957 resultados para gastrointestinal nematodes


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COIN compared first-line continuous chemotherapy with the same chemotherapy given intermittently or with cetuximab in advanced colorectal cancer (aCRC).


Choice between oxaliplatin/capecitabine (OxCap) and oxaliplatin/leucovorin (LV)/infusional 5-FU (OxFU) was by physician and patient choice and switching regimen was allowed. We compared OxCap with OxFU and OxCap+cetuximab with OxFU+cetuximab retrospectively in patients and examined efficacy, toxicity profiles and the effect of mild renal impairment.


In total, 64% of 2397 patients received OxCap(±cetuximab). Overall survival, progression free survival and overall response rate were similar between OxCap and OxFU but rate of radical surgeries was higher for OxFU. Progression free survival was longer for OxFU+cetuximab compared with OxCap+cetuximab but other efficacy measures were similar. Oxaliplatin/LV/infusional 5-FU (±cetuximab) was associated with more mucositis and infection whereas OxCap(±cetuximab) caused more gastrointestinal toxicities and palmar-plantar erythema. In total, 118 patients switched regimen, mainly due to toxicity; only 16% came off their second regimen due to intolerance. Patients with creatinine clearance (CrCl) 50–80?ml?min-1 on OxCap(±cetuximab) or OxFU+cetuximab had more dose modifications than those with better renal function.


Overall, OxFU and OxCap are equally effective in treating aCRC. However, the toxicity profiles differ and switching from one regimen to the other for poor tolerance is a reasonable option. Patients with CrCl 50–80?ml?min-1 on both regimens require close toxicity monitoring.


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F1F0-ATPase was initially believed to be strictly expressed in the mitochondrial membrane. Interestingly, recent reports have shown that the F1 complex can serve as a cell surface receptor for apparently unrelated ligands. Here, we show for the first time the presence of the F1-ATPase at the cell surface of normal or cancerous colonic epithelial cells. Using Surface Plasmon Resonance technology and mass spectrometry, we identified a peptide hormone product of the gastrin gene (glycine-extended gastrin, G-gly), as a new ligand for the F1-ATPase. By molecular modeling, we identified the motif in the peptide sequence (EE/DxY), which directly interacts with the F1-ATPase and the amino-acids in the F1-ATPase which bind this motif. Replacement of the E9 residue by an alanine in the EE/DxY motif resulted in a strong decrease of G-gly binding to the F1-ATPase and the loss of its biological activity. In addition we demonstrated that F1-ATPase mediates the growth effects of the peptide. Indeed, blocking ATPase activity decreases G-gly-induced cell growth. The mechanism likely involves ADP production by the membrane F1-ATPase which is induced by G-gly. These results suggest an important contribution of cell surface ATPase in the pro-proliferative action of this gastrointestinal peptide.


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PURPOSE: Peptide YY (PYY) is a gastrointestinal hormone with physiological actions regulating appetite and energy homoeostasis. The cellular mechanisms by which nutrients stimulate PYY secretion from intestinal enteroendocrine cells are still being elucidated.

METHODS: This study comprehensively evaluated the suitability of intestinal STC-1 cells as an in vitro model of PYY secretion. PYY concentrations (both intracellular and in culture media) with other intestinal peptides (CCK, GLP-1 and GIP) demonstrated that PYY is a prominent product of STC-1 cells. Furthermore, acute and chronic PYY responses to 15 short (SCFAs)- and long-chain (LCFAs) dietary fatty acids were measured alongside parameters for DNA synthesis, cell viability and cytotoxicity.

RESULTS: We found STC-1 cells to be reliable secretors of PYY constitutively releasing PYY into cell culture media (but not into non-stimulatory buffer). We demonstrate for the first time that STC-1 cells produce PYY mRNA transcripts; that STC-1 cells produce specific time- and concentration-dependent PYY secretory responses to valeric acid; that linoleic acid and conjugated linoleic acid 9,11 (CLA 9,11) are potent PYY secretagogues; and that chronic exposure of SCFAs and LCFAs can be detrimental to STC-1 cells.

CONCLUSIONS: Our studies demonstrate the potential usefulness of STC-1 cells as an in vitro model for investigating nutrient-stimulated PYY secretion in an acute setting. Furthermore, our discovery that CLA directly stimulates L-cells to secrete PYY indicates another possible mechanism contributing to the observed effects of dietary CLA on weight loss.


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Helminth parasites (nematodes, flatworms and cestodes) infect over 1 billion of the world's population causing high morbidity and mortality. The large tissue-dwelling worms express papain-like cysteine peptidases, termed cathepsins that play important roles in virulence including host entry, tissue migration and the suppression of host immune responses. Much of our knowledge of helminth cathepsins comes from studies using flatworms or trematode (fluke) parasites. The developmentally-regulated expression of these proteases correlates with the passage of parasites through host tissues and their encounters with different host macromolecules. Recent phylogenetic, biochemical and structural studies indicate that trematode cathepsins exhibit overlapping but distinct substrate specificities due to divergence within the protease active site. Here we provide an overview of the evolution, biochemistry and structure of these important enzymes and highlight how recent advances in proteomics and gene silencing techniques are allowing researchers to probe their biological functions. We focus mainly on members of the cathepsin L gene family of the animal and human pathogen, Fasciola hepatica, because of our deep understanding of their function, biochemistry and structure.


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Zoonotic infections are among the most common on earth and are responsible for >60 per cent of all human infectious diseases. Some of the most important and well-known human zoonoses are caused by worm or helminth parasites, including species of nematodes (trichinellosis), cestodes (cysticercosis, echinococcosis) and trematodes (schistosomiasis). However, along with social, epidemiological and environmental changes, together with improvements in our ability to diagnose helminth infections, several neglected parasite species are now fast-becoming recognized as important zoonotic diseases of humans, e.g. anasakiasis, several fish-borne trematodiasis and fasciolosis. In the present review, we discuss the current disease status of these primary helminth zoonotic infections with particular emphasis on their diagnosis and control. Advances in molecular biology, proteomics and the release of helminth genome-sequencing project data are revolutionizing parasitology research. The use of these powerful experimental approaches, and their potential benefits to helminth biology are also discussed in relation to the future control of helminth infections of animals and humans.


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The excretory-secretory (ES) proteins of nematode parasites are of major interest as they function at the host-parasite interface and are likely to have roles crucial for successful parasitism. Furthermore, the ES proteins of intracellular nematodes such as Trichinella spiralis may also function to regulate gene expression in the host cell. In a recent proteomic analysis we identified a novel secreted cystatin-like protein from T. spiralis L1 muscle larva. Here we show that the protein, MCD-1 (multi-cystatin-like domain protein 1), contains three repeating cystatin-like domains and analysis of the mcd-1 gene structure suggests that the repeated domains arose from duplication of an ancestral cystatin gene. Cystatins are a diverse group of cysteine protease inhibitors and those secreted by parasitic nematodes are important immuno-modulatory factors. The cystatin superfamily also includes cystatin-like proteins that have no cysteine protease inhibitory activity. A recombinant MCD-1 protein expressed as a GST-fusion protein in Escherichia coli failed to inhibit papain in vitro suggesting that the T. spiralis protein is a new member of the non-inhibitory cystatin-related proteins. MCD-1 secreted from T. spiralis exists as high- and low-molecular weight isoforms and we show that a recombinant MCD-1 protein secreted by HeLa cells undergoes pH-dependent processing that may result in the release of individual cystatin-like domains. Furthermore, we found that mcd-1 gene expression is largely restricted to intracellular stages with the highest levels of expression in the adult worms. It is likely that the major role of the protein is during the intestinal stage of T. spiralis infections.


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The nematodes Trichinella spiralis and Trichinella pseudospiralis are both intracellular parasites of skeletal muscle cells and induce profound alterations in the host cell resulting in a re-alignment of muscle-specific gene expression. While T. spiralis induces the production of a collagen capsule surrounding the host-parasite complex, T. pseudospiralis exists in a non-encapsulated form and is also characterised by suppression of the host inflammatory response in the muscle. These observed differences between the two species are thought to be due to variation in the proteins excreted or secreted (ES proteins) by the muscle larva. In this study, we use a global proteomics approach to compare the ES protein profiles from both species and to identify individual T. pseudospiralis proteins that complement earlier studies with T. spiralis. Following two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, tandem mass spectrometry was used to identify the peptide spots. In many cases identification was aided by the determination of partial peptide sequence from selected mass ions. The T. pseudospiralis spots identified included the major secreted glycoproteins and the secreted 5'-nucleotidase. Furthermore, two major groups of T. spiralis-specific proteins and several T. pseudospiralis-specific proteins were identified. Our results demonstrate the value of proteomics as a tool for the identification of ES proteins that are differentially expressed between Trichinella species and as an aid to identifying key parasite proteins that are involved in the host-parasite interaction. The value of this approach will be further enhanced by data arising out the current T. spiralis genome sequencing project.


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We report the largest market basket survey of arsenic (As) in U.S. rice to date. Our findings show differences in transitional-metal levels between polished and unpolished rice and geographical variation in As and selenium (Se) between rice processed in California and the South Central U.S. The mean and median As grain levels for the South Central U.S. were 0.30 and 0.27 µg As g-1, respectively, for 107 samples. Levels for California were 41% lower than the South Central U.S., with a mean of 0.17 µg As g-1 and a median of 0.16 µg As g-1 for 27 samples. The mean and median Se grain levels for the South Central U.S. were 0.19 µg Se g-1. Californian rice levels were lower, averaging only 0.08 and 0.06 µg Se g-1 for mean and median values, respectively. The difference between the two regions was found to be significant for As and Se (General Linear Model (GLM):? As p < 0.001; Se p < 0.001). No statistically significant differences were observed in As or Se levels between polished and unpolished rice (GLM:? As p = 0.213; Se p = 0.113). No significant differences in grain levels of manganese (Mn), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), or zinc (Zn) were observed between California and the South Central U.S. Modeling arsenic intake for the U.S. population based on this survey shows that for certain groups (namely Hispanics, Asians, sufferers of Celiac disease, and infants) dietary exposure to inorganic As from elevated levels in rice potentially exceeds the maximum intake of As from drinking water (based on consumption of 1 L of 0.01 mg L-1 In. As) and Californian state exposure limits. Further studies on the transformation of As in soil, grain As bioavailability in the human gastrointestinal tract, and grain elemental speciation trends are critical.


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Arsenic is accumulated by free-living small mammals, but there is little information on the resultant concentrations in different tissues other than liver and kidney. Such information is important because the severity of toxicological effects may be related to the amount of arsenic accumulated in specific organs, and the availability of arsenic to predators is, in part, dependent on which tissues accumulate arsenic. The objective of this study was to quantify the arsenic concentrations and the percentage of the total body burden (%TBB) accumulated in different body tissues of free-living small mammals and to determine how these factors varied with severity of habitat contamination. Arsenic concentrations were measured in various tissues of wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) and bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) from a range of arsenic-contaminated sites in southwest Britain. Arsenic concentrations in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract (including contents), liver, kidneys, spleen, lung, femur, and fur of both species varied significantly between sites and were higher in mice and voles from heavily contaminated areas. Heart and brain arsenic concentrations did not vary with degree of environmental contamination. The GI tract and excised carcass contained roughly equal amounts of arsenic and, in sum, comprised 75-85% of the TBB on uncontaminated sites and 90-99% on contaminated sites. Although the excised carcass contains about half of the TBB, its importance in food-chain transfer of arsenic to predators may depend on the bioavailability of arsenic sequestered in fur. In contrast, the GI tract and its contents, provided that it is consumed, will always be a major transfer pathway for arsenic to predators, regardless of the severity of habitat contamination.


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OBJECTIVES: The gastrointestinal microbiota is considered important in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) pathogenesis. Discoveries from established disease cohorts report reduced bacterial diversity, changes in bacterial composition, and a protective role for Faecalibacterium prausnitzii in Crohn's disease (CD). The majority of studies to date are however potentially confounded by the effect of treatment and a reliance on established rather than de-novo disease.

METHODS: Microbial changes at diagnosis were examined by biopsying the colonic mucosa of 37 children: 25 with newly presenting, untreated IBD with active colitis (13 CD and 12 ulcerative colitis (UC)), and 12 pediatric controls with a macroscopically and microscopically normal colon. We utilized a dual-methodology approach with pyrosequencing (threshold >10,000 reads) and confirmatory real-time PCR (RT-PCR).

RESULTS: Threshold pyrosequencing output was obtained on 34 subjects (11 CD, 11 UC, 12 controls). No significant changes were noted at phylum level among the Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, or Proteobacteria. A significant reduction in bacterial alpha-diversity was noted in CD vs. controls by three methods (Shannon, Simpson, and phylogenetic diversity) but not in UC vs. controls. An increase in Faecalibacterium was observed in CD compared with controls by pyrosequencing (mean 16.7% vs. 9.1% of reads, P = 0.02) and replicated by specific F. prausnitzii RT-PCR (36.0% vs. 19.0% of total bacteria, P = 0.02). No disease-specific clustering was evident on principal components analysis.

CONCLUSIONS: Our results offer a comprehensive examination of the IBD mucosal microbiota at diagnosis, unaffected by therapeutic confounders or changes over time. Our results challenge the current model of a protective role for F. prausnitzii in CD, suggesting a more dynamic role for this organism than previously described.


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Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is a primary immunodeficiency characterized by hypogammaglobulinaemia and antibody deficiency to both T dependent and independent antigens. Patients suffer from recurrent sinopulmonary infections mostly caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae, but also gastrointestinal or autoimmune symptoms. Their response to vaccination is poor or absent. In this study we investigated B cell activation induced by the TLR9 specific ligand (CpG-ODN) and bacterial extracts from S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae known to stimulate several TLR. We found that B cells from CVID patients express lower levels of CD86 after stimulation with CpG-ODN, S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae extracts in combination with anti-IgM antibody and also display a lower proliferative index when stimulated with bacterial extracts. Our results point to a broad TLR signalling defect in B lymphocytes from CVID patients that may be related to the hypogammaglobulinaemia and poor response to vaccination characteristic of these patients.


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Soil food webs are characterised by complex direct and indirect effects among the organisms. Consumption of microorganisms by soil animals is considered as an important factor that contributes to the stability of communities, though cascading effects within the food web can be difficult to detect. In a greenhouse experiment, an addition of a high number the fungal feeding collembola Folsomia quadrioculata was applied to grassland soil food webs in monocultures of three plant species: Plantago lanceolato (forb), Lotus corniculatus (legume) and Holcus lanatus (grass). The abundance of microorganisms, determined as the abundances of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) and the abundances of resident invertebrates, nematodes and collembolans, did not change due to the addition of E quadrioculata. Trophic positions of collembolans were determined by analyses of natural abundances of N-15 stable isotopes. The use of food resources by microorganisms and collembolans was determined by C-13 analysis of microbial PLFAs and solid samples of collembolans. delta C-13 values of the resident collembola Folsomia fimetaria were lower in the presence of E quadrioculata than in the control food webs indicating a use of more depleted C-13 food resources by E fimetaria. The delta N-15 values of E fimetaria did not change at the addition of E quadrioculata thus no change of trophic levels was detected. The switch of E fimetaria to a different food resource could be due to indirect interactions in the food web as the two collembolan species were positioned on different trophic positions, according to different delta N-15 values. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.