1000 resultados para sucesso organizacional


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This study exploits the Organizational Culture theme by a not very conventional way of the Theories of the Organization. Seeking solid bases in the anthropology and in the sociology with Geertz, Bourdieu, Guerreiro Ramos, Hofstede, Peter Berger, among others admirable thinkers, escapes from the common place established in the decade of 70 and mimetically repeated since then, by those who are arranged to study the cultures of the organizations. Instead of understand the culture as a variable of the reality, it treats like a form of access it. Instead of the purpose, it treats like a way. With a powerful instrument of diagnosis based on methods originated from the semiology and from the analysis of discourses, we study the case of a big Brazilian company that faces problems in the implementation of his program of excellence in security, environment and health. From the identification of the Organizational Culture as the element that hindes the full implementation of this program, we develop considerations as to the cultural factors that limit its implementation and that are going to be worked by the individuals that share this culture, in case of wanting effectively its implementation. Dimensions of the national culture as distance of power, legalism, formalism, posture of spectator, among others, are well-defined from the analysis we did and suggestions of how the manager should deal with these characteristics in the everyday life of its activities are presented.


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O presente estudo refere-se a uma pesquisa realizada na Universidade do Estado de rio de Janeiro - UERJ, especificamente no Departamento de Seleção e Desenvolvimento da Superintendência de Recursos Humanos, onde foi avaliado o Programa Educativo de Desenvolvimento de Pessoal do quadro de servidores técnico-administrativos, e o investimento no potencial humano como fator determinante para o sucesso nas empresas públicas. Os resultados desta pesquisa demonstram que o Programa Educativo possui características importantes tanto para o crescimento profissional como para o institucional. Ressalta-se, entretanto que são necessárias outras ações complementares da área de recursos humanos para que possamos mensurar de uma maneira eficiente e eficaz o retorno deste investimento para a instituição.


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This research has a practice-oriented focus on the concept of Organizational Learning. The basic approach is a learning organization perspective, and some references to the concepts and concerns of organizational learning were included whenever necessary and proper. Organizational Learning is researched mainly from a management techniques and strategy point of view, with a smaller emphasis on the innovation and accumulation of technological capabilities and theoretical research points of view. A broad approach has been used, based mainly on the study of a successful case using action research in a private telecommunication company operating nationwide in Brazil. This study involved a small group, as it is common with pilot groups for learning organizations. The main purpose of this research is to provide a broad and updated survey about the idea of Organizational Learning. Results presented in the related literature are compared with findings from the field, and that literature is cited throughout the text. The interactions of Organizational Learning with the Brazilian context and with the public administration context are analyzed; important data, ranging from the historical origins and bases of the concept, to details of the activities in a real life learning organization, are shown. Some essential aspects, that should be considered or used when applying this type of management, are analyzed. The action research has shown a close proximity between Organizational Learning and a phenomenological perspective, servant leadership, and managerial model, respectively in the fields of philosophical approach, leadership, and management models.


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This research had the objective to verify if the current organization design of the Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN) facilitates or makes it difficult the reach of the organization performance. In order to make the analysis, the used ways had been bibliographic, documental and field researches. The bibliographical survey allowed to conclude that it has a necessity of searching a balance between the objectivist and subjectivist approaches of the theory of the organization design. The documental survey supplied elements that they make possible to understand the main phases of the development of the CNEN in elapsing of the time and that they explain the current organization design. Finally, the research of field, carried through with the main managers of the institution, made possible the data-collecting that contributed to ratify the initial assumption of the research of that the current organization design of the CNEN makes it difficult the performance of the organization.


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o presente estudo refere-se a uma pesqUlsa realizada na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ, especificamente no Departamento de Seleção e Desenvolvimento da Superintendência de Recursos Humanos, onde foi avaliado o Programa Educativo de Desenvolvimento de Pessoal do quadro de servidores técnicoadministrativos, e o investimento no potencial humano como fator detenninante para o sucesso nas empresas públicas. Os resultados desta pesqUlsa demonstraram que o Programa Educativo possui características importantes tanto para o crescimento profissional como para o institucional. Ressalta-se, entretanto que são necessárias outras ações complementares da área de recursos humanos para que possamos mensurar de uma maneira eficiente e eficaz o retomo deste investimento para a instituição.


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The present research comprehends a case study, through which we analyzed the Programa de Implantação da Escola de Contas do Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - Program of Implantation of the School of Public Finance of the Public Finance Court of the State of Rio de Janeiro - as a progressive educational strategy from the model of corporate university, considering the ten key components (steps) identified by Meister (1999) in his research. The qualitative approach has proved the most adequate for this study, as, regarding data interpretation and investigation process, the subjectivity of the researcher was taken into account, since he himself was designated to the Commission of Implantation of the School of Public Finance and is, presently, general Academic Coordinator of the Escola de Contas e Gestão (ECG) - School of Public Finance and Management, the main goal (product) of the mentioned program. As to the results, the study has shown that the Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (TCE-RJ) has not equally emphasized the ten key components (steps) for the success in the construction of a corporate university, but none of them was neglected. Considering the way it presently works, it is also concluded that the ECG is relevant for the actuation of the TCE-RJ, but is not yet as connected to the performance as it should be. Fundamentally, the ECG still has to develop a personnel development system driven by personnel management through competences, performing a diagnosis of the essential organizational competences, mapping the existing ones, identifying the breaches and analyzing which of theses competences may be developed by means of their activities. Likewise, the ECG also needs to develop a methodology to assess the result as well as the impact of its activities. These circumstances, however, will be used to guide future studies and represent a new starting point.


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This present study aims the human being¿s change aptness in the Judicial Power of The State of Rio de Janeiro, considering the Judiciary¿s historical, organizational and institutional characteristics. The introduced study is guided by the objective that social relations within some institutions have educational features and how these relations can generate knowledge. The analysis relates the maintenance or the rupture of the paradigms that the institution stimulates to be adopted by the human beings when they need to face reality.


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Esta dissertação apresente o conceito Organização de Aprendizagem e propostas paradigmáticas inovadoras para administração. Dentre eles, o Paradigma Paraeconômico idealizado por guerreiro Ramos, o Paradigma Consciencial de Waldo Vieira e os Paradigmas sociais de Burrel e Morgan. O objetivo é por meio do estudo de caso de uma organização sem fins lucrativos, dedicada à Pesquisa do Fenômeno da Consciência, o IIPC, entender o pré-sistema, Organização de aprendizagem e estudar novos paradigmas para gestão com pessoas, no contexto atual. Além disso, se busca também, classificar o Instituto Internacional de Projeciologia e Conscienciologia como ajustado ou não ao pré-sistema de Peter Senge, dentro da realidade de empresas de Terceiro Setor. Por fim, se conclui que o modelo Conscienciocêntrico, originário do Paradigma Consciencial, se aproxima bastante do modelo de Senge, baseado nas cinco disciplinas, indo além no que diz respeito ao autoconhecimento e cultura organizacional fomentadora da reciclagem e aprendizagem.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar um modelo organizacional capaz de contemplar a Aduana brasileira com o nível ideal de interiorização necessário para suportar a expansão do comércio internacional. Inicialmente, os seguintes referencias foram investigados: o modelo organizacional atualmente empregado, os compromissos aduaneiros assumidos no âmbito do MERCOSUL e os novos paradigmas inseridos na proposta de reforma da administração pública federal. A escolha estratégica, que pretende indicar o nível de interiorização ideal, foi formulada considerando-se diferentes opiniões colhidas de personalidades envolvidas interna com a atuação aduaneira. A partir desta escolha e dos referencias considerados, promoveu-se então a reconcepção do modelo organizacional. Para elaborar o estudo, o autor teve que conduzir uma estruturada reflexão sobre alguns dos graves problemas que enfrenta a administração da mais importante instituição tributária do País. A partir de uma investigação dialética ,interessantes soluções puderam ser formuladas para os problemas diagnosticados. Como resultado, diversas propostas foram então inseridas no contexto da escolha estratégica ideal e do novo modelo organizacional.


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Over the last years we have seen a significant increase in scholarly production within the organization studies field in Brazil. However it is still not representative. The tendency to consume foreign and fashionable ideas unrestrainedly, to make use of imported, universal and non-contextualized explanations to inquiry phenomenon which are essentially local and particular, make it difficult to develop a true Brazilian tradition. This work is a result of an ambitious ethnographic adventure" of an acknowledged apprentice of sociologist Pierre Bourdieu's large body of knowledge. It is about taking reflexivity to the limit. It is about learning "through the body" in an effort - both theoretical and empirical - to investigate a Brazilian organizational phenomenon which reproduces the hierarchical side of our society and, under the disguise of the legitimacy offered by organizational discourse, help keeping the very structure of our society in a silent but powerful way. I also want this work to be an alert for the importance of contextualization as a means to avoid a recurring distortion of the scholarly production in administrative science: the mobilization of theoretical references in such a safe way that make explicitness totally unnecessary, the appropriation of concepts whose essence is strange to the nature of the very phenomenon which they aim to explain, and the insistence in the impersonal style, in third-voice narratives, as if it were possible to produce knowledge in social sciences with absolute impartiality. "


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Esta dissertação examina algumas implicações do processo de implementação de estratégias para a performance corporativa. Este relacionamento é examinado na Área de negócios Abastecimento, da empresa Petróleo Brasileiro S.A, durante o período de 1996 e 2003. A despeito da profusão de estudos sobre estratégia empresarial, ainda há escassez de trabalhos que examinem o processo de implementação de mudanças organizacionais e suas implicações para o aprimoramento de certos indicadores de performance corporativa. Adicionalmente, tendem a prevalecer na literatura gerencial, abordagens pontuais de caráter imediatista e prescritivo, que não captam o processo de mudança organizacional e suas implicações para performance ao longo do tempo. o exame da implementação de estratégias é realizado com base em seis variáveis organizacionais extraídas da literatura existente: "comportamento da liderança"; "interação e influência"; "inovação e aprendizado"; "gestão de pessoas"; "comunicação e fluxos de conhecimento" e "estrutura organizacional". As implicações das mudanças na base organizacional para performance corporativa são examinadas a partir de dezenove indicadores, agrupados em três categorias: (i) operacionais, (ii) econômico-financeiro e (iii) segurança, meio ambiente e saúde. Esta dissertação consiste num estudo de caso individual, o qual é baseado em evidências empíricas qualitativas e quantitativas, coletadas em trabalhos de campo. A coleta dos dados baseou-se em fontes e técnicas múltiplas. Os efeitos das variáveis organizacionais que comporiam o Abastecimento, antes da criação da Área de negócio, em 1996, foram pequenos. Esses efeitos foram moderados no período entre 1996 a 2000, só apresentando impactos relevantes sobre indicadores operacionais entre 2000 e 2003, com reflexos positivos sobre o desempenho econômico, pois muitos custos foram reduzidos. Isso sugere que estratégias tecnológicas de longo prazo são um rumo robusto e consistente. As evidências sugerem que a empresa optou pela construção de uma base organizacional visando melhoria de performance no longo prazo, alinhando-se com autores que defendem essa construção como forma de fortalecer a competitividade no longo prazo. Esta dissertação contribui para o entendimento de fatores organizacionais que favorecem a implementação de estratégias e dos mecanismos que alavancam aprendizado e inovação numa empresa nacional. Este estudo conclui que a utilização de estruturas organizacionais, com o suporte da liderança e prática de baixas barreiras interfuncionais, alavancaram o aprendizado e a inovação, favorecendo resultados econômicos. Isto contradiz a proposição de autores que afirmam que reestruturação organizacional possui baixo potencial de geração de resultados, ou que enfatizam soluções de curto prazo para obtenção imediata de resultados, em detrimento da competitividade da empresa nos médio e longo prazos.


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In the past, the changes made in organizations were from decisions made by senior administrators and were implemented through authority and power. This sort of change doesn¿t work today because at a time when knowledge is one of the main tools for development, senior administrators need the participation of employees who directly handle strategic information for the company, having the necessary data for the conception, planning and execution of changes. Companies have begun to realize that the use of their own competent staff is the way to implement faster and more efficient strategic maneuvers. Which means, for a successful change, the whole process has to involve their employees. They have to develop efficient methods, such as, techniques for analysis, problem solution, team work, system modeling, change in attitudes and behavior, and management of the organizations culture. These methods define the professional profile of those responsible for the change. Today, each administrator must have the necessary qualifications, knowledge, and competence to identify the need for an organizational change and its introduction. In truth, each administrator is responsible for the structural change in his area and the standardization of his services.


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Este trabalho discorre sobre a competitividade na Sociedade do Conhecimento, também considerada uma Sociedade Pós-Capitalista, Pós-Moderna. Nessa perspectiva o conhecimento é o bem de maior valor, que entretanto, está subordinado à vontade do indivíduo em acumulá-lo e aplicá-lo. As organizações de países avançados, em busca de maior competitividade, criam modelos de gestão, que são importados pelas sociedades menos desenvolvidas como forma de ampliar seus níveis de produtividade, mas o fato de copiar, apenas, não garante sucesso da aplicação em função da cultura e condições sócio-econômicas locais. No Brasil, tais características favorecem importação desses modelos porém, eles não trazem os resultados esperados. São essas as condições brasileiras que procuramos demonstrar, nos níveis teórico aplicado; este último, mediante um estudo de caso representativo de uma importação que deu certo, favorecido por essas mesmas condições brasileiras.


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The great challenge, in terms of human factor, related to the planning of the strategy of an organization is to integrate the sides human and managerial through mechanisms that make possible the appropriate control of the activities, in a such way that the company obtains won developing and being developed by your collaborators. In the last decades the world of the work is suffering several mutations. If in a high level he/she enrolls a pressure for the globalization of the economical activity of new markets; in a low level, the resource is observed to the economical efficiency as guiding criterion of the new employment politics, the alteration of the constitution of the manpower and a growing pressure for the organizational flexibilization as competitive factor. These are some of the changes that have been leading to the appearance of new social inequalities in the world of the work and that have been coming to affect the workers' implication organizational being translated then in the emergency of new values, expectations, and evaluations face to the work and the established relationship between the individuals and the organizations. Before that perspective, the elaboration of the present work had as objective approaches the effects of an audit it interns before the paradigm of the organizational flexibilization. It evaluates if the concepts of the internal audit and your performance, in a bank atmosphere, are just centred in the internal controls or if in some way they contribute inside to the democratization of the social relationships of the organization. We concluded the work exploring the internal auditor's fundamental paper and your potential for use of the instrument democratization of the social relationships in the organizations.


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Nowadays, the free software has been presented as an alternative to the acquisition structure of proprietors¿ software licenses, being adopted by a large number of companies. This study presents the analysis, through a case study, of a project of proprietors¿ software migration for free platforms. The main purpose was to identify decisive factors of success in the adoption of free softwares for private companies. For this, was used the single case methodology of study, presented by Yin (2005). The theoretical referential approaches issues related to the definitions and the historic of the free software, the resistance to information systems and the change resistance. The idea is to look for the fundamentals to support the researchers understanding of the situations observed in the field. The data found at this research was analyzed using a meta-frame, which has as the main point the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Information Technology, developed by Venkatesh et al. (2003). Also, to complete this meta-frame, were used the Technology Acceptance Model, proposed by Davis (1989), and Interaction¿s Model of system and context of Use, developed by Markus (1983). The researche¿s result has been gotten by the analysis of documentation, interviews, questionnaires, direct observation and participant observation, that made possible the obtaining of valuable group of data on the researched subject. The result of this research allow the establishment of subsidies for the planning and development of project of proprietors¿ softwares migration for free softwares.