954 resultados para seminar
First meeting, common interests and ways together The European Centre for Social Welfare, Training and Research situated in Vienna, was our first meeting place. W. Lorenz was interested in the international comparison of the different concepts and perspectives of social welfare problems in the European countries and the different developments in the training of social professions in Europe. The challenge of intercultural, antiracist social work in the context of Erasmus-Intensive Seminars To organize an intensive seminar with the aim to train students and colleagues for intercultural and antiracist competence in social professions, we formed an European network of European universities and schools of s.w. in Vienna (VIENNET), with the support of ECCE (European Centre of Community Education) in Koblenz. “The group discovered that working on these issues in an international context raises issues of ‘difference’ with renewed acuteness”(cit. W. Lorenz). We learned to cope with a variety of differences: biographical, language, theoretical and institutional backgrounds and discourse traditions. A Venue for an Intensive Seminar In choosing a venue for an Intensive Seminar we were relatively free. We locked for a place, “one dream about”, to support in the best way our seminar aims, to promote a base built on knowledge, skills and values particularly in the area of inner/outer borders, disadvantage, ignorance, minorities, majorities, vulnerable groups, racism and xenophobia. In a small village in Burgenland (Austria), very close to the Hungarian border, we thought to have found it. Future Prospect Are we only representatives of our background institutions or did we act and exposed ourselves as persons with a very specific biography and training experience. Can we sustain this created network, as a network of experts and friends in the field of intercultural, antiracist social work? This question is still open.
In unserem Beitrag evaluieren wir die didaktische Einbettung einer CSCL-Anwendung anhand von Logfile-Analysen. Dazu betrachten wir exemplarisch die Nutzung des webbasierten Systems CommSy in einer projektorientierten Lehrveranstaltung, die wir als offenes Seminar charakterisieren. Wir erzielen zwei Ergebnisse: (1) Wir geben Hinweise zur Gestaltung des Nutzungskontexts eines CSCL-Systems sowie zur Unterstützung seiner anfänglichen und kontinuierlichen Nutzung. (2) Wir beschreiben die Analyse von Nutzungsanlässen und -mustern sowie von NutzerInnentypen anhand von Logfiles. Dabei können Logfile-Analysen zur Validierung weiterer Evaluationsergebnisse dienen, sind selbst jedoch nur in Kombination mit zusätzlichen Informationen zum Nutzungskontext interpretierbar.
Neurons in Action (NIA1, 2000; NIA1.5, 2004; NIA2, 2007), a set of tutorials and linked simulations, is designed to acquaint students with neuronal physiology through interactive, virtual laboratory experiments. Here we explore the uses of NIA in lecture, both interactive and didactic, as well as in the undergraduate laboratory, in the graduate seminar course, and as an examination tool through homework and problem set assignments. NIA, made with the simulator NEURON (http://www.neuron.yale.edu/neuron/), displays voltages, currents, and conductances in a membrane patch or signals moving within the dendrites, soma and/or axon of a neuron. Customized simulations start with the plain lipid bilayer and progress through equilibrium potentials; currents through single Na and K channels; Na and Ca action potentials; voltage clamp of a patch or a whole neuron; voltage spread and propagation in axons, motoneurons and nerve terminals; synaptic excitation and inhibition; and advanced topics such as channel kinetics and coincidence detection. The user asks and answers "what if" questions by specifying neuronal parameters, ion concentrations, and temperature, and the experimental results are then plotted as conductances, currents, and voltage changes. Such exercises provide immediate confirmation or refutation of the student's ideas to guide their learning. The tutorials are hyperlinked to explanatory information and to original research papers. Although the NIA tutorials were designed as a sequence to empower a student with a working knowledge of fundamental neuronal principles, we find that faculty are using the individual tutorials in a variety of educational situations, some of which are described here. Here we offer ideas to colleagues using interactive software, whether NIA or another tool, for educating students of differing backgrounds in the subject of neurophysiology.
Dieser Projektbericht beschreibt eine Lehrveranstaltung, die den Studierenden in der Theorie genau das vermittelte, was sie direkt in der Praxis erfahren konnten: E-Learning. Die enge Koppelung von Wissensvermittlung und praktischer Umsetzung setzte auf ein ungewöhnliches Modell der Lernzeitorganisation. Von den Lernenden wie vom Lehrenden verlangte das Blended-Learning-Seminar die Bereitschaft, das übliche Selbstverständnis in Lehr-Lern-Kontexten an Hochschulen zu überdenken. Dieser Bericht stellt die inhaltliche und strukturelle Ausgangssituation dar, beschreibt die Organisation der Veranstaltung sowie die eingesetzten Methoden und Mittel und reflektiert die Lernerfolge.
As firms have more assets in place, more of management’s limited attention is focused on managing assets in place rather than developing new growth options. Consequently, as firms grow older, they have fewer growth options and a lower ability to generate new growth options. This simple theory predicts that Tobin’s q falls with age. Further, competition in the product market is expected to slow down the decrease in Tobin’s q because it forces firms to look for alternative sources of rents. Similarly, greater competition in the labor market reduces the decrease in Tobin’s q with age because old firms are in a better position to hire employees that can help with innovation. In contrast, competition in the market for corporate control should accelerate the decline because it forces management to focus more on managing assets in place whose performance is more directly observable than on developing growth options where results may not be observable for some time. We find strong support for these predictions in tests using exogenous variation in competition