987 resultados para segmental torso masses


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Despite its wide implications for many ecological issues, the global pattern of spatial turnover in the occurrence of species has been little studied, unlike the global pattern of species richness. Here, using a database on the breeding distributions of birds, we present the first global maps of variation in spatial turnover for an entire taxonomic class, a pattern that has to date remained largely a matter of conjecture, based on theoretical expectations and extrapolation of inconsistent patterns from different biogeographic realms. We use these maps to test four predictions from niche theory as to the form that this variation should take, namely that turnover should increase with species richness, towards lower latitudes, and with the steepness of environmental gradients and that variation in turnover is determined principally by rare (restricted) species. Contrary to prediction, we show that turnover is high both in areas of extremely low and high species richness, does not increase strongly towards the tropics, and is related both to average environmental conditions and spatial variation in those conditions. These results are closely associated with a further important and novel finding, namely that global patterns of spatial turnover are driven principally by widespread species rather than the restricted ones. This complements recent demonstrations that spatial patterns of species richness are also driven principally by widespread species, and thus provides an important contribution towards a unified model of how terrestrial biodiversity varies both within and between the Earth's major land masses.


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The masses and the evolutionary states of the progenitors of core-collapse supernovae are not well constrained by direct observations. Stellar evolution theory generally predicts that massive stars with initial masses less than about 30M_sol should undergo core-collapse when they are cool M-type supergiants. However the only two detections of a SN progenitor before explosion are SN1987A and SN1993J, and neither of these was an M-type supergiant. Attempting to identify the progenitors of supernovae is a difficult task, as precisely predicting the time of explosion of a massive star is impossible for obvious reasons. There are several different types of supernovae which have different spectral and photometric evolution, and how exactly these are related to the evolutionary states of the progenitor stars is not currently known. I will describe a novel project which may allow the direct identification of core-collapse supernovae progenitors on pre-explosion images of resolved, nearby galaxies. This project is now possible with the excellent image archives maintained by several facilities and will be enhanced by the new initiatives to create Virtual Observatories, the earliest of which ASTROVIRTEL is already producing results.


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Objectives: The purpose of this investigation was to determine for dispensed multiples (1 through 4) of powder (P) and liquid (L) in hand-mixed dental cement whether: (1) the mean (P/L) ratio (m/m) and (2) the maximum difference in (P/L) ratio is dependent on the number of multiples dispensed. The Null hypotheses were: (a) mean (P/L) ratio is independent of the number of multiples dispensed and (b) maximum difference in (P/L) ratio is independent of the number of multiples dispensed.
Methods: The materials investigated are listed in the Table. The masses of dispensed aliquots of powder and liquid were measured by a single operator (n=10, for multiples 1 through 4) on a 4-place analytical balance. All measurements were made independently and all possible (P/L) ratios calculated for each sample. The effect of multiple dispensations on (P/L) ratios and maximum (P/L) differences was by one-way ANOVA and linear regression, respectively, with the Tukey post-hoc correction for multiple comparisons.MULTIPLE DISPENSEDDISPENSED MU(x1)(x2)(x3)(x4)Zinc phosphateHeraeus12.271(0.691)a13.051(1.269)b13.215(0.824)b13.118(1.149)bFuji IXGC4.209(0.373)a4.085(0.275)b4.095(0.226)b4.095(0.217)bIRMDentsply7.933(0.767)a7.430(0.451)b7.977(0.729)a8.186(0.929)aKetac-Cem3M Espe9.6206(0.613)a9.714(0.523)a9.298(0.314)b9.321(0.292)bMean (SD) powder/liquid ratio (m/m). Superscript letters represent significances (α = 0.05) within each material
Results: Mean (SD) (P/L) ratios are presented in the Table. Null hypothesis (a) is rejected: either (x1) or (x2) dispensation yields a different (P/L) ratio to (x3) or (x4) (p < 0.05). Null hypothesis (b) is rejected: a negative correlation is observed in max (P/L) ratio difference with dispensed multiple for Ketac Cem (p = 0.029).
Conclusion: For hand-mixed dental cements: (1) more consistent (P/L) ratios may be observed with multiple dispensations of powder & liquid; (2) maximum differences in (P/L) ratio may be negatively correlated with dispensation multiple in some materials.


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Stellar evolution models predict the existence of hybrid white dwarfs (WDs) with a carbon-oxygen core surrounded by an oxygen-neon mantle. Being born with masses similar to 1.1 M-aS (TM), hybrid WDs in a binary system may easily approach the Chandrasekhar mass (M-Ch) by accretion and give rise to a thermonuclear explosion. Here, we investigate an off-centre deflagration in a near-M-Ch hybrid WD under the assumption that nuclear burning only occurs in carbon-rich material. Performing hydrodynamics simulations of the explosion and detailed nucleosynthesis post-processing calculations, we find that only 0.014 M-aS (TM) of material is ejected while the remainder of the mass stays bound. The ejecta consist predominantly of iron-group elements, O, C, Si and S. We also calculate synthetic observables for our model and find reasonable agreement with the faint Type Iax SN 2008ha. This shows for the first time that deflagrations in near-M-Ch WDs can in principle explain the observed diversity of Type Iax supernovae. Leaving behind a near-M-Ch bound remnant opens the possibility for recurrent explosions or a subsequent accretion-induced collapse in faint Type Iax SNe, if further accretion episodes occur. From binary population synthesis calculations, we find the rate of hybrid WDs approaching M-Ch to be of the order of 1 per cent of the Galactic SN Ia rate.


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We investigate line formation processes in Type IIb supernovae (SNe) from 100 to 500 days post-explosion using spectral synthesis calculations. The modelling identifies the nuclear burning layers and physical mechanisms that produce the major emission lines, and the diagnostic potential of these. We compare the model calculations with data on the three best observed Type IIb SNe to-date - SN 1993J, SN 2008ax, and SN 2011dh. Oxygen nucleosynthesis depends sensitively on the main-sequence mass of the star and modelling of the [O I] lambda lambda 6300, 6364 lines constrains the progenitors of these three SNe to the M-ZAMS = 12-16 M-circle dot range (ejected oxygen masses 0.3-0.9 M-circle dot), with SN 2011dh towards the lower end and SN 1993J towards the upper end of the range. The high ejecta masses from M-ZAMS greater than or similar to 17 M-circle dot progenitors give rise to brighter nebular phase emission lines than observed. Nucleosynthesis analysis thus supports a scenario of low-to-moderate mass progenitors for Type IIb SNe, and by implication an origin in binary systems. We demonstrate how oxygen and magnesium recombination lines may be combined to diagnose the magnesium mass in the SN ejecta. For SN 2011dh, a magnesium mass of 0.02-0.14 M-circle dot is derived, which gives a Mg/O production ratio consistent with the solar value. Nitrogen left in the He envelope from CNO burning gives strong [N II] lambda lambda 6548, 6583 emission lines that dominate over Ha emission in our models. The hydrogen envelopes of Type IIb SNe are too small and dilute to produce any noticeable H alpha emission or absorption after similar to 150 days, and nebular phase emission seen around 6550 angstrom is in many cases likely caused by [N II] lambda lambda 6548, 6583. Finally, the influence of radiative transport on the emergent line profiles is investigated. Significant line blocking in the metal core remains for several hundred days, which affects the emergent spectrum. These radiative transfer effects lead to early-time blueshifts of the emission line peaks, which gradually disappear as the optical depths decrease with time. The modelled evolution of this effect matches the observed evolution in SN 2011dh.


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The distribution of actin filaments in the spermatogenic cells of Fasciola hepatica was determined using a fluorescent derivative of phalloidin. Actin was localised primarily in the region of separation of a secondary spermatogonium from a primary spermatogonium, in the inner faces at the centre of four-cell clusters of tertiary spermatogonia and in the cytophore region of spermatocyte and spermatid rosettes. The effect of the microfilament inhibitor cytochalasin B (100 micrograms/ml) on the ultrastructure of the spermatogenic cells was determined in vitro by transmission electron microscopy using tissue-slice material. Cytochalasin B treatment led to the formation of bi- and multinucleate cells, whose frequency increased with progressively longer incubation periods. Few typical rosettes of spermatocyte and spermatid cells were evident from 6 h onwards, being replaced by syncytial masses of cells. Spermatozoon formation became abnormal in the longer treatment periods, the spermatozoa containing variable numbers of axonemes and an altered distribution of cortical microtubules. Multiple axonemes were observed in the cytoplasm of spermatid cells. The results are discussed in relation to the established role of actin in the cytokinesis phase of cell division and to the effects of cytochalasin B on other tissues and organ systems within the fluke.


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We present data for LSQ14bdq, a hydrogen-poor super-luminous supernova (SLSN) discovered by the La Silla QUEST survey and classified by the Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects. The spectrum and light curve are very similar to slow-declining SLSNe such as PTF12dam. However, detections within ∼1 day after explosion show a bright and relatively fast initial peak, lasting for ∼15 days, prior to the usual slow rise to maximum light. The broader, main peak can be fit with either central engine or circumstellar interaction models. We discuss the implications of the precursor peak in the context of these models. It is too bright and narrow to be explained as a normal <sup>56</sup>Ni-powered SN, and we suggest that interaction models may struggle to fit the two peaks simultaneously. We propose that the initial peak may arise from the post-shock cooling of extended stellar material, and reheating by a central engine drives the second peak. In this picture, we show that an explosion energy of ∼2 × 10<sup>52</sup> erg and a progenitor radius of a few hundred solar radii would be required to power the early emission. The competing engine models involve rapidly spinning magnetars (neutron stars) or fallback onto a central black hole. The prompt energy required may favor the black hole scenario. The bright initial peak may be difficult to reconcile with a compact Wolf-Rayet star as a progenitor since the inferred energies and ejected masses become unphysical.


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We probe the systematic uncertainties from the 113 Type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) in the Pan-STARRS1 (PS1) sample along with 197 SN Ia from a combination of low-redshift surveys. The companion paper by Rest et al. describes the photometric measurements and cosmological inferences from the PS1 sample. The largest systematic uncertainty stems from the photometric calibration of the PS1 and low-z samples. We increase the sample of observed Calspec standards from 7 to 10 used to define the PS1 calibration system. The PS1 and SDSS-II calibration systems are compared and discrepancies up to ∼0.02 mag are recovered. We find uncertainties in the proper way to treat intrinsic colors and reddening produce differences in the recovered value of w up to 3%. We estimate masses of host galaxies of PS1 supernovae and detect an insignificant difference in distance residuals of the full sample of 0.037 ± 0.031 mag for host galaxies with high and low masses. Assuming flatness and including systematic uncertainties in our analysis of only SNe measurements, we find w = -1.120+0.360-0.206(Stat)+0.269-0.291(Sys). With additional constraints from Baryon acoustic oscillation, cosmic microwave background (CMB) (Planck) and H0 measurements, we find w = -1.166+0.072-0.069 and Ωm = 0.280+0.013-0.012 (statistical and systematic errors added in quadrature). The significance of the inconsistency with w = -1 depends on whether we use Planck or Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe measurements of the CMB: wBAO+H0+SN+WMAP = -1.124+0.083-0.065.


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We present new data for five underluminous Type II-plateau supernovae (SNe IIP), namely SN 1999gn, SN 2002gd, SN 2003Z, SN 2004eg and SN 2006ov. This new sample of lowluminosity SNe IIP (LL SNe IIP) is analysed together with similar objects studied in the past. All of them show a flat light-curve plateau lasting about 100 d, an underluminous late-time exponential tail, intrinsic colours that are unusually red, and spectra showing prominent and narrow P Cygni lines. A velocity of the ejected material below 103 km s-1 is inferred from measurements at the end of the plateau. The 56Ni masses ejected in the explosion are very small (≤10-2 M⊙). We investigate the correlations among 56Ni mass, expansion velocity of the ejecta and absolute magnitude in the middle of the plateau, confirming the main findings of Hamuy, according to which events showing brighter plateau and larger expansion velocities are expected to produce more 56Ni. We propose that these faint objects represent the LL tail of a continuous distribution in parameters space of SNe IIP. The physical properties of the progenitors at the explosion are estimated through the hydrodynamical modelling of the observables for two representative events of this class, namely SN 2005cs and SN 2008in. We find that the majority of LL SNe IIP, and quite possibly all, originate in the core collapse of intermediate-mass stars, in the mass range 10-15 M⊙. 


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We present optical spectroscopy and optical/near-IR photometry of 31 host galaxies of hydrogen-poor superluminous supernovae (SLSNe), including 15 events from the Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey. Our sample spans the redshift range 0.1 ≲ z ≲ 1.6, and is the first comprehensive host galaxy study of this specific subclass of cosmic explosions. Combining the multi-band photometry and emission-line measurements, we determine the luminosities, stellar masses, star formation rates, and metallicities. We find that, as a whole, the hosts of SLSNe are a low-luminosity (〈MB 〉 ≈ -17.3 mag), low stellar mass (〈M〉 ≈ 2 × 108 M) population, with a high median specific star formation rate (〈sSFR〉 ≈ 2 Gyr-1). The median metallicity of our spectroscopic sample is low, 12 + log (O/H) ≈ 8.35 ≈ 0.45 Z, although at least one host galaxy has solar metallicity. The host galaxies of H-poor SLSNe are statistically distinct from the hosts of GOODS core-collapse SNe (which cover a similar redshift range), but resemble the host galaxies of long-duration gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs) in terms of stellar mass, SFR, sSFR, and metallicity. This result indicates that the environmental causes leading to massive stars forming either SLSNe or LGRBs are similar, and in particular that SLSNe are more effectively formed in low metallicity environments. We speculate that the key ingredient is large core angular momentum, leading to a rapidly spinning magnetar in SLSNe and an accreting black hole in LGRBs.


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The progenitors of many Type II core-collapse supernovae (SNe) have now been identified directly on pre-discovery imaging. Here, we present an extensive search for the progenitors of Type Ibc SNe in all available pre-discovery imaging since 1998. There are 12 Type Ibc SNe with no detections of progenitors in either deep ground-based or Hubble Space Telescope archival imaging. The deepest absolute BVR magnitude limits are between -4 and - 5 mag. We compare these limits with the observed Wolf-Rayet population in the Large Magellanic Cloud and estimate a 16 per cent probability that we have failed to detect such a progenitor by chance. Alternatively, the progenitors evolve significantly before core-collapse or we have underestimated the extinction towards the progenitors. Reviewing the relative rates and ejecta mass estimates from light-curve modelling of Ibc SNe, we find both incompatible with Wolf-Rayet stars with initial masses >25 M⊙ being the only progenitors. We present binary evolution models that fit these observational constraints. Stars in binaries with initial masses ≲ 20 M⊙ lose their hydrogen envelopes in binary interactions to become low-mass helium stars. They retain a low-mass hydrogen envelope until ≈104 yr before core-collapse; hence, it is not surprising that Galactic analogues have been difficult to identify.


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The flare of radiation from the tidal disruption and accretion of a star can be used as a marker for supermassive black holes that otherwise lie dormant and undetected in the centres of distant galaxies. Previous candidate flares have had declining light curves in good agreement with expectations, but with poor constraints on the time of disruption and the type of star disrupted, because the rising emission was not observed. Recently, two `relativistic' candidate tidal disruption events were discovered, each of whose extreme X-ray luminosity and synchrotron radio emission were interpreted as the onset of emission from a relativistic jet. Here we report a luminous ultraviolet-optical flare from the nuclear region of an inactive galaxy at a redshift of 0.1696. The observed continuum is cooler than expected for a simple accreting debris disk, but the well-sampled rise and decay of the light curve follow the predicted mass accretion rate and can be modelled to determine the time of disruption to an accuracy of two days. The black hole has a mass of about two million solar masses, modulo a factor dependent on the mass and radius of the star disrupted. On the basis of the spectroscopic signature of ionized helium from the unbound debris, we determine that the disrupted star was a helium-rich stellar core.


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We assemble a sample of 24 hydrogen-poor superluminous supernovae(SLSNe). Parameterizing the light-curve shape through rise and declinetime-scales shows that the two are highly correlated. Magnetar-poweredmodels can reproduce the correlation, with the diversity in rise anddecline rates driven by the diffusion time-scale. Circumstellarinteraction models can exhibit a similar rise-decline relation, but onlyfor a narrow range of densities, which may be problematic for thesemodels. We find that SLSNe are approximately 3.5 mag brighter and havelight curves three times broader than SNe Ibc, but that the intrinsicshapes are similar. There are a number of SLSNe with particularly broadlight curves, possibly indicating two progenitor channels, butstatistical tests do not cleanly separate two populations. The generalspectral evolution is also presented. Velocities measured from Fe II aresimilar for SLSNe and SNe Ibc, suggesting that diffusion timedifferences are dominated by mass or opacity. Flat velocity evolution inmost SLSNe suggests a dense shell of ejecta. If opacities in SLSNe aresimilar to other SNe Ibc, the average ejected mass is higher by a factor2-3. Assuming κ = 0.1 cm2 g-1, we estimate amean (median) SLSN ejecta mass of 10 M⊙ (6M⊙), with a range of 3-30 M⊙. Doubling theassumed opacity brings the masses closer to normal SNe Ibc, but with ahigh-mass tail. The most probable mechanism for generating SLSNe seemsto be the core collapse of a very massive hydrogen-poor star, forming amillisecond magnetar.


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We report the discovery and characterization of a deeply eclipsing AM CVn-system, Gaia14aae (=ASSASN-14cn). Gaia14aae was identified independently by the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN; Shappee et al.) and by the Gaia Science Alerts project, during two separate outbursts. A third outburst is seen in archival Pan-STARRS-1 (PS1; Schlafly et al.; Tonry et al.; Magnier et al.) and ASAS-SN data. Spectroscopy reveals a hot, hydrogen-deficient spectrum with clear double-peaked emission lines, consistent with an accreting double-degenerate classification. We use follow-up photometry to constrain the orbital parameters of the system. We find an orbital period of 49.71 min, which places Gaia14aae at the long period extremum of the outbursting AM CVn period distribution. Gaia14aae is dominated by the light from its accreting white dwarf (WD). Assuming an orbital inclination of 90° for the binary system, the contact phases of the WD lead to lower limits of 0.78 and 0.015 M⊙ on the masses of the accretor and donor, respectively, and a lower limit on the mass ratio of 0.019. Gaia14aae is only the third eclipsing AM CVn star known, and the first in which the WD is totally eclipsed. Using a helium WD model, we estimate the accretor's effective temperature to be 12 900 ± 200 K. The three outburst events occurred within four months of each other, while no other outburst activity is seen in the previous 8 yr of Catalina Real-time Transient Survey (CRTS; Drake et al.), Pan-STARRS-1 and ASAS-SN data. This suggests that these events might be rebrightenings of the first outburst rather than individual events.


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This paper presents a new approach to speech enhancement from single-channel measurements involving both noise and channel distortion (i.e., convolutional noise), and demonstrates its applications for robust speech recognition and for improving noisy speech quality. The approach is based on finding longest matching segments (LMS) from a corpus of clean, wideband speech. The approach adds three novel developments to our previous LMS research. First, we address the problem of channel distortion as well as additive noise. Second, we present an improved method for modeling noise for speech estimation. Third, we present an iterative algorithm which updates the noise and channel estimates of the corpus data model. In experiments using speech recognition as a test with the Aurora 4 database, the use of our enhancement approach as a preprocessor for feature extraction significantly improved the performance of a baseline recognition system. In another comparison against conventional enhancement algorithms, both the PESQ and the segmental SNR ratings of the LMS algorithm were superior to the other methods for noisy speech enhancement.