962 resultados para light intensity


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PURPOSE To develop and test decision tree (DT) models to classify physical activity (PA) intensity from accelerometer output and Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) classification level in ambulatory youth with cerebral palsy (CP); and 2) compare the classification accuracy of the new DT models to that achieved by previously published cut-points for youth with CP. METHODS Youth with CP (GMFCS Levels I - III) (N=51) completed seven activity trials with increasing PA intensity while wearing a portable metabolic system and ActiGraph GT3X accelerometers. DT models were used to identify vertical axis (VA) and vector magnitude (VM) count thresholds corresponding to sedentary (SED) (<1.5 METs), light PA (LPA) (>/=1.5 and <3 METs) and moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) (>/=3 METs). Models were trained and cross-validated using the 'rpart' and 'caret' packages within R. RESULTS For the VA (VA_DT) and VM decision trees (VM_DT), a single threshold differentiated LPA from SED, while the threshold for differentiating MVPA from LPA decreased as the level of impairment increased. The average cross-validation accuracy for the VC_DT was 81.1%, 76.7%, and 82.9% for GMFCS levels I, II, and III, respectively. The corresponding cross-validation accuracy for the VM_DT was 80.5%, 75.6%, and 84.2%, respectively. Within each GMFCS level, the decision tree models achieved better PA intensity recognition than previously published cut-points. The accuracy differential was greatest among GMFCS level III participants, in whom the previously published cut-points misclassified 40% of the MVPA activity trials. CONCLUSION GMFCS-specific cut-points provide more accurate assessments of MVPA levels in youth with CP across the full spectrum of ambulatory ability.


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Visual pigments of different animal species must have evolved at some stage to match the prevailing light environments, since all visual functions depend on their ability to absorb available photons and transduce the event into a reliable neural signal. There is a large literature on correlation between the light environment and spectral sensitivity between different fish species. However, little work has been done on evolutionary adaptation between separated populations within species. More generally, little is known about the rate of evolutionary adaptation to changing spectral environments. The objective of this thesis is to illuminate the constraints under which the evolutionary tuning of visual pigments works as evident in: scope, tempo, available molecular routes, and signal/noise trade-offs. Aquatic environments offer Nature s own laboratories for research on visual pigment properties, as naturally occurring light environments offer an enormous range of variation in both spectral composition and intensity. The present thesis focuses on the visual pigments that serve dim-light vision in two groups of model species, teleost fishes and mysid crustaceans. The geographical emphasis is in the brackish Baltic Sea area with its well-known postglacial isolation history and its aquatic fauna of both marine and fresh-water origin. The absorbance spectrum of the (single) dim-light visual pigment were recorded by microspectrophotometry (MSP) in single rods of 26 fish species and single rhabdoms of 8 opossum shrimp populations of the genus Mysis inhabiting marine, brackish or freshwater environments. Additionally, spectral sensitivity was determined from six Mysis populations by electroretinogram (ERG) recording. The rod opsin gene was sequenced in individuals of four allopatric populations of the sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus). Rod opsins of two other goby species were investigated as outgroups for comparison. Rod absorbance spectra of the Baltic subspecies or populations of the primarily marine species herring (Clupea harengus membras), sand goby (P. minutus), and flounder (Platichthys flesus) were long-wavelength-shifted compared to their marine populations. The spectral shifts are consistent with adaptation for improved quantum catch (QC) as well as improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of vision in the Baltic light environment. Since the chromophore of the pigment was pure A1 in all cases, this has apparently been achieved by evolutionary tuning of the opsin visual pigment. By contrast, no opsin-based differences were evident between lake and sea populations of species of fresh-water origin, which can tune their pigment by varying chromophore ratios. A more detailed analysis of differences in absorbance spectra and opsin sequence between and within populations was conducted using the sand goby as model species. Four allopatric populations from the Baltic Sea (B), Swedish west coast (S), English Channel (E), and Adriatic Sea (A) were examined. Rod absorbance spectra, characterized by the wavelength of maximum absorbance (λmax), differed between populations and correlated with differences in the spectral light transmission of the respective water bodies. The greatest λmax shift as well as the greatest opsin sequence difference was between the Baltic and the Adriatic populations. The significant within-population variation of the Baltic λmax values (506-511 nm) was analyzed on the level of individuals and was shown to correlate well with opsin sequence substitutions. The sequences of individuals with λmax at shorter wavelengths were identical to that of the Swedish population, whereas those with λmax at longer wavelengths additionally had substitution F261F/Y in the sixth transmembrane helix of the protein. This substitution (Y261) was also present in the Baltic common gobies and is known to redshift spectra. The tuning mechanism of the long-wavelength type Baltic sand gobies is assumed to be the co-expression of F261 and Y261 in all rods to produce ≈ 5 nm redshift. The polymorphism of the Baltic sand goby population possibly indicates ambiguous selection pressures in the Baltic Sea. The visual pigments of all lake populations of the opossum shrimp (Mysis relicta) were red-shifted by 25 nm compared with all Baltic Sea populations. This is calculated to confer a significant advantage in both QC and SNR in many humus-rich lakes with reddish water. Since only A2 chromophore was present, the differences obviously reflect evolutionary tuning of the visual protein, the opsin. The changes have occurred within the ca. 9000 years that the lakes have been isolated from the Sea after the most recent glaciation. At present, it seems that the mechanism explaining the spectral differences between lake and sea populations is not an amino acid substitution at any other conventional tuning site, but the mechanism is yet to be found.


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Although changes in urban forest vegetation have been documented in previous Finnish studies, the reasons for these changes have not been studied explicitly. Especially, the consequences of forest fragmentation, i.e. the fact that forest edges receive more solar radiation, wind and air-borne nutrients than interiors have been ignored. In order to limit the change in urban forest vegetation we need to know why it occurs. Therefore, the effects of edges and recreational use of urban forests on vegetation were investigated together in this thesis to reveal the relative strengths of these effects and to provide recommendations for forest management. Data were collected in the greater Helsinki area (in the cities of Helsinki, Vantaa and Espoo, and in the municipalities of Sipoo and Tuusula) and in the Lahti region (in the city of Lahti and in the municipality of Hollola) by means of systematic and randomized vegetation and soil sampling and tree measurements. Sample plots were placed from the forest edges to the interiors to investigate the effects of forest edges, and on paths of different levels of wear and off these paths to investigate the effects of trampling. The natural vegetation of mesic and sub-xeric forest site types studied was sensitive both to the effects of the edge and to trampling. The abundances of dwarf shrubs and bryophytes decreased, while light- and nitrogen-demanding herbs and grasses - and especially Sorbus aucuparia – were favoured at the edges and next to the paths. Results indicated that typical forest site types at the edges are changing toward more nitrophilic vegetation communities. Covers of the most abundant forest species decreased considerably – even tens of percentages – from interiors to the edges indicating strong edge effects. These effects penetrated at least up to 50 m from the forest edges into the interiors, especially at south to west facing open edges. The effects of trampling were pronounced on paths and even low levels of trampling decreased the abundances of certain species considerably. The effects of trampling extended up to 8 m from path edges. Results showed that the fragmentation of urban forest remnants into small and narrow patches should be avoided in order to maintain natural forest understorey vegetation in the urban setting. Thus, urban forest fragments left within urban development should be at least 3 ha in size, and as circular as possible. Where the preservation of representative original forest interior vegetation is a management aim, closed edges with conifers can act as an effective barrier against solar radiation, wind and urban load, thereby restricting the effects of the edge. Tree volume at the edge should be at least 225-250 m3 ha-1 and the proportion of conifers (especially spruce) 80% or more of the tree species composition. Closed, spruce-dominated edges may also prevent the excessive growth of S. aucuparia saplings at urban forest edges. In addition, closed edges may guide people’s movements to the maintained paths, thus preventing the spontaneous creation of dense path networks. In urban areas the effects of edges and trampling on biodiversity may be considerable, and are important to consider when the aim of management is to prevent the development of homogeneous herb-grass dominated vegetation communities, as was observed at the investigated edges.


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Purpose: To assess the effect of ultrasound modulation of near infrared (NIR) light on the quantification of scattering coefficient in tissue-mimicking biological phantoms.Methods: A unique method to estimate the phase of the modulated NIR light making use of only time averaged intensity measurements using a charge coupled device camera is used in this investigation. These experimental measurements from tissue-mimicking biological phantoms are used to estimate the differential pathlength, in turn leading to estimation of optical scattering coefficient. A Monte-Carlo model base numerical estimation of phase in lieu of ultrasound modulation is performed to verify the experimental results. Results: The results indicate that the ultrasound modulation of NIR light enhances the effective scattering coefficient. The observed effective scattering coefficient enhancement in tissue-mimicking viscoelastic phantoms increases with increasing ultrasound drive voltage. The same trend is noticed as the ultrasound modulation frequency approaches the natural vibration frequency of the phantom material. The contrast enhancement is less for the stiffer (larger storage modulus) tissue, mimicking tumor necrotic core, compared to the normal tissue. Conclusions: The ultrasound modulation of the insonified region leads to an increase in the effective number of scattering events experienced by NIR light, increasing the measured phase, causing the enhancement in the effective scattering coefficient. The ultrasound modulation of NIR light could provide better estimation of scattering coefficient. The observed local enhancement of the effective scattering coefficient, in the ultrasound focal region, is validated using both experimental measurements and Monte-Carlo simulations. (C) 2010 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. [DOI: 10.1118/1.3456441]


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Fire is an important driver of the boreal forest ecosystem, and a useful tool for the restoration of degraded forests. However, we lack knowledge on the ecological processes initiated by prescribed fires, and whether they bring about the desired restoration effects. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impacts of low-intensity experimental prescribed fires on four ecological processes in young commercial Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) stands eight years after the burning. The processes of interest were tree mortality, dead wood creation, regeneration and fire scar formation. These were inventoried in twelve study plots, which were 30 m x 30 m in size. The plots belonged to two different stand age classes: 30-35 years or 45 years old at the time of burning. The study was partly a follow-up of study plots researched by Sidoroff et al. (2007) one year after burning in 2003. Tree mortality increased from 183 stems ha-1 in 2003 to 259 stems ha-1 in 2010, corresponding to 15 % and 21 % of stem number respectively. Most mortality was experienced in the stands of the younger age class, in smaller diameter classes and among species other than Scots pine. By 2010, the average mortality of Scots pine per plot was 18%, but varied greatly ranging from 0% to 63% of stem number. Delayed mortality, i.e. mortality that occurred between 2 and 8 years after fire, seemed to become more important with increasing diameter. The input of dead wood also varied greatly between plots, from none to 72 m3 ha-1, averaging at 12 m3 ha-1. The amount of fire scarred trees per plot ranged from none to 20 %. Four out of twelve plots (43 %) did not have any fire scars. Scars were on average small: 95% of scars were less than 4 cm in width, and 75% less than 40 cm in length. Owing to the light nature of the fire, the remaining overstorey and thick organic layer, regeneration was poor overall. The abundance of pine and other seedlings indicated a viable seed source existed, but the seedlings failed to establish under dense canopy. The number of saplings ranged from 0 to 12 333 stems ha-1. The results of this study indicate that a low intensity fire does not necessarily initiate the ecological processes of tree mortality, dead wood creation and regeneration in the desired scale. Fire scars, which form the basis of fire dating in fire history studies, did not form in all cases.


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We derive and analyze the statistics of reflection coefficient of light backscattered coherently from an amplifying and disordered optical medium modeled by a spatially random refractive index having a uniform imaginary part in one dimension. We find enhancement of reflected intensity owing to a synergy between wave confinement by Anderson localization and coherent amplification by the active medium. This is not the same as that due to enhanced optical path lengths expected from photon diffusion in the random active medium. Our study is relevant to the physical realizability of a mirrorless laser by photon confinement due to Anderson localization.


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Thin films of ZnO, Li doped ZnO (ZLO) and multilayer of ZnO and ZLO (ZnO/ZLO) were grown on silicon and corning glass substrates by pulsed laser deposition technique. Single phase formation and the crystalline qualities of the films were analyzed by X-ray diffraction and Li composition in the film was investigated to be 15 wt% by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Raman spectrum reveals the hexagonal wurtzite structure of ZnO, ZLO and ZnO/ZLO multilayer and confirms the single phase formation. Films grown on corning glass shows more than 80% transmittance in the visible region and the optical band gaps were calculated to be 3.245, 3.26 and 3.22 eV for ZnO, ZLO and ZnO/ZLO, respectively. An efficient blue emission was observed in all films which were grown on silicon (1 0 0) substrate by photoluminescence (PL). PL measurements at different temperatures reveal that the PL emission intensity of ZnO/ZLO multilayer was weakly dependent on temperature as compared to the single layers of ZnO and ZLO and the wavelength of emission was independent of temperature. Our results indicate that ZnO/ZLO multilayer can be used for the fabrication of blue light emitting diodes. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We describe direct measurement of phase of ballistic photons transmitted through objects hidden in a turbid medium using a polarization interferometer employing a rotating analyzer. The unwrapped phase difference measurements from interferometry was possible for medium levels of turbidity and accurate phase measurement from the sinusoidal intensity was not detectable when l/l* is increased beyond 4.3. The measured phase on reconstruction using standard tomographic algorithms resulted in the recovery of the refractive index profile of the object hidden in the turbid medium.


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A simplified energy‐level scheme is proposed for the photochemical cycle of the bacteriorhodopsin molecule. Rate equations are solved for the detailed light‐induced processes based on this model and the intensity‐induced population densities in various states of the molecule at steady state are computed which are used to obtain an analytic expression for the absorption coefficient of the modulation beam. Modulation of the probe laser‐beam transmission by the modulation‐laser‐beam intensity‐induced population changes is analyzed. It is predicted that for a probe beam at 412 nm up to 82% modulation can be achieved using a laser beam intensity of 3.2 W/cm2 at 570 nm. For temperatures ∼77 K, the transmission at 610 nm can be switched from zero to 81% for modulating laser intensity of 11 W/cm2. Construction of a spatial light modulator based on bacteriorhodopsin molecules is proposed and some of its features are discussed.


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Titanium carbide (TiC) is an electrically conducting material with favorable electrochemical properties. In the present studies, carbon-doped TiO2 (C-TiO2) has been synthesized from TiC particles, as well as TiC films coated on stainless steel substrate via thermal annealing under various conditions. Several C-TiO2 substrates are synthesized by varying experimental, conditions and characterized by UV-visible spectroscopy, photoluminescence, X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic techniques. C-TiO2 in the dry state (in powder form as well as in film form) is subsequently used as a substrate for enhancing Raman signals corresponding to 4-mercaptobenzoic acid and 4-nitrothiophenol by utilizing chemical enhancement based on charge-transfer interactions. Carbon, a nonmetal dopant in TiO2, improves the intensities of Raman signals, compared, to undoped TiO2. Significant dependence of Raman intensity on carbon doping is observed. Ameliorated performance obtained using C-TiO2 is attributed to the presence of surface defects that originate due to carbon as a dopant, which, in turn,, triggers charge transfer between TiO2 and analyte. The C-TiO2 substrates are subsequently regenerated for repetitive use by illuminating an analyte-adsorbed substrate with visible light for a period of 5 h.


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Mn2+ doped (0-50.0 molar %) ZnS d-dots have been synthesized in water medium by using an environment friendly low cost chemical technique. Tunable dual emission in UV and yellow-orange regions is achieved by tailoring the Mn2+ doping concentration in the host ZnS nanocrystal. The optimum doping concentration for achieving efficient photoluminescence (PL) emission is determined to be similar to 1.10 (at. %) corresponding to 40.0 (molar %) of Mn2+ doping concentration used during synthesis. The mechanism of charge transfer from the host to the dopant leading to the intensity modulated tunable (594-610 nm) yellow-orange PL emission is straightforwardly understood as no capping agent is used. The temperature dependent PL emission measurements are carried out, viz., in 1.10 at. % Mn2+ doped sample and the experimental results are explained by using a theoretical PL emission model. It is found that the ratio of non-radiative to radiative recombination rates is temperature dependent and this phenomenon has not been reported, so far, in Mn2+ doped ZnS system. The colour tuning of the emitted light from the samples are evident from the calculated chromaticity coordinates. UV light irradiation for 150 min in 40.0 (molar %) Mn2+ doped sample shows an enhancement of 33% in PL emission intensity. (C) 2013 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4795779]


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For the first time, high quality tin oxide (SnO2) nanowires have been synthesized at a low substrate temperature of 450 degrees C via vapor-liquid-solid mechanism using an electron beam evaporation technique. The grown nanowires have shown length of 2-4 mu m and diameter of 20-60 nm. High resolution transmission electron microscope studies on the grown nanowires have shown the single crystalline nature of the SnO2 nanowires. We investigated the effect of growth temperature and oxygen partial pressure on SnO2 nanowires growth. Variation of substrate temperature at a constant oxygen partial pressure of 4 x 10(-4) mbar suggested that a temperature equal to or greater than 450 degrees C was the best condition for phase pure SnO2 nanowires growth. The SnO2 nanowires grown on a SiO2 substrate were subjected to UV photo detection. The responsivity and quantum efficiency of SnO2 NWs photo detector (at 10V applied bias) was 12 A/W and 45, respectively, for 12 mu W/cm(2) UV lamp (330 nm) intensity on the photo detector.


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Nearly pollution-free solutions of the Helmholtz equation for k-values corresponding to visible light are demonstrated and verified through experimentally measured forward scattered intensity from an optical fiber. Numerically accurate solutions are, in particular, obtained through a novel reformulation of the H-1 optimal Petrov-Galerkin weak form of the Helmholtz equation. Specifically, within a globally smooth polynomial reproducing framework, the compact and smooth test functions are so designed that their normal derivatives are zero everywhere on the local boundaries of their compact supports. This circumvents the need for a priori knowledge of the true solution on the support boundary and relieves the weak form of any jump boundary terms. For numerical demonstration of the above formulation, we used a multimode optical fiber in an index matching liquid as the object. The scattered intensity and its normal derivative are computed from the scattered field obtained by solving the Helmholtz equation, using the new formulation and the conventional finite element method. By comparing the results with the experimentally measured scattered intensity, the stability of the solution through the new formulation is demonstrated and its closeness to the experimental measurements verified.


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ZnAl2O4:Dy3+ (1-9 mol%) nanophosphors were synthesized by a simple, cost effective and environmental friendly route using Euphorbia tirucalli plant latex. The structural properties and morphological features of the phosphors were well studied by PXRD, FTIR, SEM and TEM measurements. The luminescent properties of ZnAl2O4:Dy3+ (1-9 mol%) nanophosphors were investigated from the excitation and emission spectra. The phosphor performance was evaluated by color co-ordinates. The values were well located in the near white region as a result it was highly useful for the fabrication of green component in WLEDs. The average particle size was found to be similar to 9-18 nm and same was confirmed by TEM and Scherrer's method. The highest photoluminescence (PL) and thermoluminescence (TL) intensity was obtained to be similar to 7 mol% Dy3+ concentration. A single TL glow peak was recorded at 172 degrees C at a warming rate of 2.5 degrees Cs (1). The intensity at 172 degrees C peak increases linearly up to 1 kGy and after that it diminishes. PL intensity was studied with different plant latex concentration (2-8 ml) and highest PL intensity was recorded for similar to 8 ml. The optimized phosphor showed good reusability, low fading and wide range of linearity with gamma-dose hence the phosphor was quite useful in radiation dosimetry. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Novel BioBr/Cd(OH)(2) heterostructures were synthesized by a facile chemical bath method under ambient conditions. A series of BiOBr/Cd(OH)(2) heterostructures were obtained by tuning the Bi/Cd molar ratios. The obtained heterostructures were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Optical properties were studied by UV-visible spectroscopy, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and photoluminescence (PL). Photocatalytic studies on rhodamine B (RhB) under visible light irradiation showed that the heterostructures are very efficient photocatalysts in mild basic medium. Scavenger test studies confirmed that the photogenerated holes and superoxide radicals (O-2(center dot-)) are the main active species responsible for RhB degradation. Comparison of photoluminescence (PL) intensity suggested that an inhibited charge recombination is crucial for the degradation process over these photocatalysts. Moreover, relative positioning of the valence and conduction band edges of the semiconductors, O-2/O-2(center dot-) and (OH)-O-center dot/H2O redox potentials and HOMO-LUMO levels of RhB appear to be responsible for the hole-specificity of degradation. Photocatalytic recycling experiments indicated the high stability of the catalysts in the reaction medium without any significant loss of activity. This study hence concludes that the heterojunction constructed between Cd(OH)(2) and BiOBr interfaces play a crucial role in influencing the charge carrier dynamics and subsequent photocatalytic activity.