997 resultados para massa foliar
Estudo sobre o processo de construção imaginária do público de gênero feminino ao consumir os produtos dos fenômenos musicais de massa, no Brasil. Tendo como base o caso do sucesso do cantor Michel Teló, representante do gênero musical sertanejo universitário, o objetivo é compreender o processo de construção imaginária que permeia a relação do público feminino (fãs) e consumo do gênero musical sertanejo universitário, a partir do discurso do cantor Michel Teló. Para tal, será tomado referencial teórico do campo dos Estudos Culturais em diálogo com estudos sobre imaginário e música de massa. A análise do discurso, de linha francesa, é a metodologia empregada em duas instâncias para se testar as reflexões construídas com a base teórica: a priori, a partir de um processo de observação participante, durante um espetáculo do artista, em que será observada a interação entre fenômeno e público, no momento de execução da sua música Ai, se eu te pego! ; e, doravante, o discurso do músico é analisado, por meio de entrevistas realizadas em programas televisivos. Um questionário aplicado a uma amostra entre o público feminino apreciador do cantor e de suas músicas contribui ainda no aprofundamento da reflexão. Resulta desta pesquisa a compreensão da proeminência do discurso ao conteúdo. Desta maneira, a importância maior se encontra na forma com que o cantor dialoga com seu público, por meio da imagem que ele constrói em torno de si.
O presente trabalho consiste em uma análise sistemática da obra de Ariano Suassuna Auto da Compadecida , escrita em 1955, e suas transcodificações para TV e cinema. Nesta pesquisa procuramos apresentar a apropriação da cultura popular pela cultura de massas num processo folkmidiático, onde Guel Arraes realizou a adaptação mais elogiada pela crítica, sendo esta a terceira versão cinematográfica da obra de Suassuna. Buscamos apresentar, primeiramente, a importância da Folkmídia para o resgate da cultura nacional, tornando uma obra clássica do ponto de vista da cultura popular, da cultura erudita e da cultura de massa, acessível ao público massivo brasileiro em TV aberta. Decifrador de brasilidades , Ariano Suassuna resgata o folclore, as danças, os contos míticos e heranças ibéricas, onde percebemos a semelhança entre Auto da Compadecida e os autos de Gil Vicente, por exemplo. Seus personagens sofrem o processo de descarnavalização, perante o trono de Emanuel, onde as máscaras despencam. São defendidos por uma mãe Compadecida desesperada para salvar seus filhos do sofrimento e da dor. Auto de moralidade e misericórdia, o Auto da Compadecida revela, não somente a alma do sertanejo severino , mas suas crenças, sua cultura e seu sofrimento.
Ao final do ano de 2004 o Brasil atingiu o número de mais de 50 milhões de aparelhos celulares, ultrapassando inclusive o número de telefones fixos. No mesmo período, as operadoras de telefonia móvel lançaram o sinal de televisão para serem recebidos nestes aparelhos, que são pessoais e portáteis. O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se em virtude deste crescimento na base de usuários e da alta tecnologia o aparelho de telefone celular tem potencial como mídia publicitária, sendo capaz de segmentar suas mensagens de acordo com o perfil dos clientes.
Esta tese aborda o declínio da audiência das grandes redes de TV aberta e os recursos narrativos que os produtores de programas adotaram para enfrentar essa tendência mundial. O estudo traz um panorama da situação da audiência no âmbito internacional e foca, particularmente, o caso do Brasil, onde três grandes emissoras mantém, no conjunto, uma das mais altas concentrações de público do mundo. Depois de analisar a fragmentação das audiências televisivas nas duas últimas décadas e os números que indicam a crescente dispersão dos telespectadores entre múltiplas ofertas de mídia disponíveis nos dias atuais, o trabalho discute as estratégias de programação e de construção de conteúdos. Além de teóricos que pesquisaram a chamada semiótica televisiva , servem de base para a investigação depoimentos de produtores e análises de programas de grande audiência. O objetivo é revelar os procedimentos utilizados para atrair e manter a atenção dos telespectadores, os quais começam com as medições de audiência e os estudos sobre o comportamento dos consumidores em relação à TV. A tese discute também como ocorre a exposição dos telespectadores em um ambiente onde existem várias opções de dispositivos para ver atrações televisivas ou para fazer outras atividades comunicacionais. A escolha deste tema de investigação partiu do princípio de que a exposiçao é condição essencial para sustentar o estudo de outras fases e outros aspectos do processo de comunicação, como a influência dos meios sobre a cultura e a sociedade. Em um contexto onde a mídia ocupa tanto tempo de nosso cotidiano, o impacto dos meios de comunicação de massa pode ser diretamente proporcional ao número de pessoas que eles alcançam e aos nossos hábitos de consumo de informação e entretenimento.
Esta tese aborda o declínio da audiência das grandes redes de TV aberta e os recursos narrativos que os produtores de programas adotaram para enfrentar essa tendência mundial. O estudo traz um panorama da situação da audiência no âmbito internacional e foca, particularmente, o caso do Brasil, onde três grandes emissoras mantém, no conjunto, uma das mais altas concentrações de público do mundo. Depois de analisar a fragmentação das audiências televisivas nas duas últimas décadas e os números que indicam a crescente dispersão dos telespectadores entre múltiplas ofertas de mídia disponíveis nos dias atuais, o trabalho discute as estratégias de programação e de construção de conteúdos. Além de teóricos que pesquisaram a chamada semiótica televisiva , servem de base para a investigação depoimentos de produtores e análises de programas de grande audiência. O objetivo é revelar os procedimentos utilizados para atrair e manter a atenção dos telespectadores, os quais começam com as medições de audiência e os estudos sobre o comportamento dos consumidores em relação à TV. A tese discute também como ocorre a exposição dos telespectadores em um ambiente onde existem várias opções de dispositivos para ver atrações televisivas ou para fazer outras atividades comunicacionais. A escolha deste tema de investigação partiu do princípio de que a exposiçao é condição essencial para sustentar o estudo de outras fases e outros aspectos do processo de comunicação, como a influência dos meios sobre a cultura e a sociedade. Em um contexto onde a mídia ocupa tanto tempo de nosso cotidiano, o impacto dos meios de comunicação de massa pode ser diretamente proporcional ao número de pessoas que eles alcançam e aos nossos hábitos de consumo de informação e entretenimento.
Tree islands in the Everglades wetlands are centers of biodiversity and targets of restoration, yet little is known about the pattern of water source utilization by the constituent woody plant communities: upland hammocks and flooded swamp forests. Two potential water sources exist: (1) entrapped rainwater in the vadose zone of the organic soil (referred to as upland soil water), that becomes enriched in phosphorus, and (2) phosphorus-poor groundwater/surface water (referred to as regional water). Using natural stable isotope abundance as a tracer, we observed that hammock plants used upland soil water in the wet season and shifted to regional water uptake in the dry season, while swamp forest plants used regional water throughout the year. Consistent with the previously observed phosphorus concentrations of the two water sources, hammock plants had a greater annual mean foliar phosphorus concentration over swamp forest plants, thereby supporting the idea that tree island hammocks are islands of high phosphorus concentrations in the oligotrophic Everglades. Foliar nitrogen levels in swamp forest plants were higher than those of hammock plants. Linking water sources with foliar nutrient concentrations can indicate nutrient sources and periods of nutrient uptake, thereby linking hydrology with the nutrient regimes of different plant communities in wetland ecosystems. Our results are consistent with the hypotheses that (1) over long periods, upland tree island communities incrementally increase their nutrient concentration by incorporating marsh nutrients through transpiration seasonally, and (2) small differences in micro-topography in a wetland ecosystem can lead to large differences in water and nutrient cycles.
Brazil is the world's second largest producer of cassava, which most of the production is used to make flour and starch, generating large amounts of waste, cassava. In general, this waste is disposed of directly into the soil and waterways, causing serious environmental impacts. In view of this, the aim of this work was to evaluate the use of cassava wastewater water (cassava) as organic fertilizer in Brachiaria brizantha pasture. Marandu. The experiment was conducted at the Campus Macaíba the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The treatments were increasing rates of cassava, applied to the soil as organic fertilizer. The experimental design was a randomized block design with six treatments and four replications. The treatments consist of cassava doses (0, 15, 30, 60 and 120 m³ ha- 1 ) and a treatment with mineral fertilizer (AM) in the form of NPK (140: 30: 120 kg ha-1 ). Three cuts with an interval of 60 days were carried out. The variables evaluated were: plant height; accumulation of morphological components of fodder; Trapping Light (IL); Leaf Area Index (LAI); Total chlorophyll (CT); Feature Production Seca (PMS). The dry matter production at a dose of 120 m³ha-1 had a quantitative increase, with a total production in 2796 kg ha-1 DM in the second cut, providing an increase of 493% compared to control, and the residual effect observed in the third cut caused a 100% increase compared to 0 m³ ha-1 . Comparing the PMS obtained with the use of AM and other treatments it was observed that it was the second cut equivalent to a dose of 120 m³ ha-1 and the third equivalence has been cut at doses 60 and 120 m³ha-1. For the variables plant height, IL, IAF, CT and leaves Mass adding cassava in the soil promoted a positive linear increase for the three cuts. However, with the AM the IAF was superior to the other treatments. The thatched mass reached its highest production (838 kg ha-1 DM) in the second cut when using a dose of 120 m³ha-1 . In dead material mass in the second and third sections, there was increased linearly increased total of 322 and 452% respectively, compared to a dose of 0 m³ha-1 . The use of cassava showed herbicidal effect for the variable mass of the undesirable negative linear response resulting in decreasing the amount of residue with increasing doses. Manipueira can be used as organic fertilizer in Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu for improvements in the productive characteristics, as promoted significant increases in 8 most of the variables studied, especially at a dose of 120 m³ha-1 . This benefits the environment by being alternative for disposal of cassava.
The sabiá (Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia Benth.) is an endemic species of the Caatinga biome, considered tolerant to salt and water stress. The process of salinization of soil and groundwater and surface water is one of the most important problems of environmental degradation, with its harmful effects being more pronounced in the areas of arid and semiarid regions, and rapidly growing in many parts of the globe, causing problems of the major crop yield. Organic conditioners as barnyard manure, and rice hulls can contribute to reducing the PST, possibly due to the release of CO2 and the production of organic acids during the decomposition of organic matter, and act as sources of calcium and magnesium and inhibit the availability sodium. The intimate association of mycorrhizae and beneficial to plants results in increased uptake of water and nutrients by plants, especially phosphorus, due to their low mobility in soil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the initial growth of thrush seedlings under inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi and fertilized with manure corral and irrigated with water of different salinity levels. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse conditions of vegetation on the premises of the Agricultural School of Jundiaí - UFRN, Campus Macaíba. The adopted statistical design was randomized composed of twelve treatments - three substrates (sterile soil, manure and FMA), four salinity levels (0.2, 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5 dS m-1 ) and five repetitions, totaling sixty experimental units. The results indicate that inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi own contributions to the growth of plants, especially in roots and shoots, which suggests that its application is beneficial in establishing thrush plants in natural conditions, with poor soil in P. Levels salinity caused no effects with statistical significance in plant development, indicating Sabia resistance to it.
The Brazilian writer, Caio Fernando Abreu, was strongly influenced by a period of changes in social values and perspectives. When he enters the Brazilian literary scene using a writing style free from form and content, he applies in his works all the affliction of the contemporary values. His work embodies all the spirit of a generation that, despite its anxiety for freedom, was still suffocated by the military dictatorship period. Abreu’s narrative also reveals an author with an extreme ability to shift between the erudite and the popular. In his short stories, he develops a performative language mingled by references that turns his text into a sort of Pop Art iconography. Just like Pop Art paintings, full of Coke images, cigarettes, tooth paste and food cans, Abreu’s literary discourse is painted by many symbolical references to modern consumerism, as well as to movies, music and to pop stars. This trace in the writer’s works exerts a great deal of attractiveness on the contemporary reader. In this work, we attempt to analyze this resource in Abreu’s literature under the concepts of cultural studies; thus, we aim at analyzing the various forms of the mass culture expression inside Abreu’s literature, recognizing his allusions as a stylish resource in his writings and highlighting its relevance in the study of the author work. In order to do so, we are based essentially on the reflections of theoreticians: Lipovetsky (1996) and Adorno (2011) who debate the culture and social formation in contemporaneity.
A batata está sujeita a stresses bióticos (doenças, pragas, infestantes) e abióticos (condições climáticas, secura, excesso de água, ou fitotoxicidade provocada por herbicidas, entre outros). Os adubos foliares contendo nutrientes (macro e micronutrientes) poderão contribuir para uma melhor nutrição da planta, para além de exercer uma ação benéfica ao nível do potencial hídrico da folha e sua proteção contra os diversos inimigos bióticos. Instalou-se um ensaio em Marinhais na variedade de batata de indústria Lady Rosetta, para avaliar o efeito da adubação foliar de uma gama de adubos foliares “Humigel”, contendo, entre outros nutrientes, o enxofre e o potássio, numa situação de fitotoxidade causada pela aplicação de um herbicida. O ensaio foi instalado com um dispositivo experimental de parcelas totalmente aleatórias, com 4 repetições. Os tratamentos foram a aplicação de “Humigel” e sem aplicação (testemunha). A produção comercial nas parcelas com “Humigel” foi significativamente mais elevada (48 192 kg/ha) do que nas parcelas testemunha (43 458 kg/ha). Não se registaram diferenças significativas ao nível do número de tubérculos (comercial e total) por planta, nem ao nível dos parâmetros de qualidade (peso específico e teste de fritura).
Organo-mineral fertilizers have been used to both meet plants’ nutritional needs and reduce producers’ reliance on mineral fertilizers. This practice improves both the use of nutrients by plants and the soil structure due to the organic matter in these fertilizers. This study aimed to determine the effect of organic matter sources in the composition of organomineral fertilizers and compare it to the effect of traditional mineral fertilizers when it comes to the initial development of sorghum. Research was carried out in a greenhouse at the Federal University of Uberlandia, in Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Sorghum seeds of grain-bearing simple hybrid 1G100 were used in the seeding process. The experiment followed a randomized complete block design in a 4 x 3 + 2 factorial arrangement. Factors included four levels (50, 75, 100 and 125% of 450 kg ha-1, which is the recommended dose for sorghum crops), three organic matter sources in the composition of the organomineral fertilizers (sewage sludge, filter cake, and peat), a control (100% mineral fertilizer), and an untreated check (no fertilizers). Each experimental plot consisted of four plants divided into two pots. Oxisol was used in all pots. Analyses were performed at 30 and 60 days after seeding (DAS) and targeted: plant height, stem diameter, chlorophyll A, chlorophyll B, and leaf area. After this period, plants were removed from the soil, and had their aerial parts isolated to be dried in an air-forced oven before measurement of their dry mass. Means of the organomineral fertilizers outperformed those of both control and untreated check plots in almost all variables at 30 DAS. The only exception was variable stem diameter, in which organomineral fertilizers outperformed untreated check plots only. Sorghum fertilized with organomineral fertilizers also showed positive results in the variables analyzed at 60 DAS: even with dose reduction, their means were similar to those found in control plots. Organomineral fertilizers had higher means in some variables, such as diameter and dry mass of the aerial part, than both control and untreated check plots. In the conditions set in this study and considering the variables herein reported, organomineral fertilizers can substitute mineral fertilizers in the initial development of sorghum, even with some dose reductions.
Potato crop cycle is relatively short and presents high yield per area; therefore, it is a very demanding culture for available nutrients in the soil solution. Despite its importance and the large number of studies about the crop, there is little research on plant nutrition regarding the use of organomineral fertilizer. This study evaluated potato, cv. Cupid, development and productivity as a function of fertilization with pelletized organomineral fertilizer. The experiment was done in Perdizes, Minas Gerais, in the rainy season of 2014/2015. The experimental design was a randomized blocks, with factorial arrangement of 4 x 2 (doses x management) and a control with mineral fertilizer, with 3 repetitions. Organomineral fertilizer doses were 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the conventional mineral dose, which was 600 kg ha-1 K2SO4, 850 kg ha-1 NH4H2PO4, and 300 kg ha-1 (NH4)2SO4 of topdressing 19 days after planting (DAP). Fertilization managements were with or without topdressing at 19 DAP, when the potato was hilled. Two plants per plot were sampled at 36, 50, 64 and 81 DAP and analyzed for leaf, stem and dry matter contents. DRIS - Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System was applied at 36 DAP and the potatoes were harvested 112 DAP and subjected to tuber classification. Throughout the cycle, stem, leaf and tuber dry mass showed no significant differences between the fertilization managements. The doses of organomineral fertilizer and topdressing management does not affect productivity, and the lower doses (25%) were similar the greater ones and the control, with an average of 16.8 t ha-1, demonstrating that it is viable to make a single application of organomineral fertilizer at planting due to operational efficiency. The low yields observed were due to high rainfall and temperature, creating favorable conditions for the incidence of pests and diseases. According to DRIS, the organomineral dose 75% for topdressing, presented the best nutritional balance.
Light varies widely in both time and space in forest formation of “Bioma Cerrado”. Cybistax antisyphilitica occurs in areas typical of this biome, such as cerrado sensu stricto, “cerradões”, and altered areas. The aim of this study was to understand the morphological and physiological responses of C. antisyphilitica to alterations in light intensity. Juvenile plants (5 month of age) were taken to a fragment of semideciduous forest in Uberlândia-MG, and were divided into three treatments: 50 were maintained under the canopy (UC) 20 were kept in small gap (SG) and 20 were maintained under in full sun (FS). The daily courses of chlorophyll a fluorescence were made at the beginning, middle and end of dry season in 2015. At the end of the experiment measurements of chlorophyll content, gas exchange and growth were made. The plants showed dynamic photoinhibition as exhibited by reductions on Fv/Fm close to midday at the end of the dry season. Regarding the effective quantum yield (ΔF/Fm'), plants under FS showed reduced values that coincided with the higher values of electron transport rates (ETR). Plants under FS showed higher values of net CO2 assimilation rates, stomatal conductance, transpiration rates, water use efficiency and chlorophyll content compared to plants under UC. The stem diameter, dry mass of leaves and stem, total dry mass and relative growth rate were higher in plants under FS than plants under UC. On the other hand, plants under UC showed superior values of height, specific leaf area and leaf area ratio. Our results indicate that C. antisyphilitica has plasticity to survive in the contrasting light environments of the semideciduous forests, but this species was able to growth better under full sun conditions.
Nitrogen (N) is one of the major nutrients nutrients absorbed in corn crops, for this reason, nitrogen based fertilizers are expensive and suffer large losses to the environment. Therefore, a diversity of fertilizers, known as special or of enhanced efficiency fertilizers, has been commercialized. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different sources and levels of nitrogen fertilization in coverage, for agronomic characteristics and corn grain productivity, cultivated in the Cerrado region. The experiment was installed in 2015, in Monte Carmelo-MG. The experimental design utilized was a RCBD with four replications. The treatments consisted of five N sources (common urea, polymerized urea, urea combined with NBPT (thiophosphate N-n-butiltriamida or N-n-butiltriamida of thiophosphoric acid), organomineral combined or not with NBPT), five topdress N levels (40, 80, 120, 160 and 200 kg ha-1) and a control (no N topdressing). The evaluated parameters were: the first spike insertion height (FSIH), plant height (PH), stem diameter (DC), number of rows per spike (RS), number of grains per row (GR), spike length (SL), spike diameter (SD), prolificacy (EP), 1,000-grain weight (TGW), leaf chlorophyll index (LCI), content of foliar nutrients, dry matter in aerial part of the plant (DM) and productivity (PG). The results showed that, with the exception of stem diameter, there was no significant statistical difference between sources of nitrogen, indicating that the organomineral source is as efficient as a mineral source. Regardless of the source, the addition of N fertilizers in increasing doses promoted enhanced development of corn plants, increased chlorophyll content, stem diameter, leaf N content, crude protein and productivity. For most phytotechnical features, there was no significant statistic difference in treatments compared to control.
Estudo sobre o processo de construção imaginária do público de gênero feminino ao consumir os produtos dos fenômenos musicais de massa, no Brasil. Tendo como base o caso do sucesso do cantor Michel Teló, representante do gênero musical sertanejo universitário, o objetivo é compreender o processo de construção imaginária que permeia a relação do público feminino (fãs) e consumo do gênero musical sertanejo universitário, a partir do discurso do cantor Michel Teló. Para tal, será tomado referencial teórico do campo dos Estudos Culturais em diálogo com estudos sobre imaginário e música de massa. A análise do discurso, de linha francesa, é a metodologia empregada em duas instâncias para se testar as reflexões construídas com a base teórica: a priori, a partir de um processo de observação participante, durante um espetáculo do artista, em que será observada a interação entre “fenômeno” e público, no momento de execução da sua música “Ai, se eu te pego!”; e, doravante, o discurso do músico é analisado, por meio de entrevistas realizadas em programas televisivos. Um questionário aplicado a uma amostra entre o público feminino apreciador do cantor e de suas músicas contribui ainda no aprofundamento da reflexão. Resulta desta pesquisa a compreensão da proeminência do discurso ao conteúdo. Desta maneira, a importância maior se encontra na forma com que o cantor dialoga com seu público, por meio da imagem que ele constrói em torno de si.