961 resultados para modified universal soil loss equation


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Lower energy and protein intakes are well documented in patients on texture modified diets. In acute hospital settings, the provision of appropriate texture modified foods to meet industry standards is essential for patient safety and nutrition outcomes. The texture modified menu at an acute private hospital was evaluated in accordance with their own nutritional standards (NS) and Australian National Standards (Dietitians Association of Australia and Speech Pathology Australia, 2007). The NS documents portion sizes and nutritional requirements for each menu. Texture B and C menus were analysed qualitatively and quantitatively over 9 days of a 6 day cyclic menu for breakfast (n=4), lunch (n=34) and dinner (n=34). Results indicated a lack of portion control, as specified by the NS, across all meals including breakfast (65–140%), soup (55–115%), meat (45–165%), vegetables (55–185%) and desserts (30–300%). Dilution factors and portion sizes influenced the protein and energy availability of Texture B & C menus. While the Texture B menu provided more energy, neither menu met the NS. Limited dessert options on the Texture C menu restricted the ability of this menu to meet protein NS. A lack of portion control and menu items incorrectly modified can compromise protein and energy intakes. Strategies to correct serving sizes and provision of alternate protein sources were recommended. Suggestions included cost-effectively increasing the variety of foods to assist protein and energy intake and the procurement of standardised equipment and visual aids to assist food preparation and presentation in accordance with texture modified guidelines and the NS.


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A total histological grade does not necessarily distinguish between different manifestations of cartilage damage or degeneration. An accurate and reliable histological assessment method is required to separate normal and pathological tissue within a joint during treatment of degenerative joint conditions and to sub-classify the latter in meaningful ways. The Modified Mankin method may be adaptable for this purpose. We investigated how much detail may be lost by assigning one composite score/grade to represent different degenerative components of the osteoarthritic condition. We used four ovine injury models (sham surgery, anterior cruciate ligament/medial collateral ligament instability, simulated anatomic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and meniscal removal) to induce different degrees and potentially 'types' (mechanisms) of osteoarthritis. Articular cartilage was systematically harvested, prepared for histological examination and graded in a blinded fashion using a Modified Mankin grading method. Results showed that the possible permutations of cartilage damage were significant and far more varied than the current intended use that histological grading systems allow. Of 1352 cartilage specimens graded, 234 different manifestations of potential histological damage were observed across 23 potential individual grades of the Modified Mankin grading method. The results presented here show that current composite histological grading may contain additional information that could potentially discern different stages or mechanisms of cartilage damage and degeneration in a sheep model. This approach may be applicable to other grading systems.


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Soluble organic matter derived from exotic Pinus species has been shown to form stronger complexes with iron (Fe) than that derived from most native Australian species. It has also been proposed that the establishment of exotic Pinus plantations in coastal southeast Queensland may have enhanced the solubility of Fe in soils by increasing the amount of organically complexed Fe, but this remains inconclusive. In this study we test whether the concentration and speciation of Fe in soil water from Pinus plantations differs significantly from soil water from native vegetation areas. Both Fe redox speciation and the interaction between Fe and dissolved organic matter (DOM) were considered; Fe - DOM interaction was assessed using the Stockholm Humic Model. Iron concentrations (mainly Fe 2+) were greatest in the soil waters with the greatest DOM content collected from sandy podosols (Podzols), where they are largely controlled by redox potential. Iron concentrations were small in soil waters from clay and iron oxide-rich soils, in spite of similar redox potentials. This condition is related to stronger sorption on to the reactive clay and iron oxide mineral surfaces in these soils, which reduces the amount of DOM available for electron shuttling and microbial metabolism, restricting reductive dissolution of Fe. Vegetation type had no significant influence on the concentration and speciation of iron in soil waters, although DOM from Pinus sites had greater acidic functional group site densities than DOM from native vegetation sites. This is because Fe is mainly in the ferrous form, even in samples from the relatively well-drained podosols. However, modelling suggests that Pinus DOM can significantly increase the amount of truly dissolved ferric iron remaining in solution in oxic conditions. Therefore, the input of ferrous iron together with Pinus DOM to surface waters may reduce precipitation of hydrous ferric oxides (ferrihydrite) and increase the flux of dissolved Fe out of the catchment. Such inputs of iron are most probably derived from podosols planted with Pinus.


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Soil organic carbon sequestration rates over 20 years based on the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) methodology were combined with local economic data to determine the potential for soil C sequestration in wheat-based production systems on the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP). The C sequestration potential of rice–wheat systems of India on conversion to no-tillage is estimated to be 44.1 Mt C over 20 years. Implementing no-tillage practices in maize–wheat and cotton–wheat production systems would yield an additional 6.6 Mt C. This offset is equivalent to 9.6% of India's annual greenhouse gas emissions (519 Mt C) from all sectors (excluding land use change and forestry), or less than one percent per annum. The economic analysis was summarized as carbon supply curves expressing the total additional C accumulated over 20 year for a price per tonne of carbon sequestered ranging from zero to USD 200. At a carbon price of USD 25 Mg C−1, 3 Mt C (7% of the soil C sequestration potential) could be sequestered over 20 years through the implementation of no-till cropping practices in rice–wheat systems of the Indian States of the IGP, increasing to 7.3 Mt C (17% of the soil C sequestration potential) at USD 50 Mg C−1. Maximum levels of sequestration could be attained with carbon prices approaching USD 200 Mg C−1 for the States of Bihar and Punjab. At this carbon price, a total of 34.7 Mt C (79% of the estimated C sequestration potential) could be sequestered over 20 years across the rice–wheat region of India, with Uttar Pradesh contributing 13.9 Mt C.


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Recently, some authors have considered a new diffusion model–space and time fractional Bloch-Torrey equation (ST-FBTE). Magin et al. (2008) have derived analytical solutions with fractional order dynamics in space (i.e., _ = 1, β an arbitrary real number, 1 < β ≤ 2) and time (i.e., 0 < α < 1, and β = 2), respectively. Yu et al. (2011) have derived an analytical solution and an effective implicit numerical method for solving ST-FBTEs, and also discussed the stability and convergence of the implicit numerical method. However, due to the computational overheads necessary to perform the simulations for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in three dimensions, they present a study based on a two-dimensional example to confirm their theoretical analysis. Alternating direction implicit (ADI) schemes have been proposed for the numerical simulations of classic differential equations. The ADI schemes will reduce a multidimensional problem to a series of independent one-dimensional problems and are thus computationally efficient. In this paper, we consider the numerical solution of a ST-FBTE on a finite domain. The time and space derivatives in the ST-FBTE are replaced by the Caputo and the sequential Riesz fractional derivatives, respectively. A fractional alternating direction implicit scheme (FADIS) for the ST-FBTE in 3-D is proposed. Stability and convergence properties of the FADIS are discussed. Finally, some numerical results for ST-FBTE are given.


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In recent years, it has been found that many phenomena in engineering, physics, chemistry and other sciences can be described very successfully by models using mathematical tools from fractional calculus. Recently, noted a new space and time fractional Bloch-Torrey equation (ST-FBTE) has been proposed (see Magin et al. (2008)), and successfully applied to analyse diffusion images of human brain tissues to provide new insights for further investigations of tissue structures. In this paper, we consider the ST-FBTE on a finite domain. The time and space derivatives in the ST-FBTE are replaced by the Caputo and the sequential Riesz fractional derivatives, respectively. Firstly, we propose a new effective implicit numerical method (INM) for the STFBTE whereby we discretize the Riesz fractional derivative using a fractional centered difference. Secondly, we prove that the implicit numerical method for the ST-FBTE is unconditionally stable and convergent, and the order of convergence of the implicit numerical method is ( T2 - α + h2 x + h2 y + h2 z ). Finally, some numerical results are presented to support our theoretical analysis.


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Percolation flow problems are discussed in many research fields, such as seepage hydraulics, groundwater hydraulics, groundwater dynamics and fluid dynamics in porous media. Many physical processes appear to exhibit fractional-order behavior that may vary with time, or space, or space and time. The theory of pseudodifferential operators and equations has been used to deal with this situation. In this paper we use a fractional Darcys law with variable order Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives, this leads to a new variable-order fractional percolation equation. In this paper, a new two-dimensional variable-order fractional percolation equation is considered. A new implicit numerical method and an alternating direct method for the two-dimensional variable-order fractional model is proposed. Consistency, stability and convergence of the implicit finite difference method are established. Finally, some numerical examples are given. The numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the methods. This technique can be used to simulate a three-dimensional variable-order fractional percolation equation.


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The cable equation is one of the most fundamental equations for modeling neuronal dynamics. Cable equations with a fractional order temporal derivative have been introduced to model electrotonic properties of spiny neuronal dendrites. In this paper, the fractional cable equation involving two integro-differential operators is considered. The Galerkin finite element approximations of the fractional cable equation are proposed. The main contribution of this work is outlined as follow: • A semi-discrete finite difference approximation in time is proposed. We prove that the scheme is unconditionally stable, and the numerical solution converges to the exact solution with order O(Δt). • A semi-discrete difference scheme for improving the order of convergence for solving the fractional cable equation is proposed, and the numerical solution converges to the exact solution with order O((Δt)2). • Based on the above semi-discrete difference approximations, Galerkin finite element approximations in space for a full discretization are also investigated. • Finally, some numerical results are given to demonstrate the theoretical analysis.


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The field of fractional differential equations provides a means for modelling transport processes within complex media which are governed by anomalous transport. Indeed, the application to anomalous transport has been a significant driving force behind the rapid growth and expansion of the literature in the field of fractional calculus. In this paper, we present a finite volume method to solve the time-space two-sided fractional advection dispersion equation on a one-dimensional domain. Such an equation allows modelling different flow regime impacts from either side. The finite volume formulation provides a natural way to handle fractional advection-dispersion equations written in conservative form. The novel spatial discretisation employs fractionally-shifted Gr¨unwald formulas to discretise the Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives at control volume faces in terms of function values at the nodes, while the L1-algorithm is used to discretise the Caputo time fractional derivative. Results of numerical experiments are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.


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In this paper, we consider a space Riesz fractional advection-dispersion equation. The equation is obtained from the standard advection-diffusion equation by replacing the ¯rst-order and second-order space derivatives by the Riesz fractional derivatives of order β 1 Є (0; 1) and β2 Є(1; 2], respectively. Riesz fractional advection and dispersion terms are approximated by using two fractional centered difference schemes, respectively. A new weighted Riesz fractional ¯nite difference approximation scheme is proposed. When the weighting factor Ѳ = 1/2, a second- order accurate numerical approximation scheme for the Riesz fractional advection-dispersion equation is obtained. Stability, consistency and convergence of the numerical approximation scheme are discussed. A numerical example is given to show that the numerical results are in good agreement with our theoretical analysis.


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In this paper we consider the variable order time fractional diffusion equation. We adopt the Coimbra variable order (VO) time fractional operator, which defines a consistent method for VO differentiation of physical variables. The Coimbra variable order fractional operator also can be viewed as a Caputo-type definition. Although this definition is the most appropriate definition having fundamental characteristics that are desirable for physical modeling, numerical methods for fractional partial differential equations using this definition have not yet appeared in the literature. Here an approximate scheme is first proposed. The stability, convergence and solvability of this numerical scheme are discussed via the technique of Fourier analysis. Numerical examples are provided to show that the numerical method is computationally efficient. Crown Copyright © 2012 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Anomalous subdiffusion equations have in recent years received much attention. In this paper, we consider a two-dimensional variable-order anomalous subdiffusion equation. Two numerical methods (the implicit and explicit methods) are developed to solve the equation. Their stability, convergence and solvability are investigated by the Fourier method. Moreover, the effectiveness of our theoretical analysis is demonstrated by some numerical examples. © 2011 American Mathematical Society.


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Background Older people have higher rates of hospital admission than the general population and higher rates of readmission due to complications and falls. During hospitalisation, older people experience significant functional decline which impairs their future independence and quality of life. Acute hospital services comprise the largest section of health expenditure in Australia and prevention or delay of disease is known to produce more effective use of services. Current models of discharge planning and follow-up care, however, do not address the need to prevent deconditioning or functional decline. This paper describes the protocol of a randomised controlled trial which aims to evaluate innovative transitional care strategies to reduce unplanned readmissions and improve functional status, independence, and psycho-social well-being of community-based older people at risk of readmission. Methods/Design The study is a randomised controlled trial. Within 72 hours of hospital admission, a sample of older adults fitting the inclusion/exclusion criteria (aged 65 years and over, admitted with a medical diagnosis, able to walk independently for 3 meters, and at least one risk factor for readmission) are randomised into one of four groups: 1) the usual care control group, 2) the exercise and in-home/telephone follow-up intervention group, 3) the exercise only intervention group, or 4) the in-home/telephone follow-up only intervention group. The usual care control group receive usual discharge planning provided by the health service. In addition to usual care, the exercise and in-home/telephone follow-up intervention group receive an intervention consisting of a tailored exercise program, in-home visit and 24 week telephone follow-up by a gerontic nurse. The exercise only and in-home/telephone follow-up only intervention groups, in addition to usual care receive only the exercise or gerontic nurse components of the intervention respectively. Data collection is undertaken at baseline within 72 hours of hospital admission, 4 weeks following hospital discharge, 12 weeks following hospital discharge, and 24 weeks following hospital discharge. Outcome assessors are blinded to group allocation. Primary outcomes are emergency hospital readmissions and health service use, functional status, psychosocial well-being and cost effectiveness. Discussion The acute hospital sector comprises the largest component of health care system expenditure in developed countries, and older adults are the most frequent consumers. There are few trials to demonstrate effective models of transitional care to prevent emergency readmissions, loss of functional ability and independence in this population following an acute hospital admission. This study aims to address that gap and provide information for future health service planning which meets client needs and lowers the use of acute care services.