954 resultados para leaf nutrient content


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The present study examines patterns of heritability of plant secondary metabolites following hybridisation among three genetically homogeneous taxa of spotted gum (Corymbia henryi (S.T.Blake) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson, C. citriodora subsp. variegata (F.Muell.) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson and C. citriodora (Hook.) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson subsp. citriodora (section Maculatae), and their congener C. torelliana (F.Muell.) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson (section Torellianae)). Hexane extracts of leaves of all four parent taxa were statistically distinguishable (ANOSIM: global R = 0.976, P = 0.008). Hybridisation patterns varied among the taxa studied, with the hybrid formed with C. citriodora subsp. variegata showing an intermediate extractive profile between its parents, whereas the profiles of the other two hybrids were dominated by that of C. torelliana. These different patterns in plant secondary-metabolite inheritance may have implications for a range of plant-insect interactions.


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Madeira vine (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) is a climber in the angiosperm family Basellaceae. It is native to South America and has naturalised in Australia. It is regarded as a serious environmental weed because of the structural damage it causes to native vegetation. The present study, for the first time, documents anatomical and morphological traits of the leaves of A. cordifolia and considers their implications for its ecology and physiology. Plants were grown under three different light levels, and anatomical and morphological leaf characters were compared among light levels, among cohorts, and with documented traits of the related species, Basella alba L. Stomata were present on both the adaxial and abaxial sides of the leaf, with significantly more stomata on the abaxial side and under high light. This may account for the ability of this species to fix large amounts of carbon and rapidly respond to light gaps. The leaves had very narrow veins and no sclerenchyma, suggesting a low construction cost that is associated with invasive plants. There was no significant difference in any of the traits among different cohorts, which agrees with the claim that A. cordifolia primarily propagates vegetatively. The anatomy and morphology of A. cordifolia was similar to that of B. alba.


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The leaf-tying moth Hypocosmia pyrochroma Jones (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), a native of sub tropical South America, has been introduced as a biological control agent for cat’s claw creeper, Dolichandra unguis-cati (L.) Lohman (Bignoniaceae), in Australia and South Africa. So far there has been no evidence of its field establishment in either country. A narrow temperature tolerance is a potential limiting factor for the establishment of weed biological control insects in novel habitats. In this study, we evaluated the effect of seven constant temperatures (12–40 °C) on the survival and development of H. pyrochroma in temperature-controlled cabinets. Temperatures between 20 and 30 °C were the most favorable for adult survival, oviposition, egg hatching, and larval and pupal development. Adult survival (12–40 °C) and egg development (15–35 °C) showed tolerance for wider temperature ranges than oviposition, and larval and pupal development, which were all negatively affected by both high (>30 °C) and low (<20 °C) temperatures. The degree-day (DD) requirement to complete a generation was estimated as 877 above a threshold temperature of 12 °C. Based on DD requirements and an obligatory winter diapause of pupae from mid-autumn to mid-spring, the potential number of generations (egg to adult) the leaf-tying moth can complete in a year in Australia or South Africa range from one to three. A climate-matching model predicted that the inland regions of both Australia and South Africa are less favorable for H. pyrochroma than the coastal areas. The study suggested that H. pyrochroma is more likely to establish in the coastal areas of Australia where most of the cat’s claw creeper infestations occur, than in South Africa where most of the cat’s claw creeper infestations are inland.


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Valko- ja ruskolahosienet tunnetaan luonnossa tehokkaimpina puun ja karikkeen lignoselluloosan lahottajina. Valkolahosienet pystyvät hajottamaan kaikkia puun osia: ligniiniä, selluloosaa ja hemiselluloosaa. Selektiivisesti ligniiniä hajottavat sienet lahottavat puusta suhteessa enemmän vaikeasti hajoavaa ligniiniä kuin selluloosaa tai hemiselluloosaa, jolloin jäljelle jää valkoista ja miltei puhdasta selluloosaa. Bioteknisissä sovelluksissa juuri selektiviiviset valkolahottajat ovat kiinnostavia. Niiden avulla voidaan puuhaketta esikäsitellä esimerkiksi paperinvalmistuksessa haitallisen ligniinin poistamiseksi. Ruskolahosienet ovat huomattavia puun, puutavaran ja puisten rakenteiden lahottajia, kuten tässä työssä käytetty Gloeophyllum trabeum (saunasieni ) ja Poria (Postia) placenta (istukkakääpä). Ruskolahosienet hajottavat puusta hemiselluloosan lisäksi selluloosaa, jolloin jää jäljelle ruskea ja jauhomaiseksi mureneva ligniini. Ruskolahosienet muovaavat ligniiniä jonkin verran. Kahden ruskolahosienen G. trabeumin ja P. placentan lisäksi tutkittiin valkolahosieniä, joista Ceriporiopsis subvermispora (karstakääpä) ja harvinainen Physisporinus rivulosus -sieni (talikääpä) hajottavat ligniiniä erittäin selektiivisesti. Phanerochaete chrysosporium on kaikkialla paljon tutkittu sieni, ja Phlebia radiata valkolahosientä (rusorypykkä) on tutkittu paljon mikrobiologian osastolla. Lisäksi tutkittiin Phlebia tremellosa -sienten (hytyrypykkä) ligninolyyttisten entsyymien tuottoa ja 14C-leimatun synteettisen ligniinin (DHP) hajotusta. P. radiata ja P. tremellosa -sienten on todettu aiemmin hajottavan ligniiniä selektiivisesti. Työssä selvitettiin miten sienten kasvua voi mitata, miten vertailukelpoisia eri mittaamismenetelmillä saadut tulokset ovat ja ilmenevätkö sienten aktiivisimmat kasvuvaiheet samaan aikaan eri menetelmillä mitattuna. Tärkeimmät tulokset olivat seuraavat havainnot: (i) P. radiata ja P. tremellosa -sienikannat tuottivat ligniini- ja mangaaniperoksidaasientsyymejä (LiP ja MnP) sekä lakkaasia, ja sienistä puhdistettiin 2-3 LiP- ja P. radiatasta yksi MnP-entsyymi; (ii) P. tremellosa -sienet hajottivat leimattua synteettistä ligniiniä (DHP) yhtä hyvin kuin paljon tutkitut P. chrysosporium ja P. radiata -sienet; (iii) puu, sienen luonnollinen kasvualusta, lisäsi valkolaho- ja ruskolahosienten demetoksylaatiota [O14CH3]-leimatusta ligniinin malliyhdisteestä 14CO2:ksi ilman puuta olleeseen alustaan verrattuna; (iv) demetoksylaatio (14CO2:n tuotto) oli normaalissa ilma-atmosfäärissä useimmiten parempi happeen verrattuna; (v) hapessa paras 14CO2:n tuotto saatiin puupalakasvatuksissa, joihin oli lisätty ravinnetyppeä tai typen lisäksi glukoosia sekä valkolaho- että ruskolahosienillä; (vi) ilmassa 14CO2:n tuotto oli puulla voimakkainta valkolahosienillä ilman lisäravinteita, kun taas G. trabeum -sienellä se oli yhtä hyvä eri alustoissa; (vii) biomassan muodostuminen rihmastojen ergosterolipitoisuuksista mitattuna oli ruskolahosienillä parempi kuin valkolahosienillä; (viii) ja biomassojen huippupitoisuudet olivat 6:lla sienellä eri suuruisia ja niiden maksimimäärien ajankohdat vaihtelivat viiden viikon kasvatusten kuluessa. Mikrobiologian osastolla Viikissä eristetty ja paljon tutkittu P. radiata -valkolahosieni oli mukana kaikissa tehdyissä kokeissa. Sienen LiP-aktiivisuus ja 14CO2:n tuotto 14C-rengas-leimatusta synteettisestä ligniinistä (DHP) korreloivat erittäin hyvin. Biomassan muodostuminen ergosterolilla määritettynä tuki hyvin entsyymiaktiivisuusmittauksilla ja isotooppikasvatuksilla saatuja tuloksia.


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Demographic changes necessitate that companies commit younger workers and motivate older workers through work design. Age-related differences in occupational goals should be taken into account when accomplishing these challenges. In this study, we investigated goal contents and goal characteristics of employees from different age groups. We surveyed 150 employees working in the service sector (average age = 44 years, age range 19 to 60 years) on their most important occupational goals. Employees who stated goals from the area of organizational citizenship were significantly older than employees with other goals. Employees who stated goals from the areas of training and pay/career were significantly younger than employees with other goals. After controlling for gender, education, and work characteristics, no age-related differences were found in the goal areas teamwork, job security, working time, well-being, and new challenges. In addition, no relationships were found between age and the goal characteristics specificity, planning intensity, as well as positive and negative goal emotions. We recommend that companies provide older workers with more opportunities for organizational citizenship and commit younger workers by providing development opportunities and adequate pay


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Rph20 is the only reported, simply inherited gene conferring moderate to high levels of adult plant resistance (APR) to leaf rust (Puccinia hordei Otth) in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Key parental genotypes were examined to determine the origin of Rph20 in two-rowed barley. The Dutch cultivar 'Vada' (released in the 1950s) and parents, 'Hordeum laevigatum' and 'Gull' ('Gold'), along with the related cultivar 'Emir' (a derivative of 'Delta'), were assessed for APR to P. hordei in a disease screening nursery. The marker bPb-0837-PCR, co-located with Rph20 on the short arm of chromosome 5H (5HS), was used to screen genotypes for the resistance allele, Rph20.ai. Results from phenotypic assessment and DNA analysis confirmed that Rph20 originated from the landrace 'H. laevigatum' (i.e., Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare). Tracing back this gene through the pedigrees of two-rowed barley cultivars, indicated that Rph20 has contributed APR to P. hordei for more than 60 years. Although there have been no reports of an Rph20-virulent pathotype, the search for alternative sources of APR should continue to avoid widespread reliance upon a single resistance factor.


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Rust (caused by Puccinia arachidis) and late leaf spot (LLS, caused by Mycosphaerella berkeleyi) can cause significant yield losses in Australian peanut crops. Until recently, all commercial peanut varieties were highly susceptible to these pathogens, but the new Australian cultivar Sutherland has significantly higher levels of resistance than the older cultivars. Field trials were conducted at two sites in Queensland to (a) confirm the improved resistance of cv. Sutherland over another commercial cultivar, Menzies, (b) study the effects of timing of first spray, spray interval and cultivar on disease severity and yield, and (c) develop a suitable fungicide management program for cv. Sutherland. In the 2006 and 2007 trials, rust and LLS developed slower and had lower final disease ratings and AUDPC values on unsprayed plots of cv. Sutherland than on cv. Menzies. The timing of the first spray is critical in managing both rust and late leaf spot, with the results demonstrating that the first fungicide spray on cv. Sutherland should be applied as soon as rust and LLS are first seen on cv. Menzies. In most trials spray intervals of 14 days or 21 days were suitable to effectively control rust and LLS. In years with low disease pressure, few, if any, fungicide applications will be needed to manage the diseases, but in other years up to four sprays may be necessary. © Australasian Plant Pathology Society Inc. 2012.


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Variation in the reaction of cereal cultivars to crown rot caused by Fusarium spp., in particular Fusarium pseudograminearum, was identified over 50 yrs ago, however the parameters and pathways of infection by F. pseudograminearum remain poorly understood. Seedlings of wheat, barley and oat genotypes that differ in susceptibility to crown rot were inoculated with a mixture of F. pseudograminearum isolates. Seedlings were harvested from 7 to 42 days after inoculation and expanded plant parts were rated for severity of visible disease symptoms. Individual leaf sheaths were placed onto nutrient media and fungal colonies emerging from the leaf sheathes were counted to estimate the degree of fungal spread within the host tissue. Significant differences in both the timing and the severity of disease symptoms were observed in the leaf sheath tissues of different host genotypes. Across all genotypes and plant parts examined, the development of visible symptoms closely correlated with the spread of the fungus into that tissue. The degree of infection of the coleoptile and sub-crown internode varied between genotypes, but was unrelated to the putative resistance of the host. In contrast leaf sheath tissues of the susceptible barley cv. Tallon and bread wheat cv. Puseas scored higher disease ratings and consistently showed faster, earlier spread of the fungus into younger tissues than infections of the oat cv. Cleanleaf or the wheat lines 2-49 and CPI 133814. While initial infections usually spread upwards from near the base of the first leaf sheath, the pathogen did not appear to invade younger leaf sheaths only from the base, but rather spread laterally across from older leaf sheaths into younger, subtended leaf sheaths, particularly as disease progressed. Early in the infection of each leaf sheath, disease symptoms in the partially resistant genotypes were less severe than in susceptible genotypes, however as infected leaf sheaths aged, differences between genotypes lessened as disease symptoms approached maximum values. Hence, while visual scoring of disease symptoms on leaf sheaths is a reliable comparative measure of the degree of fungal infection, differences between genotypes in the development of disease symptoms are more reliably assessed using the most recently expanded leaf sheaths.