952 resultados para integrated water cycle
Shortly after the loading of a pressurized water reactor (PWR) core, the axial power distribution in fresh fuel has already attained the characteristic, almost flat shape, typical of burned fuel. At beginning of cycle (BOC), however, the axial distribution is centrally peaked. In assemblies hosting uniform burnable boron rods, this BOC peaking is even more pronounced. A reduction in the axial peaking is today often achieved by shortening the burnable boron rods by some 30 cm at each edge. It is shown that a two-zone grading of the boron rod leads, in a representative PWR cycle, to a reduction of the hot-spot temperature of approximately 70 °C, compared with the nongraded case. However, with a proper three-zone grading of the boron rod, an additional 20 °C may be cut off the hot-spot temperature. Further, with a slightly skewed application of this three-zone grading, an additional 50 °C may be cut off. The representative PWR cycle studied was cycle 11 of the Indian Point 2 station, with a simplification in the number of fuel types and in the burnup distribution. The analysis was based on a complete three-dimensional burnup calculation. The code system was ELCOS, with BOXER as an assembly code for the generation of burnup-dependent cross sections and SILWER as a three-dimensional core code with thermal-hydraulic feedback.
The proliferation potential of the present light water reactor (LWR) fuel cycle is related primarily to the quantity and the quality of the residual Pu contained in the spent-fuel stockpile, although other potentially “weapons usable” materials are also a concern. Thorium-based nuclear fuel produces much smaller amounts of Pu in comparison with standard LWR fuel, and consequently, it is more proliferation resistant than conventional slightly enriched all-U fuel; the long-term toxicity of the spent-fuel stockpile is also reduced
A thorium-based fuel cycle for light water reactors will reduce the plutonium generation rate and enhance the proliferation resistance of the spent fuel. However, priming the thorium cycle with 235U is necessary, and the 235U fraction in the uranium must be limited to below 20% to minimize proliferation concerns. Thus, a once-through thorium-uranium dioxide (ThO
Plecoptera constitute a numerically and ecologically significant component in mountain streams all over the world, but little is known of their life cycles in Asia. The life cycle of Nemoura sichuanensis and its relationship to water temperature was investigated during a 4-year study in a headwater stream (known as the Jiuchong torrent) of the Xiangxi River in Central China. Size structure histograms suggest that the life cycle was univoltine, and the relationships between the growth of Nemoura sichuanensis, physiological time, and effective accumulated water temperature were described using logistic regressions. The growth pattern was generally similar within year classes but growth rates did vary between year-classes. Our field data suggest a critical thermal threshold for emergence in Nemoura sichuanensis, that was close to 9 degrees C. The total number of physiological days required for completing larval development was 250 days. The effective accumulated water temperature was 2500 degree-days in the field. Development during the life cycle increased somewhat linearly with the physiological time and the effective accumulated water temperature, but some non-linear relationships were best developed by logistic equations.
A novel and accurate finite volume method has been presented to solve the shallow water equations on unstructured grid in plane geometry. In addition to the volume integrated average (VIA moment) for each mesh cell, the point values (PV moment) defined on cell boundary are also treated as the model variables. The volume integrated average is updated via a finite volume formulation, and thus is numerically conserved, while the point value is computed by a point-wise Riemann solver. The cell-wise local interpolation reconstruction is built based on both the VIA and the PV moments, which results in a scheme of almost third order accuracy. Efforts have also been made to formulate the source term of the bottom topography in a way to balance the numerical flux function to satisfy the so-called C-property. The proposed numerical model is validated by numerical tests in comparison with other methods reported in the literature. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A novel accurate numerical model for shallow water equations on sphere have been developed by implementing the high order multi-moment constrained finite volume (MCV) method on the icosahedral geodesic grid. High order reconstructions are conducted cell-wisely by making use of the point values as the unknowns distributed within each triangular cell element. The time evolution equations to update the unknowns are derived from a set of constrained conditions for two types of moments, i.e. the point values on the cell boundary edges and the cell-integrated average. The numerical conservation is rigorously guaranteed. in the present model, all unknowns or computational variables are point values and no numerical quadrature is involved, which particularly benefits the computational accuracy and efficiency in handling the spherical geometry, such as coordinate transformation and curved surface. Numerical formulations of third and fourth order accuracy are presented in detail. The proposed numerical model has been validated by widely used benchmark tests and competitive results are obtained. The present numerical framework provides a promising and practical base for further development of atmospheric and oceanic general circulation models. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
现在全国上下深切关注着黄河的重大问题及其对策。其实问题的根源都出自人们对黄河流域尤其黄土高原自然资源的掠夺式开发 ,形成了“3个恶性循环”:广种薄收 ,薄收更广种 ,虽是罪魁祸首 ,但常反被忽视 ,致使生态环境脆弱 ,人民长期贫困 ;只有下游河床越淤越高 ,防洪大堤越筑越高 ,越高越险和断流历时越来越长 ,上溯速度越来越快 2个恶性循环的危害才使人惊恐。不难看出 ,这是恰与形成黄土高原自然规律完全相悖的人为地质过程的结果。可惜它还未引起人们深入充分的认识 ,难怪一向短缺一个为各家合力共识的治本对策。当今国家将经济发展的重点向中、西部转移 ,并要求重建一个山川秀美的大西北 ,黄土高原的持续开发与治理对策就显得更为举足轻重。由此其各项对策都将面临着转变观念、调整思路、实事求是地进行科学分析和抉择。笔者最近从陆地生态的发生发展及其整个地质历史演变过程的研究中发现 :“土壤水库”的发生发展及其演变是陆地生态发生发展的关键和“动力”,只要维护土壤水库的正常发展就能更好地保卫生态环境。黄土高原地区由于得天独厚的降尘堆积环境条件和持续的成壤过程 ,可使降水具有直接渗入“地下水库”的特殊功能。只要维护住高入渗土壤水库的存在就...