994 resultados para phylogenetic groups


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• Stable isotope ratios of organic compounds are valuable tools for determining the geographical origin, identity, authenticity or history of samples from a vast range of sources such as sediments, plants and animals, including humans. • Hydrogen isotope ratios (d2H values) of methoxyl groups in lignin from wood of trees grown in different geographical areas were measured using compound-specificpyrolysis isotope ratio mass spectrometry analysis. • Lignin methoxyl groups were depleted in 2H relative to both meteoric water andwhole wood. A high correlation (r2=0.91) was observed between the d2 H valuesof the methoxyl groups and meteoric water, with a relatively uniform fractionation of –216±19 recorded with respect to meteoric water over a range of d2H values from –110 in northern Norway to + 20‰ in Yemen. Thus, woods from northernlatitudes can be clearly distinguished from those from tropical regions. By contrast, the d2H values of bulk wood were only relatively poorly correlated (r 2 = 0.47) with those of meteoric water. • Measurement of the d 2H values of lignin methoxyl groups is potentially a powerful tool that could be of use not only in the constraint of the geographical origin of lignified material but also in paleoclimate, food authenticity and forensic investigations.


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Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH SECTION A-MATHEMATICS Volume: 131 Pages: 1257-1273 Part: Part 6 Published: 2001 Times Cited: 5 References: 23 Citation MapCitation Map beta Abstract: We show that the Banach space M of regular sigma-additive finite Borel complex-valued measures on a non-discrete locally compact Hausdorff topological Abelian group is the direct sum of two linear closed subspaces M-D and M-ND, where M-D is the set of measures mu is an element of M whose Fourier transform vanishes at infinity and M-ND is the set of measures mu is an element of M such that nu is not an element of MD for any nu is an element of M \ {0} absolutely continuous with respect to the variation \mu\. For any corresponding decomposition mu = mu(D) + mu(ND) (mu(D) is an element of M-D and mu(ND) is an element of M-ND) there exist a Borel set A = A(mu) such that mu(D) is the restriction of mu to A, therefore the measures mu(D) and mu(ND) are singular with respect to each other. The measures mu(D) and mu(ND) are real if mu is real and positive if mu is positive. In the case of singular continuous measures we have a refinement of Jordan's decomposition theorem. We provide series of examples of different behaviour of convolutions of measures from M-D and M-ND.


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A topological group G is said to be universal in a class K of topological groups if G is an element of K and if for every group H is an element of K there is a subgroup K of G that is isomorphic to H as a topological group. A group is constructed that is universal in the class of separable metrizable topological Abelian groups.


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Despite the potential model role of the green algal genus Codium for studies of marine speciation and evolution, there have been difficulties with species delimitation and a molecular phylogenetic framework was lacking. In the present study, 74 evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) are delimited using 227 rbcL exon 1 sequences obtained from specimens collected throughout the genus' range. Several morpho-species were shown to be poorly defined, with some clearly in need of lumping and others containing pseudo-cryptic diversity. A phylogenetic hypothesis of 72 Codium ESUs is inferred from rbcL exon 1 and rps3-rp/16 sequence data using a conventional nucleotide substitution model (GTR + Gamma + I), a codon position model and a covariotide (covarion) model, and the fit of a multitude of substitution models and alignment partitioning strategies to the sequence data is reported. Molecular clock tree rooting was carried out because out-group rooting was probably affected by phylogenetic bias. Several aspects of the evolution of morphological features of Codium are discussed and the inferred phylogenetic hypothesis is used as a framework to study the biogeography of the genus, both at a global scale and within the Indian Ocean. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We have utilised polymorphic chloroplast microsatellites to analyse cytoplasmic relationships between accessions in the genera Triticum and Aegilops. Sequencing of PCR products revealed point mutations and insertions/deletions in addition to the standard repeat length expansion/contraction which most likely represent ancient synapomorphies. Phylogenetic analyses revealed three distinct groups of accessions. One of these contained all the non-Aegilops speltoides S-type cytoplasm species, another comprised almost exclusively A, C, D, M, N, T and U cytoplasm-type accessions and the third contained the polyploid Triticum species and all the Ae. speltoides accessions, further confirming that Ae. speltoides or a closely related but now extinct species was the original B-genome donor of cultivated polyploid wheat. Successive decreases in levels of genetic diversity due to domestication were also observed. Finally, we highlight the importance of elucidating longer-term evolutionary processes operating at microsatellite repeat loci.


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1. Free-living animals make complex decisions associated with optimizing energy and nutrient intake. In environments where ambient temperatures fall below the thermoneutral zone, homeotherms must choose whether or not to forage, how long and what to forage for, and whether or not to perform activities that conserve energy.


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The substituted tris(bipyridine)ruthenium(II) complexes {[Ru(bpy)(2)(4,4'-bbob)](2+) and [Ru(bpy)(2)(5,5'-bbob)](2+) [where bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine and bbob = bis(benzoxazol-2-yl)-2,2'-bipyridine] have been prepared and compared to the previously studied complex [Ru(bpy)(2)(4,4'-bbtb)](2+) [where bbtb = bis(benzothiazol-2-yl)-2,2'-bipyridine]. From the UV/VIS titration studies, Delta-[Ru(bpy)(2)(4,4'bbob)](2+) displays a stronger association than the Lambda-isomer with calf-thymus DNA (ct-DNA). For [Ru(bpy)(2)(5,5'-bbob)](2+), there appears to be minimal interaction with ct-DNA. The results of fluorescence titration studies suggest that [Ru(bpy)(2)(4,4'-bbob)](2+) gives an increase in emission intensity with increasing ct-DNA concentrations, with an enantiopreference for the A isomer, confirmed by membrane dialysis studies. The fluorescent intercalation displacement studies revealed that [Ru(bpy)(2)(4,4'-bbob)](2+) and [Ru.(bpy)(2)(5,5'bbob)](2+) display a preference for more open DNA structures such as bulge and hairpin sequences. While Delta-[Ru(bpy)(2)(4,4'-bbtb)](2+) has shown the most significant affinity for all the oligonucleotides sequences screened in previous studies, it is the A isomer of the comparable benzoxazole ruthenium(II) complex (Delta-[Ru(bpy)(2)(4,4'-bbob)](2+)) that preferentially binds to DNA.


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Ionic liquid crystals were obtained by coupling one or two mesogenic units (cholesterol or cyanobiphenyl) to an imidazolium cation. Anions are bromide, bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, and tetrakis(2-thenoyltrifluoroacetonato)europate(III). The mesomorphism of the compounds depends on the type and number of mesogenic units and on the type of anion. In general, the most stable mesophases are observed for the bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide salts. Most of the compounds containing cholesterol moieties show enantiotropic SmA* phases over a broad temperature range, and some of them are room temperature liquid crystals. Modeling of the small-angle X-ray scattering patterns revealed the molecular arrangement in these mesophases. On the contrary, most of the compounds containing cyanobiphenyl groups exhibit monotropic lamellar or nematic mesophases, depending on the number of mesogenic units. The imidazolium salts containing the tetrakis(2-thenoyltrifluoroacetonato)europate(III) anion show an intense red photoluminescence.


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In this article the authors discuss the usefulness of focus groups for researching sensitive issues using evidence from a study examining the experiences of nurses providing care in the context of the Northern Ireland Troubles. They conducted three group interviews with nurses during which they asked about the issues the nurses face(d) in providing nursing care amid enduring social division. Through a discursive analysis of within-group interaction, they demonstrate how participants employ a range of interpretive resources, the effect of which is to prioritize particular knowledge concerning the nature of nursing care. The identification of such patterned activity highlights the ethnographic value of focus groups to reveal social conventions guiding the production of accounts but also suggests that accounts cannot be divorced from the circumstances of their production. Consequently, the authors argue that focus groups should be considered most useful for illuminating locally sanctioned ways of talking about sensitive issues.