990 resultados para physical and chemical leaf traits


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Chemical composition of the upper layer of sediments (0-1 cm) in the Kolvits and Knazhaya inlets, and also in the deep-water part of the Kandalaksha Bay is considered. It is shown that silts are richer in Fe, TOC, and heavy metals, than sands. The highest concentration of these elements is found in sediments under mixing zones of riverine and sea waters. Correlations of P, Zn, Cd, and Cu with iron are high, and correlations of Pb and Cu with organic carbon are also high. Very high concentration of Pb in the Kandalaksha Bay indicate technogenic pollution of sediments. Lignin makes significant contribution to formation of organic matter in the sediments. Composition of lignin in bottom sediments of the Kandalaksha Bay is defined by composition of lignin in soils and aerosols. Vanillin and syringyl structures prevail in molecular composition of lignin in bottom sediments. Their sources are coniferous vegetations, soils, and mosses. Ratios of certain types of phenol compounds indicate pollution of the upper layer of sediments by technogenic lignin. Lead and copper correlate well with this technogenic lignin.


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Mineral and chemical compositions, as well as conditions of formation of clay sediments in major structural elements of the Pacific Ocean floor with different ages are under consideration in the monograph. Depending on evolution of the region two ways of clay sediment formation are identified: terrigenous and authigenic. It is shown that terrigenous clay sediments predominate in marginal parts of the Pacific Ocean. Authigenic mineral formation occurring in the basal part of the sedimentary cover primarily results from removal of material from underlying basalts. This material is released during secondary alteration of the basalts due to their interaction with sea water, as well as with deep solutions.


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Pelagic sediments recording an extreme and short-lived global warming event, the Late Paleocene Thermal Maximum (LPTM), were recovered from Hole 999B (Colombian Basin) and Holes 1001A and 1001B (lower Nicaraguan Rise) in the Caribbean Sea during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 165. The LPTM consists of a 0.3-0.97 m calcareous claystone to claystone horizon. High-resolution downhole logging (Formation MicroScanner [FMS]), standard downhole logs (resistivity, velocity, density, natural gamma ray, and geochemical log), and non-destructive chemical and physical property (multisensor core logger [MSCL] and X-ray fluorescence [XRF] core scanner) data were used to identify composite sections from parallel holes and to record sedimentological and environmental changes associated with the LPTM. Downhole logging data indicate an abrupt and distinct difference in physical and chemical properties that extend for tens of meters above and below the LPTM. These observations indicate a rapid environmental change at the LPTM, which persists beyond the LPTM anomaly. Comparisons of gamma-ray attenuation porosity evaluator (GRAPE) densities from MSCL logging on split cores with FMS resistivity values allows core-to-log correlation with a high degree of accuracy. High-resolution magnetic susceptibility measurements of the cores are compared with elemental concentrations (e.g., Fe, Ca) analyzed by high-resolution XRF scanning. The high-resolution data obtained from several detailed core and downhole logging methods are the key to the construction of composite sections, the correlation of both adjacent holes and distant sites, and core-log integration. These continuous-depth series reveal the LPTM as a multiphase event with a nearly instantaneous onset, followed by a much different set of physical and chemical conditions of short duration, succeeded by a longer transition to a new, more permanent set of environmental circumstances. The estimated duration of these 'phases' are consistent with paleontological and isotopic studies of the LPTM


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As a result of a petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical characterization of the Ameghino Formation mudstones (Upper Jurassic- Lower Cretaceous, Antarctic Peninsula), "epiclastic" radiolaria-rich and mixed (radiolaria-rich + tuff) mudstone types were recognized. Contents of clastic material in the mudstones generally increase with younger paleontological age, but local exceptions to this trend have been found. The anoxic environment of the lower part of the sequence changes to more oxidizing conditions towards the top, in transition to the Hauterivian - Barrêmian conglomerates. Element to element correlations show good agreement with the normal differentiation trends of volcanic (andesite-rhyolite) rocks, suggesting that the overall sequence is mainly volcanic in origin with various grade of reworking. For example, the radiolaria-rich mudstone matrix could have been originated from very fine touffaceous suspensions deposited very slowly after the main fall of the tuffs. However, in the upper part of the sequence, some epiclastic supply is revealed by petrographic evidence and illite crystallinity index. The clay mineral association (illite, chlorite and illite-smectite mixed layers) is mainly of diagenetic origin in the stratigraphically lower sections. Low percentages of expandable layers in the illite-smectite mixed layers, as well as the general mineralogical association, suggest a late mesodiagenetic stage, and together with geological evidence, a relatively deep burial (> 1000 m - probably > 2500 m) and temperatures exceeding 100°C.


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This study addresses changes in the absolute magnitude and spatial geometry of particle flux and export production in a meridional transect across the central equatorial Pacific Ocean's upwelling system during oxygen isotope Stage 11 and Stage 12 and compares these time periods to the current Holocene interglacial system. Temporal and spatial variability in several chemical proxies of export production, and in particular the distributions of Ba, scavenged Al, and P, are studied in a suite of sediment cores gathered along a cross-equator transect at 5°S, 2°S, 0°, 2°N, and 4°N. Because this latitudinal range preserves strong gradients in biogenic particle flux in the modern equatorial Pacific Ocean, we are able to assess variations in the relative magnitude of export production as well as the meridional width of the equatorial system through the late Quaternary glacial/interglacial cycles. During interglacial oxygen isotope Stage 11 the chemical proxies each indicate lower particle flux and export production than during Stage 12. These records are consistent throughout the transect during this time period, but geographic narrowing (during the interglacial) and widening (during the glacial) of the meridional gradient also occurs. Although carbonate concentration varies dramatically through glacial/interglacial cycles at all latitudes studied, the productivity proxies record only minimal glacial/interglacial change at 5°S and 4°N, indicating that the carbonate minima at these latitudes is controlled dominantly by dissolution rather than production. The chemical data indicate that although the spatial geometry of the system during Stages 11 and 12 indicates maximum productivity at the equator during both glacial and interglacial conditions, the absolute magnitude of export production integrated from 5°S to 4°N during Stage 11 was 25-50% less than during Stage 12, and also was 25-50% less than it is now.


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The high-resolution marine isotope climate record indicates pronounced global cooling during the Langhian (16-13.8 Ma), beginning with the warm middle Miocene climatic optimum and ending with significant Antarctic ice sheet expansion and the transition to "icehouse" conditions. Terrestrial paleoclimate data from this interval is sparse and sometimes conflicting. In particular, there are gaps in the terrestrial record in the Pacific Northwest during the late Langhian and early Serravallian between about 14.5 and 12.5 Ma. New terrestrial paleoclimate data from this time and region could reconcile these conflicting records. Paleosols are particularly useful for reconstructing paleoenvironment because the rate and style of pedogenesis is primarily a function of surface environmental conditions; however, complete and well-preserved paleosols are uncommon. Most soils form in erosive environments that are not preserved, or in environments such as floodplains that accumulate in small increments; the resulting cumulic soils are usually thin, weakly developed, and subject to diagenetic overprinting from subsequent soils. The paleosol at Cricket Flat in northeastern Oregon is an unusually complete and well-preserved paleosol from a middle Miocene volcanic sequence in the Powder River Volcanic Field. An olivine basalt flow buried the paleosol at approximately 13.8 ± 0.6 Ma, based on three 40Ar/39Ar dates on the basalt. We described the Cricket Flat paleosol and used its physical and chemical profile and micromorphology to assess pedogenesis. The Cricket Flat paleosol is an Ultisol-like paleosol, chemically consistent with a high degree of weathering. Temperature and rainfall proxies suggest that Cricket Flat received 1120 ± 180 mm precipitation y-1 and experienced a mean annual temperature of 14.5 ± 2.1 °C during the formation of the paleosol, significantly warmer and wetter than today. This suggests slower cooling after the middle Miocene climatic optimum than is seen in the existing paleosol record.


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Saucer-shaped iron-manganese crusts occur adjacent to gravel shoal areas in Oneida lake in central New York. The crusts usually have a crude concentric banding owing to an alternation of orange, iron-rich layers and black, iron-poor layers. Materials from both types of layers are x-ray amorphous. The Oneida lake crusts, like most other freshwater manganese nodules, contain about the same Mn concentration as marine manganese nodules, but are usually higher in Fe and lower in trace metals than their marine equivalents. Although Fe and Mn may be precipitating directly from the lake water, it is more likely that the oxidate crusts are the result of precipitation of Fe and Mn when reduced sediment pore water comes in contact with well oxygenated bottom waters. Organisms, particularly bacteria, may play a role in the formation of the crusts, but to date no evidence of this has been found.


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Results of a study of contents and accumulation rates of Fe, Mn, and some trace elements in Upper Quaternary sediments of the Deryugin Basin are presented. Maps of average contents and accumulation rates of excessive Fe, Mn, Zn, Ba, Ni, Pb, Cu, and Mo in sediments of the first oxygen isotope stage (OIS) have been plotted. Anomalous contents and accumulation rates are confined to peripheral zones of the Deryugin sedimentary basin and large fracture zones. Different mechanisms of influence of fluid-dynamic processes on rate of hydrogenic and biogenic accumulation of ore elements are assumed.


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Comprehensive investigations revealed that modern deposits in the northern Caspian Sea involve terrigenous sands and aleurites with admixture of detritus and intact bivalve shells, including coquina. Generally, these deposits overlay dark grayish viscous clays. Similar geological situation occurs in the Volga River delta; however, local deposits are much poorer in biogenic constituents. Illite prevails among clay minerals. In coarse aleurite fraction (0.100-0.050 mm) heavy transparent minerals are represented mostly by epidotes, while light minerals - mostly by quartz and feldspars. Sedimentary material in the Volga River delta is far from completely differentiated into fractions due to abundant terrigenous inflows. Comparatively better grading of sediments from the northern Caspian Sea is due to additional factors such as bottom currents and storms. When passing from the Volga River delta to the northern Caspian Sea, sediments are enriched in rare earth elements (except Eu), Ca, Au, Ni, Se, Ag, As, and Sr, but depleted in Na, Rb, Cs, K, Ba, Fe, Cr, Co, Sc, Br, Zr, ??, U, and Th. Concentrations of Zn remain almost unchanged. Sedimentation rates and types of recent deposits in the northern Caspian Sea are governed mainly by abundant runoff of the Volga River.


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Seventeen basalts from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 183 to the Kerguelen Plateau (KP) were analyzed for the platinum-group elements (PGEs: Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt, and Pd), and 15 were analyzed for trace elements. Relative concentrations of the PGEs ranged from ~0.1 (Ir, Ru) to ~5 (Pt) times primitive mantle. These relatively high PGE abundances and fractionated patterns are not accounted for by the presence of sulfide minerals; there are only trace sulfides present in thin-section. Sulfur saturation models applied to the KP basalts suggest that the parental magmas may have never reached sulfide saturation, despite large degrees of partial melting (~30%) and fractional crystallization (~45%). First order approximations of the fractionation required to produce the KP basalts from an ~30% partial melt of a spinel peridotite were determined using the PELE program. The model was adapted to better fit the physical and chemical observations from the KP basalts, and requires an initial crystal fractionation stage of at least 30% olivine plus Cr-spinel (49:1), followed by magma replenishment and fractional crystallization (RFC) that included clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and titanomagnetite (15:9:1). The low Pd values ([Pd/Pt]_pm < 1.7) for these samples are not predicted by currently available Kd values. These Pd values are lowest in samples with relatively higher degrees of alteration as indicated by petrographic observations. Positive anomalies are a function of the behavior of the PGEs; they can be reproduced by Cr-spinel, and titanomagnetite crystallization, followed by titanomagnetite resorption during the final stages of crystallization. Our modeling shows that it is difficult to reproduce the PGE abundances by either depleted upper or even primitive mantle sources. Crustal contamination, while indicated at certain sites by the isotopic compositions of the basalts, appears to have had a minimal affect on the PGEs. The PGE abundances measured in the Kerguelen Plateau basalts are best modeled by melting a primitive mantle source to which was added up to 1% of outer core material, followed by fractional crystallization of the melt produced. This reproduces both the abundances and patterns of the PGEs in the Kerguelen Plateau basalts. An alternative model for outer core PGE abundances requires only 0.3% of outer core material to be mixed into the primitive mantle source. While our results are clearly model dependent, they indicate that an outer core component may be present in the Kerguelen plume source.


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Magnetic properties of volcanic rocks are controlled mainly by the physical and chemical state of their constituent ferromagnetic minerals. The most important parameters determining magnetic properties are concentration, composition, grain size, and oxidation state. In sea floor basalts, the main ferromagnetic minerals are titanomagnetites which are either unoxidized or, more commonly, have undergone various degrees of posteruptive low-temperature oxidation to become cationdeficient titanomagnetites, or titanomaghemites. The effects of this low-temperature alteration are seen in the increase of Curie temperature and decrease of saturation magnetization and lattice parameter of ferromagnetic minerals (Readman and O'Reilly, 1972). It is now believed that titanomaghemitization of newly formed mid-ocean ridge crust proceeds with a time constant of about 1 m.y., accompanying drastic decrease of the intensity of the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) (Johnson and Atwater, 1977).


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Composition of clay minerals in the <0.001 mm size fraction from the uppermost layer of bottom sediments in the northern Amur Bay was determined by X-ray powder diffraction analysis, and enrichment of 33 elements in the <0.001 mm and <0.01 mm size fractions of surface sediments from a number of sites at the marginal filter of the Razdol'naya River were studied by ICP-MS. Fe, U, and chalcophile elements occur in the highest concentrations in sediments from all sampling sites within the filter. The bottom sediments are not enriched in trace, alkali, and alkaline earth elements. Maximum concentrations of chemical elements were found in deposits from the brackish part of the marginal filter, perhaps, because of formation of Fe and Mn (Al) hydroxides. Bottom sediments at the boundary between the brackish and marine parts of the filter contain the lowest concentrations of the examined elements.