979 resultados para sino-centric


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This dissertation approaches the manifestations of ideology in U.S. Strategic Communication. The discussion approaches Strategic Communication by relating it to the Enlightenment narratives and suggesting these narratives maintain similar social and political functions. This dissertation aims to address the key contents and mechanisms of Strategic Communication by covering the perspectives of (i) communication as leadership as well as (ii) communication as discourse , i.e. practice and contents. Throughout the empirical part of the dissertation, the communication theoretical discussion is supported by a methodological framework that bridges Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and functional language theory. According to the principles of CDA, Strategic Communication is treated as ideological, hegemonic discourse that impacts social order. The primary method of analysis is transitivity analysis, which is concerned with how language and its patterns construe reality. This analysis is complemented with a discussion on the rituals of production and interpretation, which can be treated as visual extensions of textual transitivity. The concept of agency is the key object of analysis. From the perspective of leadership, Strategic Communication is essentially a leadership model through which the organization defines itself, its aims and legitimacy. This dissertation arrives to the conclusion that Strategic Communication is used not only as a concept for managing Public Relations and information operations. It is an esse ntial asset in the inter-organization management of its members. The current developments indicate that the concept is developing towards even heavier measures of control. From the perspective of language and discourse, the key narratives of Strategic Communication are advocated with the intrinsic values of democracy and technological progress as the prerequisites of ethics and justice. The transitivity patterns reveal highly polarized agency. The agency of the Self is typically outsourced to technology. Further, the transitivity pa tterns demonstrate how the effects-centric paradigm of warfare has created a lexicon that is ideologically exclusive. It has led to the development of two mutually exclusive sets of vocabulary, where the desc riptions of legitimate ac tion exclude Others by default. These ideological discourses have become naturalized in the official vocabulary of strategic planning and le adership. Finally, the analysis of the images of the captures and deaths of Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden and Muammar Gaddafi bring the discussion back to the themes of the Enlightenment by demonstrating how democracy is framed to serve political purposes. The images of democracy are essentially images of violence. Contrary to the official, instrumental and humanitari an narratives of Strategic Communication, it is the grammar of expressive, violent rituals that serve as the instrument of unity.


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Tutkimustyön tavoitteena on muodostaa selkeä käsitys vaikutukseen perustuvien operaatioiden teoriasta ja tutkia merellisen kriisinhallintaoperaation kehittämisperiaatteita vaikutukseen perustuvien operaatioiden kontekstissa. Kriisinhallintaoperaatioita tarkastellaan Euroopan unionin sotilaallisen kriisinhallinnan toimintaympäristössä ja merivoimakomponentin näkökulmasta. Vaikutusperusteisia operaatioita ei ole Suomessa systemaattisesti tutkittu. Euroopan turvallisuusympäristö on muuttumassa entistä haasteellisemmaksi. Uudet uhkat, joita Eurooppa kohtaa ovat entistä moninaisempia, näkymättömämpiä ja vaikeammin ennustettavissa. Merivoimilla on tulevaisuudessa keskeinen rooli ehkäistäessä levottomuuksien rantautuminen Eurooppaan. Asevoimien näkökulmasta tämän hetkinen kehitystrendi on vaikutukseen perustuvat operaatiot (Effects-Based Approach to Operations, EBAO) ja verkostokeskeinen sodankäynti (Network Centric Warfare, NCW). EBAO:n käytettävyyttä kriisinhallinnassa kehitetään voimakkaasti ja konsepti nähdään mahdollisena ratkaisuna moniin nykyaikaisen kriisinhallinnan haasteisiin ja ongelmiin. Virallisen määritelmän mukaan vaikutukseen perustuvat operaatiot ovat prosessi haluttujen strategisten vaikutusten tai lopputulosten tuottamiseksi vastustajassa. Se pitää sisällään täyden skaalan sotilaallisen voiman ja ei sotilaallisen voiman monipuolista ja kumulatiivista käyttöä taktisella, operatiivisella ja strategisella tasolla.1 Tutkimusongelmana on: Mitkä ovat vaikutusperusteisen operaatiomallin (Effects-Based Approach to Operations, EBAO) tarjoamat edut tai haitat EU:n merellisessä sotilaallisessa kriisinhallintaoperaatiossa? Tutkimusongelma ratkaistaan vastaamalla seuraaviin alaongelmiin: 1. Mikä on vaikutukseen perustuvien operaatioiden teorian sisältö sotilaallisen toiminnan näkökulmasta? 2. Mikä on vaikutukseen perustuvan operoinnin näkökulma monikansalliseen kriisinhallintaoperaatioon? 3. Mitä ovat (EU:n sotilaallisen kriisinhallinnan) mukaiset merelliset kriisinhallintaoperaatiot ja mitkä ovat Suomen intressit EU:n sotilaalliseen kriisinhallintaan? 4. Miten vaikutukseen perustuva toimintamalli ilmenee esimerkin mukaisessa merellisessä kriisinhallintaoperaatiossa? Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen tutkimus. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty sisällönanalyysia sekä käsiteanalyysia. Vaikutukseen perustuvia operaatioita käsittelevä lähdeaineisto perustuu suurelta osin 2000-luvun alussa Yhdysvalloissa aloitettuun tutkimukseen ja siitä saatuun aineistoon. Kriisinhallintaa koskeva aineisto koostuu pääosin virallisista asiakirjoista sekä aiheeseen liittyvistä uusimmista julkaisuista ja tutkimuksista. Ajankohtaisten julkaisujen ja asiakirjojen tietoa on täydennetty lehtiartikkeleiden ja internetistä saatavilla olevien tietojen avulla. Tutkimusta lähestytään taktiikan näkökulmasta. Tutkielman johtopäätöksinä ilmeni, että keskeisiä EBAO:n etuja merellisessä sotilaallisessa kriisinhallintaoperaatiossa ovat nopea reagointikyky sekä EBAO:n mukainen laajempi näkökulma, jossa huomioidaan liittolaiset, puolueettomat toimijat ja mahdolliset vastustajat entistä paremmin. EBAO on kehitysasteella oleva konsepti, jonka suurimpana potentiaalina pidetään pyrkimystä sotilaiden ja siviilien saumattomaan yhteistyöhön kriisinhallinnan moninaisessa toimintaympäristössä. Konsepti pitää kuitenkin sisällään monta epävarmuustekijää, kuten vaikutusten ja operatiivisen ympäristön ennustamisen. Nykyisellään EBAO ei välttämättä muuttaisi operaatioiden toteutusta konkreettisesti. EU on Suomen kannalta tärkeä foorumi kansainväliseen kriisinhallintaan osallistumiseksi. Kansainväliseen kriisinhallintaan osallistuminen on keskeinen osa Suomen ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikkaa. Kansainvälisen ulottuvuuden kehittäminen palvelee myös kansallisen puolustuksen kehittämistä. Suomen puolustusvoimien näkökulmasta on syytä muistaa, että Yhdysvaltojen kaltaisen sotilasmahdin tarpeisiin ja resursseihin suunnitellun konseptin tarkastelussa tulee olla hyvin kriittinen ja realistinen.


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Cyber security is one of the main topics that are discussed around the world today. The threat is real, and it is unlikely to diminish. People, business, governments, and even armed forces are networked in a way or another. Thus, the cyber threat is also facing military networking. On the other hand, the concept of Network Centric Warfare sets high requirements for military tactical data communications and security. A challenging networking environment and cyber threats force us to consider new approaches to build security on the military communication systems. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a cyber security architecture for military networks, and to evaluate the designed architecture. The architecture is described as a technical functionality. As a new approach, the thesis introduces Cognitive Networks (CN) which are a theoretical concept to build more intelligent, dynamic and even secure communication networks. The cognitive networks are capable of observe the networking environment, make decisions for optimal performance and adapt its system parameter according to the decisions. As a result, the thesis presents a five-layer cyber security architecture that consists of security elements controlled by a cognitive process. The proposed architecture includes the infrastructure, services and application layers that are managed and controlled by the cognitive and management layers. The architecture defines the tasks of the security elements at a functional level without introducing any new protocols or algorithms. For evaluating two separated method were used. The first method is based on the SABSA framework that uses a layered approach to analyze overall security of an organization. The second method was a scenario based method in which a risk severity level is calculated. The evaluation results show that the proposed architecture fulfills the security requirements at least at a high level. However, the evaluation of the proposed architecture proved to be very challenging. Thus, the evaluation results must be considered very critically. The thesis proves the cognitive networks are a promising approach, and they provide lots of benefits when designing a cyber security architecture for the tactical military networks. However, many implementation problems exist, and several details must be considered and studied during the future work.


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The business logic in the manufacturing industry has changed in the 21st century. In the current industrial market, manufacturers are driven to provide more comprehensive offerings that go beyond the traditional product-orientation by providing capacity and availability for their customers. From incidental merchandise, services have become the core of manufacturers’ offerings with long-lasting service agreements over the life-cycles of their products. This change is driven both by the need of providers to grow and gain competitive advantage and by increased customer demand caused by customers’ outsourcing trends. The three key drivers for manufacturers’ service strategies are outsourcing trends, saturation of the installed base, and commoditization in product markets. Thus, manufacturers focus on providing industrial solutions which are delivered through relational processes with customers by using solution-driven business models. In the management of marketing activities, this can be regarded as closer customer relationships, service-dominant business logic, and collaboration in solving customers’ problems. However, there are few studies on comprehensive conceptualizations of a solution offering that include different elements and their roles, especially in the context of capital goods industry. Also the transition process needs further studies in a real life context. This study explores the transition process of an industrial company from product to solution business and, as an aid to managing the solution business, explicates the structure and management of an industrial solution offering. There are two themes, the industrial transition process and industrial solution offering. Regarding the industrial transition process, the aim is to understand the supplier view on the process and its execution and to determine the challenges related to the transition process. The industrial solution offering is discussed by its elements and characteristics, as well as management. Furthermore, a special type of build-own-operate-transfer business model is presented and its suitability in the industrial context analyzed. The study includes findings achieved by qualitative methods and from four case companies. Based on the results, it is tentatively suggested that in the industrial solution business, the transition from product to solution business is not a linear project but an evolving process that varies according to customer needs, which suggests that companies need to possess an ability to develop new business models for different customer needs. The industrial solution offering is dynamic as it evolves in collaboration according to the prevailing and latent customer needs, which suggest restructuring of the organization from a product-centric to a customer-centric one. Furthermore, based on the findings, the concept of industrial solutions is defined as an ongoing relational process to satisfy a customer’s particular business or operational requirements, and the concept of industrial solution offering as an entity comprising the customized goods, services, collaboration, and finance needed to fulfill the industrial solution. Finally, the study offers several managerial implications for industrial managers involved in the transition and management of the solution business and its offering.


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En el sudoeste bonaerense de la República Argentina, avena fatua es una maleza que ocupa una significativa proporción del banco de semillas presentes en el suelo, causando severas pérdidas de rendimiento en los cultivos de trigo, lo cuál la caracteriza como una maleza invasora. A pesar de que en los cultivos, se utilizan normalmente prácticas de control com graminicidas selectivos, se observa una alta incidencia de la población de Avena fatua a través de la determinación del número de panojas y semillas por metro cuadrado remanentes de las plantas que escapan al control y que alcanzan el estado reproductivo antes de la cosecha del cereal. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de varios graminicidas postemergentes selectivos para el cultivo de trigo sobre el crecimiento de la población de Avena fatua por metro cuadrado en un diseño estadístico de bloques al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Los tratamientos fueron los siguientes: testigo sin control, tralkoxydim (150 y 200 g/ha), fenoxaprop-p-etil (69 y 83 g/ha), pirifenop-n-butil (50 y 55 g/ha) y diclofop metil (510 y 570 g/ha). En la primer campaña, con una baja infestación de la maleza (153 plantas/m2), todos los herbicidas y dosis probadas ejercieron una drástica reducción de los parámetros evaluados, no detectándose diferenciais significativas entre sí al evaluar el control por medio del número de panojas y semillas producidas por las plantas que escaparon al control. En cambio en la Segunda campaña com 285 plantas/m2 y habiéndoses realizado la aplicación delos avenicidas en un estado fenológico de la maleza más avanzado, el número de semilhas por metro quadradofue reducido a niveles que oscilaron entre un 60% y un 95% respecto del testigo sin control, detectándose diferencias entre los tratamientos. No obstante la reducción lograda, se comprobó en ciertos casos, un importante aporte de semillas que anualmente retornan al suelo, lo que podría significar sino un aumento, por lo menos un mantenimiento del número de porpágulos en el banco.


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El objetivo del presente trabajo fue comparar la viabilidad obtenida por la técnica de viabilidad por presión (VPP) respecto de la viabilidad obtenida por una combinación de la metodología VPP más germinación. Asimismo se trató de establecer si ambos procedimientos determinan la viabilidad de las mismas especies o si existen diferencias en las especies establecidas como viables. El número de semillas viables estimado por la técnica VPP fue de 3475 (9,85% del total del banco de semillas), en tanto el número de semillas no viables fue de 31795 (90,15% del total del banco de semillas). Luego de aplicar la técnica de germinación (5 ciclos) sobre ambas categorías, en las viables se obtuvo una germinación de 3286 semillas (9,32% del total del banco de semillas), no germinando 189 semillas (0,53% del total de dicho banco). Hubo un 7.23% adicional del banco de semillas que resultó viable por germinación, cuando previamente había sido considerado no viable por la técnica VPP. Los resultados alcanzados muestran que la técnica VPP realiza una subestimación significativa del banco de semillas, en tanto la sobreestimación no alcanzó niveles de significancia. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto que con la técnica VPP no sólo se obtiene un menor número total de semillas viables, sino que no permitiría reflejar la verdadera proporción de semillas viables y no viables del banco total. Cuando se incorpora al análisis la técnica de germinación, se encuentra que la proporción del banco no es la misma de acuerdo a la metodología empleada, pues mientras la VPP establece, dentro del banco, semillas viables y no viables, se observó que aplicando la técnica de germinación algunas semillas consideradas viables no germinaron mientras que otras consideradas como no viables sí lo hiciero.


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The Swedish public health care organisation could very well be undergoing its most significant change since its specialisation during the late 19th and early 20th century. At the heart of this change is a move from using manual patient journals to electronic health records (EHR). EHR are complex integrated organisational wide information systems (IS) that promise great benefits and value as well as presenting great challenges to the organisation. The Swedish public health care is not the first organisation to implement integrated IS, and by no means alone in their quest for realising the potential benefits and value that it has to offer. As organisations invest in IS they embark on a journey of value-creation and capture. A journey where a costbased approach towards their IS-investments is replaced with a value-centric focus, and where the main challenges lie in the practical day-to-day task of finding ways to intertwine technology, people and business processes. This has however proven to be a problematic task. The problematic situation arises from a shift of perspective regarding how to manage IS in order to gain value. This is a shift from technology delivery to benefits delivery; from an ISimplementation plan to a change management plan. The shift gives rise to challenges related to the inability of IS and the elusiveness of value. As a response to these challenges the field of IS-benefits management has emerged offering a framework and a process in order to better understand and formalise benefits realisation activities. In this thesis the benefits realisation efforts of three Swedish hospitals within the same county council are studied. The thesis focuses on the participants of benefits analysis projects; their perceptions, judgments, negotiations and descriptions of potential benefits. The purpose is to address the process where organisations seek to identify which potential IS-benefits to pursue and realise, this in order to better understand what affects the process, so that realisation actions of potential IS-benefits could be supported. A qualitative case study research design is adopted and provides a framework for sample selection, data collection, and data analysis. It also provides a framework for discussions of validity, reliability and generalizability. Findings displayed a benefits fluctuation, which showed that participants’ perception of what constituted potential benefits and value changed throughout the formal benefits management process. Issues like structure, knowledge, expectation and experience affected perception differently, and this in the end changed the amount and composition of potential benefits and value. Five dimensions of benefits judgment were identified and used by participants when finding accommodations of potential benefits and value to pursue. Identified dimensions affected participants’ perceptions, which in turn affected the amount and composition of potential benefits. During the formal benefits management process participants shifted between judgment dimensions. These movements emerged through debates and interactions between participants. Judgments based on what was perceived as expected due to one’s role and perceived best for the organisation as a whole were the two dominant benefits judgment dimensions. A benefits negotiation was identified. Negotiations were divided into two main categories, rational and irrational, depending on participants’ drive when initiating and participating in negotiations. In each category three different types of negotiations were identified having different characteristics and generating different outcomes. There was also a benefits negotiation process identified that displayed management challenges corresponding to its five phases. A discrepancy was also found between how IS-benefits are spoken of and how actions of IS benefits realisation are understood. This was a discrepancy between an evaluation and a realisation focus towards IS value creation. An evaluation focus described IS-benefits as well-defined and measurable effects and a realisation focus spoke of establishing and managing an on-going place of value creation. The notion of valuescape was introduced in order to describe and support the understanding of IS value creation. Valuescape corresponded to a realisation focus and outlined a value configuration consisting of activities, logic, structure, drivers and role of IS.


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A pesar de los avances logrados en el control de las malezas con el uso de herbicidas, el manejo de las mismas no se simplificó, sino que, al contrario, surgieron nuevos desafíos, como la aparición de resistencia a herbicidas. En 2007, se reportó en Lolium multiflorum el segundo caso de resistencia a glifosato detectado en Argentina. En el sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires se registraron fallas de control a campo en poblaciones de Lolium multiflorum debido a su resistencia a distintos herbicidas de las familias de los inhibidores de ALS y de ACCasa y al herbicida glifosato. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar el nivel de resistencia a ciertos herbicidas inhibidores de la ALS y de la ACCasa y al glifosato en una población de L. multiflorum de Lobería (Bs As, Argentina) supuestamente resistente (LmR). Se realizaron bioensayos en cajas de Petri y se determinó la GR50 mediante la variación en la longitud de coleoptile. Las curvas de dosis-respuesta se obtuvieron por medio de la ecuación log-logística. El biotipo LmR presentó resistencia múltiple a herbicidas con tres modos de acción diferentes: glifosato, inhibidores de ALS y de ACCasa. Dicho ensayo demostró la aparición de un biotipo de L. multiflorum con resistencia a múltiples principios activos.


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This monograph dissertation looks into the field of ICT-mediated health and well-being services. Through six chapters that extend the work done in the reviewed and published articles, the dissertation focuses on new and emerging technologies, and to impact of their use on the beneficiary; the individual who eventually derives advantage from the services. As the field is currently going through major changes particularly in the OECD countries, the focus is on shortterm developments in the field and the analysis on the long term developments is cursory by nature. The dissertation includes theoretical and empirical elements. Most of the empirical elements are linked to product development and conceptualization performed in the national MyWellbeing project that ended in 2010. In the project, the emphasis was on conceptualization of a personal aid for the beneficiary that could be used for managing information and services in the field of health and well-being services. This work continued the theme of developing individual-centric solutions for the field; a work that started in the InnoElli Senior program in 2006. The nature of this thesis is foremost a conceptual elaboration based on a literature review, illustrated in empirical work performed in different projects. As a theoretical contribution, this dissertation elaborates the role of a mediator, i.e. an intermediary, and it is used as an overarching theme. The role acts as a ‘lens’ through which a number of technology-related phenomena are looked at, pinned down and addressed to a degree. This includes introduction of solutions, ranging from anthropomorphic artefacts to decision support systems that may change the way individuals experience clinical encounters in the near-future. Due to the complex and multiform nature of the field, it is impractical and effectively impossible to cover all aspects that are related to mediation in a single work. Issues such as legislation, financing and privacy are all of equal importance. Consideration of all these issues is beyond the scope of this dissertation and their investigation is left to other work. It follows from this that the investigation on the role is not intended as inclusive one. The role of the mediator is also used to highlight some of the ethical issues related to personal health information management, and to mediating health and well-being related issues on behalf of another individual, such as an elderly relative or a fellow member of a small unit in the armed forces. The dissertation concludes in a summary about the use and functions of the mediator, describing some potential avenues for implementing such support mechanisms to the changing field of ICT-mediated health and well-being services. The conclusions also describe some of the limitations of this dissertation, including remarks on methodology and content.


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La redacción del primer Código de Derecho Canónico que tuvo la Iglesia latina fue ordenada por el Papa san Pío X en 1904. La tarea codificadora, empero, no fue obra de un grupo cerrado de expertos, sino que tuvo en cuenta el parecer del episcopado latino, el que fue consultado en dos momentos diferentes y en ambos fueron consultados los obispos de las provincias eclesiásticas de Brasil. En este trabajo se estudia, a partir de la documentación guardada en el Archivo Secreto Vaticano, el aporte de los obispos de las provincias eclesiásticas de Brasil en el primero de dichos momentos.


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En este artículo se describe la trayectoria de búsqueda espiritual de un agente nodal en la red espiritual alternativa comúnmente conocida como New Age para atender el impacto de su trayectoria en la hibridación de una espiritualidad neoindia. Se proponen tres procesos a tenerse en cuenta para una metodología del estudio del impacto de hibridación cultural que genera el New Age: 1) Su condición de diseñador de menús creyentes individualizados hechos con retazos de distintas tradiciones religiosas (Champion y Hervieu-Lèger 1990); 2) su agencia como “agente nodal” para tejer articulaciones, alianzas y conexiones en la red: entre otros agentes nodos, entre diversos circuitos y otros campos sociales especializados; y 3) su competencia de “polinizador” (Soares 2009) de culturas y religiones. El argumento de este trabajo destaca que los buscadores espirituales en su andar no sólo recogen fragmentos culturales de distintas tradiciones para armar menús personalizados de creencias, sino que además son transmisores de significados que contribuyen a hibridar las culturas por donde van pasando. Muchas de las cuales coinciden con comunidades étnicas valoradas por su relación con la naturaleza, su ancestralidad y su exotismo a los ojos de los occidentales.


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Global trends associated with development of information technology, globalization, industrial and economic changes are influencing on company and customer domains and thus transforming company-customer relationship. The company centric paradigm with a strong product focus shifts to a customer oriented one with a strong emphasis on customer collaboration. As a result, the customer role changes from a passive observer to an active player. Moreover, global trends contribute to transformation of competitive environment making it tougher and simplifying an access to resources previously considered as unique. All that factors push the companies towards cooperation with customers in order to identify unarticulated needs and finding the best possible solution to existing customer problems. The Master’s Thesis is done for Outotec (Lappeenranta) which considers extension of dewatering business in Russian coal market. Research aims to identify key features of coal preparation and dewatering of fine coal and tailings in Russian preparation plants; analyze the state of Russian coal market and evaluate market potential for Outotec dewatering solutions. The study has a qualitative nature and implements an action research methodology that involves both creation of knowledge and introduction of changes into the system. The base for taking actions is formed by theoretical framework that targets on describing company - customer interaction and has selected co-creation as the most appropriate method of customer involvement. The integration of co-creation approach into an action research cycle allows not only fulfilling the research objectives but also facilitates organizational learning and intraorganizational collaboration, assists in establishing customer contacts and making the first steps into the market, bringing new joint projects to the company and opening real business opportunities.


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A postgraduate seminar series with a title Critical Infrastructure Protection against Cyber Threats held at the Department of Military Technology of the National Defence University in the fall of 2013 and 2014. This book is a collection of some of talks that were presented in the seminar. The papers address origin of critical infrastructure protection, wargaming cyberwar in critical infrastructure defence, cyber-target categorization, supervisory control and data acquisition systems vulnerabilities, electric power as critical infrastructure, improving situational awareness of critical infrastructure and trust based situation awareness in high security cloud environment. This set of papers tries to give some insight to current issues of the network-centric critical infrastructure protection. The seminar has always made a publication of the papers but this has been an internal publication of the Finnish Defence Forces and has not hindered publication of the papers in international conferences. Publication of these papers in peer reviewed conferences has indeed been always the goal of the seminar, since it teaches writing conference level papers. We still hope that an internal publication in the department series is useful to the Finnish Defence Forces by offering an easy access to these papers.


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Digital business ecosystems (DBE) are becoming an increasingly popular concept for modelling and building distributed systems in heterogeneous, decentralized and open environments. Information- and communication technology (ICT) enabled business solutions have created an opportunity for automated business relations and transactions. The deployment of ICT in business-to-business (B2B) integration seeks to improve competitiveness by establishing real-time information and offering better information visibility to business ecosystem actors. The products, components and raw material flows in supply chains are traditionally studied in logistics research. In this study, we expand the research to cover the processes parallel to the service and information flows as information logistics integration. In this thesis, we show how better integration and automation of information flows enhance the speed of processes and, thus, provide cost savings and other benefits for organizations. Investments in DBE are intended to add value through business automation and are key decisions in building up information logistics integration. Business solutions that build on automation are important sources of value in networks that promote and support business relations and transactions. Value is created through improved productivity and effectiveness when new, more efficient collaboration methods are discovered and integrated into DBE. Organizations, business networks and collaborations, even with competitors, form DBE in which information logistics integration has a significant role as a value driver. However, traditional economic and computing theories do not focus on digital business ecosystems as a separate form of organization, and they do not provide conceptual frameworks that can be used to explore digital business ecosystems as value drivers—combined internal management and external coordination mechanisms for information logistics integration are not the current practice of a company’s strategic process. In this thesis, we have developed and tested a framework to explore the digital business ecosystems developed and a coordination model for digital business ecosystem integration; moreover, we have analysed the value of information logistics integration. The research is based on a case study and on mixed methods, in which we use the Delphi method and Internetbased tools for idea generation and development. We conducted many interviews with key experts, which we recoded, transcribed and coded to find success factors. Qualitative analyses were based on a Monte Carlo simulation, which sought cost savings, and Real Option Valuation, which sought an optimal investment program for the ecosystem level. This study provides valuable knowledge regarding information logistics integration by utilizing a suitable business process information model for collaboration. An information model is based on the business process scenarios and on detailed transactions for the mapping and automation of product, service and information flows. The research results illustrate the current cap of understanding information logistics integration in a digital business ecosystem. Based on success factors, we were able to illustrate how specific coordination mechanisms related to network management and orchestration could be designed. We also pointed out the potential of information logistics integration in value creation. With the help of global standardization experts, we utilized the design of the core information model for B2B integration. We built this quantitative analysis by using the Monte Carlo-based simulation model and the Real Option Value model. This research covers relevant new research disciplines, such as information logistics integration and digital business ecosystems, in which the current literature needs to be improved. This research was executed by high-level experts and managers responsible for global business network B2B integration. However, the research was dominated by one industry domain, and therefore a more comprehensive exploration should be undertaken to cover a larger population of business sectors. Based on this research, the new quantitative survey could provide new possibilities to examine information logistics integration in digital business ecosystems. The value activities indicate that further studies should continue, especially with regard to the collaboration issues on integration, focusing on a user-centric approach. We should better understand how real-time information supports customer value creation by imbedding the information into the lifetime value of products and services. The aim of this research was to build competitive advantage through B2B integration to support a real-time economy. For practitioners, this research created several tools and concepts to improve value activities, information logistics integration design and management and orchestration models. Based on the results, the companies were able to better understand the formulation of the digital business ecosystem and the importance of joint efforts in collaboration. However, the challenge of incorporating this new knowledge into strategic processes in a multi-stakeholder environment remains. This challenge has been noted, and new projects have been established in pursuit of a real-time economy.


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The purpose of this study was to expand the applicability of supplier segmentation and development approaches to the project-driven construction industry. These practices are less exploited and not well documented in this operational environment compared to the process-centric manufacturing industry. At first, portfolio models to supply base segmentation and various supplier development efforts were investigated in literature review. A step-wise framework was structured for the empirical research. The empirical study employed multiple research methods in three case studies in a large Finnish construction company. The first study categorized the construction item classes into the purchasing portfolio and positioned suppliers to the power matrix by investigating buyer-supplier relations. Using statistical tests, the study also identified factors that affect suppliers’ performance. The final case study identified improvement areas of the interface between a main contractor and one if its largest suppliers. The final results indicate that only by assessing the supply base in a holistic manner and the power circumstances in it, buyers comprehend how to best establish appropriate supplier development strategies in the project environment.