977 resultados para self-organized InAs quantum dots


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We investigate the processes involved in the nucleation of colloidal lead selenide nanoparticles. Our studies show that an unusual pathway - an anion exchange reaction, causes the nucleation of lead selenide nanocrystals. In this process, one quantum dot is transformed into another due to a substitution of its constituent anions. The existence of this pathway was never anticipated perhaps due to its unusually rapid kinetics. The nucleation and growth kinetics of colloidal lead selenide quantum dots are found to fit well to a two-step process. The rate constant associated with the anion exchange process is found to be four orders of magnitude greater than that of the nanocrystal growth. The complete consumption of the initial oxide nanoparticle thus provides a sharp, temporally well-defined nucleation event.


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Until quite recently our understanding of the basic mechanical process responsible for earthquakes and faulting was not well known. It can be argued that this was partly a consequence of the complex nature of fracture in crust and in part because evidence of brittle phenomena in the natural laboratory of the earth is often obliterated or obscured by other geological processes. While it is well understood that the spatial and temporal complexity of earthquakes and the fault structures emerge from geometrical and material built-in heterogeneities, one important open question is how the shearing becomes localized into a band of intense fractures. Here the authors address these questions through a numerical approach of a tectonic plate by considering rockmass heterogeneity both in microscopic scale and in mesoscopic scale. Numerical simulations of the progressive failure leading to collapse under long-range slow driving forces in the far-field show earthquake-like rupture behavior. $En Echelon$ crack-arrays are reproduced in the numerical simulation. It is demonstrated that the underlying fracturing induced acoustic emissions (or seismic events) display self-organized criticality------from disorder to order. The seismic cycles and the geometric structures of the fracture faces, which are found greatly depending on the material heterogeneity (especially on the macroscopic scale), agree with that observed experimentally in real brittle materials. It is concluded that in order to predict a main shock, one must have extremely detailed knowledge on very minor features of the earth's crust far from the place where the earthquake originated. If correct, the model proposed here seemingly provides an explanation as to why earthquakes to date are not predicted so successfully. The reason is not that the authors do not understand earthquake mechanisms very well but that they still know little about our earth's crust.


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The deposition of CdO center dot nH(2)O On CdTe nanoparticles was studied in an aqueous phase. The CdTe nanocrystals (NCs) were prepared in aqueous solution through the reaction between Cd2+ and NaHTe in the presence of thioglycolic acid as a stabilizer. The molar ratio of the Cd2+ to Te2- in the precursory solution played an important role in the photoluminescence of the ultimate CdTe NCs. The strongest photoluminescence was obtained under 4.0 of [Cd2+]/[Te2-] at pH similar to 8.2. With the optimum dosage of Cd(II) hydrous oxide deposited on the CdTe NCs, the photoluminescence was enhanced greatly. The photoluminescence of these nanocomposites was kept constant in the pH range of 8.0-10.0, but dramatically decreased with an obvious blue-shifted peak while the pH was below 8.0. In addition, the photochemical oxidation of CdTe NCs with cadmium hydrous oxide deposition was markedly inhibited.


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Fracture owing to the coalescence of numerous microcracks can be described by a simple statistical model, where a coalescence event stochastically occurs as the number density of nucleated microcracks increases. Both numerical simulation and statistical analysis reveal that a microcrack coalescence process may display avalanche behavior and that the final failure is catastrophic. The cumulative distribution of coalescence events in the vicinity of critical fracture follows a power law and the fracture profile has self-affine fractal characteristic. Some macromechanical quantities may be traced back and extracted from the mesoscopic process based on the statistical analysis of coalescence events.


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Resumen: Este trabajo pretende explicar el modo en que el yo humano se dice causa de los actos libres, en especial de los actos voluntarios corpóreos. Con este objeto se analiza la causalidad natural en el mundo, especialmente cuando se manifiesta en la vida como autoorganización, y más aún en la vida animal, en la que la conducta intencional es guiada por la cognición y las emociones. Se establece una distinción entre la causalidad downward, de los niveles superiores sobre los inferiores, y la causalidad bottom-up, que es la inversa. Además se introduce una distinción entre el “sí mismo natural” (naturaleza perfeccionada por hábitos) y el “sí mismo intencional” (sujeto dotado de conciencia y posibilidad de control de sus operaciones). Esos esquemas se aplican al hombre, cuya causalidad downward más alta es la que ejerce la persona, con su inteligencia y voluntad, sobre sus actos sensitivos y de este modo sobre su cuerpo.


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Fracture due to coalescence of microcracks seems to be catalogued in a new model of evolution induced catastrophe (EIC). The key underlying mechanism of the EIC is its automatically enlarging interaction of microcracks. This leads to an explosively evolving catastrophe. Most importantly, the EIC presents a fractal dimension spectrum which appears to be dependent on the interaction.


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The deposition of CdO center dot nH(2)O On CdTe nanoparticles was studied in an aqueous phase. The CdTe nanocrystals (NCs) were prepared in aqueous solution through the reaction between Cd2+ and NaHTe in the presence of thioglycolic acid as a stabilizer. The molar ratio of the Cd2+ to Te2- in the precursory solution played an important role in the photoluminescence of the ultimate CdTe NCs. The strongest photoluminescence was obtained under 4.0 of [Cd2+]/[Te2-] at pH similar to 8.2. With the optimum dosage of Cd(II) hydrous oxide deposited on the CdTe NCs, the photoluminescence was enhanced greatly. The photoluminescence of these nanocomposites was kept constant in the pH range of 8.0-10.0, but dramatically decreased with an obvious blue-shifted peak while the pH was below 8.0. In addition, the photochemical oxidation of CdTe NCs with cadmium hydrous oxide deposition was markedly inhibited.


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Two-dimensional periodic nanostructures on ZnO crystal surface were fabricated by two-beam interference of 790 nm femtosecond laser. The long period is, as usually reported, determined by the interference pattern of two laser beams. Surprisingly, there is another short periodic nanostructures with periods of 220-270 nm embedding in the long periodic structures. We studied the periods, orientation, and the evolution of the short periodic nanostructures, and found them analogous to the self-organized nanostructures induced by single fs laser beam. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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We demonstrated optical amplification at 1550 nm with a carbon tetrachloride solution of Er3+-Yb3+ codoped NaYF4 nanocubes synthesized with solvo-thermal route. Upon excitation with a 980 nm laser diode, the nanocube solution exhibited strong near-infrared emission by the I-4(13/2) -> I-4(15/2) transition of Er3+ ions due to energy transfer from Yb3+ ions. We obtained the highest optical gain coefficient at 1550 nm of 0.58 cm(-1) for the solution with the pumping power of 200 mW. This colloidal solution might be a promising candidate as a liquid medium for optical amplifier and laser at the optical communication wavelength. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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We demonstrate the coherent linking of periodic nano-ripples formed on the surface of ZnO crystals induced by femtosecond laser pulses. By adjusting the distance between two laser scanning zones, the periodic nano-ripples induced by two separated laser writing processes can be coherently linked and the ZnO nanograting with much longer grooves is therefore produced. The length limitation of this kind of nanograting previously set by the laser focus size is thus overcome. The micro-Raman mapping technique is used to evaluate the quality of coherent linking, and the underlying physics is discussed. The demonstrated scheme is promising for producing large-size self-organized nanogratings induced by femtosecond laser pulses.


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A partir das narrativas escritas por carnavalescos, o carnaval ganha forma pelas mãos de ferreiros, marceneiros, costureiras, bordadeiras e artesãos. Das favelas para o mundo, as escolas de samba do Rio de Janeiro se organizaram e, juntas, conquistaram respeito e prestígio que se materializaram por meio da construção de um Sambódromo, da Cidade do Samba, dentre outras. Realizou-se estudo de casos de natureza exploratória em que se utilizou fonte de dados primários e secundários, visando verificar as características do sistema de controle gerencial e o processo de internacionalização das escolas de samba. A questão geral é: Os sistemas de controle gerenciais das escolas de samba da cidade do Rio de Janeiro são influenciados pelo fenômeno da internacionalização? Os achados da pesquisa mostram que não, da mesma forma que alguns pesquisadores já observaram que existem circunstâncias em que o processo de internacionalização não implica, necessariamente, em grande complexidade e sofisticação do sistema de controle de gestão.


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We propose a new solid state implementation of a quantum computer (quputer) using ballistic single electrons as flying qubits in 1D nanowires. We use a single electron pump (SEP) to prepare the initial state and a single electron transistor (SET) to measure the final state. Single qubit gates are implemented using quantum dots as phase shifters and electron waveguide couplers as beam splitters. A Coulomb coupler acts as a 2-qubit gate, using a mutual phase modulation effect. Since the electron phase coherence length in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures is of the order of 30$\mu$m, several gates (tens) can be implemented before the system decoheres.


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Surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is a well-established spectroscopic technique that requires nanoscale metal structures to achieve high signal sensitivity. While most SERS substrates are manufactured by conventional lithographic methods, the development of a cost-effective approach to create nanostructured surfaces is a much sought-after goal in the SERS community. Here, a method is established to create controlled, self-organized, hierarchical nanostructures using electrohydrodynamic (HEHD) instabilities. The created structures are readily fine-tuned, which is an important requirement for optimizing SERS to obtain the highest enhancements. HEHD pattern formation enables the fabrication of multiscale 3D structured arrays as SERS-active platforms. Importantly, each of the HEHD-patterned individual structural units yield a considerable SERS enhancement. This enables each single unit to function as an isolated sensor. Each of the formed structures can be effectively tuned and tailored to provide high SERS enhancement, while arising from different HEHD morphologies. The HEHD fabrication of sub-micrometer architectures is straightforward and robust, providing an elegant route for high-throughput biological and chemical sensing.


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Carbon nanotube (CNT) emitters were formed on line-patterned cathodes in microtrenches through a thermal CVD process. Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) self-organized along the trench lines with a submicron inter-CNT spacing. Excellent field emission (FE) properties were obtained: current densities at the anode (J(a)) of 1 microA cm(-2), 10 mA cm(-2) and 100 mA cm(-2) were recorded at gate voltages (V(g)) of 16, 25 and 36 V, respectively. The required voltage difference to gain a 1:10 000 contrast of the anode current was as low as 9 V, indicating that a very low operating voltage is possible for these devices. Not only a large number of emission sites but also the optimal combination of trench structure and emitter morphology are crucial to achieve the full FE potential of thin CNTs with a practical lifetime. The FE properties of 1D arrays of CNT emitters and their optimal design are discussed. Self-organization of thin CNTs is an attractive prospect to tailor preferable emitter designs in FE devices.


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Establishing fabrication methods of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is essential to realize many applications expected for CNTs. Catalytic growth of CNTs on substrates by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is promising for direct fabrication of CNT devices, and catalyst nanoparticles play a crucial role in such growth. We have developed a simple method called "combinatorial masked deposition (CMD)", in which catalyst particles of a given series of sizes and compositions are formed on a single substrate by annealing gradient catalyst layers formed by sputtering through a mask. CMD enables preparation of hundreds of catalysts on a wafer, growth of single-walled CNTs (SWCNTs), and evaluation of SWCNT diameter distributions by automated Raman mapping in a single day. CMD helps determinations of the CVD and catalyst windows realizing millimeter-tall SWCNT forest growth in 10 min, and of growth curves for a series of catalysts in a single measurement when combined with realtime monitoring. A catalyst library prepared using CMD yields various CNTs, ranging from individuals, networks, spikes, and to forests of both SWCNTs and multi-walled CNTs, and thus can be used to efficiently evaluate self-organized CNT field emitters, for example. The CMD method is simple yet effective for research of CNT growth methods. © 2010 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.