976 resultados para pain characteristics


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In an effort to evaluate the production potential of an artificial impoundment, the phytoplankton of the Shen reservoir was sampled from November 1981 to June 1982 at three stations during three periods of distinct seasonal hydrographic characteristics. The samples were subsampled and quantified. Most of the phytoplankton were identified to the species level. There were in all 53 species comprising Chlorophyceae contributing 36.70% with species of Volvox, Pediastrum, Closterium, Staurodesmus and Ankistrodesmus as dominant species in this group. The Cyanophyceae contributed 30.00% with species of Microcystis, Nostoc , and Oscillatoria as the dominant species. An analysis of temporal and spatial changes in composition and abundance of the various groups showed that these were influenced by water temperature, sampling period and station. Based on the trophic status of the most abundant species, the composition of the phytoplankton is indicative of a tropical reservoir with a moderate productivity for fish culture


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Waverider generated from a given flow field has a high lift-to-drag ratio because of attached bow shock on leading edge. However, leading edge blunt and off-design condition can make bow shock off leading edge and have unfavorable influence on aerodynamic characteristics. So these two problems have always been concerned as important engineering science issues by aeronautical engineering scientists. In this paper, through respectively using low speed and high speed waverider design principles, a wide-speed rang vehicle is designed, which can level takeoff and accelerate to hypersonic speed for cruise. In addition, sharp leading edge is blunted to alleviated aeroheating. Theoretical study and wind tunnel test show that this vehicle has good aerodynamic performance in wide-speed range of subsonic, transonic, supersonic and hypersonic speeds.


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Fingerling of Clarias gariepinus have been reported to have an optimal protein requirement of 40%. Not much is known about the effect that varying this protein level has in the haematological characteristics (i.e packed cell volume, red blood cell count, haemoglobin concentration and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration) and on some landmarks measured along the fish's body. The haematological parameter are useful in assessing the effect of dietary treatment on leanness or robustness in the fish. The results of these experiment reveals that of the 17 landmarks measured on the bodies of the fish species fed dietary protein levels of no protein 11% (low protein), 29% (sub optimal) and 40% (optimal), only four of the landmarks show significant difference. Also, analysis of the haematological characteristics show significant difference in haematoant (PCV) and erthroycte count (RBC) in all the treatments


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Oreochromis niloticus (L.) were caught by beach seining, hook and line and trawling from Nyanza Gulf, lake Victoria (Kenya) in order to study their feeding ecology and population characteristics. Collected fish were weighed and TL measured immediately after capture. Fish were dissected and sexed. Stomach contents were removed and preserved in 4% buffered formalin for laboratory analysis. In the laboratory items were sorted into categories such as three quarters, half and quarter and awarded 20, 15 and 5 points respectively. Main food items for O. niloticus from November 1998 to March 1999 were insects, algae, fish and plant material. Increase in insects in the diet of O. niloticus might be attributed to the lake infestation by water hyacinth which harbours different species of insects


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A torch with a set of inter-electrode inserts between the cathode and the anode/nozzle with a wide nozzle exit was designed to generate plasma jets at chamber pressures of 500–10 000 Pa. The variation of the arc voltage was examined with the change in working parameters such as gas flow rate and chamber pressure. The fluctuation in the arc voltage was recorded with an oscilloscope, and the plasma jet fluctuation near the torch exit was observed with a high-speed video camera and detected with a double-electrostatic probe. Results show that the 300 Hz wave originated from the tri-phase rectified power supply was always detected under all generating conditions. Helmholtz oscillations over 3000 Hz was detected superposed on the 300 Hz wave at gas flow rates higher than 8.8 slm with a peak to valley amplitude lower than 5% of the average voltage value. No appreciable voltage fluctuation caused by the irregular arc root movement is detected, and mechanisms for the arc voltage and jet flow fluctuations are discussed.


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An arc-heated thruster of 130–800 W input power is tested in a vacuum chamber at pressures lower than 20 Pa with argon or H2–N2 gas mixture as propellant. The time-dependent arc voltage-current curve, outside-surface temperature of the anode nozzle and the produced thrust of the firing arcjet thruster are measured in situ simultaneously, in order to analyze and evaluate the dependence of thruster working characteristics and output properties, such as specific impulse and thrust efficiency, on nozzle temperature.


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In the first part of this thesis a study of the effect of the longitudinal distribution of optical intensity and electron density on the static and dynamic behavior of semiconductor lasers is performed. A static model for above threshold operation of a single mode laser, consisting of multiple active and passive sections, is developed by calculating the longitudinal optical intensity distribution and electron density distribution in a self-consistent manner. Feedback from an index and gain Bragg grating is included, as well as feedback from discrete reflections at interfaces and facets. Longitudinal spatial holeburning is analyzed by including the dependence of the gain and the refractive index on the electron density. The mechanisms of spatial holeburning in quarter wave shifted DFB lasers are analyzed. A new laser structure with a uniform optical intensity distribution is introduced and an implementation is simulated, resulting in a large reduction of the longitudinal spatial holeburning effect.

A dynamic small-signal model is then developed by including the optical intensity and electron density distribution, as well as the dependence of the grating coupling coefficients on the electron density. Expressions are derived for the intensity and frequency noise spectrum, the spontaneous emission rate into the lasing mode, the linewidth enhancement factor, and the AM and FM modulation response. Different chirp components are identified in the FM response, and a new adiabatic chirp component is discovered. This new adiabatic chirp component is caused by the nonuniform longitudinal distributions, and is found to dominate at low frequencies. Distributed feedback lasers with partial gain coupling are analyzed, and it is shown how the dependence of the grating coupling coefficients on the electron density can result in an enhancement of the differential gain with an associated enhancement in modulation bandwidth and a reduction in chirp.

In the second part, spectral characteristics of passively mode-locked two-section multiple quantum well laser coupled to an external cavity are studied. Broad-band wavelength tuning using an external grating is demonstrated for the first time in passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers. A record tuning range of 26 nm is measured, with pulse widths of typically a few picosecond and time-bandwidth products of more than 10 times the transform limit. It is then demonstrated that these large time-bandwidth products are due to a strong linear upchirp, by performing pulse compression by a factor of 15 to a record pulse widths as low 320 fs.

A model for pulse propagation through a saturable medium with self-phase-modulation, due to the a-parameter, is developed for quantum well material, including the frequency dependence of the gain medium. This model is used to simulate two-section devices coupled to an external cavity. When no self-phase-modulation is present, it is found that the pulses are asymmetric with a sharper rising edge, that the pulse tails have an exponential behavior, and that the transform limit is 0.3. Inclusion of self-phase-modulation results in a linear upchirp imprinted on the pulse after each round-trip. This linear upchirp is due to a combination of self-phase-modulation in a gain section and absorption of the leading edge of the pulse in the saturable absorber.


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This work proposes a new simulation methodology in which variable density turbulent flows can be studied in the context of a mixing layer with or without the presence of gravity. Specifically, this methodology is developed to probe the nature of non-buoyantly-driven (i.e. isotropically-driven) or buoyantly-driven mixing deep inside a mixing layer. Numerical forcing methods are incorporated into both the velocity and scalar fields, which extends the length of time over which mixing physics can be studied. The simulation framework is designed to allow for independent variation of four non-dimensional parameters, including the Reynolds, Richardson, Atwood, and Schmidt numbers. Additionally, the governing equations are integrated in such a way to allow for the relative magnitude of buoyant energy production and non-buoyant energy production to be varied.

The computational requirements needed to implement the proposed configuration are presented. They are justified in terms of grid resolution, order of accuracy, and transport scheme. Canonical features of turbulent buoyant flows are reproduced as validation of the proposed methodology. These features include the recovery of isotropic Kolmogorov scales under buoyant and non-buoyant conditions, the recovery of anisotropic one-dimensional energy spectra under buoyant conditions, and the preservation of known statistical distributions in the scalar field, as found in other DNS studies.

This simulation methodology is used to perform a parametric study of turbulent buoyant flows to discern the effects of varying the Reynolds, Richardson, and Atwood numbers on the resulting state of mixing. The effects of the Reynolds and Atwood numbers are isolated by looking at two energy dissipation rate conditions under non-buoyant (variable density) and constant density conditions. The effects of Richardson number are isolated by varying the ratio of buoyant energy production to total energy production from zero (non-buoyant) to one (entirely buoyant) under constant Atwood number, Schmidt number, and energy dissipation rate conditions. It is found that the major differences between non-buoyant and buoyant turbulent flows are contained in the transfer spectrum and longitudinal structure functions, while all other metrics are largely similar (e.g. energy spectra, alignment characteristics of the strain-rate tensor). Also, despite the differences noted between fully buoyant and non-buoyant turbulent fields, the scalar field, in all cases, is unchanged by these. The mixing dynamics in the scalar field are found to be insensitive to the source of turbulent kinetic energy production (non-buoyant vs. buoyant).


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Trata-se de um estudo do tipo estudo de caso, na abordagem qualitativa, que visa a analisar as vivências das mulheres que utilizaram as tecnologias não-invasivas de cuidado de enfermagem durante a gravidez e o parto e discutir quais e como essas tecnologias estimularam o empoderamento nelas. Para isso foram utilizadas referências que abordem conceitos de gênero, empoderamento e tecnologias. Como referencial teórico foi utilizado a de Promoção da Saúde de Nola Pender que, a partir da identificação dos fatores biopsicossociais do indivíduo, busca influenciar comportamentos saudáveis, visando ao bem-estar como proposta de promoção da saúde. O cenário do estudo foi a Casa de Parto David Capistrano Filho, localizada no município do Rio de Janeiro, e contou com a participação de dez mulheres que pariram na Casa. Para a coleta de dados, foi elaborado um diagrama semelhante ao de Pender, contendo alguns aspectos biopsicossociais das mulheres que pudessem ter influência na vivência de empoderamento delas. As entrevistas aconteceram entre os meses de março e maio de 2010. Os dados produzidos foram analisados e transformados em três categorias: características e vivências individuais da mulher; conhecimentos, sentimentos e influências, na gravidez e no parto, a partir do uso das tecnologias; e o resultado do empoderamento. A tecnologia relacional, como o acolhimento, o vínculo e a escuta sensível, influenciou de forma benéfica as mulheres desde o momento que elas iniciaram o pré-natal na Casa, já que no início da gravidez algumas tinham receio com as mudanças do corpo e com as responsabilidades da maternidade. A dor do parto também foi outra preocupação citada por desconhecerem a fisiologia do processo. Mas, através de tecnologias como a de informação, de apoio, de potencialização de expressão corporal, de favorecimento da presença do acompanhante e de respeito de escolha delas, o parto acabou sendo calmo, tranqüilo, acolhedor e prazeroso. Com isso, as tecnologias contribuíram para as vivências de fortalecimento do vínculo com o bebê, na maior autoconfiança em parir e no preparo da maternidade que despertou nelas um desejo de serem pessoas de opiniões próprias e de terem uma formação profissional para garantir um bom futuro para o filho. Percebeu-se, nesse estudo, que as tecnologias favoreceram o empoderamento delas em parir numa Casa de Parto sendo assistidas por enfermeiras obstetras. No entanto, elas ainda se mostram passivas à dominação masculina quando valorizam a capacidade feminina em conquistar o espaço público masculino, mesmo em detrimento de suas reais necessidades, mostrando a importância de mais discussão sobre a temática a fim de vislumbrar novas tecnologias que auxiliem às mulheres a transpor esse empoderamento, adquirido durante a gravidez e o parto, para o seu dia a dia.


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O Centro Cirúrgico é um serviço especializado com estrutura física e organizacional complexa, normas e rotinas rigorosas, intensa atividade técnica, aparato tecnológico que requer profissionais treinados. A pesquisa teve como objeto de estudo os fatores de riscos ocupacionais e os problemas de saúde decorrentes do trabalho, identificados pelos profissionais de enfermagem de um Centro Cirúrgico de um Hospital Universitário da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os objetivos foram: analisar os fatores de riscos ocupacionais que possibilitam o aparecimento de problemas de saúde nos profissionais de enfermagem do Centro Cirúrgico segundo esses trabalhadores; descrever as características sociodemográficas dos profissionais lotados no Centro Cirúrgico; levantar os fatores de risco do ambiente cirúrgico identificados pelos trabalhadores de enfermagem do Centro Cirúrgico de um Hospital Universitário; e, discutir a relação entre os riscos do ambiente de trabalho e os problemas de saúde autoreferidos por trabalhadores de enfermagem do Centro Cirúrgico. A metodologia usada foi uma pesquisa não-experimental, de natureza descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvida em um centro cirúrgico de um hospital universitário federal da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A população escolhida foi composta de trabalhadores da equipe de enfermagem, lotados no mínimo há seis meses neste serviço e que aceitassem participar da pesquisa. O questionário de coleta de dados utilizado foi adaptado por Mauro dos Guias e Avaliação de riscos em indústrias de Boix e Vogel. O estudo foi submetido e aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP) do Hospital Universitário em estudo, através Parecer Consubstanciado no. 287/10, protocolo no. 217/09. Os dados foram analisados através do Programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), versão 13.0. Os riscos biológicos foram os mais apontados pelos trabalhadores de enfermagem, seguidos dos riscos químicos, ergonômicos e de acidentes ou mecânicos. As doenças provocadas pelo trabalho mais referidas foram o estresse, a lombalgia, as varizes, a fadiga muscular e os problemas de articulação. As doenças agravadas pelo trabalho mais citadas foram as varizes, a lombalgia, os problemas de articulação, o estresse, as lesões de coluna vertebral, os problemas digestivos e os transtornos do sono. Conclui-se que o Serviço estudado possui riscos inerentes às atividades desenvolvidas que caracterizam os problemas relacionados pelos trabalhadores, e que são passíveis de controle através da intensificação de um Programa de Prevenção de Riscos Ambientais voltado para o Centro Cirúrgico. A partir da NR 17 e a 32, pode-se consultar as diretrizes para prevenção dos riscos encontrados. Uma estratégia de reposição digna de pessoal de enfermagem é imprescindível, assim como estudo e implantação de um Programa de Prevenção de Riscos laborais aos trabalhadores do Centro Cirúrgico, e utilização do questionário aos demais membros da equipe multiprofissional.


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The long- and short-period body waves of a number of moderate earthquakes occurring in central and southern California recorded at regional (200-1400 km) and teleseismic (> 30°) distances are modeled to obtain the source parameters-focal mechanism, depth, seismic moment, and source time history. The modeling is done in the time domain using a forward modeling technique based on ray summation. A simple layer over a half space velocity model is used with additional layers being added if necessary-for example, in a basin with a low velocity lid.

The earthquakes studied fall into two geographic regions: 1) the western Transverse Ranges, and 2) the western Imperial Valley. Earthquakes in the western Transverse Ranges include the 1987 Whittier Narrows earthquake, several offshore earthquakes that occurred between 1969 and 1981, and aftershocks to the 1983 Coalinga earthquake (these actually occurred north of the Transverse Ranges but share many characteristics with those that occurred there). These earthquakes are predominantly thrust faulting events with the average strike being east-west, but with many variations. Of the six earthquakes which had sufficient short-period data to accurately determine the source time history, five were complex events. That is, they could not be modeled as a simple point source, but consisted of two or more subevents. The subevents of the Whittier Narrows earthquake had different focal mechanisms. In the other cases, the subevents appear to be the same, but small variations could not be ruled out.

The recent Imperial Valley earthquakes modeled include the two 1987 Superstition Hills earthquakes and the 1969 Coyote Mountain earthquake. All are strike-slip events, and the second 1987 earthquake is a complex event With non-identical subevents.

In all the earthquakes studied, and particularly the thrust events, constraining the source parameters required modeling several phases and distance ranges. Teleseismic P waves could provide only approximate solutions. P_(nl) waves were probably the most useful phase in determining the focal mechanism, with additional constraints supplied by the SH waves when available. Contamination of the SH waves by shear-coupled PL waves was a frequent problem. Short-period data were needed to obtain the source time function.

In addition to the earthquakes mentioned above, several historic earthquakes were also studied. Earthquakes that occurred before the existence of dense local and worldwide networks are difficult to model due to the sparse data set. It has been noticed that earthquakes that occur near each other often produce similar waveforms implying similar source parameters. By comparing recent well studied earthquakes to historic earthquakes in the same region, better constraints can be placed on the source parameters of the historic events.

The Lompoc earthquake (M=7) of 1927 is the largest offshore earthquake to occur in California this century. By direct comparison of waveforms and amplitudes with the Coalinga and Santa Lucia Banks earthquakes, the focal mechanism (thrust faulting on a northwest striking fault) and long-period seismic moment (10^(26) dyne cm) can be obtained. The S-P travel times are consistent with an offshore location, rather than one in the Hosgri fault zone.

Historic earthquakes in the western Imperial Valley were also studied. These events include the 1942 and 1954 earthquakes. The earthquakes were relocated by comparing S-P and R-S times to recent earthquakes. It was found that only minor changes in the epicenters were required but that the Coyote Mountain earthquake may have been more severely mislocated. The waveforms as expected indicated that all the events were strike-slip. Moment estimates were obtained by comparing the amplitudes of recent and historic events at stations which recorded both. The 1942 event was smaller than the 1968 Borrego Mountain earthquake although some previous studies suggested the reverse. The 1954 and 1937 earthquakes had moments close to the expected value. An aftershock of the 1942 earthquake appears to be larger than previously thought.


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As is known, copepods play an important role in the nutrition of fish. Therefore with a view to facilitating research on the study of the quantitative side of feeding, there have recently appeared a considerable number of papers devoted to the development of methods for determining the wet. weight of these crustaceans. For the further facilitating of research in the nutrition of fish it would be of great interest to clarify the problem, is there not some kind of rule in the growth of the crustaceans during metamorphosis, and if there is such a rule is it not possible, to determine the length of the larvae at each stage, not by measuring them, but by using the formulae derived on the basis of these rules. This article examines the growth curves of different species of freshwater Copepoda, obtained on the basis of experimental observations in cultures or by way of measurement of mass material at all stages of development in samples from water-bodies. The authors study in particular the ratio of the mean diameter of the eggs to the mean length of the egg-bearing females.