953 resultados para spatial correlation


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Using the spatial modulation approach, where only one transmit antenna is active at a time, we propose two transmission schemes for two-way relay channel using physical layer network coding with space time coding using coordinate interleaved orthogonal designs (CIODs). It is shown that using two uncorrelated transmit antennas at the nodes, but using only one RF transmit chain and space-time coding across these antennas can give a better performance without using any extra resources and without increasing the hardware implementation cost and complexity. In the first transmission scheme, two antennas are used only at the relay, adaptive network coding (ANC) is employed at the relay and the relay transmits a CIOD space time block code (STBC). This gives a better performance compared to an existing ANC scheme for two-way relay channel which uses one antenna each at all the three nodes. It is shown that for this scheme at high SNR the average end-to-end symbol error probability (SEP) is upper bounded by twice the SEP of a point-to-point fading channel. In the second transmission scheme, two transmit antennas are used at all the three nodes, CIOD STBCs are transmitted in multiple access and broadcast phases. This scheme provides a diversity order of two for the average end-to-end SEP with an increased decoding complexity of O(M-3) for an arbitrary signal set and O(M-2 root M) for square QAM signal set. Simulation results show that the proposed schemes performs better than the existing ANC schemes under perfect and imperfect channel state information.


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We propose a laser interference technique for the fabrication of 3D nano-structures. This is possible with the introduction of specialized spatial filter in a 2 pi cylindrical lens system (consists of two opposing cylindrical lens sharing a common geometrical focus). The spatial filter at the back-aperture of a cylindrical lens gives rise to multiple light-sheet patterns. Two such interfering counter-propagating light-sheet pattern result in periodic 3D nano-pillar structure. This technique overcomes the existing slow point-by-point scanning, and has the ability to pattern selectively over a large volume. The proposed technique allows large-scale fabrication of periodic structures. Computational study shows a field-of-view (patterning volume) of approximately 12: 2mm(3) with the pillar-size of 80 nm and inter-pillar separation of 180 nm. Applications are in nano-waveguides, 3D nano-electronics, photonic crystals, and optical microscopy. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The relationship between the as-cast microstructure and creep behaviour of the heat-resistant MRI230D Mg alloy produced by two different casting technologies is investigated. The alloy in both ingot-casting (IC) and high pressure die-casting (HPDC) conditions consists of alpha-Mg, 06 ((Mg,AI)(2)Ca), Al-Mn and Sn-Mg-Ca rich phases. However, the HPDC alloy resulted in relatively finer grain size and higher volume fraction of finer, denser network of eutectic C36 phase in the as-cast microstructure as compared to that of the IC alloy. The superior creep resistance exhibited by the HPDC alloy at all the stress levels and temperatures employed in the present investigation was attributed to the more effective dispersion strengthening effect caused by the presence of finer and denser network of the C36 phase. The increased amount of the eutectic C36 phase was the only change observed in the microstructures of both alloys following creep tests. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Gamma-band (25-140 Hz) oscillations are ubiquitous in mammalian forebrain structures involved in sensory processing, attention, learning and memory. The optic tectum (01) is the central structure in a midbrain network that participates critically in controlling spatial attention. In this review, we summarize recent advances in characterizing a neural circuit in this midbrain network that generates large amplitude, space-specific, gamma oscillations in the avian OT, both in vivo and in vitro. We describe key physiological and pharmacological mechanisms that produce and regulate the structure of these oscillations. The extensive similarities between midbrain gamma oscillations in birds and those in the neocortex and hippocampus of mammals, offer important insights into the functional significance of a midbrain gamma oscillatory code.


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This study reports results of an experimental investigation of airblast spray of water and ethanol in crossflow. Laser shadowgraphy and Particle/Droplet Imaging Analysis (PDIA) are used to derive spray trajectory and drop size information while Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) is used to measure droplet velocities. A new phenomenon of spray bifurcation is observed for low Gas to Liquid Ratio (GLR) cases. The reasons for the spatial bifurcation can be attributed to a combination of reasons. These are (a) presence of large ligaments and droplets in the near-nozzle region for low GLRs (b) secondary breakup experienced by ligaments/droplets leading to formation of a large number of small droplets, and (c) the crossflow causing differential dispersion of the small and large droplets. A novel correlation for spray trajectory is proposed incorporating the momentum ratio and liquid surface tension. This correlation is shown to be effective in predicting the non-linear spray trajectory over a large range of conditions for not only water but ethanol and Jet-A also. It is observed that the larger droplets penetrate further into the crossflow, in the direction of injection. Thus, with increase in height of the measurement location from the injection plane, the droplet Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD) is found to increase. Moreover, as the droplets travel downstream in the crossflow direction, the droplet SMD is observed to decrease. The effect of drag is assessed by comparing velocity of different sizes of droplets at various locations. Smaller droplets are entrained into the crossflow at much lower elevations, whereas larger droplets tend to penetrate further into the crossflow. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The synthesis of high molecular weight esters such as bis (2-ethylhexyl) sebacate is of significance for its use as a lubricant. This ester is synthesized by the transesterification of dimethyl sebacate with 2-ethylhexanol. Therefore, the solubilities of bis (2-ethylhexyl) sebacate and dimethyl sebacate were determined at 308-328 K at pressures of 10-18 MPa in supercritical carbon dioxide. The solubility of dimethyl sebacate was always higher than bis (2-ethylhexyl) sebacate at a given temperature and pressure. The Mendez-Teja model was used to verify the self-consistency of data. Further, a new semi-empirical model with three parameters was developed using the solution theory coupled with Wilson activity coefficient. This model was used to correlate the experimental data of this work and solubilities of many high molecular weight esters reported in the literature. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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When a binary liquid is confined by a strongly repulsive wall, the local density is depleted near the wall and an interface similar to that between the liquid and its vapor is formed. This analogy suggests that the composition of the binary liquid near this interface should exhibit spatial modulation similar to that near a liquid-vapor interface even if the interactions of the wall with the two components of the liquid are the same. The Guggenheim adsorption relation quantifies the concentrations of two components of a binary mixture near a liquid-vapor interface and qualitatively states that the majority (minority) component enriches the interface for negative (positive) mixing energy if the surface tensions of the two components are not very different. From molecular dynamics simulations of binary mixtures with different compositions and interactions we find that the Guggenheim relation is qualitatively satisfied at wall-induced interfaces for systems with negative mixing energy at all state points considered. For systems with positive mixing energy, this relation is found to be qualitatively valid at low densities, while it is violated at state points with high density where correlations in the liquid are strong. This observation is validated by a calculation of the density profiles of the two components of the mixture using density functional theory with the Ramakrishnan-Yussouff free-energy functional. Possible reasons for the violation of the Guggenheim relation are discussed.


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Generalized spatial modulation (GSM) uses n(t) transmit antenna elements but fewer transmit radio frequency (RF) chains, n(rf). Spatial modulation (SM) and spatial multiplexing are special cases of GSM with n(rf) = 1 and n(rf) = n(t), respectively. In GSM, in addition to conveying information bits through n(rf) conventional modulation symbols (for example, QAM), the indices of the n(rf) active transmit antennas also convey information bits. In this paper, we investigate GSM for large-scale multiuser MIMO communications on the uplink. Our contributions in this paper include: 1) an average bit error probability (ABEP) analysis for maximum-likelihood detection in multiuser GSM-MIMO on the uplink, where we derive an upper bound on the ABEP, and 2) low-complexity algorithms for GSM-MIMO signal detection and channel estimation at the base station receiver based on message passing. The analytical upper bounds on the ABEP are found to be tight at moderate to high signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). The proposed receiver algorithms are found to scale very well in complexity while achieving near-optimal performance in large dimensions. Simulation results show that, for the same spectral efficiency, multiuser GSM-MIMO can outperform multiuser SM-MIMO as well as conventional multiuser MIMO, by about 2 to 9 dB at a bit error rate of 10(-3). Such SNR gains in GSM-MIMO compared to SM-MIMO and conventional MIMO can be attributed to the fact that, because of a larger number of spatial index bits, GSM-MIMO can use a lower-order QAM alphabet which is more power efficient.