969 resultados para seismic


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Qianmiqiao buried hill, which is a high-yield burial hill pool, was discovered at Dagang oilfield in 1998. To employ the integrated geological and geophysical research at Qianmiqiao area, it is very valuable and meaningful for the petroleum exploration of Bohai Bay Basin and even the whole country. Based on the previous results, this paper is carried out from the research on Huanghua depression, following the law, i.e. the deep part constrains the shallow, the regional constrains the local, takes the geophysical research in Qianmiqiao oilfield, discusses the formation history of burial hills, burial history, thermal history, the generated and expelling history of hydrocarbon, and migration characteristics, probes into the formation of burial hill pool. This paper uses the gravity and magnetic methods which are based on potential field, with natural sources, configures the inner structure of the earth according to the difference in the density and magnetism of the rock. The geophysical characteristics of Dagang oil field is that it is an area with positive Buge gravity anomal. The upheaval of Moho boundary is in mirror symmetry with the depression of the basin's basement. The positive and negative anomaly distributein axis symmetry, and the orientation is NNE. The thickness of the crust gradually reduces from west to east, from land to sea. The depth gradient strip of Curie surface is similar to Moho boundary, whereas their local buried depth is different. Local fractures imply that the orientation of base rock fractures is NNE-NE, and the base rock is intersected by the fractures of the same/ later term, whose orientation is NW, so the base rock likes rhombic mosaic. The results of tomography show that there exists significant asymmetry in vertical and horizontal direction in the velocity configuration of Huanghua depression. From Dezhou to Tianjin, there exits high-speed block, which extends from south to north. The bottom of this high-speed block is in good agreement with the depth of Moho boundary. Hence we can conclude that the high-speed block is actually the crystal basement. According to seismic data, well data and outcrop data, Huanghua depression can be divided into four structure layers, i.e. Pi,2-T, Ji,2-K, E, N-Q. Qianmiqiao burial hills undergo many tectonic movement, where reverse faults in developed in inner burial hill from Indosinian stage to Yanshanian stage, the normal faults extended in Himalayan stage. Under the influence of tectonic movements, the burial hills show three layers, i.e. the reverse rushing faults in buried hills, paleo-residual hill, and extended horst block. The evolution of burial hills can be divided into four stages: steady raising period from Calenonian to early Hercynian, rushing brake drape period from Indosinian to middle Yanshanian, block tilting period in early Tertiary, and heating depression period from late Tertiary to Quaternary. The basin modeling softwares BasinMod 1-D and Basin 2-D, which are made by PRA corporation, are used in this paper, according to the requirement, corresponding geological model is designed. And we model the burial history, thermal history, hydrocarbon generation and hydrocarbon expelling history of Qianmiqiao area. The results show that present bury depth is the deepest in the geological history, the sedimentary rate of Tertiary is highest and its rising rate of temperature rate is higher. During sedimentary history, there is no large erosion, and in the Tertiary, the deeper sediment was deposited in large space, therefore it is in favor of the conservation and transformation of oil and gas. The thermal research shows that the heat primarily comes from basement of the basin, present geotherm is the highest temperature in the geological history. Major source rock is the strata of ES3, whose organic is abundant, good-typed, maturative and of high-expulsive efficiency. The organic evolution of source rock of O has come to the overmature stage, the evolving time is long and the source rock can be easily destroyed. Therefore it is more difficult for the O formation source rock to form the huge accumulation of oil and gas than Es3 formation. In the research of oil assembling, we first calculated the characteristics of the fluid pressure of single well, then analyzed the distribution of the surplus fluid pressure of each formation and profile, and probe the first hydrocarbon migration situation and the distribution of pressure system of buried hill pool. In every formation, the pressure system of each burial hill has its own characteristics, e.g. high pressure or low pressure. In the research of secondary migration, the fluid potential is calculated while the relative low potential area is figured out. In Qianmiqiao area, the west margin faults have the low potential, and hence is the favorable reconnoiter belt.


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The seismic survey is the most effective prospecting geophysical method during exploration and development of oil/gas. The structure and the lithology of the geological body become increasingly complex now. So it must assure that the seismic section own upper resolution if we need accurately describe the targets. High signal/noise ratio is the precondition of high-resolution. For the sake of improving signal/noise ratio, we put forward four methods for eliminating random noise on the basis of detailed analysis of the technique for noise elimination using prediction filtering in f-x-y domain. The four methods are put forward for settling different problems, which are in the technique for noise elimination using prediction filtering in f-x-y domain. For weak noise and large filters, the response of the noise to the filter is little. For strong noise and short filters, the response of the noise to the filter is important. For the response of the noise, the predicting operators are inaccurate. The inaccurate operators result in incorrect results. So we put forward the method using prediction filtering by inversion in f-x-y domain. The method makes the assumption that the seismic signal comprises predictable proportion and unpredictable proportion. The transcendental information about predicting operator is introduced in the function. The method eliminates the response of the noise to filtering operator, and assures that the filtering operators are accurate. The filtering results are effectively improved by the method. When the dip of the stratum is very complex, we generally divide the data into rectangular patches in order to obtain the predicting operators using prediction filtering in f-x-y domain. These patches usually need to have significant overlap in order to get a good result. The overlap causes that the data is repeatedly used. It effectively increases the size of the data. The computational cost increases with the size of the data. The computational efficiency is depressed. The predicting operators, which are obtained by general prediction filtering in f-x-y domain, can not describe the change of the dip when the dip of the stratum is very complex. It causes that the filtering results are aliased. And each patch is an independent problem. In order to settle these problems, we put forward the method for eliminating noise using space varying prediction filtering in f-x-y domain. The predicting operators accordingly change with space varying in this method. Therefore it eliminates the false event in the result. The transcendental information about predicting operator is introduced into the function. To obtain the predicting operators of each patch is no longer independent problem, but related problem. Thus it avoids that the data is repeatedly used, and improves computational efficiency. The random noise that is eliminated by prediction filtering in f-x-y domain is Gaussian noise. The general method can't effectively eliminate non-Gaussian noise. The prediction filtering method using lp norm (especially p=l) can effectively eliminate non-Gaussian noise in f-x-y domain. The method is described in this paper. Considering the dip of stratum can be accurately obtained, we put forward the method for eliminating noise using prediction filtering under the restriction of the dip in f-x-y domain. The method can effectively increase computational efficiency and improve the result. Through calculating in the theoretic model and applying it to the field data, it is proved that the four methods in this paper can effectively solve these different problems in the general method. Their practicability is very better. And the effect is very obvious.


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With the large developments of the seismic sources theory, computing technologies and survey instruments, we can model and rebuild the rupture process of earthquakes more realistically. On which earthquake sources' properties and tectonic activities law are realized more clearly. The researches in this domain have been done in this paper as follows. Based on the generalized ray method, expressions for displacement on the surface of a half-space due to an arbitrary oriented shear and tensile dislocation are also obtained. Kinematically, fault-normal motion is equivalent to tensile faulting. There is some evidence that such motion occurs in many earthquakes. The expressions for static displacements on the surface of a layered half-space due to static point moment tensor source are given in terms of the generalized reflection and transmission coefficient matrix method. The validity and precision of the new method is illustrated by comparing the consistency of our results with the analytical solution given by Okada's code employing same point source and homogenous half-space model. The computed vertical ground displacement using the moment tensor solution of the Lanchang_Gengma earthquake displays considerable difference with that of a double couple component .The effect of a soft layer at the top of the homogenous half-space on a shallow normal-faulting earthquake is also analyzed. Our results show that more seismic information would be obtained utilizing seismic moment tensor source and layered half-space model. The rupture process of 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake investigated by using co-seismic surface displacement GPS observations and far field P-wave records. In according to the tectonic analysis and distributions of aftershock, we introduce a three-segment bending fault planes into our model. Both elastic half-space models and layered-earth models to invert the distribution of co-seismic slip along the Chi-Chi earthquake rupture. The results indicate that the shear slip model can not fit horizontal and vertical co-seismic displacements together, unless we add the fault-normal motion (tensile component) in inversions. And then, the Chi Chi earthquake rupture process was obtained by inversion using the seismograms and GPS observations. Fault normal motions determined by inversion, concentrate on the shallow northern bending fault from Fengyuan to Shuangji where the surface earthquake ruptures reveal more complexity and the developed flexural slip folding structures than the other portions of the rupture zone For understanding the perturbation of surface displacements caused by near-surface complex structures, We have taken a numeric test to synthesize and inverse the surface displacements for a pop-up structure that is composed of a main thrust and a back thrust. Our result indicates that the pop-up structure, the typical shallow complex rupture that occurred in the northern bending fault zone form Fengyuan to Shuangji, can be modeled better by a thrust fault added negative tensile component than by a simple thrust fault. We interpret the negative tensile distributions, that concentrate on the shallow northern bending fault from Fengyuan to Shuangji, as a the synthetic effect including the complexities of property and geometry of rupture. The earthquake rupture process also reveal the more spatial and temporal complexities form Fenyuan to SHuangji. According to the three-components teleseismic records, the S-wave velocity structure beneath the 59 teleseismic stations of Taiwan obtained by using the transform function method and the SA techniques. The integrated results, the 3D crustal structure of Taiwan reveal that the thickest part of crustal local in the western Central Range. This conclusion is consistent with the result form the Bouguer gravity anomaly. The orogenic evolution of Taiwan is young period, and the developing foot of Central Range dose not in static balancing. The crustal of Taiwan stays in the course of dynamic equilibrium. The rupture process of 2003)2,24,Jiashi, Xinjiang earthquake was estimated by the finite fault model using far field broadband P wave records of CDSN and IRIS. The results indicate that the earthquake focal is north dip trust fault including some left-lateral strike slip. The focal mechanism of this earthquake is different form that of earthquakes occurred in 1997 and 1998, but similar to that of 1996, Artux, Xinjiang earthquake. We interpreted that the earthquake caused trust fault due to the Tarim basin pushing northward and orogeny of Tianshan mountain. In the end, give a brief of future research subject: Building the Real Time Distribute System for rupture process of Large Earthquakes Based on Internet.


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The theory and approach of the broadband teleseismic body waveform inversion are expatiated in this paper, and the defining the crust structure's methods are developed. Based on the teleseismic P-wave data, the theoretic image of the P-wave radical component is calculated via the convolution of the teleseismic P-wave vertical component and the transform function, and thereby a P-wavefrom inversion method is built. The applied results show the approach effective, stable and its resolution high. The exact and reliable teleseismic P waveforms recorded by CDSN and IRIS and its geodynamics are utilized to obtain China and its vicinage lithospheric transfer functions, this region ithospheric structure is inverted through the inversion of reliable transfer functions, the new knowledge about the deep structure of China and its vicinage is obtained, and the reliable seismological evidence is provided to reveal the geodynamic evolution processes and set up the continental collisional theory. The major studies are as follows: Two important methods to study crustal and upper mantle structure -- body wave travel-time inversion and waveform modeling are reviewed systematically. Based on ray theory, travel-time inversion is characterized by simplicity, crustal and upper mantle velocity model can be obtained by using 1-D travel-time inversion preliminary, which introduces the reference model for studying focal location, focal mechanism, and fine structure of crustal and upper mantle. The large-scale lateral inhomogeneity of crustal and upper mantle can be obtained by three-dimensional t ravel-time seismic tomography. Based on elastic dynamics, through the fitting between theoretical seismogram and observed seismogram, waveform modeling can interpret the detail waveform and further uncover one-dimensional fine structure and lateral variation of crustal and upper mantle, especially the media characteristics of singular zones of ray. Whatever travel-time inversion and waveform modeling is supposed under certain approximate conditions, with respective advantages and disadvantages, and provide convincing structure information for elucidating physical and chemical features and geodynamic processes of crustal and upper mantle. Because the direct wave, surface wave, and refraction wave have lower resolution in investigating seismic velocity transitional zone, which is inadequate to study seismic discontinuities. On the contrary, both the converse and reflected wave, which sample the discontinuities directly, must be carefully picked up from seismogram to constrain the velocity transitional zones. Not only can the converse wave and reflected wave study the crustal structure, but also investigate the upper mantle discontinuities. There are a number of global and regional seismic discontinuities in the crustal and upper mantle, which plays a significant role in understanding physical and chemical properties and geodynamic processes of crustal and upper mantle. The broadband teleseismic P waveform inversion is studied particularly. The teleseismic P waveforms contain a lot of information related to source time function, near-source structure, propagation effect through the mantle, receiver structure, and instrument response, receiver function is isolated form teleseismic P waveform through the vector rotation of horizontal components into ray direction and the deconvolution of vertical component from the radial and tangential components of ground motion, the resulting time series is dominated by local receiver structure effect, and is hardly irrelevant to source and deep mantle effects. Receiver function is horizontal response, which eliminate multiple P wave reflection and retain direct wave and P-S converted waves, and is sensitive to the vertical variation of S wave velocity. Velocity structure beneath a seismic station has different response to radial and vertical component of an accident teleseismic P wave. To avoid the limits caused by a simplified assumption on the vertical response, the receiver function method is mended. In the frequency domain, the transfer function is showed by the ratio of radical response and vertical response of the media to P wave. In the time domain, the radial synthetic waveform can be obtained by the convolution of the transfer function with the vertical wave. In order to overcome the numerical instability, generalized reflection and transmission coefficient matrix method is applied to calculate the synthetic waveform so that all multi-reflection and phase conversion response can be included. A new inversion method, VFSA-LM method, is used in this study, which successfully combines very fast simulated annealing method (VFSA) with damped least square inversion method (LM). Synthetic waveform inversion test confirms its effectiveness and efficiency. Broadband teleseismic P waveform inversion is applied in lithospheric velocity study of China and its vicinage. According to the data of high quality CDSN and IRIS, we obtained an outline map showing the distribution of Asian continental crustal thickness. Based on these results gained, the features of distribution of the crustal thickness and outline of crustal structure under the Asian continent have been analyzed and studied. Finally, this paper advances the principal characteristics of the Asian continental crust. There exist four vast areas of relatively minor variations in the crustal thickness, namely, northern, eastern southern and central areas of Asian crust. As a byproduct, the earthquake location is discussed, Which is a basic issue in seismology. Because of the strong trade-off between the assumed initial time and focal depth and the nonlinear of the inversion problems, this issue is not settled at all. Aimed at the problem, a new earthquake location method named SAMS method is presented, In which, the objective function is the absolute value of the remnants of travel times together with the arrival times and use the Fast Simulated Annealing method is used to inverse. Applied in the Chi-Chi event relocation of Taiwan occurred on Sep 21, 2000, the results show that the SAMS method not only can reduce the effects of the trade-off between the initial time and focal depth, but can get better stability and resolving power. At the end of the paper, the inverse Q filtering method for compensating attenuation and frequency dispersion used in the seismic section of depth domain is discussed. According to the forward and inverse results of synthesized seismic records, our Q filtrating operator of the depth domain is consistent with the seismic laws in the absorbing media, which not only considers the effect of the media absorbing of the waves, but also fits the deformation laws, namely the frequency dispersion of the body wave. Two post stacked profiles about 60KM, a neritic area of China processed, the result shows that after the forward Q filtering of the depth domain, the wide of the wavelet of the middle and deep layers is compressed, the resolution and signal noise ratio are enhanced, and the primary sharp and energy distribution of the profile are retained.


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Reflectivity sequences extraction is a key part of impedance inversion in seismic exploration. Although many valid inversion methods exist, with crosswell seismic data, the frequency brand of seismic data can not be broadened to satisfy the practical need. It is an urgent problem to be solved. Pre-stack depth migration which developed in these years becomes more and more robust in the exploration. It is a powerful technology of imaging to the geological object with complex structure and its final result is reflectivity imaging. Based on the reflectivity imaging of crosswell seismic data and wave equation, this paper completed such works as follows: Completes the workflow of blind deconvolution, Cauchy criteria is used to regulate the inversion(sparse inversion). Also the precondition conjugate gradient(PCG) based on Krylov subspace is combined with to decrease the computation, improves the speed, and the transition matrix is not necessary anymore be positive and symmetric. This method is used to the high frequency recovery of crosswell seismic section and the result is satisfactory. Application of rotation transform and viterbi algorithm in the preprocess of equation prestack depth migration. In equation prestack depth migration, the grid of seismic dataset is required to be regular. Due to the influence of complex terrain and fold, the acquisition geometry sometimes becomes irregular. At the same time, to avoid the aliasing produced by the sparse sample along the on-line, interpolation should be done between tracks. In this paper, I use the rotation transform to make on-line run parallel with the coordinate, and also use the viterbi algorithm to complete the automatic picking of events, the result is satisfactory. 1. Imaging is a key part of pre-stack depth migration besides extrapolation. Imaging condition can influence the final result of reflectivity sequences imaging greatly however accurate the extrapolation operator is. The author does migration of Marmousi under different imaging conditions. And analyzes these methods according to the results. The results of computation show that imaging condition which stabilize source wave field and the least-squares estimation imaging condition in this paper are better than the conventional correlation imaging condition. The traditional pattern of "distributed computing and mass decision" is wisely adopted in the field of seismic data processing and becoming an obstacle of the promoting of the enterprise management level. Thus at the end of this paper, a systemic solution scheme, which employs the mode of "distributed computing - centralized storage - instant release", is brought forward, based on the combination of C/S and B/S release models. The architecture of the solution, the corresponding web technology and the client software are introduced. The application shows that the validity of this scheme.


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As the largest and highest plateau on the Earth, the Tibetan Plateau has been a key location for understanding the processes of mountain building and plateau formation during India-Asia continent-continent collision. As the front-end of the collision, the geological structure of eastern Tibetan Plateau is very complex. It is ideal as a natural laboratory for investigating the formation and evolution of the Tibetan Plateau. Institute of Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) carried out MT survey from XiaZayii to Qingshuihe in the east part of the plateau in 1998. After error analysis and distortion analysis, the Non-linear Conjugate Gradient inversion(NLCG), Rapid Relaxation Inversin (RRI) and 2D OCCAM Inversion algorithms were used to invert the data. The three models obtained from 3 algorithms provided similar electrical structure and the NLCG model fit the observed data better than the other two models. According to the analysis of skin depth, the exploration depth of MT in Tibet is much more shallow than in stable continent. For example, the Schmucker depth at period 100s is less than 50km in Tibet, but more than 100km in Canadian Shield. There is a high conductivity layer at the depth of several kilometers beneath middle Qiangtang terrane, and almost 30 kilometers beneath northern Qiangtang terrane. The sensitivity analysis of the data predicates that the depth and resistivity of the crustal high conductivity layer are reliable. The MT results provide a high conductivity layer at 20~40km depth, where the seismic data show a low velocity zone. The experiments show that the rock will dehydrate and partially melt in the relative temperature and pressure. Fluids originated from dehydration and partial melting will seriously change rheological characteristics of rock. Therefore, This layer with low velocity and high conductivity layer in the crust is a weak layer. There is a low velocity path at the depth of 90-110 km beneath southeastern Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas from seismology results. The analysis on the temperature and rheological property of the lithosphere show that the low velocity path is also weak. GPS measurements and the numerical simulation of the crust-mantle deformation show that the movement rate is different for different terranes. The regional strike derived from decomposition analysis for different frequency band and seismic anisotropy indicate that the crust and upper mantle move separately instead of as a whole. There are material flow in the eastern and southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Therefore, the faults, the crustal and upper mantle weak layers are three different boundaries for relatively movement. Those results support the "two layer wedge plates" geodynamic model on Tibetan formation and evolution.


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The thesis show you seven interpretation models of erosion of MAs1+2 in the west of prospect and eroded gully of middle and east, form the interpretation technique how to built up eroded gully of the Ordovician top, according of the practical demand of oil-gas exploration in the ShanGanNing basin, using seismic information, combining well logging and well drilling data, Carefully analyzing geologic deposition background and well logging data, through a great quantity forward and inversion for geologic model and combination geologic model with seismic section. Related to research of reservoir absorption in the ShanGanNing basin, it firstly introduces PRONY transformation multidimensional filter. It can simultaneously express relationship of frequency and absorption decay coefficient, better than FUSAIPU analysis method; PRONY filter have obtain the better effect in the gas field of ZhenChuanBao in the ShanBei area after adopting PRONY filtering method to predict reservoir absorption, by analyzing fixed well and prediction of non-well drilling. In the ShanGanNing basin, general seismic inversion method can produce evident different results or misunderstanding because wave impedance and lithology, physical property, gas property are not sole, especially while have little impedance contrast and even have contract direction; the author carefully analyzes multi-parameter inversion technique, add natural gamma ray and natural potential and other parameter combined making model inversion method according of theory of seismic inversion and applying reservoir velocity and wave impedance information at last, we get the more directly reservoir physical property parameter, judging reservoir physical property is more exact. In accordance with geologic, seismic feature of Shan basin, the thesis conclude Ordovician system top erosion interpretation technology with ChangQing character, and reservoir thickness prediction technique combining inversion technique with wave character analysis, Reservoir physical property that is mainly absorption factor analysis and multi-parameter inversion and oil-gas prediction technology. These technologies obtain the better result in the oil-gas field exploration and have formed comprehensive research method and technology series with ShanGanNing character.


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The bedding sequences, based on the results from others, have been constructed by geological researches. Furthermore, the reservoir, gas-bearing characteristics and reservoir-blanket association have been increasingly understudied by the geological and seismic studies as well as the log data. The deep dynamics for the formation and development of Shangdu basin resulted from complicated fault system and its continued action have been obtained. The studies on the reservoir condition reveal that the mantle-derived magmatism provided the materials for the CO_2 gas reservoir after Paleogene Period and the huge regional fault not only control the evolution of basin and sedimentary but also pay a role as a passage of the CO_2. The sandstone of river course formed in Paleogene System, with very good reservoir condition, are widely developed in the study area. The blanket with good condition is composed by the basalt in Hannuoba Formation and lake facies shale of Shangdou Formation. Local structures and good encirclement are resulted from the different sedimentary environment and later differential sagging. All statements above demonstrate that there is a very good pool-forming condition for the CO_2. In addition, the high abundance of H_2 recognized during drill exploration are also of significance.More than 30 inorganic CO_2 gas reservoirs have been determined during the exploration for the oil-bearing basins in the eastern China, which are developed along the two sides of Tanlu Fault or within it. In which the CO_2 gas reservoir in Shangdou basin is an inorganic gas reservoir far away from Tanlu Fault. Thus the determination of the CO_2 gas reservoir in Shangdou basin is significant for sciences due to the first exploration for the inorganic CO_2 gas reservoir in our country. The geophysical exploration carried on the CO_2 gas reservoir is benefited for the research of prospecting techniques of CO_2 reservoir.


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Cross well seismic technique is a new type of geophysical method, which observes the seismic wave of the geologic body by placing both the source and receiver in the wells. By applying this method, it averted the absorption to high-frequency component of seismic signal caused by low weathering layers, thus, an extremely high-resolution seismic signal can be acquired. And extremely fine image of cross well formations, structure, and reservoir can be achieved as well. An integrated research is conducted to the high-frequency S-wave and P-wave data and some other data to determine the small faults, small structure and resolving the issues concerning the thin bed and reservoir's connectivity, fluid distribution, steam injection and fracture. This method connects the high-resolution surface seismic, logging and reservoir engineering. In this paper, based on the E & P situation in the oilfield and the theory of geophysical exploration, a research is conducted on cross well seismic technology in general and its important issues in cross well seismic technology in particular. A technological series of integrated field acquisition, data processing and interpretation and its integrated application research were developed and this new method can be applied to oilfield development and optimizing oilfield development scheme. The contents and results in this paper are as listed follows: An overview was given on the status quo and development of the cross well seismic method and problems concerning the cross well seismic technology and the difference in cross well seismic technology between China and international levels; And an analysis and comparison are given on foreign-made field data acquisition systems for cross-well seismic and pointed out the pros and cons of the field systems manufactured by these two foreign companies and this is highly valuable to import foreign-made cross well seismic field acquisition system for China. After analyses were conducted to the geometry design and field data for the cross well seismic method, a common wave field time-depth curve equation was derived and three types of pipe waves were discovered for the first time. Then, a research was conducted on the mechanism for its generation. Based on the wave field separation theory for cross well seismic method, we believe that different type of wave fields in different gather domain has different attributes characteristics, multiple methods (for instance, F-K filtering and median filtering) were applied in eliminating and suppressing the cross well disturbances and successfully separated the upgoing and downgoing waves and a satisfactory result has been achieved. In the area of wave field numerical simulation for cross well seismic method, a analysis was conducted on conventional ray tracing method and its shortcomings and proposed a minimum travel time ray tracing method based on Feraiat theory in this paper. This method is not only has high-speed calculation, but also with no rays enter into "dead end" or "blinded spot" after numerous iterations and it is become more adequate for complex velocity model. This is first time that the travel time interpolation has been brought into consideration, a dynamic ray tracing method with shortest possible path has been developed for the first arrivals of any complex mediums, such as transmission, diffraction and refraction, etc and eliminated the limitation for only traveling from one node to another node and increases the calculation accuracy for minimum travel time and ray tracing path and derives solution and corresponding edge conditions to the fourth-order differential sonic wave equation. The final step is to calculate cross well seismic synthetics for given source and receivers from multiple geological bodies. Thus, real cross-well seismic wave field can be recognized through scientific means and provides important foundation to guide the cross well seismic field geometry designing. A velocity tomographic inversion of the least square conjugated gradient method was developed for cross well seismic velocity tomopgraphic inversion and a modification has been made to object function of the old high frequency ray tracing method and put forward a thin bed oriented model for finite frequency velocity tomographic inversion method. As the theory model and results demonstrates that the method is simple and effective and is very important in seismic ray tomographic imaging for the complex geological body. Based on the characteristics of the cross well seismic algorithm, a processing flow for cross well seismic data processing has been built and optimized and applied to the production, a good section of velocity tomopgrphic inversion and cross well reflection imaging has been acquired. The cross well seismic data is acquired from the depth domain and how to interprets the depth domain data and retrieve the attributes is a brand new subject. After research was conducted on synthetics and trace integration from depth domain for the cross well seismic data interpretation, first of all, a research was conducted on logging constraint wave impedance of cross well seismic data and initially set up cross well seismic data interpretation flows. After it applied and interpreted to the cross well seismic data and a good geological results has been achieved in velocity tomographic inversion and reflection depth imaging and a lot of difficult problems for oilfield development has been resolved. This powerful, new method is good for oilfield development scheme optimization and increasing EOR. Based on conventional reservoir geological model building from logging data, a new method is also discussed on constraining the accuracy of reservoir geological model by applying the high resolution cross well seismic data and it has applied to Fan 124 project and a good results has been achieved which it presents a bight future for the cross well seismic technology.


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The dissertation addressed the problems of signals reconstruction and data restoration in seismic data processing, which takes the representation methods of signal as the main clue, and take the seismic information reconstruction (signals separation and trace interpolation) as the core. On the natural bases signal representation, I present the ICA fundamentals, algorithms and its original applications to nature earth quake signals separation and survey seismic signals separation. On determinative bases signal representation, the paper proposed seismic dada reconstruction least square inversion regularization methods, sparseness constraints, pre-conditioned conjugate gradient methods, and their applications to seismic de-convolution, Radon transformation, et. al. The core contents are about de-alias uneven seismic data reconstruction algorithm and its application to seismic interpolation. Although the dissertation discussed two cases of signal representation, they can be integrated into one frame, because they both deal with the signals or information restoration, the former reconstructing original signals from mixed signals, the later reconstructing whole data from sparse or irregular data. The goal of them is same to provide pre-processing methods and post-processing method for seismic pre-stack depth migration. ICA can separate the original signals from mixed signals by them, or abstract the basic structure from analyzed data. I surveyed the fundamental, algorithms and applications of ICA. Compared with KL transformation, I proposed the independent components transformation concept (ICT). On basis of the ne-entropy measurement of independence, I implemented the FastICA and improved it by covariance matrix. By analyzing the characteristics of the seismic signals, I introduced ICA into seismic signal processing firstly in Geophysical community, and implemented the noise separation from seismic signal. Synthetic and real data examples show the usability of ICA to seismic signal processing and initial effects are achieved. The application of ICA to separation quake conversion wave from multiple in sedimentary area is made, which demonstrates good effects, so more reasonable interpretation of underground un-continuity is got. The results show the perspective of application of ICA to Geophysical signal processing. By virtue of the relationship between ICA and Blind Deconvolution , I surveyed the seismic blind deconvolution, and discussed the perspective of applying ICA to seismic blind deconvolution with two possible solutions. The relationship of PC A, ICA and wavelet transform is claimed. It is proved that reconstruction of wavelet prototype functions is Lie group representation. By the way, over-sampled wavelet transform is proposed to enhance the seismic data resolution, which is validated by numerical examples. The key of pre-stack depth migration is the regularization of pre-stack seismic data. As a main procedure, seismic interpolation and missing data reconstruction are necessary. Firstly, I review the seismic imaging methods in order to argue the critical effect of regularization. By review of the seismic interpolation algorithms, I acclaim that de-alias uneven data reconstruction is still a challenge. The fundamental of seismic reconstruction is discussed firstly. Then sparseness constraint on least square inversion and preconditioned conjugate gradient solver are studied and implemented. Choosing constraint item with Cauchy distribution, I programmed PCG algorithm and implement sparse seismic deconvolution, high resolution Radon Transformation by PCG, which is prepared for seismic data reconstruction. About seismic interpolation, dealias even data interpolation and uneven data reconstruction are very good respectively, however they can not be combined each other. In this paper, a novel Fourier transform based method and a algorithm have been proposed, which could reconstruct both uneven and alias seismic data. I formulated band-limited data reconstruction as minimum norm least squares inversion problem where an adaptive DFT-weighted norm regularization term is used. The inverse problem is solved by pre-conditional conjugate gradient method, which makes the solutions stable and convergent quickly. Based on the assumption that seismic data are consisted of finite linear events, from sampling theorem, alias events can be attenuated via LS weight predicted linearly from low frequency. Three application issues are discussed on even gap trace interpolation, uneven gap filling, high frequency trace reconstruction from low frequency data trace constrained by few high frequency traces. Both synthetic and real data numerical examples show the proposed method is valid, efficient and applicable. The research is valuable to seismic data regularization and cross well seismic. To meet 3D shot profile depth migration request for data, schemes must be taken to make the data even and fitting the velocity dataset. The methods of this paper are used to interpolate and extrapolate the shot gathers instead of simply embedding zero traces. So, the aperture of migration is enlarged and the migration effect is improved. The results show the effectiveness and the practicability.


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The topic of this study is about the propagation features of elastic waves in the anisotropic and nonlinear media by numerical methods with high accuracy and stability. The main achievements of this paper are as followings: Firstly, basing on the third order elastic energy formula, principle of energy conservation and circumvolved matrix method, we firstly reported the equations of non-linear elastic waves with two dimensions and three components in VTI media. Secondly, several conclusions about some numerical methods have been obtained in this paper. Namely, the minimum suitable sample stepth in space is about 1/8-1/12 of the main wavelength in order to distinctly reduce the numerical dispersion resulted from the numerical mehtod, at the same time, the higher order conventional finite difference (CFD) schemes will give little contribution to avoid the numerical solutions error accumulating with time. To get the similar accuracy with the fourth order center finite difference method, the half truncation length of SFFT should be no less than 7. The FDFCT method can present with the numerical solutions without obvious dispersion when the paprameters of FCT is suitable (we think they should be in the scope from 0.0001 to 0.07). Fortunately, the NADM method not only can reported us with the higher order accuracy solutions (higher than that of the fourth order finite difference method and lower than that of the sixth order finite difference method), but also can distinctly reduce the numerical dispersion. Thirdly, basing on the numerial and theoretical analysis, we reported such nonlinear response accumulating with time as waveform aberration, harmonic generation and resonant peak shift shown by the propagation of one- and two-dimensional non-linear elasticwaves in this paper. And then, we drew the conclusion that these nonlinear responses are controlled by the product between nonlinear strength (SN) and the amplitude of the source. At last, the modified FDFCT numerical method presented by this paper is used to model the two-dimensional non-linear elastic waves propagating in VTI media. Subsequently, the wavelet analysis and polarization are adopted to investigate and understand the numerical results. And then, we found the following principles (attention: the nonlinear strength presented by this paper is weak, the thickness of the -nonlinear media is thin (200m), the initial energy of the source is weak and the anisotropy of the media is weak too): The non-linear response shown by the elastic waves in VTI media is anisotropic too; The instantaneous main frequency sections of seismic records resulted from the media with a non-linear layer have about 1/4 to 1/2 changes of the initial main frequency of source with that resulted from the media without non-linear layer; The responses shown by the elasic waves about the anisotropy and nonlinearity have obvious mutual reformation, namely, the non-linear response will be stronger in some directions because of the anisotropy and the anisotropic strength shown by the elastic waves will be stronger when the media is nonlinear.


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The seismic survey is the most effective prospecting geophysical method during exploration and development of oil/gas. The structure and the lithology of the geological body become increasingly complex now. So it must assure that the seismic section own upper resolution if we need accurately describe the targets. High signal/noise ratio is the precondition of high-resolution. As one important seismic data processing method, Stacking is an effective means to suppress the records noise. Broadening area of surface stacked is more important to enhance genuine reflection signals and suppressing unwanted energy in the form of coherent and random ambient noise. Common reflection surface stack is a macro-model independent seismic imaging method. Based on the similarity of CRP trace gathers in one coherent zone, CRS stack effectively improves S/N ratio by using more CMP trace gathers to stack. It is regarded as one important method of seismic data processing. Performing CRS stack depends on three attributes. However, the equation of CRS is invalid under condition of great offset. In this thesis, one method based on velocity model in depth domain is put forward. Ray tracing is used to determine the traveltime of CRP in one common reflection surface by the least squares method to regress the equation of CRS. Then we stack in the coherent seismic data set according to the traveltime, and get the zero offset section. In the end of flowchart of implementing CRS stack, one method using the dip angle to enhance the ratio of S/N is used. Application of the method on synthetic examples and field seismic records, the results of this method show an excellent performance of the algorithm both in accuracy and efficiency.


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In order to discover the distribution law of the remaining oil, the paper focuses on the quantitative characterization of the reservoir heterogeneity and the distribution law of the fluid barrier and interbed, based on fine geological study of the reservoir in Liuhuall-1 oil field. The refined quantitative reservoir geological model has been established by means of the study of core analysis, logging evaluation on vertical well and parallel well, and seismic interpretation and prediction. Utilizing a comprehensive technology combining dynamic data with static data, the distribution characteristics, formation condition and controlling factors of remaining oil in Liuhuall-1 oil field have been illustrated. The study plays an important role in the enrichment regions of the remaining oil and gives scientific direction for the next development of the remaining oil. Several achievements have been obtained as follows: l.On the basis of the study of reservoir division and correlation,eight lithohorizons (layer A, B_1, B_2, B_3, C, D, E, and F) from the top to the bottom of the reservoir are discriminated. The reef facies is subdivided into reef-core facies, fore-reef facies and backreef facies. These three subfacies are further subdivided into five microfacies: coral algal limestone, coralgal micrite, coral algal clastic limestone, bioclastic limestone and foraminiferal limestone. In order to illustrate the distribution law of remaining oil in high watercut period, the stratigraphic structure model and sedimentary model are reconstructed. 2.1n order to research intra-layer, inter-layer and plane reservoir heterogeneity, a new method to characterize reservoir heterogeneity by using IRH (Index of Reservoir Heterogeneity) is introduced. The result indicates that reservoir heterogeneity is medium in layer B_1 and B_3, hard in layer A, B_2, C, E, poor in layer D. 3.Based on the study of the distribution law of fluid barrier and interbed, the effect of fluid battier and interbed on fluid seepage is revealed. Fluid barrier and interbed is abundant in layer A, which control the distribution of crude oil in reservoir. Fluid barrier and interbed is abundant relatively in layer B_2,C and E, which control the spill movement of the bottom water. Layer B_1, B_3 and D tend to be waterflooded due to fluid barrier and interbed is poor. 4.Based on the analysis of reservoir heterogeneity, fluid barrier and interbed and the distribution of bottom water, four contributing regions are discovered. The main lies on the north of well LH11-1A. Two minors lie on the east of well LH11-1-3 and between well LH11-1-3 and well LH11-1-5. The last one lies in layer E in which the interbed is discontinuous. 5.The parameters of reservoir and fluid are obtained recurring to core analysis, logging evaluation on vertical well and parallel well, and seismic interpretation and prediction. Theses parameters provide data for the quantitative characterization of the reservoir heterogeneity and the distribution law of the fluid barrier and interbed. 6.1n the paper, an integrated method about the distribution prediction of remaining oil is put forward on basis of refined reservoir geological model and reservoir numerical simulation. The precision in history match and prediction of remaining oil is improved greatly. The integrated study embodies latest trend in this research field. 7.It is shown that the enrichment of the remaining oil with high watercut in Liuhua 11-1 oil field is influenced by reservoir heterogeneity, fluid barrier and interbed, sealing property of fault, driving manner of bottom water and exploitation manner of parallel well. 8.Using microfacies, IRH, reservoir structure, effective thickness, physical property of reservoir, distribution of fluid barrier and interbed, the analysis of oil and water movement and production data, twelve new sidetracked holes are proposed and demonstrated. The result is favorable to instruct oil field development and have gotten a good effect.


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To pick velocity automatically is not only helpful to improve the efficiency of seismic data process, but also to provide quickly the initial velocity for prestack depth migration. In this thesis, we use the Viterbi algorithm to do automatic picking, but the velocity picked usually is immoderate. By thorough study and analysis, we think that the Viterbi algorithm has the function to do quickly and effectually automatic picking, but the data provided for picking maybe not continuous on derivative of its curved surface, viz., the curved face on velocity spectrum is not slick. Therefore, the velocity picked may include irrational velocity information. To solve the problem above, we develop a new method to filter signal by performing nonlinear transformation of coordinate and filter of function. Here, we call it as Gravity Center Preserved Pulse Compressed Filter (GCPPCF). The main idea to perform the GCPPCF as follows: separating a curve, such as a pulse, to several subsection, calculating the gravity center (coordinate displacement), and then assign the value (density) on the subsection to gravity center. When gravity center departure away from center of its subsection, the value assigned to gravity center is smaller than the actual one, but non other than gravity center anastomoses fully with its subsection center, the assigned value equal to the actual one. By doing so, the curve shape under new coordinate breadthwise narrows down compare to its original one. It is a process of nonlinear transformation of coordinate, due to gravity center changing with the shape of subsection. Furthermore, the gravity function is filter one, because it is a cause of filtering that the value assigned from subsection center to gravity center is obtained by calculating its weight mean of subsetion function. In addition, the filter has the properties of the adaptive time delay changed filter, owing to the weight coefficient used for weight mean also changes with the shape of subsection. In this thesis, the Viterbi algorithm inducted, being applied to auto pick the stack velocity, makes the rule to integral the max velocity spectrum ("energy group") forward and to get the optimal solution in recursion backward. It is a convenient tool to pick automatically velocity. The GCPPCF above not only can be used to preserve the position of peak value and compress the velocity spectrum, but also can be used as adaptive time delay changed filter to smooth object curved line or curved face. We apply it to smooth variable of sequence observed to get a favourable source data ta provide for achieving the final exact resolution. If there is no the adaptive time delay-changed filter to perform optimization, we can't get a finer source data and also can't valid velocity information, moreover, if there is no the Viterbi algorithm to do shortcut searching, we can't pick velocity automatically. Accordingly, combination of both of algorithm is to make an effective method to do automatic picking. We apply the method of automatic picking velocity to do velocity analysis of the wavefield extrapolated. The results calculated show that the imaging effect of deep layer with the wavefield extrapolated was improved dominantly. The GCPPCF above has achieved a good effect in application. It not only can be used to optimize and smooth velocity spectrum, but also can be used to perform a correlated process for other type of signal. The method of automatic picking velocity developed in this thesis has obtained favorable result by applying it to calculate single model, complicated model (Marmousi model) and also the practical data. The results show that it not only has feasibility, but also practicability.


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Stochastic reservoir modeling is a technique used in reservoir describing. Through this technique, multiple data sources with different scales can be integrated into the reservoir model and its uncertainty can be conveyed to researchers and supervisors. Stochastic reservoir modeling, for its digital models, its changeable scales, its honoring known information and data and its conveying uncertainty in models, provides a mathematical framework or platform for researchers to integrate multiple data sources and information with different scales into their prediction models. As a fresher method, stochastic reservoir modeling is on the upswing. Based on related works, this paper, starting with Markov property in reservoir, illustrates how to constitute spatial models for catalogued variables and continuum variables by use of Markov random fields. In order to explore reservoir properties, researchers should study the properties of rocks embedded in reservoirs. Apart from methods used in laboratories, geophysical means and subsequent interpretations may be the main sources for information and data used in petroleum exploration and exploitation. How to build a model for flow simulations based on incomplete information is to predict the spatial distributions of different reservoir variables. Considering data source, digital extent and methods, reservoir modeling can be catalogued into four sorts: reservoir sedimentology based method, reservoir seismic prediction, kriging and stochastic reservoir modeling. The application of Markov chain models in the analogue of sedimentary strata is introduced in the third of the paper. The concept of Markov chain model, N-step transition probability matrix, stationary distribution, the estimation of transition probability matrix, the testing of Markov property, 2 means for organizing sections-method based on equal intervals and based on rock facies, embedded Markov matrix, semi-Markov chain model, hidden Markov chain model, etc, are presented in this part. Based on 1-D Markov chain model, conditional 1-D Markov chain model is discussed in the fourth part. By extending 1-D Markov chain model to 2-D, 3-D situations, conditional 2-D, 3-D Markov chain models are presented. This part also discusses the estimation of vertical transition probability, lateral transition probability and the initialization of the top boundary. Corresponding digital models are used to specify, or testify related discussions. The fifth part, based on the fourth part and the application of MRF in image analysis, discusses MRF based method to simulate the spatial distribution of catalogued reservoir variables. In the part, the probability of a special catalogued variable mass, the definition of energy function for catalogued variable mass as a Markov random field, Strauss model, estimation of components in energy function are presented. Corresponding digital models are used to specify, or testify, related discussions. As for the simulation of the spatial distribution of continuum reservoir variables, the sixth part mainly explores 2 methods. The first is pure GMRF based method. Related contents include GMRF model and its neighborhood, parameters estimation, and MCMC iteration method. A digital example illustrates the corresponding method. The second is two-stage models method. Based on the results of catalogued variables distribution simulation, this method, taking GMRF as the prior distribution for continuum variables, taking the relationship between catalogued variables such as rock facies, continuum variables such as porosity, permeability, fluid saturation, can bring a series of stochastic images for the spatial distribution of continuum variables. Integrating multiple data sources into the reservoir model is one of the merits of stochastic reservoir modeling. After discussing how to model spatial distributions of catalogued reservoir variables, continuum reservoir variables, the paper explores how to combine conceptual depositional models, well logs, cores, seismic attributes production history.