967 resultados para spray volume reduction


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Pure and cadmium doped tin oxide thin films were deposited on glass substrates from aqueous solution of cadmium acetate, tin (IV) chloride and sodium hydroxide by the nebulizer spray pyrolysis (NSP) technique. X-ray diffraction reveals that all films have tetragonal crystalline structure with preferential orientation along (200) plane. On application of the Scherrer formula, it is found that the maximum size of grains is 67 nm. Scanning electron microscopy shows that the grains are of rod and spherical in shape. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis reveals the average ratio of the atomic percentage of pure and Cd doped SnO2 films. The electrical resistivity is found to be 10(2) Omega cm at higher temperature (170 degrees C) and 10(3) Omega cm at lower temperature (30 degrees C). Optical band gap energy was determined from transmittance and absorbance data obtained from UV-vis spectra. Optical studies reveal that the band gap energy decreases from 3.90 eV to 3.52 eV due to the addition of Cd as dopant with different concentrations.


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Nanostructured GdxZn1-xO thin films with different Gd concentration from 0% to 10% deposited at 400 degrees C using the NSF technique. The films were characterized by structural, surface and optical properties, respectively. X-ray diffraction analysis shows that the Gd doped ZnO films have lattice parameters a = 3.2497 angstrom and c = 5.2018 angstrom with hexagonal structure and preferential orientation along (002) plane. The estimated values compare well with the standard values. When film thickness increases from 222 to 240 nm a high visible region transmittance (>70%) is observed. The optical band gap energy, optical constants (n and k), complex dielectric constants (epsilon(r), and epsilon(i)) and optical conductivities (sigma(r), and sigma(i)) were calculated from optical transmittance data. The optical band gap energy is 3.2 eV for pure ZnO film and 3.6 eV for Gd0.1Zn0.9-O film. The PL studies confirm the presence of a strong UV emission peak at 399 nm. Besides, the UV emission of ZnO films decreases with the increase of Gd doping concentration correspondingly the ultra-violet emission is replaced by blue and green emissions.


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Trace addition of B to Ti and its alloys leads to a marked microstructural refinement, which in turn enhances the tensile and fatigue properties of the as-cast alloys. This can be particularly advantageous in applications wherein Ti alloys are used in the as-cast form. In some of these, the environment containing H and Ti alloy components is susceptible to embrittlement due to H uptake. Whether the addition of B to Ti-6Al-4V improves the relative mechanical performance of such cast components used in H environments is examined in this work. Cast Ti-6Al-4V-xB (0 <= x <= 0.55 wt%) alloys were H charged at 500 and 700 degrees C for up to 4 h. Microstructures and room temperature tensile properties of the resulting alloys have been evaluated. Experimental results show that charging at 700 degrees C for 2 h leads to the formation of titanium hydride in the microstructure, which in turn causes severe embrittlement. For shorter durations of charging, a marginal increase in strength was noted, which is attributed to the solid solution strengthening by H. The mechanical performance of the B modified alloys was found to be relatively higher, implying that B addition not only refines the as-cast microstructure but also is beneficial in applications that involve H environment A direct correlation between the volume fraction of TiB particles in the microstructure and the relative reduction in the strength of H-embrittled alloys suggests that the addition of B to Ti alloys, in optimum quantities, can be utilized as a strategy to design alloys that are more resistant to H embrittlement.


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A dynamical instability is observed in experimental studies on micro-channels of rectangular cross-section with smallest dimension 100 and 160 mu m in which one of the walls is made of soft gel. There is a spontaneous transition from an ordered, laminar flow to a chaotic and highly mixed flow state when the Reynolds number increases beyond a critical value. The critical Reynolds number, which decreases as the elasticity modulus of the soft wall is reduced, is as low as 200 for the softest wall used here (in contrast to 1200 for a rigid-walled channel) The instability onset is observed by the breakup of a dye-stream introduced in the centre of the micro-channel, as well as the onset of wall oscillations due to laser scattering from fluorescent beads embedded in the wall of the channel. The mixing time across a channel of width 1.5 mm, measured by dye-stream and outlet conductance experiments, is smaller by a factor of 10(5) than that for a laminar flow. The increased mixing rate comes at very little cost, because the pressure drop (energy requirement to drive the flow) increases continuously and modestly at transition. The deformed shape is reconstructed numerically, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations are carried out to obtain the pressure gradient and the velocity fields for different flow rates. The pressure difference across the channel predicted by simulations is in agreement with the experiments (within experimental errors) for flow rates where the dye stream is laminar, but the experimental pressure difference is higher than the simulation prediction after dye-stream breakup. A linear stability analysis is carried out using the parallel-flow approximation, in which the wall is modelled as a neo-Hookean elastic solid, and the simulation results for the mean velocity and pressure gradient from the CFD simulations are used as inputs. The stability analysis accurately predicts the Reynolds number (based on flow rate) at which an instability is observed in the dye stream, and it also predicts that the instability first takes place at the downstream converging section of the channel, and not at the upstream diverging section. The stability analysis also indicates that the destabilization is due to the modification of the flow and the local pressure gradient due to the wall deformation; if we assume a parabolic velocity profile with the pressure gradient given by the plane Poiseuille law, the flow is always found to be stable.


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We report an environment friendly and green approach to obtain few-layer graphene by the almost instantaneous reduction of graphene oxide using Mg ribbons in acidic solution with a hydrogen spillover mechanism. The typical time is 1-5 min, which is much faster than the reduction by other metal catalysts.


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We discuss experimental results on the ability to significantly tune the photoluminescence decay rates of CdSe quantum dots embedded in an ordered template, using lightly doped small gold nanoparticles (nano-antennae), of relatively low optical efficiency. We observe both enhancement and quenching of photoluminescence intensity of the quantum dots varying monotonically with increasing volume fraction of added gold nanoparticles, with respect to undoped quantum dot arrays. However, the corresponding variation in lifetime of photoluminescence spectra decay shows a hitherto unobserved, non-monotonic variation with gold nanoparticle doping. We also demonstrate that Purcell effect is quite effective for the larger (5 nm) gold nano-antenna leading to more than four times enhanced radiative rate at spectral resonance, for largest doping and about 1.75 times enhancement for off-resonance. Significantly for spectral off-resonance samples, we could simultaneously engineer reduction of non-radiative decay rate along with increase of radiative decay rate. Non-radiative decay dominates the system for the smaller (2 nm) gold nano-antenna setting the limit on how small these plasmonic nano-antennae could be to be effective in engineering significant enhancement in radiative decay rate and, hence, the overall quantum efficiency of quantum dot based hybrid photonic assemblies.


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An analysis of the energy budget for the general case of a body translating in a stationary fluid under the action of an external force is used to define a power loss coefficient. This universal definition of power loss coefficient gives a measure of the energy lost in the wake of the translating body and, in general, is applicable to a variety of flow configurations including active drag reduction, self-propulsion and thrust generation. The utility of the power loss coefficient is demonstrated on a model bluff body flow problem concerning a two-dimensional elliptical cylinder in a uniform cross-flow. The upper and lower boundaries of the elliptic cylinder undergo continuous motion due to a prescribed reflectionally symmetric constant tangential surface velocity. It is shown that a decrease in drag resulting from an increase in the strength of tangential surface velocity leads to an initial reduction and eventual rise in the power loss coefficient. A maximum in energetic efficiency is attained for a drag reducing tangential surface velocity which minimizes the power loss coefficient. The effect of the tangential surface velocity on drag reduction and self-propulsion of both bluff and streamlined bodies is explored through a variation in the thickness ratio (ratio of the minor and major axes) of the elliptical cylinders.


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The problem addressed in this paper is concerned with an important issue faced by any green aware global company to keep its emissions within a prescribed cap. The specific problem is to allocate carbon reductions to its different divisions and supply chain partners in achieving a required target of reductions in its carbon reduction program. The problem becomes a challenging one since the divisions and supply chain partners, being autonomous, may exhibit strategic behavior. We use a standard mechanism design approach to solve this problem. While designing a mechanism for the emission reduction allocation problem, the key properties that need to be satisfied are dominant strategy incentive compatibility (DSIC) (also called strategy-proofness), strict budget balance (SBB), and allocative efficiency (AE). Mechanism design theory has shown that it is not possible to achieve the above three properties simultaneously. In the literature, a mechanism that satisfies DSIC and AE has recently been proposed in this context, keeping the budget imbalance minimal. Motivated by the observation that SBB is an important requirement, in this paper, we propose a mechanism that satisfies DSIC and SBB with slight compromise in allocative efficiency. Our experimentation with a stylized case study shows that the proposed mechanism performs satisfactorily and provides an attractive alternative mechanism for carbon footprint reduction by global companies.


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Sodium doped zinc oxide (Na:ZnO) thin films were deposited on glass substrates at substrate temperatures 300,400 and 500 degrees C by a novel nebulizer spray method. X-ray diffraction shows that all the films are polycrystalline in nature having hexagonal structure with high preferential orientation along (0 0 2) plane. High resolution SEM studies reveal the formation of Na-doped ZnO films having uniformly distributed nano-rods over the entire surface of the substrates at 400 degrees C. The complex impedance of the ZnO nano-rods shows two distinguished semicircles and the diameter of the arcs got decreased in diameter as the temperature increases from 170 to 270 degrees C and thereafter slightly increased. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper deals with an experimental study of pressure-swirl hydraulic injector nozzles using non-intrusive optical techniques. Experiments were conducted to study atomization characteristics using two nozzles with different orifice diameters, 0.3 mm and 0.5 mm, and injection pressures, 0.3-3.5 Mpa, which correspond to Reynolds number (Re-p) = 7,000-45,000, depending on nozzle utilized. Three laser diagnostic techniques were utilized: Shadowgraph, PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry), and PDPA (Phase Doppler Particle Anemometry). Measurements made in the spray in both axial and radial directions indicate that velocity, average droplet diameter profiles, and spray dynamics are highly dependent on the nozzle characteristics and injection pressure. Limitations of these techniques in the different flow regimes, related to the primary and secondary breakups as well as coalescence, are provided. Results indicate that all three techniques provide similar results throughout the different regimes. Shadowgraph and PDPA were possible in the secondary atomization and coalescence regimes while PIV measurements could be made only at the end of secondary atomization and coalescence.


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An industrial waste liquor having high sulfate concentrations was subjected to biological treatment using the sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) Desulfovibrio desulfuricans. Toxicity levels of different sulfate, cobalt and nickel concentrations toward growth of the SRB with respect to biological sulfate reduction kinetics was initially established. Optimum sulfate concentration to promote SRB growth amounted to 0.8 - 1 g/L. The strain of D. desulfuricans used in this study initially tolerated up to 4 -5 g/L of sulfate or 50 mg/L of cobalt and nickel, while its tolerance could be further enhanced through adaptation by serial subculturing in the presence of increasing concentrations of sulfate, cobalt and nickel. From the waste liquor, more than 70% of sulfate and 95% of cobalt and nickel could be precipitated as sulfides, using a preadapted strain of D. desulfuricans. Probable mechanisms involving biological sulfide precipitation and metal adsorption onto precipitates and bacterial cells are discussed.


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The influence of strain on the mechanical properties and deformation kinetic parameters of nanotwinned (at) copper is investigated by a series of nanoindentation experiments, which were performed by employing sharp indenters with five varying centerline-to-face angles (psi). Comparison experiments were also conducted on (1 1 0) single crystalline Cu. Experimental results indicate that, unlike coarsegrained materials, nt-Cu is prone to plastic flow softening with large material pile-up around the indentation impression at high levels of strains. Localized detwinning becomes more significant with decreasing psi, concomitant with reduced strain-rate sensitivity (m) and enhanced activation volume (V*). The m of nt-Cu is found to depend sensitively on psi with a variation of more than a factor of 3, whereas V* exhibits a much less sensitive trend. This paper discusses the validation of the experimental techniques and the implications of various deformation kinetic parameters on the underlying deformation mechanisms of nt-Ca. 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A catalytic reduction of graphene oxide (GO) by glutathione peroxidase (GPx) mimics is reported. This study reveals that GO contains peroxide functionalities, in addition to the epoxy, hydroxyl and carboxylic acid groups that have been identified earlier. It also is shown that GO acts as a peroxide substrate in the GPx-like catalytic activity of organoselenium/tellurium compounds. The reaction of tellurol, generated from the corresponding ditelluride, reduces GO through the glutathione (GSH)-mediated cleavage of the peroxide linkage. The mechanism of GO reduction by the tellurol in the presence of GSH involves the formation of a tellurenic acid and tellurenyl sulfide intermediates. Interestingly, the GPx mimics also catalyze the decarboxylation of the carboxylic acid functionality in GO at ambient conditions. Whereas the selenium/tellurium-mediated catalytic reduction/decarboxylation of GO may find applications in bioremediation processes, this study suggests that the modification of GO by biologically relevant compounds such as redox proteins must be taken into account when using GO for biomedical applications because such modifications can alter the fundamental properties of GO.


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Silver Indium Di-sulfide (AgInS2) thin films are deposited using ultrasonic spray pyrolysis technique and the effect of substrate temperature (T-s) on film growth is studied by varying the temperature from 250 to 400 degrees C. From the structural analysis, orthorhombic AgInS2 phase is identified with preferential orientation along (002) plane. Further analysis with Raman revealed the coexistence of Cu-Au ordered and chalcopyrite structures in the films. Stoichiometric films are obtained at T-s of 300 degrees C. Above 300 degrees C, the film conductivity changed from p to n-type and the grain size decreased. The band gap of AgInS2 films varied from 1.55 to 1.89 eV and absorption coefficient is found to be >10(4) cm(-1). The films have sheet resistance in the range of 0.05 to 1300 Omega/square Both p and n type films are prepared through this technique without any external doping. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A systematic study was done to understand the influence of volume fractions and bilayer spacings for metal/nitride multilayer coating using finite element method (FEM). An axisymmetric model was chosen to model the real situation by incorporating metal and substrate plasticity. Combinations of volume fractions and bilayer spacings were chosen for FEM analysis consistent with experimental results. The model was able to predict trends in cracking with respect to layer spacing and volume fraction. Metal layer plasticity is seen to greatly influence the stress field inside nitride. It is seen that the thicker metal induces higher tensile stresses inside nitride and hence leads to lower cracking loads. Thin metal layers < 10 nm were seen to have curved interfaces, and hence, the deformation mode was interfacial delamination in combination with edge cracking. There is an optimum seen with respect to volume fraction similar to 13% and metal layer thickness similar to 30 nm, which give maximum crack resistance.