992 resultados para tertiary institutions


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The isotopic composition and diversity of nannofossils were studied in cores from the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Sites 525A, 527, 528, and 529 from the Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic to better understand the changes which occurred across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary (K/T boundary). The stratigraphic range of the samples is from the Arkhangelskiella cymbiformis Zone in the Maastrichtian to the Heliolithus kleinpelli Zone in the Danian. Nannofossil diversity was high (Shannon-Weaver diversity index, 'H= 2.5-3) in the late Cretaceous, but decreased sharply (H c. 1 ) across the K/T boundary. The delta13C values also decrease across the K/T boundary at the four sites, suggesting a reduction in surface productivity in the South Atlantic concomitant with the reduction in diversity. During the Danian, nannofossil diversity and delta13C show some recovery approximately 500-700 k.y. after the boundary event. However, not until 2.5 Ma after the boundary event did diversity become constant. Diversity values similar to those for the late Cretaceous were not attained again in the early Paleocene interval studied. Carbon isotopic compositions similar to those from the Cretaceous were not attained until 4.5 Ma after the K/T event.


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The pattern of ichthyolith distribution established in sequences with stratigraphies based on calcareous or siliceous microfossils is used to provide age correlations for three deep-sea pelagic clay intervals that lack the better known microfossils. At Site 637, approximately 25 m of brown clay in Cores 103-637A-21R through 103-637A-23R underlies upper Miocene sediments and is of Paleocene to early Eocene age. At Site 639, 1.7 m of brown clay in Core 103-639C-2R is Eocene to Oligocene. At Site 640, 3.5 m of clay in Cores 103-640A-1R and 103-640A-2R contains a Cretaceous to Paleocene sequence, with the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary between 84 and 103 cm in Section 103-640A-2R-1.


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Siderophilic element concentrations are high in sediments from the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. An extraterrestrial source is indicated. Concentrations are too high to be understood in terms of the impact of a chondritic asteroid. Either the projectile was a metal-sulphide core or the infalling material (probably weak cometary matter) was slowed down during atmospheric passage.


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Lower Campanian to middle Eocene chalks and oozes were recovered at Sites 761 and 762 of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 122 on the Exmouth Plateau, northwest Australia. Paleomagnetic analyses were made on 125 samples from Hole 761B and 367 samples from Hole 762C. Thermal cleaning, alternating field demagnetization, or mixed treatment reveals a stable remanent component of normal or reversed polarity. Correlation of the magnetic polarity sequences established for these holes with the standard magnetic polarity time scale was aided by nannofossil zonation. At Hole 761B, the sequence extends from Subchron C32-N (upper Campanian) through Subchron C17-R (middle Eocene), but given the low sedimentation rate, not all the subchrons of the standard magnetic polarity sequence were recognized. The sequence at Hole 762C extends from Subchron C13-R (middle Eocene) to the boundary between Chrons C33 and C34 (lower Campanian). The sedimentation rate is higher at Hole 762C, and all the magnetic polarity subchrons of the Campanian and Maestrichtian stages were identified. Thus, this hole could be a reference section to refine the Upper Cretaceous time scale.


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Whole-rock d18O analyses of the Paleogene and Upper Cretaceous succession at Ocean Drilling Program Hole 807C suggest the presence of hiatuses between 876.95 and 894.47 mbsf and between 1138.82 and 1140.94 mbsf. The d13C data show a pronounced positive excursion between 1130 and 1180 mbsf that corresponds to the positive d13C values characteristic of the Paleocene. Despite the stratigraphic breaks in the section, the d18O data show a systematic increase between 1360 mbsf and the hiatus between 876.95 and 894.47 mbsf, which is consistent with previous suggestions of long-term climatic cooling through the Paleogene. The Cretaceous/Tertiary transition is apparently complete in this section and is of remarkable thickness. The expanded nature of this portion of the succession is probably the result of secondary depositional processes. High-resolution sampling across this boundary may reveal detailed structure of the d13C decline associated with the extinctions that mark the termination of the Cretaceous.


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Positions of all cores recovered during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 112 off Peru are shown in the standard calcareous nannoplankton zonation. Stratigraphic and regional occurrences and preservation of calcareous nannoplankton are discussed for all sites, and fossil lists are presented for selected samples. Late Miocene to Holocene nannoplankton assemblages in the upwelling systems off Peru and scattered blooms, especially of Gephyrocapsa species and Helicosphaera carteri, are described. Scyphosphaera assemblages found in late Miocene Zone NN9 {Discoaster hamatus Zone) at Site 684 are compared with similar assemblages from Gabon on the west coast of Africa. Remarkable subsidence is indicated by early and middle Eocene nearshore and shallow-water nannoplankton assemblages for Sites 682, 683, and 688. Besides several local hiatuses, major regional hiatuses were noted at Site 682 (upper Eocene, uppermost middle Eocene, and part of the lower and middle Oligocene missing), Site 683 (uppermost middle Eocene to lower part of the middle Miocene missing), and Site 688 (part of the middle Eocene, uppermost middle Eocene to upper Oligocene, and parts of the lower and middle Miocene missing).