971 resultados para posição fetal occipito-posterior
The aims of this article were to describe the surgical technique of the inferior alveolar nerve lateralization followed by implant installation by means of a clinical report and also to discuss the importance of an adequate surgical and prosthetic planning for atrophic posterior mandible rehabilitation.
\ The biologic width is an essential dental space that always needs to be maintained to ensure periodontal health in any dental prosthetic restorations. An iatrogenic partial fixed prosthesis constructed in lower posterior teeth predisposed the development of subgingival caries, which induced violation of the biologic width in involved teeth, resulting in an uncontrolled inflammatory process and periodontal tissue destruction. This clinical report describes a periodontal surgical technique to recover a violated biologic width in lower posterior teeth, by crown lengthening procedure associated with free gingival graft procedure, to ensure the possibility to place a modified partial fixed prosthesis in treated area. The procedure applied to recover the biologic width was crown lengthening with some modifications, associated with modified partial fixed prosthesis to achieve health in treated area. The modified techniques in both surgical and prosthetic procedures were applied to compensate the contraindications to recover biologic width by osteotomy in lower posterior teeth. The result, after 4 years under periodic control, seems to achieve the projected goal. Treating a dental diseased area is necessary to diagnose, eliminate, or control all etiologic factors involved in the process. When the traditional methods are not effective to recover destructed tissues, an alternative, compensatory, and adaptive procedure may be applied to restore the sequelae of the disease, applying a restorative method that respects the biology of involved tissues.
The purpose of this study was to quantify cephalometric and three-dimensional alterations of the posterior airway space of patients who underwent maxillomandibular advancement surgery. 20 patients treated by maxillomandibular advancement were selected. The minimal postoperative period was 6 months. The treated patients underwent cone-beam computed tomography at 3 distinct time intervals, preoperative (T1), immediate postoperative period up to 15 days after surgery (T2), and late postoperative period at least 6 months after surgery. The results showed that the maxillomandibular advancement promoted an increase in the posterior airway space in each patient in all the analyses performed, with a statistically significant difference between T2 and T1, and between T3 and T1, p < 0.05. There was a statistical difference between T2 and T3 in the analysis of area and volume, which means that the airway space became narrower after 6 months compared with the immediate postoperative period. The maxillomandibular advancement procedure allowed great linear area and volume increase in posterior airway space in the immediate and late postoperative periods, but there was partial loss of the increased space after 6 months. The linear analysis of airway space has limited results when compared with analysis of area and volume.
This incidence of postoperative sensitivity was evaluated in resin-based posterior restorations. Two hundred and ninety-two direct restorations were evaluated in premolars and molars. A total of 143 Class I and 149 Class 11 restorations (MO/OD and MOD) were placed in patients ranging in age from 30 to 50 years. After the cavity preparations were completed, a rubber dam was placed, and the preparations were restored using a total-etch system (Prime & Bond NT) and a resin-based restorative material (TPH Spectrum). The patients were contacted after 24 hours and 7, 30 and 90 days postoperatively and questioned regarding the presence of sensitivity and the stimuli that triggered that sensitivity. The Chi-square and Fisher's Exact Test were used for statistical analysis. Evaluation at 24 hours after restorative treatment revealed statistically significant differences among the types of cavity preparations restored and the occurrence of postoperative sensitivity (p=0.0003), with a higher frequency of sensitivity in Class H MOD restorations (26%), followed by Class II MO/DO (15%) and Class I restorations (5%). At 7, 30 and 90 days after restorative treatment, there was a decrease in the occurrence of sensitivity for all groups. The percentage of sensitivity among the groups was not significantly different. This study shows that the occurrence of sensitivity is correlated with the complexity of the restoration.
Objective. To evaluate the content of inorganic particles and the flexural strength of new condensable composites for posterior teeth in comparison to hybrid conventional composites.Method. The determination of the content of inorganic particles was performed by mass weighing of a polymerized composite before and after the elimination of the organic phase. The volumetric particle content was determined by a practical method based on Archimedes' principle, which calculates the volume of the composite and their particles by differential mass measured in the air and in water. The flexural. strength of three points was evaluated according to the norm ISO 4049:1988.Results. The results showed the following filter content: Alert, 67.26%; Z-100, 65.27%; Filtek P 60, 62.34%; Ariston pHc, 64.07%; Tetric Ceram, 57.22%; Definite, 54.42%; Solitaire, 47.76%. In the flexural strength test, the materials presented the following decreasing order of resistance: Filtek P 60 (170.02 MPa) > Z-100 (151.34 MPa) > Tetric Ceram (126.14 MPa) = Alert (124.89 MPa) > Ariston pHc (102.00 MPa) = Definite (93.63 MPa) > Solitaire (56.71 MPa).Conclusion. New condensable composites for posterior teeth present a concentration of inorganic particles similar to those of hybrid composites but do not necessarily present higher flexural strength. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. Alt rights reserved.
Posterior Composite Resin. Effect of material and technique in cervical gap of class II restorations
This study assessed the in vitro influence of surface sealing on the surface roughness of a posterior resin composite before and after tooth-brushing. Thirty. specimens (13 nun diameter x 1 mm high) were fabricated from Filtek-P60 resin composite and randomly assigned to three groups (n=10): a non-sealed control and two groups sealed with one of the tested materials-a surface-penetrating sealant (Protect-it!-PI) and a one bottle adhesive system (Single Bond-SB). The samples were subjected to a surface roughness reading to determine the initial roughness, then submitted to simulated toothbrushing with 35,600 cycles for 100 minutes. Specimens were then cleaned and a post-abrasion surface roughness reading accomplished. Means (pm), recorded before (B) and after (A) toothbrushing, and standard deviations were: Control-(B): 0.032 (+/-0.005), (A): 0.054 (+/-0.005); PI-(B): 0.034 (+/-0.005), (A): 0.060 (+/-0.034); SB (B): 0.031 (+/-0.004), (A): 0.047 (+/-0.007). Data were tabulated and submitted to two-way ANOVA. No statistically significant difference was observed when the control and experimental groups were compared. However, a significant difference (p<0.05) was found between the measurements performed before and after toothbrushing. Based on these results, it may be concluded that using either a surface penetrating sealant or a one bottle adhesive system did not provide the optimization of superficial integrity. The use of a dentifrice and toothbrush resulted in significant alterations to the surface smoothness of the resin composite.
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the response in lung growth and vascularity after fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion for severe congenital diaphragmatic hernia in the prediction of neonatal survival.METHODS: Between January 2006 and December 2010, fetal lung parameters (observed-to-expected lung-to-head ratio; observed-to-expected lung volume; and contralateral lung vascularization index) were evaluated before fetal tracheal occlusion and were evaluated longitudinally every 2 weeks in 72 fetuses with severe isolated congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Thirty-five fetuses underwent fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion and 37 cases did not.RESULTS: Survival rate was significantly higher in the fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion group (54.3%) than in the no fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion group (5.4%, P<.01). Fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion resulted in a significant improvement in fetal lung size and pulmonary vascularity when compared with fetuses that did not go to the fetal intervention (increase of the observed-to-expected lung-to-head ratio, observed-to-expected total lung volume, and contralateral pulmonary vascularization index 56.2% compared with 0.3%, 37.9% compared with 0.1%, and 98.6% compared with 0.0%, respectively; P<.01). Receiver operating characteristic curves indicated that the observed-to-expected total fetal lung volume was the single best predictor of neonatal survival before fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion (cutoff 0.23, area under the curve [AUC] 0.88, relative risk 5.3, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.4-19.7). However, the contralateral lung vascularization index at 4 weeks after fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion was more accurate in the prediction of neonatal outcome (cutoff 24.0%, AUC 0.98, relative risk 9.9, 95% CI 1.5-66.9) with the combination of observed-to-expected lung volumes and contralateral lung vascularization index at 4 weeks being the best predictor of outcome (AUC 0.98, relative risk 16.6, 95% CI 2.5-112.3).CONCLUSION: Fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion improves survival rate by increasing the lung size and pulmonary vascularity in fetuses with severe congenital diaphragmatic hernia. The pulmonary response after fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion can be used to predict neonatal survival. (Obstet Gynecol 2012; 119: 93-101) DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0b013e31823d3aea
Objectives-The purpose of this study was to predict perinatal outcomes using fetal total lung volumes assessed by 3-dimensional ultrasonography (3DUS) in primary pleural effusion.Methods-Between July 2005 and July 2010, total lung volumes were prospectively estimated in fetuses with primary pleural effusion by 3DUS using virtual organ computer-aided analysis software. The first and last US examinations were considered in the analysis. The observed/expected total lung volumes were calculated. Main outcomes were perinatal death (up to 28 days of life) and respiratory morbidity (orotracheal intubation with mechanical respiratory support >48 hours).Results-Twelve of 19 fetuses (63.2%) survived. Among the survivors, 7 (58.3%) had severe respiratory morbidity. The observed/expected total lung volume at the last US examination before birth was significantly associated with perinatal death (P < .01) and respiratory morbidity (P < .01) as well as fetal hydrops (P < .01) and bilateral effusion (P = .01).Conclusions-Fetal total lung volumes may be useful for the prediction of perinatal outcomes in primary pleural effusion.
Paracrine cell signaling is thought to be important for ovarian follicle development, and a role for some members of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family have been suggested. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that FGF-8 and its cognate receptors (FGFR-3c and FGFR-4) are expressed in bovine preantral follicles. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify bovine FGF-8, FGFR-3c, and FGFR-4 from preantral follicle samples and a variety of fetal and adult tissues. All three genes were widely expressed in fetal tissues, with a restricted expression pattern in adult tissues. FGF-8 and FGFR-3c were expressed in secondary follicles in 70% of fetuses examined, whereas FGFR-4 expression was significantly less frequent (20%). FGFR-3c expression frequency was significantly lower in primordial compared to secondary follicles, and FGF-8 expression showed a similar trend. FGFR-4 was only observed when all follicle classes of an individual were expressing both FGF-8 and FGFR-3c. We conclude that FGF-8 and its receptors are expressed in preantral follicles in a developmentally regulated manner. (C) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)