961 resultados para herbaceous cutting
Pikamallinnustekniikat ovat kehittyneet viime vuosina nopeasti. Tämä antaa jo lähes rajat-tomat mahdollisuudet tuottaa 3D-tulostamalla erilaisia tuotteita. 3D-tulostuksen hyödyntä-minen on yleistynyt erityisesti teollisuuden ja teknologian aloilla. Tässä työssä tutkittiin miten 3D-tulostamista voidaan hyödyntää diagnostisten pikatestien tuotekehityksessä. Immunologinen lateral flow-testi on vasta-aineisiin perustuva, nopea ja helppokäyttöinen mittausmenetelmä pienten ainemäärien havaitsemiseen. Tässä työssä kehitettiin lateral flow-testikotelo, jonka suunnitteluun ja rakenteen mallintamiseen käytettiin 3D-tulostustekniikkaa. Testikotelon toimivuus lateral flow- testissä varmistettiin kehittämällä testikoteloon sopiva pikatesti, jonka suorituskykyä analysoitiin sekä visuaalisesti että Actim 1ngeni-lukulaitteella. Työ aloitettiin tutkimalla eri pikavalmistustekniikoita, joista testikotelon tulostamiseen valittiin SLA-tekniikka sen tulostustarkkuuden ja tuotteen pinnan laadun perusteella. Testikotelon suunnittelu aloitettiin määrittämällä millaisia ominaisuuksia testikotelolta haluttiin. Näitä ominaisuuksia olivat lateral flow-testin suojaaminen sekä testissä kulkevan näytteen virtauksen varmistamien. Lateral flow- testin kehityksessä hyödynnettiin osin aiemmin kehitetystä pikatestistä saatuja tietoja. Lateral flow- kasettitestin valmistusprosessi koostui seitsemästä eri prosessivaiheesta jotka olivat: Vasta-aineen/kontrollireagenssin konjugointi, näytetyynyn käsittely, konjugointityynyn käsittely, konjugointityynylle annostelu, membraanille annostelu, tikkujen laminointi ja leikkaus sekä kasettitestin kokoonpano. Kehitetyn lateral flow- kasettitestin toimivuus varmistettiin tutkimalla testin reaktiokinetiikkaa ja analyyttistä herkkyyttä sekä visuaalisesti että lukulaitteen avulla. Tutkimustulosten perusteella 3D-tulostus on erittäin hyödyllinen menetelmä pikatestien tuotekehityksessä suunniteltaessa testikotelorakenteita, näytteen annosteluvälineitä ja näiden yhdistelmiä.
The Thesis is dedicated to development of an operative tool to support decision making of battery energy storages implementation in distribution networks. The basics of various battery technologies, their perspectives and challenges are represented in the Thesis. Mathematical equations that describe economic effect from battery energy storage installation are offered. The main factors that influence profitability of battery settings have been explored and mathematically defined. Mathematical model and principal trends of battery storage profitability under an impact of the major factors are determined. The meaning of annual net value was introduced to show the difference between savings and required costs. The model gives a clear vision for dependencies between annual net value and main factors. Proposals for optimal network and battery characteristics are suggested.
This review provides examples of the fact that different procedures for the measurement of atherosclerosis in mice may lead to interpretation of the extent of atherosclerosis having markedly different biological and clinical significance for humans: 1) aortic cholesterol measurement is highly sensitive for the detection of early and advanced atherosclerosis lesions, but misses the identification of the location and complexity of these lesions that are so critical for humans; 2) the histological analysis of the aortic root lesions in simvastatin-treated and control mice reveals similar lesion morphology in spite of the remarkable simvastatin-induced reduction of the aortic cholesteryl ester content; 3) in histological analyses, chemical fixation and inclusion may extract the tissue fat and also shrink and distort tissue structures. Thus, the method may be less sensitive for the detection of slight differences among the experimental groups, unless a more suitable procedure employing physical fixation with histological sample freezing using optimal cutting temperature and liquid nitrogen is employed. Thus, when measuring experimental atherosclerosis in mice, investigators should be aware of several previously unreported pitfalls regarding the extent, location and complexity of the arterial lesion that may not be suitable for extrapolation to human pathology.
Our objective was to determine the effect of arachidonylethanolamide (anandamide, AEA) injected intracerebroventricularly (icv) into the lateral ventricle of the rat brain on submandibular gland (SMG) salivary secretion. Parasympathetic decentralization (PSD) produced by cutting the chorda tympani nerve strongly inhibited methacholine (MC)-induced salivary secretion while sympathetic denervation (SD) produced by removing the superior cervical ganglia reduced it slightly. Also, AEA (50 ng/5 µL, icv) significantly decreased MC-induced salivary secretion in intact rats (MC 1 µg/kg: control (C), 5.3 ± 0.6 vs AEA, 2.7 ± 0.6 mg; MC 3 µg/kg: C, 17.6 ± 1.0 vs AEA, 8.7 ± 0.9 mg; MC 10 µg/kg: C, 37.4 ± 1.2 vs AEA, 22.9 ± 2.6 mg). However, AEA did not alter the significantly reduced salivary secretion in rats with PSD, but decreased the slightly reduced salivary secretion in rats with SD (MC 1 µg/kg: C, 3.8 ± 0.8 vs AEA, 1.4 ± 0.6 mg; MC 3 µg/kg: C, 14.7 ± 2.4 vs AEA, 6.9 ± 1.2 mg; P < 0.05; MC 10 µg/kg: C, 39.5 ± 1.0 vs AEA, 22.3 ± 0.5 mg; P < 0.001). We showed that the inhibitory effect of AEA is mediated by cannabinoid type 1 CB1 receptors and involves GABAergic neurotransmission, since it was blocked by previous injection of the CB1 receptor antagonist AM251 (500 ng/5 µL, icv) or of the GABA A receptor antagonist, bicuculline (25 ng/5 µL, icv). Our results suggest that parasympathetic neurotransmission from the central nervous system to the SMG can be inhibited by endocannabinoid and GABAergic systems.
Osmotic dehydration is considered to be a suitable preprocessing step to reduce the water content of foods. Such products can be dried further by conventional drying processes to lower their water activity and thus extend their shelf life. In this work, banana (Musa sapientum) fruits were initially treated by osmosis by varying several parameters of the processing conditions which included, besides the cutting format (longitudinal and round slices) of the fruit, temperature (28 and 49 ºC), syrup concentration (50, 60 and 67 ºBrix), treatment time (2, 4, 6, 10, 14, 16 and 18 hours), fruit and syrup ratio (1:1, 1:2, 1:3 and 1:4) and agitation effects. The best quality products were obtained by the use of the 67 ºBrix syrup, for 60 minutes of osmotic treatment, at 28 ºC, having a fruit and syrup ratio of 1:1 and agitation. The experimental data obtained on reduction in moisture content during the osmotic treatment were correlated with the experimental equation of M/Mo = Ae(-Kt), where A and K are the constants which represent the geometry and effective diffusivity of the drying process. This simplified mathematical model correlated well with the experimental results.
The aim of this work was to make tofu from soybean cultivar BRS 267 under different processing conditions in order to evaluate the influence of each treatment on the product quality. A fractional factorial 2(5-1) design was used, in which independent variables (thermal treatment, coagulant concentration, coagulation time, curd cutting, and draining time) were tested at two different levels. The response variables studied were hardness, yield, total solids, and protein content of tofu. Polynomial models were generated for each response. To obtain tofu with desirable characteristics (hardness ~4 N, yield 306 g tofu.100 g-1 soybeans, 12 g proteins.100 g-1 tofu and 22 g solids.100 g-1 tofu), the following processing conditions were selected: heating until boiling plus 10 minutes in water bath, 2% dihydrated CaSO4 w/w, 10 minutes coagulation, curd cutting, and 30 minutes draining time.
In Brazil, the largest producer of sugarcane in the world, the industrial process transforms this crop into ethanol and/or granulated sugar. Some cultivars exhibit enzymatic browning in the extracted sugarcane juice at levels harmful to the manufacturing process of white granulated sugar. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of sugarcane straw used as soil coverage, the use of different planting systems, and treatments with hydrogel polymer on enzymatic activity. The cultivar RB 86 7515 was sampled for 8 months; the first sample was obtained by cutting the upper portion of the stalk at the internode, which was taken to the laboratory for determination of the enzymatic activity of polyphenoloxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD). The soil coverage with different forms of straw as well as the planting systems did not change the enzymatic activity of polyphenoloxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD). The polyphenoloxidase (PPO) activity increased with the use of a polymer due to increased polyphenoloxidase (PPO) activity in the groove system. The enzymes studied showed changes in activity during the experimental period. The production of sugar at the end of the season (August to November) avoids the periods of highest enzymatic activity.
Phenomena in cyber domain, especially threats to security and privacy, have proven an increasingly heated topic addressed by different writers and scholars at an increasing pace – both nationally and internationally. However little public research has been done on the subject of cyber intelligence. The main research question of the thesis was: To what extent is the applicability of cyber intelligence acquisition methods circumstantial? The study was conducted in sequential a manner, starting with defining the concept of intelligence in cyber domain and identifying its key attributes, followed by identifying the range of intelligence methods in cyber domain, criteria influencing their applicability, and types of operatives utilizing cyber intelligence. The methods and criteria were refined into a hierarchical model. The existing conceptions of cyber intelligence were mapped through an extensive literature study on a wide variety of sources. The established understanding was further developed through 15 semi-structured interviews with experts of different backgrounds, whose wide range of points of view proved to substantially enhance the perspective on the subject. Four of the interviewed experts participated in a relatively extensive survey based on the constructed hierarchical model on cyber intelligence that was formulated in to an AHP hierarchy and executed in the Expert Choice Comparion online application. It was concluded that Intelligence in cyber domain is an endorsing, cross-cutting intelligence discipline that adds value to all aspects of conventional intelligence and furthermore that it bears a substantial amount of characteristic traits – both advantageous and disadvantageous – and furthermore that the applicability of cyber intelligence methods is partly circumstantially limited.
Corporations practice company acquisitions in order to create shareholder’s value. During the last few decades, the companies in emerging markets have become active in the acquisition business. During the last decade, large and significant acquisitions have occurred especially in automotive industry. While domestic markets have become too competitive and companies are lacking required capabilities, they seek possibilities to expand into Western markets by attaining valuable assets through acquisitions of developed country corporations. This study discusses the issues and characteristics of these acquisitions through case studies. The purpose of this study was to identify the acquisition motives and strategies for post-transaction brand and product integration as well as analyze the effect of the motives to the integration strategy. The cases chosen for the research were Chinese Geely acquiring Swedish Volvo in 2010 and Indian Tata Motors buying British Jaguar Land Rover in 2008. The main topics were chosen according to their significance for companies in automotive industry as well as those are most visible parts for consumers. The study is based on qualitative case study methods, analyzing secondary data from academic papers and news articles as well as companies’ own announcements e.g. stock exchange and press releases. The study finds that the companies in the cases mainly possessed asset-seeking and market-seeking motives. In addition, the findings refer to rather minimal post-acquisition brand and product integration strategies. Mainly the parent companies left the target company autonomous to make their own business strategies and decisions. The most noticeable integrations were in the product development and production processes. Through restructuring the product architectures, the companies were able to share components and technology between product families and brands, which results in cutting down costs and in increase of profitability and efficiency. In the Geely- Volvo case, the strategy focused more on component sharing and product development know-how, whereas in Tata Motors-Jaguar Land Rover case, the main actions were to cut down costs through component sharing and combine production and distribution networks especially in Asian markets. However, it was evident that in both cases the integration and technology sharing were executed cautiously to prevent on harming the valuable image of the luxury brand. This study has concluded that the asset-seeking motives have significant influence on the posttransaction brand and model line-up integration strategies. By taking a cautious approach in acquiring assets, such as luxury brand, the companies in the cases have implemented a successful post-acquisition strategy and managed to create value for the shareholders at least in short-term. Yritykset harjoittavat yritysostoja luodakseen osakkeenomistajille lisäarvoa. Viimeisten muutamien vuosikymmenien aikana yritykset kehittyvissä maissa ovat myös aktivoituneet yritysostoissa. Viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana erityisesti autoteollisuudessa on esiintynyt suuria ja merkittäviä yritysostoja. Koska kilpailu kotimaan markkinoilla on kiristynyt ja yritykset ovat vailla vaadittavia valmiuksia, ne etsivät mahdollisuuksiaan laajentaa länsimaisiin markkinoihin hankkimalla arvokkaita etuja kehittyneiden maiden yrityksistä yritysostojen avulla. Tämä tutkimus pohtii näiden yritysostojen olennaisia kysymyksiä ja ominaisuuksia casetutkimuksien kautta. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli tunnistaa sekä yritysostojen motiiveja ja brändi- ja mallisto-integraation strategioita että analysoida kyseisten motiivien vaikutusta integraatiostrategiaan. Tapaus-tutkimuksiksi valittiin kiinalaisen Geelyn yritysosto ruotsalaisesta Volvosta vuonna 2010 ja intialaisen Tata Motorsin yritysosto englantilaisesta Jaguar Land Roverista vuonna 2008. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen case-tutkimus ja siinä analysoidaan toissijaista tietoa sekä akateemisten ja uutisartikkeleiden että yritysten omien ilmoitusten, kuten pörssi- ja lehdistötiedotteiden, kautta. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että tutkittujen yritysten toiminnat perustuivat motiiveihin, joita ajoivat etujen and uusien markkinoiden tarve. Sen lisäksi tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että yritysoston jälkeinen brändi- ja mallisto-integraatio pidettiin minimaalisena. Pääasiallisesti kohdeyrityksille jätettiin autonomia tehdä omat liikkeenjohdolliset päätökset yritysstrategioihin liittyen. Huomattavimmat integraatiot koskivat tuotekehityksellisiä ja tuotannollisia prosesseja. Kehittämällä uudelleen tuotearkkitehtuureja, yritykset pystyivät jakamaan komponentteja ja teknologiaa tuoteperheiden ja brändien välillä. Tämä mahdollisti kustannusleikkauksia sekä kannattavuuden ja tehokkuuden parantamista. Geely-Volvo –tapauksessa integraatiostrategia keskittyi komponenttien jakamiseen yhteisten tuotearkkitehtuurien avulla ja tuotekehityksen ammattitaitoon, kun taas Tata Motors-JLR –tapauksessa päätoiminnat olivat kustannuksien leikkaus sekä tuotannon ja jakeluverkoston yhdistäminen erityisesti Aasian maissa. Yhteistä yrityskaupoissa oli, että brändi- ja mallisto-integraatio sekä teknologian jakaminen suoritettiin varoen ehkäistäkseen arvokkaiden luksus-brändien tuotekuvan vahingoittamista. Tutkimuksen lopputulokset osoittavat, että yrityskaupan motiiveilla on huomattava vaikutus brändija mallisto-integraation strategiaan. Toteuttamalla varovaista lähestymistapaa luksus-brändin hankinnassa ja integraatiossa, yritykset ovat onnistuneet luomaan lisäarvoa osakkeenomistajille vähintään lyhyellä aikavälillä.
Globalization and interconnectedness in the worldwide sphere have changed the existing and prevailing modus operandi of organizations around the globe and have challenged existing practices along with the business as usual mindset. There are no rules in terms of creating a competitive advantage and positioning within an unstable, constantly changing and volatile globalized business environment. The financial industry, the locomotive or the flagship industry of global economy, especially, within the aftermath of the financial crisis, has reached a certain point trying to recover and redefine its strategic orientation and positioning within the global business arena. Innovation has always been a trend and a buzzword and by many has been considered as the ultimate answer to any kind of problem. The mantra Innovate or Die has been prevailing in any organizational entity in a, sometimes, ruthless endeavour to develop cutting-edge products and services and capture a landmark position in the market. The emerging shift from a closed to an open innovation paradigm has been considered as new operational mechanism within the management and leadership of the company of the future. To that respect, open innovation has been experiencing a tremendous growth research trajectory by putting forward a new way of exchanging and using surplus knowledge in order to sustain innovation within organizations and in the level of industry. In the abovementioned reality, there seems to be something missing: the human element. This research, by going beyond the traditional narratives for open innovation, aims at making an innovative theoretical and managerial contribution developed and grounded on the on-going discussion regarding the individual and organizational barriers to open innovation within the financial industry. By functioning across disciplines and researching out to primary data, it debunks the myth that open innovation is solely a knowledge inflow and outflow mechanism and sheds light to the understanding on the why and the how organizational open innovation works by enlightening the broader dynamics and underlying principles of this fascinating paradigm. Little attention has been given to the role of the human element, the foundational pre-requisite of trust encapsulated within the precise and fundamental nature of organizing for open innovation, the organizational capabilities, the individual profiles of open innovation leaders, the definition of open innovation in the realms of the financial industry, the strategic intent of the financial industry and the need for nurturing a societal impact for human development. To that respect, this research introduces the trust-embedded approach to open innovation as a new insightful way of organizing for open innovation. It unveils the peculiarities of the corporate and individual spheres that act as a catalyst towards the creation of productive open innovation activities. The incentive of this research captures the fundamental question revolving around the need for financial institutions to recognise the importance for organizing for open innovation. The overarching question is why and how to create a corporate culture of openness in the financial industry, an organizational environment that can help open innovation excel. This research shares novel and cutting edge outcomes and propositions both under the prism of theory and practice. The trust-embedded open innovation paradigm captures the norms and narratives around the way of leading open innovation within the 21st century by cultivating a human-centricity mindset that leads to the creation of human organizations, leaving behind the dehumanization mindset currently prevailing within the financial industry.
Torrefaction is the partial pyrolysis of wood characterised by thermal degradation of predominantly hemicellulose under inert atmosphere. Torrefaction can be likened to coffee roasting but with wood in place of beans. This relatively new process concept makes wood more like coal. Torrefaction has attracted interest because it potentially enables higher rates of co-firing in existing pulverised-coal power plants and hence greater net CO2 emission reductions. Academic and entrepreneurial interest in torrefaction has sky rocketed in the last decade. Research output has focused on the many aspects of torrefaction – from detailed chemical changes in feedstock to globally-optimised production and supply scenarios with which to sustain EU emission-cutting directives. However, despite its seemingly simple concept, torrefaction has retained a somewhat mysterious standing. Why hasn’t torrefied pellet production become fully commercialised? The question is one of feasibility. This thesis addresses this question. Herein, the feasibility of torrefaction in co-firing applications is approached from three directions. Firstly, the natural limitations imposed by the structure of wood are assessed. Secondly, the environmental impact of production and use of torrefied fuel is evaluated and thirdly, economic feasibility is assessed based on the state of the art of pellet making. The conclusions reached in these domains are as follows. Modification of wood’s chemical structure is limited by its naturally existing constituents. Consequently, key properties of wood with regards to its potential as a co-firing fuel have a finite range. The most ideal benefits gained from wood torrefaction cannot all be realised simultaneously in a single process or product. Although torrefaction at elevated pressure may enhance some properties of torrefied wood, high-energy torrefaction yields are achieved at the expense of other key properties such as heating value, grindability, equilibrium moisture content and the ability to pelletise torrefied wood. Moreover, pelletisation of even moderately torrefied fuels is challenging and achieving a standard level of pellet durability, as required by international standards, is not trivial. Despite a reduced moisture content, brief exposure of torrefied pellets to water from rainfall or emersion results in a high level of moisture retention. Based on the above findings, torrefied pellets are an optimised product. Assessment of energy and CO2-equivalent emission balance indicates that there is no environmental barrier to production and use of torrefied pellets in co-firing. A long product transport distance, however, is necessary in order for emission benefits to exceed those of conventional pellets. Substantial CO2 emission reductions appear possible with this fuel if laboratory milling results carry over to industrial scales for direct co-firing. From demonstrated state-of-the-art pellet properties, however, the economic feasibility of torrefied pellet production falls short of conventional pellets primarily due to the larger capital investment required for production. If the capital investment for torrefied pellet production can be reduced significantly or if the pellet-making issues can be resolved, the two production processes could be economically comparable. In this scenario, however, transatlantic shipping distances and a dry fuel are likely necessary for production to be viable. Based on demonstrated pellet properties to date, environmental aspects and production economics, it is concluded that torrefied pellets do not warrant investment at this time. However, from the presented results, the course of future research in this field is clear.
Thermal cutting methods, are commonly used in the manufacture of metal parts. Thermal cutting processes separate materials by using heat. The process can be done with or without a stream of cutting oxygen. Common processes are Oxygen, plasma and laser cutting. It depends on the application and material which cutting method is used. Numerically-controlled thermal cutting is a cost-effective way of prefabricating components. One design aim is to minimize the number of work steps in order to increase competitiveness. This has resulted in the holes and openings in plate parts manufactured today being made using thermal cutting methods. This is a problem from the fatigue life perspective because there is local detail in the as-welded state that causes a rise in stress in a local area of the plate. In a case where the static utilization of a net section is full used, the calculated linear local stresses and stress ranges are often over 2 times the material yield strength. The shakedown criteria are exceeded. Fatigue life assessment of flame-cut details is commonly based on the nominal stress method. For welded details, design standards and instructions provide more accurate and flexible methods, e.g. a hot-spot method, but these methods are not universally applied to flame cut edges. Some of the fatigue tests of flame cut edges in the laboratory indicated that fatigue life estimations based on the standard nominal stress method can give quite a conservative fatigue life estimate in cases where a high notch factor was present. This is an undesirable phenomenon and it limits the potential for minimizing structure size and total costs. A new calculation method is introduced to improve the accuracy of the theoretical fatigue life prediction method of a flame cut edge with a high stress concentration factor. Simple equations were derived by using laboratory fatigue test results, which are published in this work. The proposed method is called the modified FAT method (FATmod). The method takes into account the residual stress state, surface quality, material strength class and true stress ratio in the critical place.
Press forming is nowadays one of the most common industrial methods in use for producing deeper trays from paperboard. Demands for material properties like recyclability and sustainability have increased also in the packaging industry, but there are still limitations related to the formability of paperboard. A majority of recent studies have focused on material development, but the potential of the package manufacturing process can also be improved by the development of tooling and process control. In this study, advanced converting tools (die cutting tools and the press forming mould) are created for production scale paperboard tray manufacturing. Also monitoring methods that enable the production of paperboard trays with enhanced quality, and can be utilized in process control are developed. The principles for tray blank preparation, including creasing pattern and die cutting tool design are introduced. The mould heating arrangement and determination of mould clearance are investigated to improve the quality of the press formed trays. The effect of the spring back of the tray walls on the tray dimensions can be managed by adjusting the heat-related process parameters and estimating it at the mould design stage. This enables production speed optimization as the process parameters can be adjusted more freely. Real-time monitoring of pressing force by using multiple force sensors embedded in the mould structure can be utilized in the evaluation of material characteristics on a modified production machinery. Comprehensive process control can be achieved with a combination of measurement of the outer dimensions of the trays and pressing force monitoring. The control method enables detection of defects and tracking changes in the material properties. The optimized converting tools provide a basis for effective operation of the control system.
Additive manufacturing (shortened as AM), or more commonly 3D printing, consists of wide variety of different modern manufacturing technologies. AM is based on direct printing of a digital 3D model to a final product which is fabricated adding material layer by layer. This is from where term additive manufacturing has its origin. It is not only material what is added, but it is also value, properties etc. which are added. AM enables production of different and even better products compared to conventional manufacturing technologies. An estimation of potential of additive manufacturing can be gathered by considering the potential of laser cutting, which is one of the most widely used modern manufacturing technologies. This technique has been used over 40 years, and whole market around this technology is at the moment c. four billion euros and yearly growth is around 10 %. One factor affecting this success of laser cutting is that laser cutting enables radical improvements to products made of flat sheet. AM and 3D printing will do the same for three dimensional parts. Laser devices, which are at the moment used in 3D printing, are globally at the moment only around 1% of all laser devices used in any fabrication technology, so even with a cautious estimate the potential growth of at least 100 % is coming in next few years. Role of education is very important, when this kind of modern technology is industrially implemented. When both generation entering to work life and also generation who has been a while in work life understands new technology, its potential and limitations, this is the point when also product design can be rethought Potential of product design is driving force for wide use of additive manufacturing and 3D printing. Utilization of additive manufacturing and 3D printing is also opportunity for Finland and Finnish industry. This technology can save Finnish manufacturing industry. This technique has stron potential, as Finland has traditionally strong industrial know-how and good ICT knowledge.