1000 resultados para santé, politique publique, instruments
Aquest Treball de Pràcticum és un anàlisi del municipi de Sant Aniol de Finestres per conèixer quines són les potencialitats i necessitats i a posteriori presentar una proposta de projecte participatiu amb l’objectiu de dinamitzar el territori. L’anàlisi es realitza a partir d’un treball de camp i d’entrevistes realitzades a diferents habitants del municipi. Finalment, la proposta que es presenta és un espai de criança per infants del municipi menors de 3 anys. Aquest espai vol contribuir en la cohesió social del territori
The disintegration of the USSR brought the emergence of a new geo-energy space in Central Asia. This space arose in the context of a global energy transition, which began in the late 1970s. Therefore, this new space in a changing energy world requires both new conceptual frameworks of analysis and the creation of new analytical tools. Taking into account this fact, our paper attempts to apply the theoretical framework of the Global Commodity Chain (GCC) to the case of natural resources in Central Asia. The aim of the paper is to check if there could be any Central Asia’s geo-energy space, assuming that this space would exist if natural resources were managed with regional criteria. The paper is divided into four sections. First an introduction that describes the new global energy context within natural resources of Central Asia would be integrated. Secondly, the paper justifies why the GCC methodology is suitable for the study of the value chains of energy products. Thirdly, we build up three cases studies (oil and uranium from Kazakhstan and gas from Turkmenistan) which reveal a high degree of uncertainty over the direction these chains will take. Finally, we present the conclusions of this study that state that the most plausible scenario would be the integration of energy resources of these countries in GCC where the core of the decision-making process will be far away from the region of Central Asia. Key words: Energy transition, geo-energy space, Global Commodity Chains, Central Asia
[Vente. Livres. 1859-07-19 - 1859-07-22]
Aquest projecte es centra en l’ espai natural que envolta la Font Picant o Font de Can Verdaguer, al municipi de Sant Gregori (Gironès). El projecte consisteix en una primera fase en l’estudi dels usos passats i actuals, l’aprofitament per part de la població de l’espai i l’entorn a través de la informació recopilada cartogràficament i a través de bibliografia i entrevistes. En una segona fase es realitza un acurat estudi limnològic de la riera utilitzada per canalitzar les aigües que surten de la font. I finalment, en funció dels resultats de l’estudi, es realitzen propostes per la recuperació i dinamització de l’espai i es recomana un correcte pla de seguiment per garantir el bon estat de l’ indret i assegurar la seva naturalitzaci
We examined the information of legionellosis surveillance system in the municipality of Cordoba (Spain) as a preventive resource for environmental health management and describes the public health implications of sporadic cases investigations. A multidisciplinary team analyzed information on surveillance of water sites potentially contaminated by Legionella and clinical data of the patients classified like community case; mapping patient's home address using geographic information systems (GIS). Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 was identified in 31 sporadic cases. 53 suspected sources, mainly cooling towers have been investigated. In no event is managed to locate infection source even if poorly maintained systems, structural deficiencies and operational failures were apparent. The use of GIS allowed us to identify two geographic areas where cases are concentrated within one radius of less than 500 meters. The finding of two suspected urban advised to reorient the preventive strategy in public health