958 resultados para occupation store
We study male parentage and between-colony variation in sex allocation and sexual production in the desert ant Crematogaster smithi, which usually has only one singly-mated queen per nest. Colonies of this species are known to temporarily store nutrients in the large fat body of intermorphs, a specialized female caste intermediate in morphology between queens and workers. Intermorphs repackage at least part of this fat into consumable but viable male-destined eggs. If these eggs sometimes develop instead of being eaten, intermorphs will be reproductive competitors of the queen but-due to relatedness asymmetries-allies of their sister worker. Using genetic markers we found a considerable proportion of non-queen sons in some, but not all, colonies. Even though intermorphs produce ∼1.7× more eggs than workers, their share in the parentage of adult males is estimated to be negligible due to their small number compared to workers. Furthermore, neither colony-level sex allocation nor overall sexual production was correlated with intermorph occurrence or number. We conclude that intermorph-laid eggs typically do not survive and that the storage of nutrients and their redistribution as eggs by intermorphs is effectively altruistic.
In Duchenne muscular dystrophy, the absence of dystrophin causes progressive muscle wasting and premature death. Excessive calcium influx is thought to initiate the pathogenic cascade, resulting in muscle cell death. Urocortins (Ucns) have protected muscle in several experimental paradigms. Herein, we demonstrate that daily s.c. injections of either Ucn 1 or Ucn 2 to 3-week-old dystrophic mdx(5Cv) mice for 2 weeks increased skeletal muscle mass and normalized plasma creatine kinase activity. Histological examination showed that Ucns remarkably reduced necrosis in the diaphragm and slow- and fast-twitch muscles. Ucns improved muscle resistance to mechanical stress provoked by repetitive tetanizations. Ucn 2 treatment resulted in faster kinetics of contraction and relaxation and a rightward shift of the force-frequency curve, suggesting improved calcium homeostasis. Ucn 2 decreased calcium influx into freshly isolated dystrophic muscles. Pharmacological manipulation demonstrated that the mechanism involved the corticotropin-releasing factor type 2 receptor, cAMP elevation, and activation of both protein kinase A and the cAMP-binding protein Epac. Moreover, both STIM1, the calcium sensor that initiates the assembly of store-operated channels, and the calcium-independent phospholipase A(2) that activates these channels were reduced in dystrophic muscle by Ucn 2. Altogether, our results demonstrate the high potency of Ucns for improving dystrophic muscle structure and function, suggesting that these peptides may be considered for treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
The aim was to examine the effect of maternal age, gravidity, marital status, previous perinatal deaths, and parental social class on babies born low birthweight, preterm, and small for gestational age. DESIGN--The study used data on discharge summaries from all maternity hospitals in Scotland. SETTING--The study was based on all singleton deliveries in Scotland. PARTICIPANTS--The analysis involved information on 259,462 singleton babies born during the four years 1981-84 in Scotland. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS--Previous perinatal death was found to be the strongest predictor for both preterm and low birthweight. Single mothers were at particularly high risk of having a small for gestational age baby and those who were previously married of having a preterm baby. Women aged less than 20 years old, those over 34 years old, nulligravidae, and those of parity 3 or more were also at increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcome. Mothers and fathers in manual social classes and those who could not be assigned a social class on the basis of their occupation were at increased risk for all three adverse outcomes studied. The babies of parents who were in manual occupations were twice as likely as those of parents in non-manual occupations to be small for gestational age and almost twice as likely to be low birthweight. CONCLUSIONS--Mother's social class is a risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcome independent of maternal age, parity, and adverse reproductive history, and also independent of father's social class. Information on both parents' occupations should be collected in maternity discharge systems.
Collection : Les archives de la Révolution française ; 11.1a.478
La présente thèse se propose d'étudier les fortifications connues dans le territoire d'Erétrie (île d'Eubée, Grèce), essentiellement aux époques classique et hellénistique (Ve-IIe siècles av. J.-C.). La plupart de ces constructions (forteresses de grand appareil, habitats fortifiés, enceintes de pierres sèches et tours) sont connues depuis le 19e siècle, mais ce travail constitue la première étude archéologique et historique d'ensemble qui leur est consacrée exclusivement. Bien que décrites depuis longtemps, les fortifications des campagnes grecques ont surtout été étudiées d'un point de vue architectural et historique. Cette approche a privilégié une interprétation militaire et stratégique, reliant les fortifications au sein de réseaux défensifs conçus à grande échelle et destinés à bloquer les accès et les frontières du territoire. Notre perspective est différente, puisqu'elle s'efforce de replacer chaque fortification dans la géographie antique en étudiant son interaction avec les plaines et les reliefs, les frontières, l'habitat, les voies de communication, les terres cultivables et la répartition de la population. Pour ce faire, nous avons établi une carte archéologique de l'Erétriade, conduit des prospections extensives autour des fortifications, ainsi que dans de nombreuses régions du territoire. Cette méthode permet d'aborder l'étude des fortifications rurales en adoptant des angles d'analyse différents : le premier, macro-géographique, met ainsi en valeur des caractéristiques générales, telles que la relation entre les fortifications et la capitale d'une part, les fortifications et les terres cultivables de l'autre ; au plan régional, ou micro-géographique, elle analyse la répartition des fortifications au sein de chaque district de l'Erétriade, voire des vallées ou des cantons, mettant en évidence le rôle local des ouvrages fortifiés. Au terme de cette recherche, il est apparu qu'une approche purement stratégique ou militaire ne permettait pas d'expliquer la répartition géographique des fortifications, puisque ces dernières se trouvent pour la plupart à l'intérieur du territoire et non à ses frontières. Elles ne sont pas non plus disposées de manière à pouvoir exercer une surveillance étroite sur les routes pénétrant dans la chôra ; aussi leur fonctionnement au sein d'un «réseau défensif frontalier ne peut pas être démontré. Dans l'Erétriade, la colonne vertébrale de la sécurité publique est formée par les habitats fortifiés, dèmes et kômai, complétée par l'existence de deux forteresses militaires ayant accueilli des garnisons. Placés toujours à bonne distance de la ville, puis à intervalles plus ou moins réguliers au sein du territoire, les habitats fortifiés jouent sur le plan régional le rôle de la ville : en cas d'invasion ou de danger, la population du dème ou des dèmes environnants pouvait y trouver refuge, mettant ainsi à l'abri récoltes, biens et animaux. L'apparition des fortifications territoriales correspond à l'extension maximale de l'occupation humaine, agricole et économique du territoire. Les communautés rurales qui en avaient la possibilité se dotèrent alors de fortifications, souvent sommaires, pour faire face à des menaces variées, mais surtout pour assurer leur propre sécurité et protéger un équilibre autarcique fragile. Il ne faut donc pas nécessairement attribuer la construction de fortifications à un événement historique précis, interprétation abusive courante dans l'étude des fortifications, en Grèce comme ailleurs. La fortification des habitats ruraux s'est réalisée de manière progressive, en réponse aux sentiments d'insécurité d'une population rurale toujours plus nombreuse. Faute de références littéraires et d'inscriptions, en particulier de décrets honorifiques, les forteresses et les habitats fortifiés de l'Erétriade constituent les derniers témoins de l'insécurité publique et des violences auxquelles fut confronté le territoire d'Erétrie aux époques classique et hellénistique.
Background: Population-based cohort studies of risk factors of stroke are scarce in developing countries and none has been done in the African region. We conducted a longitudinal study in the Seychelles (Indian Ocean, east of Kenya), a middle-income island state where the majority of the population is of African descent. Such data in Africa are important for international comparison and for advocacy in the region. Methods: Three examination surveys of cardiovascular risk factors were performed in independent samples representative of the general population aged 25-64 in 1989, 1994 and 2004 (n=1081, 1067, and 1255, respectively). Baseline risk factors data were linked with cause-specific mortality from vital statistics up to May 2007 (all deaths are medically certified in the Seychelles and kept in an electronic database). We considered stroke (any type) as a cause of death if the diagnosis was reported in any of the 4 fields in the death certificates for underlying and concomitant causes of death. Results. Among the 2479 persons aged 35-64 at baseline, 280 died including 56 with stroke during follow up (maximum: 18.2 years; mean: 10.2 years). In this age range, age-adjusted mortality rates (/100'000/year) were 969 for all cause and 187 for stroke; age-adjusted prevalence of high blood pressure (≥140/90 mmHg) was 48%. In multivariate Cox survival time regression, stroke mortality was increased by 18% and 35% for a 10-mmHg increase in systolic, respectively diastolic BP (p<0.001). Stroke mortality was also associated with age, smoking ≥5 cigarettes vs. no smoking (HR: 2.4; 95% CI: 1.2-4.8) and diabetes (HR: 1.9; 1.02-3.6) but not with sex, LDL-cholesterol intake, alcohol intake and professional occupation. Conclusion. This first population-based cohort study in the African region demonstrates high mortality rates from stroke in middle-aged adults and confirms associations with high BP and other risk factors. This emphasizes the importance of reducing BP and other modifiable risk factors in high risk individuals and in the general population as a main strategy to reduce the burden of stroke.
Eukaryotes contain inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) and acidocalcisomes, which sequester polyP and store amino acids and divalent cations. Why polyP is sequestered in dedicated organelles is not known. We show that polyP produced in the cytosol of yeast becomes toxic. Reconstitution of polyP translocation with purified vacuoles, the acidocalcisomes of yeast, shows that cytosolic polyP cannot be imported, whereas polyP produced by the vacuolar transporter chaperone (VTC) complex, an endogenous vacuolar polyP polymerase, is efficiently imported and does not interfere with growth. PolyP synthesis and import require an electrochemical gradient, probably as a driving force for polyP translocation. VTC exposes its catalytic domain to the cytosol and carries nine vacuolar transmembrane domains. Mutations in the VTC transmembrane regions, which are likely to constitute the translocation channel, block not only polyP translocation but also synthesis. Given that they are far from the cytosolic catalytic domain of VTC, this suggests that the VTC complex obligatorily couples synthesis of polyP to its import in order to avoid toxic intermediates in the cytosol. Sequestration of otherwise toxic polyP might be one reason for the existence of acidocalcisomes in eukaryotes.
Objectives: To characterize the modifications of gene expression of adenosine receptors (AR), TRPC channels, HIF-1α and iNOS during the early cardiogenesis in response to chronic hypoxia exposure. Methods: 4-day-old chick embryos were subjected in ovo to 6H, 12H and 24H of hypoxia (10% O2). The mRNA expression was quantified by RT-qPCR. Results: The targeted genes were found to be expressed at mRNA level with a differential expression pattern within the heart. Hypoxia has no significant effect on mRNA expression of ARs, TRPCs channels and iNOS within the heart. By contrast, HIF-1α mRNA expression shows a tendency to be down-regulated by hypoxia. Conclusion: These results suggest that an intrauterine oxygen lack does not significantly affect expression of genes involved in adenosine signaling and in calcium handling by store operated channels (TRPC).
Recent measurements of electron escape from a nonequilibrium charged quantum dot are interpreted within a two-dimensional (2D) separable model. The confining potential is derived from 3D self-consistent Poisson-Thomas-Fermi calculations. It is found that the sequence of decay lifetimes provides a sensitive test of the confining potential and its dependence on electron occupation
The relative number of workers and female sexuals fathered by two males mated with a queen were directly assessed using microsatellite and allozyme markers in field colonies of the ants Formica exsecta and F. truncorum. In both species one of the two males consistently fathered more offspring than the other. There was, however, no evidence that one male might be particularly successful in fathering a disproportionally high proportion of female sexuals relative to the proportion of workers. Moreover, in F. exsecta, the proportions of worker pupae and worker adults fathered by each male did not differ significantly between cohorts. The most likely explanation for this pattern is that females store different amounts of sperm from the two males they mated with.