994 resultados para population source


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) has developed this briefing paper to highlight the health impacts connected to gambling and in particular problem gambling.  This paper was developed to give information to Government Departments who are currently reviewing gambling legislation across the island of Ireland.  It draws attention to the impact problem gambling can have on the individual, family and community health and well-being.


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Biological parameters of Triatoma brasiliensis and T. pseudomaculata that could influence the epidemiological importance of these insects as vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi were compared. The parameters studied were incubation period, interval between hatching or moulting and first feeding, number of blood meals, development time, mortality, net reproductive rate, instantaneous daily reproductive rate, time-lapse before starting feeding, duration of feeding, blood ingestion capacity, occurrence of defecation and blood ingestion velocity. Most aspects of feeding were similar for the two species, although T. pseudomaculata had a longer life cycle than T. brasiliensis producing one and two generations per year, respectively. The two species had similar instantaneous daily rates of population growth.


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Repeated exposure to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) does not always result in seroconversion. Modifications in coreceptors for HIV entrance to target cells are one of the factors that block the infection. We studied the frequency of Delta-32 mutation in ccr5 gene in Medellin, Colombia. Two hundred and eighteen individuals distributed in three different groups were analyzed for Delta-32 mutation in ccr5 gene by polymerase chain reaction (PCR): 29 HIV seropositive (SP), 39 exposed seronegative (ESN) and 150 individuals as a general population sample (GPS). The frequency of the Delta-32 mutant allele was 3.8% for ESN, 2.7% for GPS and 1.7% for SP. Only one homozygous mutant genotype (Delta-32/Delta-32) was found among the ESN (2.6%). The heterozygous genotype (ccr5/Delta-32) was found in eight GPS (5.3%), in one SP (3.4%) and in one ESN (2.6%). The differences in the allelic and genotypic frequencies among the three groups were not statistically significant. A comparison between the expected and the observed genotypic frequencies showed that these frequencies were significantly different for the ESN group, which indirectly suggests a protective effect of the mutant genotype (Delta-32/Delta-32). Since this mutant genotype explained the resistance of infection in only one of our ESN persons, different mechanisms of protection must be playing a more important role in this population.


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Toxocara canis is very common in dogs throughout the world. It is the primary cause of visceral larva migrans (VLM) in humans. Soil contaminated with T. canis embryonated eggs is the main source of infection of man. Our objective was to describe Toxocara seroprevalence in humans in the city of La Plata associated with some determinants such asage, presence or absence of clinical manifestations and risk factors. Blood samples were collected at random from 156 patients of different sex and age, with and without clinical symptoms compatible with the disease. The diagnostic technique ELISA test was performed with the Bordier Affinity Products Commercial Kit, using excretory-secretory Toxocara antigen with a sensitivity higher than 90%. The values were positive in 39% of the studied population. In the analysis according to age, the younger group presented significant differences with respect to the older one (Chi-square p<0.05). Positive patients presented clinical symptoms compatible with the disease (84%), and 41% presented some risk factor. The level of positivity obtained indicates a certain risk of being infectes mainly in patients younger than 15 years old. The authors agree that an early identification and treatment of VLM may save a life.


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L’ETC-LUSI ha modificat l’aplicació de publicació de les metadades al portal de GeoNetwork amb l’objectiu de presentar i millorar la publicació de les mateixes, adaptant-se a la nova tipologia d’arxius d’emmagatzematge de les darreres versions del software de la casa ESRI, així com poder-les fer arribar al major nombre d’usuaris possible interessats en el intercanvi d’informació cartogràfica


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Report for the scientific sojourn at the University of Reading, United Kingdom, from January until May 2008. The main objectives have been firstly to infer population structure and parameters in demographic models using a total of 13 microsatellite loci for genotyping approximately 30 individuals per population in 10 Palinurus elephas populations both from Mediterranean and Atlantic waters. Secondly, developing statistical methods to identify discrepant loci, possibly under selection and implement those methods using the R software environment. It is important to consider that the calculation of the probability distribution of the demographic and mutational parameters for a full genetic data set is numerically difficult for complex demographic history (Stephens 2003). The Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC), based on summary statistics to infer posterior distributions of variable parameters without explicit likelihood calculations, can surmount this difficulty. This would allow to gather information on different demographic prior values (i.e. effective population sizes, migration rate, microsatellite mutation rate, mutational processes) and assay the sensitivity of inferences to demographic priors by assuming different priors.


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Moderate alcohol consumption has been associated with lower coronary artery disease (CAD) risk. However, data on the CAD risk associated with high alcohol consumption are conflicting. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of heavier drinking on 10-year CAD risk in a population with high mean alcohol consumption. In a population-based study of 5,769 adults (aged 35 to 75 years) without cardiovascular disease in Switzerland, 1-week alcohol consumption was categorized as 0, 1 to 6, 7 to 13, 14 to 20, 21 to 27, 28 to 34, and > or =35 drinks/week or as nondrinkers (0 drinks/week), moderate (1 to 13 drinks/week), high (14 to 34 drinks/week), and very high (> or =35 drinks/week). Blood pressure and lipids were measured, and 10-year CAD risk was calculated according to the Framingham risk score. Seventy-three percent (n = 4,214) of the participants consumed alcohol; 16% (n = 909) were high drinkers and 2% (n = 119) very high drinkers. In multivariate analysis, increasing alcohol consumption was associated with higher high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (from a mean +/- SE of 1.57 +/- 0.01 mmol/L in nondrinkers to 1.88 +/- 0.03 mmol/L in very high drinkers); triglycerides (1.17 +/- 1.01 to 1.32 +/- 1.05 mmol/L), and systolic and diastolic blood pressure (127.4 +/- 0.4 to 132.2 +/- 1.4 mm Hg and 78.7 +/- 0.3 to 81.7 +/- 0.9 mm Hg, respectively) (all p values for trend <0.001). Ten-year CAD risk increased from 4.31 +/- 0.10% to 4.90 +/- 0.37% (p = 0.03) with alcohol use, with a J-shaped relation. Increasing wine consumption was more related to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, whereas beer and spirits were related to increased triglyceride levels. In conclusion, as measured by 10-year CAD risk, the protective effect of alcohol consumption disappears in very high drinkers, because the beneficial increase in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol is offset by the increases in blood pressure levels.


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The impact of biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 and of its genetically modified, antibiotic-overproducing derivative CHA0/pME3424 on a reconstructed population of the plant-beneficial Sinorhizobium meliloti bacteria was assessed in gnotobiotic systems. In sterile soil, the final density of the reconstructed S. meliloti population decreased by more than one order of magnitude in the presence of either of the Pseudomonas strains when compared to a control without addition of P. fluorescens. Moreover, there was a change in the proportion of each individual S. meliloti strain within the population. Plant tests also revealed changes in the nodulating S. meliloti population in the presence of strains CHA0 or CHA0/pME3424. In both treatments one S. meliloti strain, f43, was significantly reduced in its root nodule occupancy. Analysis of alfalfa yields showed a slight but statistically significant increase in shoot dry weight when strain CHA0 was added to the reconstructed S. meliloti population whereas no such effect was observed with CHA0/pME3424.


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OBJECTIVES: To analyse the prevalence of lifetime recourse to prostitution (LRP) among men in the general population of Switzerland from a trend and cohort perspective. METHODS: Using nine repeated representative cross-sectional surveys from 1987 to 2000, age-specific estimates of LRP were computed. Trends and period effect were analysed as the evolution of cross-sectional population estimates within age groups and overall. Cohort analysis relied on cohorts constructed from the 1989 survey and followed in subsequent waves. Age and cohort effects were modelled using logistic regression and non-parametric monotone regression. RESULTS: Whereas prevalence for the younger groups was found to be logically lower, there was no consistent increasing or decreasing trend over the years; there was no significant period effect. For the 17-30 year age group, the mean estimate over 1987-2000 was 11.5% (range 8.3 to 12.7%); for the 31-45 year group, the mean was 21.5% (range over 1989-2000 20.3 to 23.0%). Regarding cohort analysis, the prevalence of LRP was found to increase steeply in the youngest ages before reaching a plateau near the age of 40 years. At the age of 43 years, the prevalence was estimated to be 22.6% (95% CI 21.1% to 24.1%). CONCLUSIONS: The steep increase in the cohort-wise prevalence of LRP in younger ages calls for a concentration of prevention activities in young people. If the plateauing at approximately 40 years of age is not followed by a further increase later in life, which is not known, then consumers of paid sex would be repeat buyers only, a fact that should be taken into account by prevention.


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A sylvatic Triatoma infestans DM (dark morph) population detected in the Bolivian Chaco was characterized and compared with various domestic ones. The degree of differentiation of DM was clearly within the T. infestans intra-specific level. Nevertheless marked chromatic and morphometric differences as well as differences in antennal pattern, chromosome banding and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA support the hypothesis of a distinct population. Continuous exchange of insects between wild and domestic habitats seems unlikely in the Chaco.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Universitat de Bonn, Alemanya, entre agost i desembre del 2008. Recentement, arran de la creació del Registre de Càncer de Catalunya, s'ha el.laborat un nou "estat de la qüestió" del càncer a Catalunya, que ha permès obtenir una imatge complerta de la incidència, mortalitat i supervivència del càncer a Catalunya, a partir de les dades obtingudes pels registres poblacionals del càncer de Girona i Tarragona pel que fa a la incidència del càncer, i pel registre de Mortalitat de Catalunya, pel que fa a la mortalitat per càncer. El projecte realitzat ha tingut dos objectius principals. En primer lloc, desenvolupar un conjunt integrat de funcions per al càlcul automatitzat de la incidència, mortalitat i supervivència, així com l'ajust dels models estadístics que permeten avaluar les tendències i obtenir les projeccions del càncer pels anys futurs. En segon lloc, s'han aplicat les funcions a les dades disponibles i s'han obtingut els resultats a Catalunya, que inclou les projeccions de la incìdència i mortalitat per càncer a Catalunya fins a l'any 2020. Tos dos objectius han estat substancialment assolits. Pel que fa al primer, s'ha desenvolupat un fitxer font en R que conté les macros i funcions utilitzades. Pel que fa al segon, les anàlisis realitzades han estat emprades per a la realització d'una monografia sobre el càncer a Catalunya, que actualment està acceptada per la seva publicació. Els resultats mostren que la incidència per càncer ha augmentat i està previst que així continuï, tot i que es preveu un esmoertiment de l'augment pels homes. Pel que fa a la mortalitat s'observa un recent decrement que es preveu que es mantingui en el futur, essent aquest major pels homes respecte les dones.


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Although Colombia presents an enormous biological diversity, few studies have been conducted on the population genetics of Trypanosoma cruzi. This study was carried out with 23 Colombian stocks of this protozoa analyzed for 13 isoenzymatic loci. The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, the genetic diversity and heterogeneity, the genetic relationships and the possible spatial structure of these 23 Colombian stocks of T. cruzi were estimated. The majority of results obtained are in agreement with a clonal population structure. Nevertheless, two aspects expected in a clonal structure were not discovered in the Colombian T. cruzi stocks. There was an absence of given zymodemes over-represented from a geographical point of view and the presumed temporal stabilizing selective phenomena was not observed either in the Colombian stocks sampled several times through the years of the study. Some hypotheses are discussed in order to explain the results found.


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Allocreadium lobatum Wallin, 1909 has been reported in cyprinid species of freshwater fish in Canada and in the United States. The population biology of A. lobatum in the host Semotilus atromaculatus Mitchill was studied from May through December 1991, in a USA creek. Overall prevalence (64%) and mean intensity (4.4 ± 0.4) were greater than previously reported while abundance, reported for the first time, was 2.8 ± 0.3. Several trends in A. lobatum population biology as a function of S. atromaculatus length were identified. Mean intensity and abundance of A. lobatum increased with host size and significant differences in prevalence and A. lobatum lengths were found to correlate with host lengths.


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RATIONALE: AICAR (5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide 1β-D-ribofuranoside) is prohibited in sport according to rules established by the World Anti-Doping Agency. Doping control laboratories identify samples where AICAR abuse is suspected by measuring its urinary concentration and comparing the observed level with naturally occurring concentrations. As the inter-individual variance of urinary AICAR concentrations is large, this approach requires a complementary method to unambiguously prove the exogenous origin of AICAR. Therefore, a method for the determination of carbon isotope ratios (CIRs) of urinary AICAR has been developed and validated. METHODS: Concentrated urine samples were fractionated by means of liquid chromatography for analyte cleanup. Derivatization of AICAR yielding the trimethylsilylated analog was necessary to enable CIR determinations by gas chromatography/combustion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry. The method was tested for its repeatability and stability over time and a linear mixing model was applied to test for possible isotopic discrimination. A reference population of n = 63 males and females was investigated to calculate appropriate reference limits to differentiate endogenous from exogenous urinary AICAR. These limits were tested by an AICAR elimination study. RESULTS: The developed method fulfills all the requirements for adequate sports drug testing and was found to be fit for purpose. The investigated reference population showed a larger variability in the CIR of AICAR than of the endogenous steroids. Nevertheless, the calculated thresholds for differences between AICAR and endogenous steroids can be applied straightforwardly to evaluate suspicious doping control samples with the same statistical confidence as established e.g. for testosterone misuse. These thresholds enabled the detection of a single oral AICAR administration for more than 40 h. CONCLUSIONS: Determination of thee CIRs is the method of choice to distinguish between an endogenous and an exogenous source of urinary AICAR. The developed method will enable investigations into doping control samples with elevated urinary concentrations of AICAR and clearly differentiate between naturally produced/elevated and illicitly administered AICAR.