteti, hogy melyek voltak azok a vállalati gazdálkodás környezetében végbement változások, melyek a gazdaság hálózatosodását elősegítették és ennek kapcsán elvezettek az üzleti hálózatok versenyképességben játszott szerepének erősödéséhez. A szerző ugyanakkor bemutatja a kialakuló új gazdasági modell, az ún. hálózati gazdaság működési modelljének lényeges új tulajdonságait. A tanulmány ezután ismerteti az üzleti hálózat – s ezen belül az ellátási lánc – működtetésében meghatározó koordinációs mechanizmusokban megfigyelhető markáns változásokat. Végül részletesen ismerteti az üzleti hálózat két fő építőelemét: a hálózatot alkotó üzleti egységeknek, illetve a közöttük kialakuló kapcsolatoknak az alapvető típusait. ________ The aim of the paper is to present and interpret the basic building element of global business: the business network, its structure and operation. First basic terms – network, supply chain, supply network – are defined and described, than those changes are introduced that played significant role in increasing their importance. Characteristics of the new network economy are presented; especially changes in the coordination mechanism between cooperating parties in the network are demonstrated. Finally the two building blocks of global business networks: (i) nodes (business units) and (ii) threads (partnerships) are described in details.