960 resultados para hematology


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Mechanisms contributing to pulmonary and systemic injury induced by high tidal volume (VT) mechanical ventilation are not well known. We tested the hypothesis that increased peroxynitrite formation is involved in organ injury and dysfunction induced by mechanical ventilation. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were subject to low- (VT, 9 mL/kg; positive end-expiratory pressure, 5 cmH2O) or high- (VT, 25 mL/kg; positive end-expiratory pressure, 0 cmH2O) VT mechanical ventilation for 120 min, and received 1 of 3 treatments: 3-aminobenzamide (3-AB, 10 mg/kg, intravenous, a poly adenosine diphosphate ribose polymerase [PARP] inhibitor), or the metalloporphyrin manganese(III) tetrakis(1-methyl-4-pyridyl)porphyrin (MnTMPyP, 5 mg/kg intravenous, a peroxynitrite scavenger), or no treatment (control group), 30 min before starting the mechanical ventilation protocol (n = 8 per group, 6 treatment groups). We measured mean arterial pressure, peak inspiratory airway pressure, blood chemistry, and gas exchange. Oxidation (fluorescence for oxidized dihydroethidium), protein nitration (immunofluorescence and Western blot for 3-nitrotyrosine), PARP protein (Western blot) and gene expression of the nitric oxide (NO) synthase (NOS) isoforms (quantitative real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction) were measured in lung and vascular tissue. Lung injury was quantified by light microscopy. High-VT mechanical ventilation was associated with hypotension, increased peak inspiratory airway pressure, worsened oxygenation; oxidation and protein nitration in lung and aortic tissue; increased PARP protein in lung; up-regulation of NOS isoforms in lung tissue; signs of diffuse alveolar damage at histological examination. Treatment with 3AB or MnTMPyP attenuated the high-VT mechanical ventilation-induced changes in pulmonary and cardiovascular function; down-regulated the expression of NOS1, NOS2, and NOS3; decreased oxidation and nitration in lung and aortic tissue; and attenuated histological changes. Increased peroxynitrite formation is involved in mechanical ventilation-induced pulmonary and vascular dysfunction.


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Introduction: Alterations in the musculoskeletal system, especially in the lower limbs, limit physical activity and affect balance and walking. Postural impairments in haemophilic preteens could increase the risk of bleeding events and deteriorate the physical condition, promoting the progression of haemophilic arthropathy. Aim: This study aims to evaluate static postural balance in haemophilic children, assessed by means of the Wii Balance Board® (WBB). Methods: Nineteen children with haemophilia and 19 without haemophilia aged 9-10 years, have participated in this study. Postural balance was assessed by performing four tests, each one lasting 15 s: bipodal eyes open (BEO), bipodal eyes closed (BEC), monopodal dominant leg (MD) and monopodal non-dominant leg (MND). Two balance indices, standard deviation of amplitude (SDA) and standard deviation of velocity (SDV) were calculated in the anterior-posterior (AP) and medial-lateral (ML) directions. Results: Index values were higher in haemophilic group and the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05) in only six (SDAAP in BEO, BEC and MD conditions, SDAML in BEO, SDVAP in BEO and SDVML in MND condition) of 16 parameters analysed. Conclusion: Tests performed indicate a poorer static postural balance in the haemophilic cohort compared to the control group. Accordingly, physiotherapy programmes, physical activity and sports should be designed to improve the postural balance with the aim of preventing joint deterioration and improving quality of life. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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BACKGROUND: We describe a retrospective series of children with low-grade glioma who received temozolomide. PROCEDURE: Eligible patients had had a diagnosis of low-grade glioma with or without histological confirmation. Temozolomide was administered at a dose of 200 mg/m(2) daily for 5 days, in a 4-week cycle. Therapy was stopped on completion of the targeted 12 cycles of chemotherapy or on evidence of tumor progression. RESULTS: Thirteen eligible patients were identified, eight male and five female. Median age at diagnosis was 5.5 years (range 2.6-15.0 years) and at commencement of temozolomide treatment was 9.0 years (range 3.8-15.2 years). Nine patients had a histological diagnosis of pilocytic astrocytoma. Twelve patients had received carboplatin prior to temozolomide, including three in combination with vincristine. A total of 111 cycles of therapy have been administered. Hematological toxicity and nausea were the most common adverse effects. Median time to progression was 6.7 months (range 1.5-41.8 months). Event-free survival rate at 3 years was 57%. Twelve of 13 patients remain alive at the time of report. Eleven have stable disease (SD). CONCLUSION: Temozolomide appears to be active in pediatric low-grade glioma, with the advantage of oral administration and excellent tolerability.


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Este documento tiene como objetivo describir las implicaciones para la salud con el uso de medicamentos biosimilares en comparación con los medicamentos biológicos en Colombia. Así mismo, describir el contexto normativo acerca del uso de medicamentos biosimilares, las recomendaciones y lineamientos sobre seguridad y efectividad del uso de medicamentos Biosimilares y Biológicos, partiendo de sus diferencias biomoleculares. Para esto, se desarrolló una revisión documental electrónica y manual de la literatura en bases de datos, revistas y libros limitada a términos MeSH. La selección de los artículos incluyo documentos completos publicados en revistas indexadas de los últimos 10 años, en español e inglés; la información recolectada se organizó para la construcción del presente documento. Concluyendo, se encontró que las patentes de muchos medicamentos biológicos han vencido o están próximas a caducar y varios biosimilares están desarrollándose y comercializándose incluso en países sin regulaciones estrictas. Los biosimilares nunca podrán ser iguales al original por su complejidad molecular, por ello debemos integrarlos a los sistemas de farmacovigilancia mejorando trazabilidad e identificando su origen mientras se establecen denominaciones comunes distinguibles. La evidencia actual sugiere que la regulación de medicamentos biosimilares debe ser evaluada y armonizada en todo el mundo.


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Objetivo: realizar un diagnóstico respecto a la oferta demanda de hemocomponentes, en el contexto epidemiológico colombiano para que sirva de base en la formulación de futuros modelos logísticos de cadena de suministro que permita responder eficientemente a las necesidades transfusionales del país Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo basado en las fuentes oficiales de información colombiana respecto a condiciones epidemiológicas poblacionales y su relación respecto a captación y transfusión de sangre, así como las posibilidades de conexiones aéreas. Resultados: actualmente 62.3% de la captación es aportada principalmente por 19% de los bancos de sangre del país (16 / 82), ubicados en 8 ciudades del país las cuales evidencian mejores condiciones de salud e índices de densidad poblacional superiores al promedio nacional. Adicionalmente, desde estas ciudades se puede hacer cubrimiento de hemocomponentes en todo el territorio nacional dadas las condiciones de las conexiones aéreas. Conclusiones: es posible con base en el diagnostico presentado, plantear opciones que apunten a mejorar la eficiencia en la cadena de suministros de hemocomponentes, centralizando la captación de sangre en las áreas donde se cuenta con mejores condiciones de salud y mayores densidades poblacionales. Lo anterior permitiría minimizar los porcentajes de incineración de unidades de glóbulos rojos por vencimiento al mejorar las redes de distribución y de esta manera reducir costos de operación. Debe además fortalecerse la gestión de inventarios desde los servicios de transfusión para lograr minimizar las perdidas. Lo anterior requiere control gubernamental dado que al considerarse la sangre como un bien de interés público, su uso no puede ser indiscriminado.


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O presente relatório apresenta as atividades desenvolvidas no estágio decorrido no Hospital Ars Veterinaria. A primeira parte do relatório refere-se ao relatório de casuística com apresentação de casos e procedimentos acompanhados. A segunda refere-se à monografia com o tema “Opções terapêuticas em hemangiossarcoma canino” e encontra-se ilustrada por três casos clínicos. O hemangiossarcoma é uma neoplasia descrita com origem endotelial, devido à aparência histológica, no entanto descobertas recentes sugerem que provém de células progenitoras hematopoiéticas. Os sinais clínicos são inespecíficos e variáveis. A localização mais comum é o baço, embora ocorra noutras localizações. O diagnóstico requer o estadiamento tumoral e para ser completo deve incluir hematologia e bioquímica sérica, provas de coagulação, exames imagiológicos e confirmação histopatológica. O tratamento base é cirúrgico associado a protocolos quimioterápicos baseados em doxorrubicina. Novas terapias começam a ser investigadas de forma a melhorar os tempos de sobrevivência desta neoplasia de prognóstico reservado; Abstract: Small animal medicine This report was elaborated following a traineeship at the Ars Veterinaria Hospital. The first part concerns about cases report and includes presentation of cases and followed procedures. The second part is the monography under the theme “therapeutical options in canine hemangiosarcoma” and it presents three clinical cases seen during the internship. The hemangiossarcoma is a cancer described to have endothelial origin, because of its histological appearance, but recent discoveries suggest that it originates from hematopoietic progenitor cells. The clinical signs are variable and unspecific. The most common location is the spleen, but others might exist. The diagnosis demands tumoral staging, which to be complete must include hematology and biochemical analysis, coagulation tests, imagiologic tests and histopathologic confirmation. The basic treatment is surgical, associated with chemotherapy based on doxorubicin. New therapies are beginning to be investigated, aiming improve survival times of this cancer with reserved prognosis.


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This paper aimed to study and compare the hematology of newborns, young, subadults, adult males, adult females and pregnant females of Potamotrygon wallacei (cururu stingray), Potamotrygon motoro and Paratrygon aiereba. Newborn cururu stingrays had lower red blood parameters than those of other development stages. Thrombograms and leukograms showed a conservative pattern between development stage, sexual dimorphism and pregnancy. In P. motoro and P. aiereba, variables relating to red blood parameters, biochemistry and leukograms showed little variation between the species' biological characteristics, thus showing that these variables are not good criteria for differentiating them within the same species. In conclusion, the development stage is an important factor for differentiating hematological properties in the cururu stingray, while this has not been observed in P. motoro and P. aiereba stingrays.