985 resultados para non-ribosomal peptides


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The thesis at hand is concerned with the spatio-temporal brain mechanisms of visual food perception as investigated by electrical neuroimaging. Due to the increasing prevalence of obesity and its associated challenges for public health care, there is a need to better understand behavioral and brain processes underlying food perception and food-based decision-making. The first study (Study A) of this thesis was concerned with the role of repeated exposure to visual food cues. In our everyday lives we constantly and repeatedly encounter food and these exposures influence our food choices and preferences. In Study A, we therefore applied electrical neuroimaging analyses of visual evoked potentials to investigate the spatio-temporal brain dynamics linked to the repeated viewing of high- and low-energy food cues (published manuscript: "The role of energetic value in dynamic brain response adaptation during repeated food image viewing" (Lietti et al., 2012)). In this study, we found that repetitions differentially affect behavioral and brain mechanisms when high-energy, as opposed to low-energy foods and non-food control objects, were viewed. The representation of high-energy food remained invariant between initial and repeated exposures indicating that the sight of high-energy dense food induces less behavioral and neural adaptation than the sight of low-energy food and non-food control objects. We discuss this finding in the context of the higher salience (due to greater motivation and higher reward or hedonic valuation) of energy- dense food that likely generates a more mnemonically stable representation. In turn, this more invariant representation of energy-dense food is supposed to (partially) explain why these foods are over-consumed despite of detrimental health consequences. In Study Β we investigated food responsiveness in patients who had undergone Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery to overcome excessive obesity. This type of gastric bypass surgery is not only known to alter food appreciation, but also the secretion patterns of adipokines and gut peptides. Study Β aimed at a comprehensive and interdisciplinary investigation of differences along the gut-brain axis in bypass-operated patients as opposed to weight-matched non-operated controls. On the one hand, the spatio-temporal brain dynamics to the visual perception of high- vs. low-energy foods under differing states of motivation towards food intake (i.e. pre- and post-prandial) were assessed and compared between groups. On the other hand, peripheral gut hormone measures were taken in pre- and post-prandial nutrition state and compared between groups. In order to evaluate alterations in the responsiveness along the gut-brain-axis related to gastric bypass surgery, correlations between both measures were compared between both participant groups. The results revealed that Roux-en- Y gastric bypass surgery alters the spatio-temporal brain dynamics to the perception of high- and low-energy food cues, as well as the responsiveness along the gut-brain-axis. The potential role of these response alterations is discussed in relation to previously observed changes in physiological factors and food intake behavior post-Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. By doing so, we highlight potential behavioral, neural and endocrine (i.e. gut hormone) targets for the future development of intervention strategies for deviant eating behavior and obesity. Together, the studies showed that the visual representation of foods in the brain is plastic and that modulations in neural activity are already noted at early stages of visual processing. Different factors of influence such as a repeated exposure, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery, motivation (nutrition state), as well as the energy density of the visually perceived food were identified. En raison de la prévalence croissante de l'obésité et du défi que cela représente en matière de santé publique, une meilleure compréhension des processus comportementaux et cérébraux liés à la nourriture sont nécessaires. En particulier, cette thèse se concentre sur l'investigation des mécanismes cérébraux spatio-temporels liés à la perception visuelle de la nourriture. Nous sommes quotidiennement et répétitivement exposés à des images de nourriture. Ces expositions répétées influencent nos choix, ainsi que nos préférences alimentaires. La première étude (Study A) de cette thèse investigue donc l'impact de ces exposition répétée à des stimuli visuels de nourriture. En particulier, nous avons comparé la dynamique spatio-temporelle de l'activité cérébrale induite par une exposition répétée à des images de nourriture de haute densité et de basse densité énergétique. (Manuscrit publié: "The role of energetic value in dynamic brain response adaptation during repeated food image viewing" (Lietti et al., 2012)). Dans cette étude, nous avons pu constater qu'une exposition répétée à des images représentant de la nourriture de haute densité énergétique, par opposition à de la nourriture de basse densité énergétique, affecte les mécanismes comportementaux et cérébraux de manière différente. En particulier, la représentation neurale des images de nourriture de haute densité énergétique est similaire lors de l'exposition initiale que lors de l'exposition répétée. Ceci indique que la perception d'images de nourriture de haute densité énergétique induit des adaptations comportementales et neurales de moindre ampleur par rapport à la perception d'images de nourriture de basse densité énergétique ou à la perception d'une « catégorie contrôle » d'objets qui ne sont pas de la nourriture. Notre discussion est orientée sur les notions prépondérantes de récompense et de motivation qui sont associées à la nourriture de haute densité énergétique. Nous suggérons que la nourriture de haute densité énergétique génère une représentation mémorielle plus stable et que ce mécanisme pourrait (partiellement) être sous-jacent au fait que la nourriture de haute densité énergétique soit préférentiellement consommée. Dans la deuxième étude (Study Β) menée au cours de cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés aux mécanismes de perception de la nourriture chez des patients ayant subi un bypass gastrique Roux- en-Y, afin de réussir à perdre du poids et améliorer leur santé. Ce type de chirurgie est connu pour altérer la perception de la nourriture et le comportement alimentaire, mais également la sécrétion d'adipokines et de peptides gastriques. Dans une approche interdisciplinaire et globale, cette deuxième étude investigue donc les différences entre les patients opérés et des individus « contrôles » de poids similaire au niveau des interactions entre leur activité cérébrale et les mesures de leurs hormones gastriques. D'un côté, nous avons investigué la dynamique spatio-temporelle cérébrale de la perception visuelle de nourriture de haute et de basse densité énergétique dans deux états physiologiques différent (pre- et post-prandial). Et de l'autre, nous avons également investigué les mesures physiologiques des hormones gastriques. Ensuite, afin d'évaluer les altérations liées à l'intervention chirurgicale au niveau des interactions entre la réponse cérébrale et la sécrétion d'hormone, des corrélations entre ces deux mesures ont été comparées entre les deux groupes. Les résultats révèlent que l'intervention chirurgicale du bypass gastrique Roux-en-Y altère la dynamique spatio-temporelle de la perception visuelle de la nourriture de haute et de basse densité énergétique, ainsi que les interactions entre cette dernière et les mesures périphériques des hormones gastriques. Nous discutons le rôle potentiel de ces altérations en relation avec les modulations des facteurs physiologiques et les changements du comportement alimentaire préalablement déjà démontrés. De cette manière, nous identifions des cibles potentielles pour le développement de stratégies d'intervention future, au niveau comportemental, cérébral et endocrinien (hormones gastriques) en ce qui concerne les déviances du comportement alimentaire, dont l'obésité. Nos deux études réunies démontrent que la représentation visuelle de la nourriture dans le cerveau est plastique et que des modulations de l'activité neurale apparaissent déjà à un stade très précoce des mécanismes de perception visuelle. Différents facteurs d'influence comme une exposition repetee, le bypass gastrique Roux-en-Y, la motivation (état nutritionnel), ainsi que la densité énergétique de la nourriture qui est perçue ont pu être identifiés.


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CD8+ T cells have been implicated as critical effector cells in protection against the pre-erythrocytic stage of malaria in mice and humans following irradiated sporozoite immunization. Immunization experiments in animal models by several investigators have suggested different strategies for vaccination against malaria and many of the targets from liver stage malaria antigens have been shown to be immunogenic and to protect mice from the sporozoite challenge. Several prime/boost protocols with replicating vectors, such as vaccinia/influenza, with non-replicating vectors, such as recombinant particles derived from yeast transposon (Ty-particles) and modified vaccinia virus Ankara, and DNA, significantly enhanced CD8+ T cell immunogenicity and also the protective efficacy against the circumsporosoite protein of Plasmodium berghei and P. yeti. Based on these experimental results the development of a CD8+ T cell inducing vaccine has moved forward from epitope identification to planning stages of safety and immunogenicity trials of candidate vaccines.


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Using cryo-electron microscopy we reconstructed the three-dimensional trajectories adopted in cryovitrified solutions by double-stranded DNA molecules in which the backbone of one strand lacked a phosphate at regular intervals of 20 nucleotides. The shape of such nicked DNA molecules was compared with that of DNA molecules with exactly the same sequence but without any single-stranded scissions. Upon changing the salt concentration we observed opposite effects of charge neutralization on nicked and non-nicked DNA. In low salt solutions (10 mM Tris-HCl, 10 mM NaCl) the applied dense nicking caused ca 3.5-fold reduction of the DNA persistence length as compared with non-nicked DNA. Upon increasing the salt concentration (to 150 mM NaCl and 10 mM MgCl2) the persistence length of non-nicked DNA appreciably decreased while that of nicked DNA molecules increased by a factor of 2.


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Understanding the interplay between cooperation and conflict in social groups is a major goal of biology. One important factor is genetic relatedness, and animal societies are usually composed of related but genetically different individuals, setting the stage for conflicts over reproductive allocation. Recently, however, it has been found that several ant species reproduce predominantly asexually. Although this can potentially give rise to clonal societies, in the few well-studied cases, colonies are often chimeric assemblies of different genotypes, due to worker drifting or colony fusion. In the ant Cerapachys biroi, queens are absent and all individuals reproduce via thelytokous parthenogenesis, making this species an ideal study system of asexual reproduction and its consequences for social dynamics. Here, we show that colonies in our study population on Okinawa, Japan, recognize and effectively discriminate against foreign workers, especially those from unrelated asexual lineages. In accord with this finding, colonies never contained more than a single asexual lineage and average pairwise genetic relatedness within colonies was extremely high (r = 0.99). This implies that the scope for social conflict in C. biroi is limited, with unusually high potential for cooperation and altruism.


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The purpose of this study was to test melanoma vaccines consisting of peptides and immunological adjuvants for optimal immunogenicity and to evaluate laboratory immune monitoring for in vivo relevance. Forty-nine HLA-A2 positive patients with Melan-A positive melanoma were repeatedly vaccinated with Melan-A peptide, with or without immune adjuvant AS02B (QS21 and MPL) or IFA. Peptide-specific CD8 T cells in PBLs were analyzed ex vivo using fluorescent HLA-A2/Melan-A multimers and IFN-gamma ELISPOT assays. The vaccines were well tolerated. In vivo expansion of Melan-A-specific CD8 T cells was observed in 13 patients (1/12 after vaccination with peptide in AS02B and 12/17 after vaccination with peptide in IFA). The T cells produced IFN-gamma and downregulated CD45RA and CD28. T-cell responses correlated with inflammatory skin reactions at vaccine injection sites (P < 0.001) and with DTH reaction to Melan-A peptide (P < 0.01). Twenty-six of 32 evaluable patients showed progressive disease, whereas 4 patients had stable disease. The two patients with the strongest Melan-A-specific T-cell responses experienced regression of metastases in skin, lymph nodes, and lung. We conclude that repeated vaccination with Melan-A peptide in IFA frequently leads to sustained responses of specific CD8 T cells that are detectable ex vivo and correlate with inflammatory skin reactions.


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In Cuba, several Biomphalaria species have been reported such as B. orbignyi, B. schrammi, B. helophila, B. havanensis and B. peregrina; only the latter three are considered as potential hosts of Schistosoma mansoni. The specific identification of Biomphalaria species is based on anatomical and morphological characters of genital organs and shells. The correct identification of these snails is complicated by the high variation in these characters, similarity among species and in some cases by the small size of the snails. In this paper, we reported the classical morphological identification, the use of PCR and RFLP analysis of the internal transcribed spacer region of the ribosomal RNA genes for molecular identification of seven snail populations from different localities in Cuba. Using morphological and molecular analysis, we showed that among the studied Cuban Biomphalaria populations only B. havanensis and B. obstructa species were found.


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BACKGROUND: The comparison of complete genomes has revealed surprisingly large numbers of conserved non-protein-coding (CNC) DNA regions. However, the biological function of CNC remains elusive. CNC differ in two aspects from conserved protein-coding regions. They are not conserved across phylum boundaries, and they do not contain readily detectable sub-domains. Here we characterize the persistence length and time of CNC and conserved protein-coding regions in the vertebrate and insect lineages. RESULTS: The persistence length is the length of a genome region over which a certain level of sequence identity is consistently maintained. The persistence time is the evolutionary period during which a conserved region evolves under the same selective constraints.Our main findings are: (i) Insect genomes contain 1.60 times less conserved information than vertebrates; (ii) Vertebrate CNC have a higher persistence length than conserved coding regions or insect CNC; (iii) CNC have shorter persistence times as compared to conserved coding regions in both lineages. CONCLUSION: Higher persistence length of vertebrate CNC indicates that the conserved information in vertebrates and insects is organized in functional elements of different lengths. These findings might be related to the higher morphological complexity of vertebrates and give clues about the structure of active CNC elements.Shorter persistence time might explain the previously puzzling observations of highly conserved CNC within each phylum, and of a lack of conservation between phyla. It suggests that CNC divergence might be a key factor in vertebrate evolution. Further evolutionary studies will help to relate individual CNC to specific developmental processes.


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In this paper, we present a stochastic model for disability insurance contracts. The model is based on a discrete time non-homogeneous semi-Markov process (DTNHSMP) to which the backward recurrence time process is introduced. This permits a more exhaustive study of disability evolution and a more efficient approach to the duration problem. The use of semi-Markov reward processes facilitates the possibility of deriving equations of the prospective and retrospective mathematical reserves. The model is applied to a sample of contracts drawn at random from a mutual insurance company.


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Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) rearrangements represents a new driver oncogenic event in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). ALK positive patients account for a 1-7% of NSCLC patients. The objective of this study is to know the prevalence and clinical characteristics of ALK positive patients in a cohort of NSCLC patients and to compare inmunohistochemistry with D5F3 monoclonal antibody with gold standard method fluorescence in situ hybridation


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Mammalian genomes contain highly conserved sequences that are not functionally transcribed. These sequences are single copy and comprise approximately 1-2% of the human genome. Evolutionary analysis strongly supports their functional conservation, although their potentially diverse, functional attributes remain unknown. It is likely that genomic variation in conserved non-genic sequences is associated with phenotypic variability and human disorders. So how might their function and contribution to human disorders be examined?


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Melanoma-associated genes (MAGEs) encode tumor-specific antigens that can be recognized by CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes. To investigate the interaction of the HLA-A1-restricted MAGE-1 peptide 161-169 (EADPT-GHSY) with HLA class I molecules, photoreactive derivatives were prepared by single amino acid substitution with N beta-[iodo-4-azidosalicyloyl]-L-2,3-diaminopropionic acid. These derivatives were tested for their ability to bind to, and to photoaffinity-label, HLA-A1 on C1R.A1 cells. Only the derivatives containing the photoreactive amino acid in position 1 or 7 fulfilled both criteria. Testing the former derivative on 14 lymphoid cell lines expressing over 44 different HLA class I molecules indicated that it efficiently photoaffinity-labeled not only HLA-A1, but possibility also HLA-A29 and HLA-B44. MAGE peptide binding by HLA-A29 and HLA-B44 was confirmed by photoaffinity labeling with photoreactive MAGE-3 peptide derivatives on C1R.A29 and C1R.B44 cells, respectively. The different photoaffinity labeling systems were used to access the ability of the homologous peptides derived from MAGE-1, -2, -3, -4a, -4b, -6, and -12 to bind to HLA-A1, HLA-A29, and HLA-B44. All but the MAGE-2 and MAGE-12 nonapeptides efficiently inhibited photoaffinity labeling of HLA-A1, which is in agreement with the known HLA-A1 peptide-binding motif (acidic residue in P3 and C-terminal tyrosine). In contrast, photoaffinity labeling of HLA-A29 was efficiently inhibited by these as well as by the MAGE-3 and MAGE-6 nonapeptides. Finally, the HLA-B44 photoaffinity labeling, unlike the HLA-A1 and HLA-A29 labeling, was inhibited more efficiently by the corresponding MAGE decapeptides, which is consistent with the reported HLA-B44 peptide-binding motif (glutamic acid in P2, and C-terminal tyrosine or phenylalanine). The overlapping binding of homologous MAGE peptides by HLA-A1, A29, and B44 is based on different binding principles and may have implications for immunotherapy of MAGE-positive tumors.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Recent evidence suggests that there may be more than one Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS)/tic disorder phenotype. However, little is known about the common patterns of these GTS/tic disorder-related comorbidities. In addition, sex-specific phenomenological data of GTS/tic disorder-affected adults are rare. Therefore, this community-based study used latent class analyses (LCA) to investigate sex-related and non-sex-related subtypes of GTS/tic disorders and their most common comorbidities. METHODS: The data were drawn from the PsyCoLaus study (n = 3691), a population-based survey conducted in Lausanne, Switzerland. LCA were performed on the data of 80 subjects manifesting motor/vocal tics during their childhood/adolescence. Comorbid attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorder, depressive, phobia and panic symptoms/syndromes comprised the selected indicators. The resultant classes were characterized by psychosocial correlates. RESULTS: In LCA, four latent classes provided the best fit to the data. We identified two male-related classes. The first class exhibited both ADHD and depression. The second class comprised males with only depression. Class three was a female-related class depicting obsessive thoughts/compulsive acts, phobias and panic attacks. This class manifested high psychosocial impairment. Class four had a balanced sex proportion and comorbid symptoms/syndromes such as phobias and panic attacks. The complementary occurrence of comorbid obsessive thoughts/compulsive acts and ADHD impulsivity was remarkable. CONCLUSIONS: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study applying LCA to community data of GTS symptoms/tic disorder-affected persons. Our findings support the utility of differentiating GTS/tic disorder subphenotypes on the basis of comorbid syndromes.


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Significant progress has been made with regard to the quantitative integration of geophysical and hydrological data at the local scale. However, extending the corresponding approaches to the scale of a field site represents a major, and as-of-yet largely unresolved, challenge. To address this problem, we have developed downscaling procedure based on a non-linear Bayesian sequential simulation approach. The main objective of this algorithm is to estimate the value of the sparsely sampled hydraulic conductivity at non-sampled locations based on its relation to the electrical conductivity logged at collocated wells and surface resistivity measurements, which are available throughout the studied site. The in situ relationship between the hydraulic and electrical conductivities is described through a non-parametric multivariatekernel density function. Then a stochastic integration of low-resolution, large-scale electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) data in combination with high-resolution, local-scale downhole measurements of the hydraulic and electrical conductivities is applied. The overall viability of this downscaling approach is tested and validated by comparing flow and transport simulation through the original and the upscaled hydraulic conductivity fields. Our results indicate that the proposed procedure allows obtaining remarkably faithful estimates of the regional-scale hydraulic conductivity structure and correspondingly reliable predictions of the transport characteristics over relatively long distances.