973 resultados para glucose homeostasis


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present study was designed to analyse the effects of aerobic exercise on the metabolic effects of alloxan. Male Wistar newborn rats (2 days old) received alloxan (200 mg (kg body weight)(-1)) intraperitoneally (A rats). Vehicle-injected rats were used as controls (C rats). At 28 days old, some of the A rats were subjected to swimming for 1 h day(-1), 5 day week(-1) (AT rats). At 28, 60 and 90 days old the animals were subjected to glucose (GTTo) and insulin (ITTsc) tolerance tests. All the animals were then killed by decapitation for blood and tissue evaluations. on the 60th day, there was a reduction in blood glucose level during the GTTo (mmol l(-1) (90 min)(-1)) in the AT rats (7640.7+/-694.0) with respect to C (7057.5+/-776.9) and A (8555.6+/-1096.7) rats. However on the 90th day, AT rats showed higher glucose levels (8004.6+/-267.9) when compared to the other groups (C, 7305.5+/-871.2; A, 7088.8+/-536.9). The serum free fatty acid (FFA) concentration (muEq l(-1)) was higher in the alloxan-treated animals (A, 231.1+/-58.5; AT, 169.8+/-20.1) than in controls (C, 101.4+/-22.4). In conclusion, although the high blood glucose level is transitory in the A animals, some blood and tissue alterations remain and can be harmful to the maintenance of homeostasis. Physical exercise counteracted only partially these alterations. Furthermore, training worsened glucose tolerance at the 90th day, suggesting that exercise intensity should be adjusted to the diabetic condition.


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The equilibrium point between blood lactate production and removal (La-min(-)) and the individual anaerobic threshold (IAT) protocols have been used to evaluate exercise. During progressive exercise, blood lactate [La-](b), catecholamine and cortisol concentrations, show exponential increases at upper anaerobic threshold intensities. Since these hormones enhance blood glucose concentrations [Glc](b), this study investigated the [Glc] and [La-](b) responses during incremental tests and the possibility of considering the individual glucose threshold (IGT) and glucose minimum;(Glc(min)) in addition to IAT and La-min(-) in evaluating exercise. A group of 15 male endurance runners ran in four tests on the track 3000 m run (v(3km)); IAT and IGT- 8 x 800 m runs at velocities between 84% and 102% of v(3km); La-min(-) and Glc(min) - after lactic acidosis induced by a 500-m sprint, the subjects ran 8 x 800 m at intensities between 87% and 97% of v(3km); endurance test (ET)- 30 min at the velocity of IAT. Capillary blood (25 mu l) was collected for [La-](b) and [Glc](b) measurements. The TAT and IGT were determined by [La-](b) and [Glc](b) kinetics during the second test. The La-min(-) and Glc(min) were determined considering the lowest [La-] and [Glc](b) during the third test. No differences were observed (P < 0.05) and high correlations were obtained between the velocities at IAT [283 (SD 19) and IGT 281 (SD 21)m. min(-1); r = 0.096; P < 0.001] and between La,, [285 (SD 21)] and Glc(min) [287 (SD 20) m. min(-1) = 0.77; P < 0.05]. During ET, the [La-](b) reached 5.0 (SD 1.1) and 5.3 (SD 1.0) mmol 1(-1) at 20 and 30 min, respectively (P > 0.05). We concluded that for these subjects it was possible to evaluate the aerobic capacity by IGT and Glc(min), as well as by IAT and La-min(-).


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At the present time, much attention is being paid to antioxidant substances because many pathological conditions are associated with oxidative stress. The purpose of the present study was to discover the potency of saponin (2-phenyl-benzopyrane), a soybean flavonoid, with respect to its hypoglycaemic and hypolipidaemic action, and the association of these effects with oxidative stress. Male Wistar rats were divided into two groups (n = 6): control group and saponin-treated group (60 mg/kg) during 30 days. Saponin had no effects on glucose tolerance. Although no changes had been observed in low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, saponin-treated animals had increased low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol/triacylglycerol ratio and decreased triacylglycerol, very low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol and total/high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol ratio than the control group. Saponin-treated rats showed lower lipid hydroperoxide than control rats, indicating decreased potential to atherosclerosis. No alterations were observed in antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase, while lipid hydroperoxide were decreased in saponin-treated rats. In conclusion, the beneficial effects of saponin on serum lipids were related to a direct saponin antioxidant activity.


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Gluconeogenic activity and kinetic parameters of glucose metabolism were estimated during the different phases of prolonged food deprivation in quails. Gluconeogenic activity, estimated from the rate of increase of incorporation of (HCO3-)-C-14 into circulating glucose, was significantly higher in fasted quails than in fed birds, whatever the period of food deprivation. However, gluconeogenic activity during phase II, although higher than in the fed state, was significantly lower than in quails fasted for 2 days (phase I) or in those on the final (phase III) period of starvation. Gluconeogenic activity did not differ significantly in birds from phases I and III. Rates of glucose replacement, estimated with [6-H-3]-glucose, were very high (20.5 mg . kg(-1). min(-1)) in fed quails and were markedly reduced (to about 42% of fed values) by fasting, no difference being observed between quails fasted for 2 and 5 days. Because of the poor condition of the birds, glucose replacement rates could not be measured during phase III. The present data are the first to provide direct evidence for the changes in gluconeogenesis which occur during prolonged food deprivation.


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Glucose-induced insulin secretion rom and Ca-45 uptake by isolated pancreatic islets, derived from rats fed with normal (NPD) or low protein diet (LPD), were studied. Insulin secretion from both types of islets in response to increasing concentrations of glucose followed an S-shaped pattern. However, basal secretion observed at substimulatory concentrations of glucose (0-5.6 mM), as well as maximal release, obtained at 16.7 mM or higher glucose concentrations were significantly reduced in islets from LPD. Furthermore, in LPD rat islets, the dose-response curve to glucose was clearly shifted to the right compared with NPD islets, with the half-maximal response occurring at 8.5 and 14.4 mM glucose for NPD and LPD islets, respectively. In islets from NPD rats, the Ca-45 content, after 5 or 90 min in the presence of 8.3 mM glucose, was higher than that observed for islets kept at 2.8 mM glucose and increased further at 16.7 mM glucose. After 5 min of incubation, the Ca-45 uptake by LPD islets in the presence of 8.3 mM glucose was slightly higher than basal values (2.8 mM glucose); however, no further increase in the Ca-45 uptake was noticed at 16.7 mM glucose. In LPD islets a significant increase in Ca-45 uptake over basal values was registered only at 16.7 mM glucose, after 90 min of incubation. These data indicate that the poor secretary response to glucose observed in islets from LPD rats may be related to a defect in the ability of glucose to increase Ca2+ uptake and/or to reduce Ca2+ efflux from beta-cells.


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Reports in the literature have shown that acute or chronic zinc administration may cause hyperglycemia, with a fall in serum or insular insulin occurring in experimental animals. on the other hand, under conditions of both acute and chronic hyperglycemia, an increase, a decrease, or a normal level of blood zinc has been observed in studies conducted on humans. Thus, the objective of the investigation described here was to determine the relationship existing among zinc, glucose, and insulin under acute conditions. Thirty-six subjects of both sexes (mean age, 23 yr) were tested at 7:00 A.M. after a 12-h fast. Two antecubital veins of both forearms were punctured and maintained with physiological saline. Three experiments were performed in which zinc was administered orally, and hypertonic glucose and tolbutamid were administered intravenously. Blood samples were then collected over a period ranging from 93 to 240 min after the basal times of - 30 and 0 min. Hyperzincemia did not cause changes in plasma glucose or insulin either in the absence of or during perfusion of glucose. Hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, and hyperinsulinemia did not modify serum zinc levels. These results demonstrate that acute zinc administration did not change carbohydrate metabolism and that sudden variations in glucose and insulin levels did not modify the serum profile of zinc.


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Maltose and glucose fermentations by industrial brewing and wine yeasts strains were strongly affected by the structural complexity of the nitrogen source. In this study, four Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains, two brewing and two wine yeasts, were grown in a medium containing maltose or glucose supplemented with a nitrogen source varying from a single ammonium salt (ammonium sulfate) to free amino acids (casamino acids) and peptides (peptone). Diauxie was observed at low sugar concentration for brewing and wine strains, independent of nitrogen supplementation, and the type of sugar. At high sugar concentrations altered patterns of sugar fermentation were observed, and biomass accumulation and ethanol production depended on the nature of the nitrogen source and were different for brewing and wine strains. In maltose, high biomass production was observed under peptone and casamino acids for the brewing and wine strains, however efficient maltose utilization and high ethanol production was only observed in the presence of casamino acids for one brewing and one wine strain studied. Conversely, peptone and casamino acids induced higher biomass and ethanol production for the two other brewing and wine strains studied. With glucose, in general, peptone induced higher fermentation performance for all strains, and one brewing and wine strain produced the same amount of ethanol with peptone and casamino acids supplementation. Ammonium salts always induced poor yeast performance. The results described in this paper suggest that the complex nitrogen composition of the cultivation medium may create conditions resembling those responsible for inducing sluggish/stuck fermentation, and indicate that the kind and concentration of sugar, the complexity of nitrogen source and the yeast genetic background influence optimal industrial yeast fermentation performance.


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In order to determine the effect of maternal exercise on maternal nutritional status and fetal growth, young (Y = 45-50 days old) Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups of 5 to 8 animals: control pregnant (CP), control non-pregnant (CNP), exercise-trained (swimming 1 h/day, 5 days/week, for 19 days) pregnant (TP) and exercise-trained non-pregnant (TNP). Four equivalent groups of adult rats (A - 90-100 days old) were also formed. Serum glucose, total protein, albumin, hematocrit and liver glycogen were determined in female rats and pups. There were no statistical differences in serum glucose, total protein and albumin levels, litter size ot birth weight among exercise-trained animals, controls and their respective pups. Hematocrit was significantly lower in pups of exercise-trained young rats than in all other groups (YCP = 38.6 +/- 3.0; YTP = 32.6 +/- 2.1; ACP = 39.0 +/- 2.5; ATP = 39.2 +/- 2.9%). Liver glycogen levels were lower in pregnant than in non-pregnant rats but similar in exercise-trained and control rats of the same age and physiological status (YCNP = 4.1 +/- 0.2; YCP = 2.7 +/- 0.9; YTNP = 4.9 +/- 0.8; YTP = 2.7 +/-0.4; ACNP = 6.1 +/- 0.6; ACP = 3.1 +/- 0.8; ATNP = 6.6 +/- 0.8; ATP = 2.2 +/- 0.9 mg/100 mg). We conclude that pups of adult female rats are spared from the effects of this kind of exercise training during pregnancy. on the other hand, it appears that maternal adaptations to exercise training in young rats are able to preserve only some aspects of pup metabolism.


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The urinary excretion, renal clearance, and tubular reabsorption of zinc were investigated in 30 adult healthy subjects under basal conditions and during the zinc and glucose tolerance tests. After a 12h overnight fast, each subject was submitted to renal clearance of zinc. The procedures were performed between 8.00 and 12.00 a.m., after emptying the bladder and ingestion of 4 ml deionized water/kg body weight at 8.00 a.m. The first urine sample was collected at 10.00 a.m., and the second at 12.00 a.m. A dose of 110 mg ZnSO4.7H(2)O was administered orally to each subject, diluted in 20 mi deionized water, at time 0 min. Blood samples were collected from an antecubital vein at times -30, 0, and 30 min and at 30 min intervals up to 240 min. Glucose was administered intravenously (0.5 ml 50%/kg body weight) during the first 3 min of the test, and blood samples were collected from an unconstricted, contralateral, antecubital vein at times -30, 0, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, and 90 min. The results showed that urinary zinc excretion, and renal zinc clearance were significantly higher during the zinc and glucose tolerance tests than in the control condition. on the other hand, renal zinc clearance was more elevated during the glucose tolerance test than during the zinc tolerance test. Variations in zinc tubular reabsorption and glomerular filtration rate were not detected. The results suggest that urinary excretion and renal clearance of zinc in healthy subjects increase during acute zinc ingestion and glucose infusion. Although zinc ingestion raised urinary zinc excretion, glucose infusion was more effective in increasing renal zinc clearance. These normal parameters are important in the investigation of diabetic patients with serum and urine zinc changes.