1000 resultados para nanotube debundling kinetics


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We report the first piezoelectric potential gated hybrid field-effect transistors based on nanotubes and nanowires. The device consists of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) on the bottom and crossed ZnO piezoelectric fine wire (PFW) on the top with an insulating layer between. Here, SWNTs serve as a carrier transport channel, and a single-crystal ZnO PFW acts as the power-free, contact-free gate or even an energy-harvesting component later on. The piezopotential created by an external force in the ZnO PFW is demonstrated to control the charge transport in the SWNT channel located underneath. The magnitude of the piezopotential in the PFW at a tensile strain of 0.05% is measured to be 0.4-0.6 V. The device is a unique coupling between the piezoelectric property of the ZnO PFW and the semiconductor performance of the SWNT with a full utilization of its mobility. The newly demonstrated device has potential applications as a strain sensor, force/pressure monitor, security trigger, and analog-signal touch screen.


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The concept of the "Kondo box" describes a single spin, antiferromagnetically coupled to a quantum dot with a finite level spacing. Here, a Kondo box is formed in a carbon nanotube interacting with a localized electron. We investigate the spins of its first few eigenstates and compare them to a recent theory. In an "open" Kondo-box, strongly coupled to the leads, we observe a nonmonotonic temperature dependence of the nanotube conductance, which results from a competition between the Kondo-box singlet and the "conventional" Kondo state that couples the nanotube to the leads. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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Most biological reactions rely on interplay between binding and changes in both macromolecular structure and dynamics. Practical understanding of this interplay requires detection of critical intermediates and determination of their binding and conformational characteristics. However, many of these species are only transiently present and they have often been overlooked in mechanistic studies of reactions that couple binding to conformational change. We monitored the kinetics of ligand-induced conformational changes in a small protein using six different ligands. We analyzed the kinetic data to simultaneously determine both binding affinities for the conformational states and the rate constants of conformational change. The approach we used is sufficiently robust to determine the affinities of three conformational states and detect even modest differences in the protein's affinities for relatively similar ligands. Ligand binding favors higher-affinity conformational states by increasing forward conformational rate constants and/or decreasing reverse conformational rate constants. The amounts by which forward rate constants increase and reverse rate constants decrease are proportional to the ratio of affinities of the conformational states. We also show that both the affinity ratio and another parameter, which quantifies the changes in conformational rate constants upon ligand binding, are strong determinants of the mechanism (conformational selection and/or induced fit) of molecular recognition. Our results highlight the utility of analyzing the kinetics of conformational changes to determine affinities that cannot be determined from equilibrium experiments. Most importantly, they demonstrate an inextricable link between conformational dynamics and the binding affinities of conformational states.


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A lateral on-chip electron-impact ion source utilizing a carbon nanotube field emission electron source was fabricated and characterized. The device consists of a cathode with aligned carbon nanotubes, a control grid, and an ion collector electrode. The electron-impact ionization of He, Ar, and Xe was studied as a function of field emission current and pressure. The ion current was linear with respect to gas pressure from 10-4 to 10-1 Torr. The device can operate as a vacuum ion gauge with a sensitivity of approximately 1 Torr-1. Ion currents in excess of 1 μA were generated. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Genetic oscillators, such as circadian clocks, are constantly perturbed by molecular noise arising from the small number of molecules involved in gene regulation. One of the strongest sources of stochasticity is the binary noise that arises from the binding of a regulatory protein to a promoter in the chromosomal DNA. In this study, we focus on two minimal oscillators based on activator titration and repressor titration to understand the key parameters that are important for oscillations and for overcoming binary noise. We show that the rate of unbinding from the DNA, despite traditionally being considered a fast parameter, needs to be slow to broaden the space of oscillatory solutions. The addition of multiple, independent DNA binding sites further expands the oscillatory parameter space for the repressor-titration oscillator and lengthens the period of both oscillators. This effect is a combination of increased effective delay of the unbinding kinetics due to multiple binding sites and increased promoter ultrasensitivity that is specific for repression. We then use stochastic simulation to show that multiple binding sites increase the coherence of oscillations by mitigating the binary noise. Slow values of DNA unbinding rate are also effective in alleviating molecular noise due to the increased distance from the bifurcation point. Our work demonstrates how the number of DNA binding sites and slow unbinding kinetics, which are often omitted in biophysical models of gene circuits, can have a significant impact on the temporal and stochastic dynamics of genetic oscillators.


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Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has recently been described as a new tool to measure and accurately quantify mRNA levels. In this study, we have applied this technique to evaluate cytokine mRNA synthesis induced by antigenic stimulation with purified protein derivative (PPD) or heparin-binding haemagglutinin (HBHA) in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected individuals. Whereas PPD and HBHA optimally induced IL-2 mRNA after respectively 8 and 16 to 24 h of in vitro stimulation, longer in vitro stimulation times were necessary for optimal induction of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) mRNA, respectively 16 to 24 h for PPD and 24 to 96 h for HBHA. IL-13 mRNA was optimally induced by in vitro stimulation after 16-48 h for PPD and after 48 to 96 h for HBHA. Comparison of antigen-induced Th1 and Th2 cytokines appears, therefore, valuable only if both cytokine types are analysed at their optimal time point of production, which, for a given cytokine, may differ for each antigen tested. Results obtained by real-time PCR for IFN-gamma and IL-13 mRNA correlated well with those obtained by measuring the cytokine concentrations in cell culture supernatants, provided they were high enough to be detected. We conclude that real-time PCR can be successfully applied to the quantification of antigen-induced cytokine mRNA and to the evaluation of the Th1/Th2 balance, only if the kinetics of cytokine mRNA appearance are taken into account and evaluated for each cytokine measured and each antigen analysed.


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Ag+- and Zn2+-exchanged zeolites zeolites and clays have been used as coatings and in composites to confer broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties on a range of technical and biomedical materials. 11 angstrom tobermorite is a bioactive layer lattice ion exchanger whose potential as a carrier for Ag+ and Zn2+ ions in antimicrobial formulations has not yet been explored. In view of this, batch Ag+- and Zn2+-exchange kinetics of two structurally distinct synthetic 11 angstrom tobermorites and their subsequent bactericidal action against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are reported. During the exchange reactions, Ag+ ions were found to replace labile interlayer cations; whereas, Zn2+ ions also displaced structural Ca2+ ions from the tobermorite lattice. In spite of these different mechanisms, a simple pseudo-second-order model provided a suitable description of both exchange processes (R-2 >= 0.996). The Ag+- and Zn2+-exchanged tobermorite phases exhibited marked bacteriostatic effects against both bacteria, and accordingly, their potential for use as antimicrobial materials for in situ bone tissue regeneration is discussed. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A particle swarm optimisation approach is used to determine the accuracy and experimental relevance of six disparate cure kinetics models. The cure processes of two commercially available thermosetting polymer materials utilised in microelectronics manufacturing applications have been studied using a differential scanning calorimetry system. Numerical models have been fitted to the experimental data using a particle swarm optimisation algorithm which enables the ultimate accuracy of each of the models to be determined. The particle swarm optimisation approach to model fitting proves to be relatively rapid and effective in determining the optimal coefficient set for the cure kinetics models. Results indicate that the singlestep autocatalytic model is able to represent the curing process more accurately than more complex model, with ultimate accuracy likely to be limited by inaccuracies in the processing of the experimental data.


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The water desorption behaviour of three different zinc oxide dental cements (two polycarboxylates, one phosphate) has been studied in detail. Disc-shaped specimens of each material were prepared and allowed to lose water by being subjected to a low humidity desiccating atmosphere over concentrated sulfuric acid. In all three cements, water loss was found to follow Fick's second law for at least 6 h (until M(t)/M(infinity) values were around 0.5), with diffusion coefficients ranging from 6.03 x 10(-8 )cm(2 )s(-1) (for the zinc phosphate) to 2.056 x 10(-7 )cm(2 )s(-1) (for one of the zinc polycarboxylates, Poly F Plus). Equilibration times for desorption were of the order of 8 weeks, and equilibrium water losses ranged from 7.1% for zinc phosphate to 16.9% and 17.4% for the two zinc polycarboxylates.


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The development of self-lubricating silicone elastomeric biomaterials, prepared using the novel crosslinking agent tetra( oleyloxy) silane and having very low coefficients of friction, has recently been reported. In this study, the in vitro release characteristics of lubricious oleyl alcohol produced during the silicone curing reaction have been quantitatively evaluated for a range of tetra( propoxy) silane/tetra(oleyloxy) silane crosslinker compositions using a novel evaporative light scattering detection method in combination with high performance liquid chromatography. The mechanism of oleyl alcohol release was seen to deviate from a simple, matrix-controlled diffusion process and instead obeyed an anomalous transport mechanism. An explanation for the observed release behaviour has been proposed based on competitive reaction kinetics between the tetra( oleyloxy) silane and tetra( propoxy) silane substituents of the silicone crosslinking agents.