1000 resultados para persistência de resíduos


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The discussion about possibility of deployment of MSW incineration boilers to generate electricity in Brazil is the major topic of this paper. In this article are showed some advantages and disadvantages of this technology, as well as a methodology for the estimate of area for the main equipments of a steam generator for a boiler incineration


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Currently, in Brazil, the quantity and quality of new types of wastes, discarded without criteria in urban areas, has been responsible for considerable impacts on public health and the environment. According to a report prepared by the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA), the country loses about U.S. $ 8 billion annually, due lack of waste recycling, which go directly into landfills or dumps. Among these solid wastes are waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), whose characteristics are complex, by having in its composition substances of high value-added and other health hazards which require different treatment of household waste. Aiming to fill the gap in Brazilian environmental legislation, on 02/08/2010, was sanctioned the National Policy Solid Waste (Law No. 12,305), already regulated on 23/12/2010 (Decree No 7404), whose based on the following principles:reduction of waste generation and toxicity of shared responsibility, proper planning management, social inclusion of waste pickers and sustainable production and consumption. Given the above, this work presented here, aims generally present a diagnosis of the current situation of electronic waste generated in the Faculty of Engineering, Campus Guaratinguetá, FEG / UNESP, to provide data for management and management of these waste, based on sustainability, the economic losses and minimizing environmental impacts and public health related to the flow and the improper disposal of these wastes


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A preocupação ambiental em relação aos resíduos de equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos (REEE) vem crescendo muito nos últimos anos devido à presença de substâncias perigosas que podem causar danos ao ambiente e à saúde. O trabalho teve por objetivo investigar o destino de REEE gerados no Campus Quadrilátero da Saúde/Direito (CQS/D) da Universidade de São Paulo (Faculdade de Medicina, Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Escola de Enfermagem, Instituto de Medicina Tropical e Faculdade de Direito), a partir do momento em que os mesmos deixam as dependências da Instituição e identificar potenciais riscos à saúde e ao ambiente, decorrentes das atuais ações de gerenciamento dos REEE nas unidades estudadas. A pesquisa desenvolveu-se em 3 etapas: a) pesquisa bibliográfica e documental; b) visitas às unidades que compõem o CQS/D, e identificação de cinco intituições filantrópicas como principais destinos; c) visitas aos locais identificados para investigar as atividades desenvolvidas para a recuperação de equipamentos, componentes ou materiais recicláveis, com base em um formulário desenvolvido. Adicionalmente, foram realizadas visitas a outros quatro locais de destino de REEE. Foi identificado que as etapas realizadas nas instituições são: recebimento, teste, conserto e desmontagem manual e que o destino dos REEE pode ser considerado problemático, já que os rejeitos acabam sendo descartados como resíduo comum, podendo causar danos ao ambiente e à saúde. Além disso há riscos ocupacionais, pois os trabalhadores, além de não utilizarem equipamentos de proteção individual necessários, nem sempre recebem capacitação para exercer suas funções


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The objective of this work was collect information of articles published previously and carry out a study about them, including contents and interesting stuff that bring growth regarding the construction residues utilization and demolition (RCD), that today provides many environmental impacts. The need of utilization of the RCD in Brazil and in the world earned bigger attention world speaking, therefore the industry of the civil construction is had as one of the biggest present residues output springs. For it present a point that can be applied the RCD, is discussed in that work the kinds and structures of floors, where are presented the layers and, finally, a short argument about the possible and economic feasabilities job of the residues recycled in some layers of the structure of floor


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The Health Care Wastes (HCW) present serious risks to health and to the environment, if incorrectly managed, because in addition to the presence of pathogenic agents, the may pollute the soil and the water. Thus, a study was performed aiming at diagnosing the HCW management in Araraquara (SP), identifying the difficulties of the agents (municipal gestors and managers of institutions which generate this wastes) in implanting the HCW management Plan (HCWMP) proposed by ANVISA, in order to subside the HCWMP implantation. The methodology was based on question applications in health centers selected to be the samples, and on quantitative data related to the phases of Treatment and Final Disposal, provided by DAAE. As a result, it was observed that a great part of the interviewed centers managed these wastes according to norm RDC no 306/ 2004 of ANVISA. However, only 24% of the interviewed centers knew about this norm, and only 22% of them had the HCWMP. The difficulties in managing the HCW concentrated in the correct segregation of theses wastes in the generation source. The large number of people involved in this phase suggests the causes of the difficulties.


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A Revolução Tecnológica vem colocando no mercado um número cada vez maior de equipamentos eletrônicos, enquanto a absorção dos impactos pelo ecossistema se torna cada vez mais difícil. A Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos reúne o conjunto de princípios, diretrizes, metas e ações para o gerenciamento ambientalmente adequado dos resíduos. Comparando o cenário brasileiro com medidas de outros países, a proposta é analisar os impactos econômicos e ambientais da nova lei sobre a indústria de produtos eletroeletrônicos


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Since the early twenty-first century, the construction sector has been the second largest on the rise in the Brazilian industrial sector, with a growth of 1.4% in 2012, and is likely to remain at this level for a long time. However, unlike decades ago, the industry has been seeking in its manufacturing process, sustainable materials, encompassing in their works the concept of sustainability. Thus, the timber sector seeks to satisfy a market increasingly demanding, innovating techniques and utilization being less aggressive to the environment. The purpose of this study was to produce and evaluate the mechanical strength of the composite cement with the addition of wood residues and slag low oven. Therefore, it was made 42 specimen cement-slag-wood, carried out in two steps. Since at the first, it was varied only the slag particle size, and at the second, through the best result of the previous step, it was varied the wood particles granulometry. The mechanical performance of the composite was evaluated by the results obtained in the compression test and the physical test for determining the density of the material. In the first step of the process can be concluded that the best result was achieved with the use of slag particles retained on the 60 mesh sieve. In the second phase of the study concluded that the best results were achieved with wood particles with the large particles, i.e. particles retained on the 10 mesh sieve. Both in the first and in the second step it can be seen that there has been the influence of the particle size of the waste materials. With the obtained results, could be evaluated that the use of waste for the production of cement-slag-wood composite showed lower performance when compared to the results obtained in studies without the use of waste. However, some applications are feasible to be performed with the use of composite wood-cement-slag


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The present work aimed to quantify the generation of group B health care`s residuals in places such as drugstores and pharmacies, in the municipality of Uberaba, MG, Brazil, as well as to identify their final destination in those places during the months of July and September, 2010. In order to also verify the medicaments generated by the whole community, some delivery campaigns were arranged to capture out-of-date medicaments at 3 drugstores. In this sense, all people who effectively looked for a pharmacy/drugstore to deposit the medicaments were invited to respond some questions, containing information about the name of the medicament, the pharmaceutical composition, the color applicable to the medicament and the expiration date. At the end of the period of research, 76 interviews were performed and 90 medicaments were observed (1.18 products per interview, in average). Results obtained suggested that pharmacies/drugstores located downtown tend to generate more medicaments than others located in the districts and periphery zones. Moreover, manipulation drugstores tend to generate more products than their conventional counterparts. Regarding the therapeutic classes, the anti-hypertensive medicaments represented the most substantial percentage of the medicaments delivered, accounting for 21,11%. However, the worst scenario tends to show that people usually do not know exactly how to discard this sort of product – about 65% of the people consulted discard chemical pharmaceutical residuals in the same place the domestic trash is thrown away – what may represent a serious risk in terms of contamination of the environment, so that a strong campaign towards the proper usage and discharge of medicaments should be strongly encouraged


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The large volume of waste generated by construction and demolition has become increasingly a matter of concern to society. The handling and disposal of RCD's to gain prominence as over the years intensified the requirements for a sustainable world. This paper presents the positive and negative factors that the management of construction and demolition waste can bring in the municipality of Guaratinguetá-SP. This study examines the methods used in waste management since he was not done any treatment to the present day. Presents comparative tables on the feasibility of installing a central crushing of inert waste and implementation of an inert waste landfill in the municipality of Guaratinguetá and Cachoeira Paulista. And yet the work being done by the city of Guaratinguetá reuse the material in class A in paving roads


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The competitiveness among global markets, the constant need for reducing manufacturing costs and also the growing environmental commitments are fueling the development of techniques for recovery residual parts generated by industrial processes. Among the various areas of a company, we highlight those that involve the processing of raw materials derived from oil, such as polymers (resins), which may take centuries to decompose in the environment and also present as a economic and environmentally strategic point. Thus, this study would examine the recovery of waste polypropylene, from the injection process of a major multinational in the field of home appliances through the recycling by a process comprising the milling, extrusion and chipping of waste material. Easy to deploy, this proposal aims to reduce levels negligible disposal (scrap) of these residues as well as the reintegration of the production process into pieces no visual and no structural importance, aimed at cutting costs and reducing environmental impacts caused. After the survey data in kilograms of waste material generated in a given period of time, and the study of changes in material properties, it would enable the reuse steadily in the injection process


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The issue of waste, historically, has been getting worse as a result of the world´s population increase and in order to meet their needs the consumption of natural resources and the generation has been constantly increasing, especially in large urban centers. The people involved in the collection of recyclable solid waste, called from now on as collectors, are responsible for about 90% of the waste sent to recycling industry in Brazil. Apart from having a role in the economy, the collectors have specific knowledge and skills necessary to identify, collect, sort and sell these wastes. This study aims to examine the possibilities and limits of COOPERVIVA – Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Catadores de Material Reaproveitável de Rio Claro - as an instrument of the municipal solid waste management system, and its experience as a recyclable waste collectors cooperative. The methodological procedures of this study rely on the literature research on the experiences of cooperative and the management of municipal solid waste. In addition to this review of the literature, fortnightly visits to the cooperative were held in order to experience their daily activities, and testimonies of the cooperative members were collected as well as documents and reports produced by COOPERVIVA. The results of this analysis are considerations of the limitations of the cooperative and recommendations aimed at maximizing their potential as a tool of the domestic solid waste management system of and as a recyclable waste collectors cooperative. Among other things it can be concluded that the urban selective collection of waste challenges the community to the reinvention of life and the relationships each individual with the planet.


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The manufacture of plywood panel already has about eighty years in Brazil. In general, plywood panels differ by their nature, composition and manufacturing; the most common MDF, OSB, particle and the joist. Some of these products can be generated fromindustrial waste, as the panelblockboard, you can use in their training waste destop boards (Battens), from industrial processes or processing of primary wood. This work aims to present the detailed study of the economic viability of utilization of industrial solid waste timber through the acquisition of a machine amarradeira of joists in a wood processing unit in city Itapeva-SP. We studied the application of wastein the composition of kernels blockboard panel tied its commercial acceptance and future prospects market. We noticed great economic advantage in investing in the study, compared with the transformation process of the joists in biomass energy, although the investment decision involves not only financial matters but also the acceptance market the product to be manufactured


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Ethanol, the main automotive biofuel, has its production based on the fermentation of sugars found in biological materials and on the distillation of the alcoholic media formed during the fermentative process. Stillage is the main residue from ethanol production, containing a high organic loading in addition to acidic and corrosive characteristics. Considering the available technologies to treat stillage, we highlight anaerobic digestion, which allows the reduction of the impacts associated to pollutants loading of this effluent and the generation of energy from the methane gas produced in the process. Based on the high treatment efficiency usually associated to the anaerobic process, this work aimed to assess whether anaerobic systems applied to the treatment of stillage are energetically self-sufficient. First we evaluated the energy recovery capacity in an anaerobic reactor applied to the treatment of stillage resulting from corn-to-ethanol processing. The results indicated the great influence that a correct selection of electrical equipment and their respective operating periods have on the net energy balance of the anaerobic treatment. The high energy consumption of the heater would not allow the system to achieve a positive net energy balance – the maximum energy recovery would reach only 0.68% of the consumption. However, the replacement of the mixture equipment would result in energy gains ranging from 8.5 to 967.9% of the consumption. In this work we also assessed the efficiency of methane yields for a few studies and the correlation between some parameters of the anaerobic process. With respect to the methane yield, we noted that mesophilic systems tend to be more advantageous than the thermophilic ones (efficiency of 76.45 ± 22.51% vs. 69.40 ± 30.36%). Considering the study... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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In Brazil, rates of urban solid waste generation increase proportionally more than the annual growing of the population. The government, from its federal authority to the municipal spheres, faces increasing challenges for Urban and Environmental management regarding to solid waste in general and, in particular, municipal solid waste. Financial problems added to public health problems that worsen with the serious environmental impacts generated every year. In August 2010 Brazil the PNRS (National Policy on Solid Waste) was approved and sanctioned in which represented a true watershed in the country as a legal framework extremely ambitious and visionary. This work presents the successes and challenges that the municipality of Sorocaba/SP is facing after more than three years of PNRS sanctioned to conduct an Urban and Environmental management suited to the new legal bases towards the subject of solid waste. The results show a large gap between the content proposed by the law and the technical, financial and temporal reality to practical implementation by the municipal government. New legislation and federal incentives, consortiums among the cities, flexible deadlines and environmental education at all levels are certainly some proposals to catalyze processes that aim to solve and overcome the challenges of solid waste


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The research aims to propose grants for development of Municipal Plan for the Management of Organic Solid Waste generated in the municipality of Rio Claro. The research universe was composed of organic waste generators establishments (markets and grocers). From the registry of commercial establishments provided by the municipal government were identified who presented this typology, which totaled 38 establishments. In this universe the interview was conducted in 15 establishments obtained by directed sampling based on the characteristics of size, type and location. The data collected were the amount generated, disposal of waste, waste separation, collection frequency, reasons for the disposal of waste, frequency of purchase of products. From the data obtained in the field, we estimated the total generation of organic waste in this segment for the municipality. Then, the estimated costs for implementation and operation of a composting center, a way to subsidize the implementation of the management plan was carried out. We opted for the aerobic composting process by the simplicity of operation and because it is a technique already known. The average waste generation was established by tracks (size) with: stores up to 4 boxes (classified as small) generate on average 1511 kg / month, 40% of organic waste, the 5-9 boxes (small/midsize) generate on average 4338 kg / month, 35% organic and the 10 to 19 boxes (midsize) generate on average 7647 kg / month with 32% organic. In total establishments generate 105 t/ month of waste, with 35t / month of organics. 94% of establishments are in font segregation of waste into recyclable, organic and waste, indicating that the proposed management of organic waste is amenable to application without many changes in existing routine in stores. Recyclables are sent for recycling through selective collection held by the cooperative, while the organics are destined for the landfill and feed. The results indicate...