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The Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory (MACI) profiles of 82 adolescent male sexual offenders aged 13-19 in a community-based treatment sample were analysed to identify different subtypes of offender based on personality variables. Four groups were identified by cluster analysis: a withdrawn, socially inadequate type (n = 25); an antisocial and externalising type (n = 11); a conforming type (n = 20); and a passive-aggressive type (n = 26). Between-group comparisons showed that the proportion of adolescents reporting physical abuse by their parents was significantly different across the four groups. Subgroup membership was unrelated to victim age, victim gender, and offender history of sexual victimisation. Adolescents who had been victims of sexual abuse were significantly more likely to have had a male victim than those offenders without a history of sexual victimisation. The results of this study provide evidence for the heterogeneity of adolescent sexual offenders in terms of personality characteristics and psychopathology, while also suggesting potentially different aetiological pathways and different treatment needs.


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Poetry is routinely seen as ‘marginal’ to public culture, especially in terms of it having lost its status as a form of public speech. Such a condition is often noted in nostalgic terms, in which a golden era—bardic or journalistic—is evoked to illustrate contemporary poetry’s lack. But traces of poetry’s instrumentality, especially as a form of public speech, can be found in various extra-poetic contexts.

In this article, three examples of poetry operating in ‘extra-poetic contexts’ will illustrate the different, sometimes troubling, ways in which traces of poetry as a mode of public speech can be observed in contemporary culture: the poem-cartoons of Michael Leunig; the role of the poet Les Murray in the drafting of a proposed preamble to the Constitution of Australia; and the quotation of William Ernest Henley’s ‘Invictus’ as the final statement of Timothy McVeigh (the ‘Ohio Bomber’) prior to his execution.

These examples illustrate that poetry-as-public-speech engages with political discourse in diverse, incommensurate ways. Leunig’s occasional cartoon-poems, appearing in the metropolitan press, are examples of poetry at its most public and politically engaged state. And yet, even Leunig’s most ‘political’ work gestures towards a realm beyond politics, where the poetic, the comic, and the existential coexist as a way of making life in the political realm more bearable. Les Murray’s role as a ‘national’ poet in the failed attempt to introduce a preamble to the Australian Constitution illustrates the vestigial role that poets can play in nation building. Lastly, McVeigh’s quotation of Henley, made without any explanation, shows the unpredictable and potentially volatile condition of poetry-as-public-speech. In addition, the examples variously engage in arguments about the relationship between the individual and the state, private identity and national history.


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I examine tea as cultural practice by exploring how it is implicated in the formation of individual subjectivities and national identity. While using the experience of learning and consuming tea lore as a foreigner as my explicit point of entry, I analyse how tea transmission practices are represented in Japanese films. My readings of these films are supported by a survey of the historical applications of tea as part of a project of national invention. Against tea's self-representation as purely cultural, I draw attention to this ideological silencing of its economic and political effects by claiming that institutionalised tea pedagogy has been a major player in a nationally distinctive discourse of transience. My thesis argues that autoethnography can be used to bring into view the ideological foundations of various social practices organised around tea sites and texts. Once ideology is visible autoethnography may mediate the effects of dominant discourses by making a modest form of private resistance possible. As a performance of critical and effective history, I explore the limits of consciously resisting institutionalised power by reflecting on how discourses of tea and social theory intersect in my autoethnographic account of tea experiences. I begin by locating my subjectivity in tea. After outlining how tea is useful to me in psychological, domestic and professional contexts, I survey autoethnographic writing and critical forms of textual analysis. Given that traditions of textual analysis set limits to what can be comprehended, I note that considerations of the role of subjectivity are sometimes absent from several modes of textual analysis. I contend that more delicate forms of textual analysis are possible when multiple forms of subjectivity are explicitly addressed. Subjectivity is emphasised as I move between performances of being a cultural insider of tea subculture and an ethnic and linguistic outsider of daily life in Japan when I examine the connections linking tea anecdotes, film narratives, individual tales and national myths. From the position of tea culture insider and consumer of social theory I examine the relationship between national culture and individual subjectivity. I identify internal contradictions in tea transmission practices and consider how tea pedagogy and its cult of personality are addressed in tea films. The thesis concludes by considering the utility of identities in a global economy and comment on recent theories addressing the ethical self and social practices. It is on this basis that I claim the readings advanced in the earlier chapters map the pleasures and limits of employing autoethnography as a form of private resistance against the dominant discourses of tea, nation, and leisure.


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This thesis analyses the development of the Ballarat East Free Library (1859), the Ballarat Mechanics’ Institute Library (1859) and the City of Ballaarat Free Library (1878) within the broader context of public librarianship in Victoria between 1851-1900. Mechanics’ Institute libraries and free libraries represent the major derivatives of a nineteenth-century library model that emphasised the pursuit of lifelong learning, private reading and the enjoyment of genteel recreational facilities. The circumstances that led to the formation of an Institute and a free library in Ballarat in, 1,859 provide a unique opportunity to analyse the public library model for two reasons. These libraries were established in a remarkable goldfield city that enjoyed a number of economic and cultural advantages and secondly, the Ballarat Mechanics’ Institute Library and the Ballarat East Free Library experienced such spectacular growth that by 1880 they were two of the largest public libraries in Australia. However, it is argued that this growth cycle could not be sustained due to a combination of factors including low membership levels, limited funding for recurrent expenditure purposes, and heightened dissatisfaction with the book collections. Libraries began to stagnate in the late-1880s and the magnitude of this collapse in Ballarat, and throughout the colony, was subsequently confirmed with the publication of a national survey of Australian libraries in 1935. The ‘Munn-Pitt’ report found that public libraries had provided a better service in 1880 than at any other time in the next six decades. Four conclusions are drawn in this comparative analysis of the Ballarat Mechanics’ Institute Library, the Ballarat East Free Library, and to a lesser extent, the City of Ballaarat Free Library, between 1851-1900. Firstly, is it shown that the literature places considerable emphasis on the formation of public libraries but is far less critical of the long-term viability of the public library model as it evolved in Ballarat and throughout the colony in the nineteenth century. Secondly, whilst Ballarat and its library committees benefited from the city's prosperity and the entrepreneurial zeal of its pioneers, these same library committees were unable to overcome the structural flaws in the public library model or to dispel the widespread belief that libraries were elitist organisations. As a consequence, membership of the major libraries in Ballarat never exceeded 4% of the total population. Thirdly, it is acknowledged that an absence of records relating to book borrowing habits by individuals limits is a limiting factor, but this problem has been addressed, in part, by undertaking a comparative analysis of collection development policies, invoices, lists of popular authors and books, public comment and the book borrowing patterns of a number of comparable libraries in central Victoria. These resources provide a number of insights into the reading habits of library patrons in Ballarat in the late-nineteenth century. Finally, this thesis focuses on the management policies and practices of each library committee in Ballarat in order to move beyond the traditional explanation for the demise of nineteenth-century libraries and to propose an alternative explanation for the stagnation of public libraries in Ballarat in the mid-1880s. The traditional explanation for the demise of colonial libraries was the sudden reduction in government funding in the 1890s, whereas this thesis argues that a combination of factors, including the unresolved tensions with regard to libraries collection development policies, committee and municipal rivalry, and increasing conservatism, had already damaged the credibility of Ballarat’s libraries by the mid-1880s. It is argued that the intense rivalry between library committees resulted in an unnecessary duplication of services and an inadequate membership base. It is also argued that the increasingly conservative, un-cooperative and uninviting attitudes of these library committees discouraged patronage and as a direct consequence, membership and daily visitor rates of the free and Institute libraries in Ballarat plummeted by 80% between 1880-1900.


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This thesis explores interwar town planning in Australia, focusing on the period of large-scale urban expansion in the 1920’s. It problematises aspects of Australia’s urban planning history, particularly the 1920s ‘garden suburb. It also investigates the question of the use of international planning ideas in Australia, and the assertion or creation of authority by the Australian planning movement. The thesis additionally investigates the use of authoritative planning rhetoric for commercial or creative advantage. The thesis argues that the majority of innovative planning projects in the interwar years took place in the formation and foundation of the garden suburb. It shows that the garden suburb – assumed in much planning history to be an inferior form of Ebenezer Howard’s ‘garden city’ ideal – has, in fact, a number of precedents in 19th century Australian suburbia, some of which were retained in 20th century commercial estate design. Much of the Australian town planner’s authority at this time required recognition and awareness of the interests and needs of the general public, as negotiated through land vendors. As Australians looked to the future, and to the US for guidance, they were invited to invest in speculative real estate development modelled on this vision. The thesis concentrates primarily on the lives, careers and work of the British-Australian architect-planner Sir John Sulman; the Chicagoan architect-planners Marion Mahony and Walter Burley Griffin; and the Australian surveyor-planner Saxil Tuxen. These individuals were among the most prominent planners in Australia in the interwar years. All designed Australian garden suburbs, and combined advocacy with practice in private and public spheres. The thesis examines images and personas, both generic and individual, of the planner and the vendor. It shows that the formulation of the garden suburb and design practices, and the incorporation of international elements into Australian planning, are important in the creation of planning practice and forms. It also outlines the way these continue to have significant impact, in diverse and important ways, on both the contemporary built environment and planning history itself.


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Examines the experience of the Wimmera town of Stawell as being representative of the early settlements created by gold rushes, and then threatened with extinction as the industry declined. Attention is paid to the role of community in Stawell's struggle to survive in the period between Federation and the Second World War. Reviews the economic and social processes involved in the eventual recovery. Argues that the forces of Stawell's historical legacy can be detected in the town's reaction to adversity after the closure of the last major mine in 1920.


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The basic limnology, nutrient and hydraulic budgets and recent history (using fossil remains in the sediments) of Lake Wallace have been studies to determine factors that predispose the lake to the development of potentially toxic algal blooms.


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Issue addressed: To describe the demographic and health-related characteristics (physical activity, self-reported health status, quality of life and falls history) of older people who enroll in a team-based game, Lifeball, and examine associations between continuation and participant characteristics. Reasons for stopping, participants' perceptions of the game and changes in health-related characteristics over 12 months were examined.

Methods: Telephone surveys were conducted with a cohort of Lifeball players at: baseline, soon after commencing playing and 12 months later.

At baseline, participants were aged 40 to 96 years (mean 67). Most were female (84%), in good to excellent health (86%) and reported being sufficiently (>150 minutes per week) physically active (69%). Almost half (43%) were still playing 12 months later (continuers). Continuers were more likely to perceive Lifeball had helped them to: feel fitter and healthier (91%); improve their social life (73%); and be more active (53%). No significant changes in continuers' physical activity, self-reported health status and quality of life measures were reported. The main reason for stopping playing was illness/injury unrelated to Lifeball.

Lifeball mainly appealed to healthy, active older people.


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Objective: To examine population-level evidence treatment gaps for cardiovascular risk among rural patients with existing cardiovascular disease or diabetes.

Methods: Three population surveys were undertaken in the Greater Green Triangle region of southeastern Australia 2004-2006. Adults aged 25-84 yrs were randomly selected using age/sex stratified electoral role samples. A representative 1690 participants were recruited (48% participation rate). Anthropometric, clinical and self-administered questionnaire chronic disease risk data were collected in accordance with the WHO MONICA protocol. Detailed investigation of cardiovascular and diabetes history, key cardiovascular risk factors, medication use and health behaviours were included.

Results: After adjusting for age and sex, an estimated 12% (sample n=272) of the population had one or more of coronary heart disease, stroke, or diabetes. Blood pressure was at target (<130/80 mmHg) for 26% of these individuals, and 61% were treated with antihypertensive medications. Lipid targets were achieved by 17% for total cholesterol (<4 mmol/L), 18% for LDL cholesterol (<2 mmol/L), 77% for HDL cholesterol (>1.0 mmol/L) and 44% for triglycerides (<1.5 mmol/L); overall 6% achieved all four lipid targets and 60% reported use of lipid-lowering therapy, including 51% overall using statins. Ten percent were current smokers, and four in every five patients (82%) had suboptimal BMI (outside the range 18.5 - 25.0).

Conclusions: All participants with uncontrolled blood pressure and most with uncontrolled lipids should be taking medications. The magnitude of evidence treatment gaps suggests existing models of care need fundamental reform and renewed focus on prevention.


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This thesis comprises a novel, Wandering Rocks, and a discursive component concerning the Australian Irish diaspora. Diaspora theory, loss of culture, rememory and silence (especially around accounts of Irish women), sentimental and creative forces perpetuating identity, and the importance of written works as artefacts imbued with ;milieu effects' are explored.


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Although it is important to determine whether there exist sedimentary strata older than the Upper Permian in the northern Qiantang area in Tibet, there has been no report of such old strata in this area. During the geological mapping of the Mayigangri area, we discovered strata that contain the bivalves Eoschizodus roemeri (Beushausen), E. minor (Beushausen) , E. infiatus (Roemer), Actinodesma (Actinodesma) cf . maneiforme Sandberger, A . (Actindesma) cf . vespertilio Maurer, and the brachiopod Huananochonetes subquadratus Sun & Chen. These fossils indicate a late Early Devonian age (Emsian) , thus the strata represent the first discovered Lower Devonian rocks in northen Qiangtang, confirming the existence of strata older than the Upper Permian. A new stratigraphic term, the Pingshagou Formation , is introduced. The new data provide constraints on the tectonic, palaeogeographic, and palaeobiogeographic history of the north Qiangtang area in the Early Devonian.


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Background: Investigations into the occurrence and health effects of yeast-like fungi in the outdoor air in the US have been limited. We sought to identify a respirable-sized fungus common in the Pasadena air, locate a major source for the emissions and investigate its relevance to allergic disease. Methods: Yeast-like fungi sampled from the environment were isolated, microscopically examined and sequenced. Pasadena allergy patients were skin tested with commercially available fungal extracts. Patient serum was immunoanalyzed for specific IgE reactivity. Nearby vegetation was analyzed in a controlled emission chamber to find a major source for the aerosols. Results: Hyaline unicellular conidia comprised up to 90% (41,250 m<sup>-3</sup> of air) of total fungal counts and generally peaked at night and during periods of rainfall and ensuing winds throughout the fall and winter. Flowers were determined to be a major source of the emissions. The cellular and colonial morphology of isolates were consistent with Aureobasidium species. The sequence of the D1/D2 region of the 26S ribosomal subunit of isolates from flowers showed identity to two strains of Aureohasidium pullulans (black yeast). Seventeen percent (16/94) of atopic individuals had positive skin testing with A. pullulans extract. Patient sera gE identified several high molecular weight allergens in Aureobasidium extracts. Conclusions: Respirable-sized conidia of A. pullulans are emitted from flowers and form high concentrations in the air. They are associated with immediate reactivity on skin tests, bind to patient sera IgE, and might be relevant in allergic upper and lower airway diseases.