972 resultados para simulation-optimization


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A simplified structural model to study the ionic transport in silver based glasses has been formulated. The diffusion of silver ion under the influence of coulombic interactions of mobile cation and anions has been studied. Monte Carlo simulations of silver ion hopping in glass have suggested two different kinds of population of silver ions. We discuss the results of variation in diffusion constant with dopant (AgI) concentration using the diffusion path model. (C) 1997 Elsevier-Science S.A.


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Limestone rejects from Bagalkot mines have been beneficiated by froth flotation with a view to reducing the magnesia content. In order to ascertain the effect of the main parameters such as sodium oleate concentration, sodium silicate concentration and pH on the MgO content, statistically designed experiments have been performed. The results indicate that under the optimum conditions arrived at limestone rejects could be beneficiated to produce a concentrate with magnesia. content meeting the specifications for cement manufacture.


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Using the recently developed computationally efficient model predictive static programming and a closely related model predictive spread control concept, two nonlinear suboptimal midcourse guidance laws are presented in this paper for interceptors engaging against incoming high-speed ballistic missiles. The guidance laws are primarily based on nonlinear optimal control theory, and hence imbed effective trajectory optimization concepts into the guidance laws. Apart from being energy efficient by minimizing the control usage throughout the trajectory (minimum control usage leads to minimum turning, and hence leads to minimum induced drag), both of these laws enforce desired alignment constraints in both elevation and azimuth in a hard-constraint sense. This good alignment during midcourse is expected to enhance the effectiveness of the terminal guidance substantially. Both point mass as well as six-degree-of-freedom simulation results (with a realistic inner-loop autopilot based on dynamic inversion) are presented in this paper, which clearly shows the effectiveness of the proposed guidance laws. It has also been observed that, even with different perturbations of missile parameters, the performance of guidance is satisfactory. A comparison study, with the vector explicit guidance scheme proposed earlier in the literature, also shows that the newly proposed model-predictive-static-programming-based and model-predictive-spread-control-based guidance schemes lead to lesser lateral acceleration demand and lesser velocity loss during engagement.


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An experimental programme based on statistical analysis was used for optimizing the reverse Rotation of silica from non-magnetic spiral preconcentrate of Kudremukh iron ore. Flotation of silica with amine and starch as the Rotation reagents was studied to estimate the optimum reagent levels at various mesh of grind. The experiments were first carried out using a two level three factor design. Analysis of the results showed that two parameters namely, the concentration level of the amine collector and the mesh of grind, were significant. Experiments based on an orthogonal design of the hexagonal type were then carried out to determine the effects of these two variables, on recovery and grade of the concentrate. Regression equations have been developed as models. Response contours have been plotted using the 'path of steepest ascent', maximum response has been optimized at 0.27 kg/ton of amine collector, 0.5 kg/ton of starch and mesh of grind of 48.7% passing 300 mesh to give a recovery of 83.43% of Fe in the concentrate containing 66.6% Fe and 2.17% SiO2.


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It is well known that the increasing space activities pose a serious threat to future missions. This is mainly due to the presence of spent stages, rockets spacecraft and fragments which can lead to collisions. The calculation of the collision probability of future space vehicles with the orbital debris is necessary for estimating the risk. There is lack of adequately catalogued and openly available detailed information on the explosion characteristics of trackable and untrackable debris data. Such a situation compels one to develop suitable mathematical modelling of the explosion and the resultant debris environment. Based on a study of the available information regarding the fragmentation, subsequent evolution and observation, it turns out to be possible to develop such a mathematical model connecting the dynamical features of the fragmentation with the geometrical/orbital characteristics of the debris and representing the environment through the idea of equivalent breakup. (C) 1997 COSPAR.


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The actor-critic algorithm of Barto and others for simulation-based optimization of Markov decision processes is cast as a two time Scale stochastic approximation. Convergence analysis, approximation issues and an example are studied.


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In order to understand the translational and rotational motion in dense molecular liquids, detailed molecular dynamics simulations of Lennard-Jones ellipsoids have been carried out for three different values of the aspect ratio kappa. For ellipsoids with an aspect ratio equal to 2, the product of the translational diffusion coefficient (D-T) and the average orientational correlation time of the l-th rank harmonics (tau(lR)), converges to a nearly constant value at high density. Surprisingly, this density independent value of D-T tau(lR) is within 5% of the hydrodynamic prediction with the slip boundary condition. This is despite the fact that both D-T and tau(lR) themselves change nearly by an order of magnitude in the density range considered, and the rotational correlation function itself is strongly nonexponential. For small aspect ratios (kappa less than or equal to 1.5), the rotational correlation function remains largely Gaussian even at a very large density, while for a large aspect ratio (kappa greater than or equal to 3), the transition to the nematic liquid-crystalline phase precludes the hydrodynamic regime. Thus, the rotational dynamics of ellipsoids show great sensitivity to the aspect ratio. At low density, tau(lR) goes through a minimum value, indicating the role of interactions in enhancing the rate of orientational relaxation. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(97)50142-5].


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In this article, we present a novel application of a quantum clustering (QC) technique to objectively cluster the conformations, sampled by molecular dynamics simulations performed on different ligand bound structures of the protein. We further portray each conformational population in terms of dynamically stable network parameters which beautifully capture the ligand induced variations in the ensemble in atomistic detail. The conformational populations thus identified by the QC method and verified by network parameters are evaluated for different ligand bound states of the protein pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase (DhPylRS) from D. hafniense. The ligand/environment induced re-distribution of protein conformational ensembles forms the basis for understanding several important biological phenomena such as allostery and enzyme catalysis. The atomistic level characterization of each population in the conformational ensemble in terms of the re-orchestrated networks of amino acids is a challenging problem, especially when the changes are minimal at the backbone level. Here we demonstrate that the QC method is sensitive to such subtle changes and is able to cluster MD snapshots which are similar at the side-chain interaction level. Although we have applied these methods on simulation trajectories of a modest time scale (20 ns each), we emphasize that our methodology provides a general approach towards an objective clustering of large-scale MD simulation data and may be applied to probe multistate equilibria at higher time scales, and to problems related to protein folding for any protein or protein-protein/RNA/DNA complex of interest with a known structure.


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A natural velocity field method for shape optimization of reinforced concrete (RC) flexural members has been demonstrated. The possibility of shape optimization by modifying the shape of an initially rectangular section, in addition to variation of breadth and depth along the length, has been explored. Necessary shape changes have been computed using the sequential quadratic programming (SQP) technique. Genetic algorithm (Goldberg and Samtani 1986) has been used to optimize the diameter and number of main reinforcement bars. A limit-state design approach has been adopted for the nonprismatic RC sections. Such relevant issues as formulation of optimization problem, finite-element modeling, and solution procedure have been described. Three design examples-a simply supported beam, a cantilever beam, and a two-span continuous beam, all under uniformly distributed loads-have been optimized. The results show a significant savings (40-56%) in material and cost and also result in aesthetically pleasing structures. This procedure will lead to considerable cost saving, particularly in cases of mass-produced precast members and a heavy cast-in-place member such as a bridge girder.


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Vibrational phase relaxation near gas-liquid and liquid-solid phase coexistence has been studied by molecular dynamics simulations of N-N stretch in N-2. Experimentally observed pronounced insensitivity of phase relaxation from the triple point to beyond the boiling point is found to originate from a competition between density relaxation and resonant-energy transfer terms. The sharp rise in relaxation rate near the critical point (CP) can be attributed at least partly to the sharp, rise in vibration-rotation coupling contribution. Substantial subquadratic quantum number dependence of overtone dephasing rate is found near the CP and in supercritical fluids. [S0031-9007 (99)09318-7].


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Experimental study and optimization of Plasma Ac- tuators for Flow control in subsonic regime PRADEEP MOISE, JOSEPH MATHEW, KARTIK VENKATRAMAN, JOY THOMAS, Indian Institute of Science, FLOW CONTROL TEAM | The induced jet produced by a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) setup is capable of preventing °ow separation on airfoils at high angles of attack. The ef-fect of various parameters on the velocity of this induced jet was studied experimentally. The glow discharge was created at atmospheric con-ditions by using a high voltage RF power supply. Flow visualization,photographic studies of the plasma, and hot-wire measurements on the induced jet were performed. The parametric investigation of the charac- teristics of the plasma show that the width of the plasma in the uniform glow discharge regime was an indication of the velocity induced. It was observed that the spanwise and streamwise overlap of the two electrodes,dielectric thickness, voltage and frequency of the applied voltage are the major parameters that govern the velocity and the extent of plasma.e®ect of the optimized con¯guration on the performance characteristics of an airfoil was studied experimentally.


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A trajectory optimization approach is applied to the design of a sequence of open-die forging operations in order to control the transient thermal response of a large titanium alloy billet. The amount of time tire billet is soaked in furnace prior to each successive forging operation is optimized to minimize the total process time while simultaneously satisfying constraints on the maximum and minimum values of the billet's temperature distribution to avoid microstructural defects during forging. The results indicate that a "differential" heating profile is the most effective at meeting these design goals.


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p-Benzoquinone and its halogen substituted derivatives are known to have differing reactivities in the triplet excited state. While bromanil catalyzes the reduction of octaethylporphyrin most efficiently among the halogenated p-benzoquinones, the reaction does not take place in presence of the unsubstituted p-benzoquinone (T. Nakano and Y. Mori, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 67, 2627 (1994)). Understanding of such differences requires a detailed knowledge of the triplet state structures, normal mode compositions and excited state dynamics. In this paper, we apply a recently presented scheme (M. Puranik, S. Umapathy, J. G. Snijders, and J. Chandrasekhar, J. Chem, Phys., 115, 6106 (2001)) that combines parameters from experiment and computation in a wave packet dynamics simulation to the triplet states of p-benzoquinone and bromanil. The absorption and resonance Raman spectra of both the molecules have been simulated. The normal mode compositions and mode specific excited state displacements have been presented and compared. Time-dependent evolution of the absorption and Raman overlaps for all the observed modes has been discussed in detail. In p-benzoquinone, the initial dynamics is along the C=C stretching and C-H bending modes whereas in bromanil nearly equal displacements are observed along all the stretching coordinates.


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The compositional evolution in sputter deposited LiCoO(2) thin films is influenced by process parameters involved during deposition. The electrochemical performance of these films strongly depends on their microstructure, preferential orientation and stoichiometry. The transport process of sputtered Li and Co atoms from the LiCoO(2) target to the substrate, through Ar plasma in a planar magnetron configuration, was investigated based on the Monte Carlo technique. The effect of sputtering gas pressure and the substrate-target distance (d(st)) on Li/Co ratio, as well as, energy and angular distribution of sputtered atoms on the substrate were examined. Stable Li/Co ratios have been obtained at 5 Pa pressure and d(st) in the range 5 11 cm. The kinetic energy and incident angular distribution of Li and Co atoms reaching the substrate have been found to be dependent on sputtering pressure. Simulations were extended to predict compositional variations in films prepared at various process conditions. These results were compared with the composition of films determined experimentally using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Li/Co ratio calculated using XPS was in moderate agreement with that of the simulated value. The measured film thickness followed the same trend as predicted by simulation. These studies are shown to be useful in understanding the complexities in multicomponent sputtering. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3597829]


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Approximate deconvolution modeling is a very recent approach to large eddy simulation of turbulent flows. It has been applied to compressible flows with success. Here, a premixed flame which forms in the wake of a flameholder has been selected to examine the subgrid-scale modeling of reaction rate by this new method because a previous plane two-dimensional simulation of this wake flame, using a wrinkling function and artificial flame thickening, had revealed discrepancies when compared with experiment. The present simulation is of the temporal evolution of a round wakelike flow at two Reynolds numbers, Re = 2000 and 10,000, based on wake defect velocity and wake diameter. A Fourier-spectral code has been used. The reaction is single-step and irreversible, and the rate follows an Arrhenius law. The reference simulation at the lower Reynolds number is fully resolved. At Re = 10,000, subgrid-scale contributions are significant. It was found that subgrid-scale modeling in the present simulation agrees more closely with unresolved subgrid-scale effects observed in experiment. Specifically, the highest contributions appeared in thin folded regions created by vortex convection. The wrinkling function approach had not selected subgrid-scale effects in these regions.