974 resultados para insertion
Depuis une trentaine d' années, les nouveaux enseignants sont confrontés à des conditions d'insertion difficiles, notamment en raison de la précarité professionnelle. Ce contexte peut affecter de différentes manières le développement et la mobilisation des compétences, processus qui sont en relation avec le développement du sentiment d'efficacité personnelle (SEP) face à l'enseignement. Le SEP étant considéré comme une ressource essentielle pour agir avec compétence, s'engager dans les tâches et persévérer dans la profession enseignante, nous avons consacré notre recherche doctorale à ce sujet. Pour la méthodologie, la recherche a fait appel à des entrevues semi-structurées auprès de 15 enseignantes et enseignants, à une liste de contrôle permettant aux participants de cibler les sources de leur SEP, et enfin à la technique des incidents critiques pour faire évoquer des expériences mettant en relief le déploiement du SEP en contexte de pratique. Les résultats de la recherche montrent que le SEP se développe premièrement, au cours de la formation initiale grâce à la formation théorique et surtout aux stages. Deuxièmement, durant la phase d'insertion professionnelle par la mobilisation réussie des compétences acquises en formation initiale, par l'expérience d'enseignement, les conditions d'insertion facilitantes, la formation continue et l'apport des différents acteurs du milieu scolaire et universitaire, notamment à travers le soutien social, la rétroaction, la collaboration, la reconnaissance et la confiance témoignées. Les résultats indiquent également que ceux et celles qui se sentent efficaces surmontent mieux les difficultés de l'insertion, prennent davantage d'initiatives, innovent dans leur pratiques et obtiennent de meilleures performances dans les tâches attribuées. Notre étude contribue à apporter une nouvelle perspective dans la compréhension du SEP basée sur de véritables expériences d'enseignants débutants du secondaire, fait découvrir les possibilités sur lesquelles les programmes de formation et les mesures d' insertion pourraient s'appuyer et enfin, permet d'enrichir la problématique de l'insertion en enseignement.
La présente étude se penche sur les facteurs associés à l'atteinte des objectifs d'intervention dans les mesures de mise en mouvement chez les jeunes de 16-17 ans en situation de précarité. Au Québec, les effets de la pyramide démographique, l'essor de l'emploi atypique et les mutations économiques que subit le marché du travail peuvent engendrer une situation de précarité chez certains jeunes, dont les jeunes sans diplôme, les jeunes ayant été pris en charge par le système de protection de la jeunesse et les jeunes peu scolarisés. Dans cette perspective, des actions gouvernementales, sous forme de mesures, ont été mises en oeuvre en vue de fournir à ces jeunes un soutien dans leur insertion socioprofessionnelle et leur maintien à l'école. Nous nous intéressons à ces mesures, et plus particulièrement aux aspects personnels et contextuels des jeunes associés aux degrés d'atteinte des objectifs d'intervention. Les conditions associées aux participants de même que les mesures de mise en mouvement sont appréhendées sous l'angle de l'approche écosystémique. À cet effet, les objectifs de cette étude sont de déterminer les caractéristiques personnelles et les caractéristiques environnementales associées à l'atteinte des objectifs d'intervention des participants lors de leur passage dans ces mesures de mise en mouvement. À cette fin, les données employées proviennent d'une recherche évaluative de la mesure IDEO 16-17 (Yergeau, Bélisle, Bourdon et Thériault, 2009). Les participants (n=48) provenaient de différentes régions et étaient âgés de 15 et 19 ans. Alors que certains participants commençaient la mesure, certains participants interrogés avaient terminé la mesure. Parmi ces participants, 23 étaient des femmes et 25 des hommes. Un volet d'entrée leur était attribué selon leur problématique (mise en mouvement, persévérance scolaire ou rétablissement personnel). Des analyses bivariées ont été réalisées afin de relever les relations significatives entre les caractéristiques des jeunes, le degré d'atteinte moyen des objectifs d'intervention et la cote d'atteinte de l'objectif le plus associé au volet d'entrée. Deux régressions linéaires multiples ont également été exécutées afin de vérifier si les modèles employés expliquent une proportion significative de la variation du degré d'atteinte. Les résultats obtenus montrent la présence d'une corrélation positive entre l'âge des participants et le degré moyen d'atteinte des objectifs d'intervention. Ce résultat peut s'expliquer, entre autres, par une plus grande maturité et par un développement cognitif plus élevé des jeunes plus âgés. Aucun autre résultat significatif n'a été relevé. Toutefois, l'absence de résultats significatifs ne signifie pas que les liens entre les variables soient inexistants dans la réalité. L'absence de résultats significatifs peut s'expliquer en partie par certaines limites de la méthodologie, dont un échantillon hétérogène de taille modeste, une variance des variables dépendantes et certains paramètres de sélection du devis. Toutefois, certains aspects reliés à la nature même de la programmation souple de la mesure expliqueraient davantage l'absence de résultats, dont le manque d'adéquation entre le volet d'entrée et les objectifs d'intervention au plan d'action de même que la diversité et l'intensité variable des interventions inhérentes à l'étendue des problématiques des participants. Cette flexibilité caractéristique des mesures à programmation souple pose des défis méthodologiques et analytiques à la recherche et suggère au lecteur de nuancer l'interprétation des résultats. En conclusion, la présente recherche n'a pu déceler d'associations significatives entre le degré d'atteinte des objectifs d'intervention et les caractéristiques systémiques à l'étude. Certains aspects méthodologiques et de la nature de la mesure peuvent contribuer à expliquer l'absence de résultats significatifs. Comme il s'agit à notre connaissance de la première étude sur ce thème spécifique, il appert pertinent de poursuivre les études dans ce domaine.
The cell cycle comprise the four phases of, G1, S-phase, G2 and mitosis. Two critical transitions are G1/S and G2/M; the latter is regulated by WEE1 kinase and CDC25 phosphatases. The scope of this thesis was to investigate the regulation of the G2/M transition of the cell cycle by WEE1 and CDC25, and how these genes interface with plant growth regulators in Arabidopsis thaliana. In Arabidopsis roots, the frequency of lateral roots was found to be increased by ectopic expression of Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Sp)cdc25e and reduced by Arath;WEE1 expression. I examined the effect of Arath;WEE1 and Spcdc25 on induction of shoots and roots in Arabidopsis hypocotyls in vitro. Hypocotyl explants from two over-expressing WEE1 lines , three T-DNA insertion lines and two expressing cdc25 (Spcdc25e) lines together with wild type (WT) were cultured on two-way gradients of kinetin (Kin) and naphthyl acetic acid (NAA). Below a threshold concentration of NAA (100 ng ml-1), WEE1 repressed morphogenesis in vitro, whereas at all NAA/Kin combinations Spcdc25 promoted morphogenesis (particularly root formation) over and above that in WT. Loss of function wee1-1 cultures were very similar to WT. Quantitative data indicated a significant increase in the frequency of root formation in Spcdc25e cultures compared with WT particularly at low Kin concentrations, and WEE1oe’s repressive effect was overcome by NAA but not Kin. In conclusion, WEE1 has a repressive effect on morphogenesis in vitro that can be overcome by auxin whereas Spcd25 by-passes a cytokinin requirement for the induction of morphogenesis in vitro. The role of CDC25 and WEE1 in DNA damage responses was also analysed. Two over-expressing Arath;CDC25 lines and T-DNA mutants showed no difference to WT either in standard conditions or zeocin-supplemented treatments. However, root length was longer in Arath;CDC25oe lines treated with hydroxyurea (HU) and lateral root number was increased compared to WT. This suggests a differential response of Arath;CDC25oe in the DNA replication (HU-induced) and DNA damage (zeocin-induced) checkpoints (Chapter 5). Finally the roles of WEE1 and CDC25 in cell cycle regulation were examined using tobacco TBY-2 cell cultures expressing Arath;WEE1, Nicotiana tabacum (Nicta)WEE1 or Arath;CDC25. Whilst Nicta;WEE1 lengthened G2 of the cell cycle, Arath;WEE1 had an unusual effect of shortening G2 phase and Arath;CDC25 had no observable effect (Chapter 6).
Background and Aims In yeasts and animals, cyclin-dependent kinases are key regulators of cell cycle progression and are negatively and positively regulated by WEE1 kinase and CDC25 phosphatase, respectively. In higher plants a full-length orthologue of CDC25 has not been isolated but a shorter gene with homology only to the C-terminal catalytic domain is present. The Arabidopis thaliana;CDC25 can act as a phosphatase in vitro. Since in arabidopsis, WEE1 plays an important role in the DNA damage/DNA replication checkpoints, the role of Arath;CDC25 in conditions that induce these checkpoints or induce abiotic stress was tested. Methods arath;cdc25 T-DNA insertion lines, Arath;CDC25 over-expressing lines and wild type were challenged with hydroxyurea (HU) and zeocin, substances that stall DNA replication and damage DNA, respectively, together with an abiotic stressor, NaCl. A molecular and phenotypic assessment was made of all genotypes Key Results There was a null phenotypic response to perturbation of Arath;CDC25 expression under control conditions. However, compared with wild type, the arath;cdc25 T-DNA insertion lines were hypersensitive to HU, whereas the Arath;CDC25 over-expressing lines were relatively insensitive. In particular, the over-expressing lines consistently outgrew the T-DNA insertion lines and wild type when challenged with HU. All genotypes were equally sensitive to zeocin and NaCl. Conclusions Arath;CDC25 plays a role in overcoming stress imposed by HU, an agent know to induce the DNA replication checkpoint in arabidopsis. However, it could not enhance tolerance to either a zeocin treatment, known to induce DNA damage, or salinity stress.
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Neurociências), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2015
Background and Aims How plant cell-cycle genes interface with development is unclear. Preliminary evidence from our laboratory suggested that over-expression of the cell cycle checkpoint gene, WEE1, repressed growth and development. Here the hypothesis is tested that the level of WEE1 has a dosage effect on growth and development in Arabidospis thaliana. To do this, a comparison was made of the development of gain- and loss-of-function WEE1 arabidopsis lines both in vivo and in vitro. Methods Hypocotyl explants from an over-expressing Arath;WEE1 line (WEE1oe), two T-DNA insertion lines (wee1-1 and wee1-4) and wild type (WT) were cultured on two-way combinations of kinetin and naphthyl acetic acid. Root growth and meristematic cell size were also examined. Key Results Quantitative data indicated a repressive effect in WEE1oe and a significant increase in morphogenetic capacity in the two T-DNA insertion lines compared with WT. Compared with WT, WEE1oe seedlings exhibited a slower cell-doubling time in the root apical meristem and a shortened primary root, with fewer laterals, whereas there were no consistent differences in the insertion lines compared with WT. However, significantly fewer adventitious roots were recorded for WEE1oe and significantly more for the insertion mutant wee1-1. Compared with WT there was a significant increase in meristem cell size in WEE1oe for all three ground tissues but for wee1-1 only cortical cell size was reduced. Conclusions There is a gene dosage effect of WEE1 on morphogenesis from hypocotyls both in vitro and in vivo.
Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Ciência da Computação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015
Tese de doutoramento, Antropologia (Antropologia da Religião e do Simbólico), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2015
A compact highly linear microstrip dual-mode electronically switchable filter is presented. The key characteristics of the dual-mode switchable filter are investigated and described. A second order filter design procedure is outlined to facilitate the realisation of Butterworth and Chebyshev functions. The proposed filter was built and tested with NXP pin diode model BAP65-03. The measured and simulated results are in good agreement. The measured insertion loss in the ON state was 3.0 dB the isolation in the OFF state was 45 dB at the centre frequency. An evaluation of filter distortion is presented for digitally modulated 16 QAM and QPSK signals.
A compact highly linear microstrip dual - mode optically switchable filter and a reconfigurable power amplifier are presented. The key characteristics of the dual - mode switchable filter are investigated and described. A second order filter design procedure is outlined to facilitate the realisation of Butterworth and Chebyshev functions. The proposed filter was built and tested with an optical switch, which comprised of a silicon dice acti vated using near infrared light. The measured and simulated results are in good agreement. The measured insertion loss in the ON state was 3.0 dB the isolation in the OFF state was 45 dB at the centre frequency. An evaluation of filter distortion is presen ted for digitally modulated M - QAM and M - QAM OFDM singals.
The article presents the “LungoSolofrana” project, carried out during the course “Urban and Mobility” in the academic year 2009/2010, held during the bachelor in Environmental Engineering at the University of Naples “Federico II”. The work has also been chosen as a finalist at the “UrbanPromo 2010” contest, the urban and territorial marketing event sponsored by the National Institute of Urban Planning and Urbit which was held in Venice in 2010. The project consists in a green mobility proposal, developed with an approach based on the integration of the environmental redevelopment of a portion of river Solofrana, located in the Salerno Province, and of the renewal of seven local stations of the railway line Mercato San Severino – Nocera Inferiore, including the realization of a cycle-path network for the natural environment fruition. Furthermore the work drew attention to the local and regional administration. The main intent of the project is to integrate sustainable mobility themes with the environment recovery in a territory affected by high environmental troubles. The area includes the municipalities of Nocera Inferiore, Nocera Superiore, Mercato San Severino, Castel San Giorgio and Roccapiemonte, situated in Salerno’s province, with a total population about 114.000 (font Demo ISTAT 2010). The area extension is about 84,30 sqkm and it is crossed by river Solofrana that is the central point of the project idea. The intervention strategy is defined in two kinds of actions: internal and external rail station interventions. The external rail station interventions regard the construction of pedestrian-cycle paths with the scope of increasing the spaces dedicated to cyclists and to pedestrians along the river Solofrana sides and to connect the urban areas with the railway station. In this way, it’s also possible to achieve an urban requalification of the interested area. On the other side, the interventions inside the station , according to Transit Oriented Development principles, aim at redeveloping common spaces with the insertion of new activities and at realizing new automatic cycle parks covered by photovoltaic panels. The project proposal consists of the urban regeneration of small railway stations along the route-Nocera-Codola Mercato San Severino in the province of Salerno, through interventions aimed at improving pedestrian accessibility. The project involves in particular the construction of pedestrian paths protected access to the station and connecting with neighboring towns and installation of innovative bike parking stations in elevation, covering surfaces coated with solar panels and spaces information. The project is aimed to propose a new model of sustainable transport for small and medium shifts as an alternative to private transportation
Synaptic recruitment of AMPA receptors (AMPARs) represents a key postsynaptic mechanism driving functional development and maturation of glutamatergic synapses. At immature hippocampal synapses, PKA-driven synaptic insertion of GluA4 is the predominant mechanism for synaptic reinforcement. However, the physiological significance and molecular determinants of this developmentally restricted form of plasticity are not known. Here we show that PKA activation leads to insertion of GluA4 to synaptic sites with initially weak or silent AMPAR-mediated transmission. This effect depends on a novel mechanism involving the extreme C-terminal end of GluA4, which interacts with the membrane proximal region of the C-terminal domain to control GluA4 trafficking. In the absence of GluA4, strengthening of AMPAR-mediated transmission during postnatal development was significantly delayed. These data suggest that the GluA4-mediated activation of silent synapses is a critical mechanism facilitating the functional maturation of glutamatergic circuitry during the critical period of experience-dependent fine-tuning.
O RoF (Radio over Fiber) é uma tecnologia que permite a transmissão de sinais rádio de elevada largura de banda, fornecida pela fibra óptica, e simultaneamente mantêm a característica de mobilidade das redes de comunicação móvel. Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objectivo estudar, simular e comparar sistemas RoF com modulação directa e com modulação externa, utilizando um sinal WiMAX, por ser uma tecnologia recente e com potencial de utilização futura. Desta forma foram avaliados três tipos de moduladores externos, sendo que o modulador EA (Electro-Absorption) é o que permite obter melhores valores de EVM e de SNR devido ao facto deste ter menores perdas de inserção na fibra. Da comparação entre o esquema com modulação directa e o esquema com modulação externa, é possível concluir que para larguras de banda mais baixas a utilização de modulação directa é mais eficiente que a modulação externa, mas à medida que a largura de banda aumenta a modulação externa apresenta claramente melhor desempenho. Isto deve-se ao facto de a modulação directa produzir mais chirp que a modulação externa, sendo que o chirp limita a largura de banda e o comprimento da fibra. De forma a melhorar o desempenho do sistema com modulação directa foi introduzido uma fibra com compensação de dispersão. Foi possível concluir que a utilização de fibra com compensação de dispersão é uma boa solução quando se pretende transmitir sinais de elevada largura de banda em esquemas com modulação directa.
Relatório de estágio para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Edificações
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação - especialidade Supervisão em Educação