992 resultados para focal adhesions
Ageing is a heterogeneous subject being been able to distinguish profiles in function of sex, age, economic situation, cultural levels, habitat, family structure, health, etc. The objectives of this article are to identify forms of life to age in the rural environment and to concretize intervention proposals to increase active and participatory ways of life. 7 in-depth interviews to experts, 21 to older people, 5 to professionals and two focal groups of professionals and significant social agents were performed to collect data. Results identify 4 styles of aging: an opportunity for the change; a natural phase of the life; a moment to compensate and; a moment of abandonment. Conclusions summarize intervention proposals to increase active and participatory ways of ageing in different contexts to help professionals responsible for the services of older people care
Malignant mesothelioma is an incurable disease associated with asbestos exposure arising in the pleural cavity and less frequently in the peritoneal cavity. Platinum-based combination chemotherapy with pemetrexed is the established standard of care. Multimodality approaches including surgery and radiotherapy are being investigated. Increasing knowledge about the molecular characteristics of mesothelioma had led to the identification of novel potential targets for systemic therapy. Current evidence suggests pathways activated in response to merlin deficiency, including Pi3K/mTOR and the focal adhesion kinase, as well as immunotherapeutic approaches to be most promising. This review elaborates on the rationale behind targeted approaches that have been and are undergoing exploration in mesothelioma and summarizes available clinical results and ongoing efforts to improve the systemic therapy of mesothelioma.
BACKGROUND: Hyperthermia is a frequent complication in patients with acute ischemic stroke. On the other hand, therapeutically induced hypothermia has shown promising potential in animal models of focal cerebral ischemia. This Guideline Document presents the European Stroke Organisation guidelines for the management of temperature in patients with acute ischemic stroke. METHODS: A multidisciplinary group identified related questions and developed its recommendations based on evidence from randomized controlled trials elaborating the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation approach. This Guideline Document was reviewed within the European Stroke Organisation and externally and was approved by the European Stroke Organisation Guidelines Committee and the European Stroke Organisation Executive Committee. RESULTS: We found low-quality evidence, and therefore, we cannot make any recommendation for treating hyperthermia as a means to improve functional outcome and/or survival in patients with acute ischemic stroke and hyperthermia; moderate evidence to suggest against routine prevention of hyperthermia with antipyretics as a means to improve functional outcome and/or survival in patients with acute ischemic stroke and normothermia; very low-quality evidence to suggest against routine induction of hypothermia as a means to improve functional outcome and/or survival in patients with acute ischemic stroke. CONCLUSIONS: The currently available data about the management of temperature in patients with acute ischemic stroke are limited, and the strengths of the recommendations are therefore weak. We call for new randomized controlled trials as well as recruitment of eligible patients to ongoing randomized controlled trials to allow for better-informed recommendations in the future.
We develop a method for generating focused vector beams with circular polarization at any transverse plane. Based on the Richards-Wolf vector model, we derive analytical expressions to describe the propagation of these set of beams near the focal area. Since the polarization and the amplitude of the input beam are not uniform, an interferometric system capable of generating spatially-variant polarized beams has to be used. In particular, this wavefront is manipulated by means of spatial light modulators displaying computer generated holograms and subsequently focused using a high numerical aperture objective lens. Experimental results using a NA=0.85 system are provided: irradiance and Stokes images of the focused field at different planes near the focal plane are presented and compared with those obtained by numerical simulation.
OBJETIVO: Aproximadamente 35% das apendicites agudas têm diagnóstico clínico pré-operatório duvidoso ou incorreto, particularmente grávidas e crianças. A ultra-sonografia, em virtude do seu baixo custo e facilidade de acesso, tem-se mostrado um método diagnóstico importante. Este estudo propôs-se a demonstrar os principais achados de imagem das diversas fases da apendicite, com o objetivo de auxiliar o ultra-sonografista no diagnóstico precoce desta afecção. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: São relatados 14 casos de ultra-sonografias abdominais realizadas no período de janeiro a julho de 2001, em pacientes que se apresentavam com quadro de abdome agudo. O exame foi realizado com transdutores de 3,5 MHz e 7,5 MHz. RESULTADOS: O estudo ultra-sonográfico antes da perfuração demonstra apêndice não compressível, com espessamento e perda focal da definição das paredes. Após a perfuração, o apêndice pode não ser visualizado ao exame de ultra-sonografia, sendo evidenciadas alterações secundárias como efeito de massa, formação de plastrão, liquefação e formação de abscesso, além de ar dentro da coleção. CONCLUSÃO: O diagnóstico precoce da apendicite é essencial para minimizar a morbidade, que se mantém elevada se ocorrer perfuração. Apresentações atípicas resultam em confusão diagnóstica e retarde no tratamento. As principais dificuldades e erros são apendicite retrocecal, apendicite focal ou perfurada.
A ressonância magnética é uma técnica de grande importância na avaliação do fígado. Assim como na tomografia computadorizada helicoidal, o emprego de aquisições rápidas, em fases diferentes da vascularização hepática, auxilia na detecção e caracterização de tumores. Contudo, algumas armadilhas podem confundir e dificultar a interpretação do exame, simulando lesões parenquimatosas. Estas armadilhas têm forma, localização e características variadas, sendo denominadas de pseudolesões. Podem ser decorrentes de diversos fatores, como alterações perfusionais, esteatose focal, parênquima hepático preservado na esteatose difusa, artefatos, entre outros. É muito importante que sejam reconhecidas, para que não sejam causas de resultados falso-positivos. O objetivo deste ensaio é classificar e ilustrar as diversas pseudolesões hepáticas na ressonância magnética, com breve descrição delas, e alternativas para diferenciá-las das lesões do parênquima.
Foram realizados testes de controle de qualidade, descritos na Portaria 453/98 do Ministério da Saúde, em sete hospitais públicos do Rio de Janeiro, em um total de 29 tubos de raios X, 30 chassis e 20 vestimentas de proteção individual. Os testes avaliaram o desempenho do gerador de raios X e a geometria do feixe. Foram verificados, também, chassis, "écrans" e negatoscópios, assim como as câmaras claras e escuras. Alguns dos resultados encontrados foram: 55% dos tubos foram reprovados em exatidão e 15% em reprodutibilidade de kVp; 53% foram reprovados em exatidão e 31% em reprodutibilidade de tempo de exposição; 30% foram reprovados em camada semi-redutora; 18% foram reprovados no alinhamento do feixe central; 30% foram reprovados em coincidência de campos; 40% foram reprovados na linearidade de exposição; 64% foram rejeitados no teste de ponto focal. Foram verificadas a guarda inadequada e a falta de recomendação para uso dos aventais plumbíferos. Os resultados dos testes sugerem a necessidade da implementação sistemática de controle de qualidade por um profissional qualificado. A relação de custo-benefício reforça a implantação e a manutenção dos procedimentos contidos e executados neste trabalho, pois tais procedimentos garantiriam a diminuição do custo final do serviço e da dose nos pacientes.
Biomechanical forces, such as fluid shear stress, govern multiple aspects of endothelial cell biology. In blood vessels, disturbed flow is associated with vascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis, and promotes endothelial cell proliferation and apoptosis. Here, we identified an important role for disturbed flow in lymphatic vessels, in which it cooperates with the transcription factor FOXC2 to ensure lifelong stability of the lymphatic vasculature. In cultured lymphatic endothelial cells, FOXC2 inactivation conferred abnormal shear stress sensing, promoting junction disassembly and entry into the cell cycle. Loss of FOXC2-dependent quiescence was mediated by the Hippo pathway transcriptional coactivator TAZ and, ultimately, led to cell death. In murine models, inducible deletion of Foxc2 within the lymphatic vasculature led to cell-cell junction defects, regression of valves, and focal vascular lumen collapse, which triggered generalized lymphatic vascular dysfunction and lethality. Together, our work describes a fundamental mechanism by which FOXC2 and oscillatory shear stress maintain lymphatic endothelial cell quiescence through intercellular junction and cytoskeleton stabilization and provides an essential link between biomechanical forces and endothelial cell identity that is necessary for postnatal vessel homeostasis. As FOXC2 is mutated in lymphedema-distichiasis syndrome, our data also underscore the role of impaired mechanotransduction in the pathology of this hereditary human disease.
O nosso objetivo foi descrever e ilustrar aspectos incomuns do hemangioma hepático na ultra-sonografia (US), tomografia computadorizada (TC) e ressonância magnética (RM). A partir da análise retrospectiva de 300 casos de pacientes com diagnósticos de hemangioma hepático, por meio da análise combinada de exames de imagem, biópsia ou acompanhamento clínico, selecionamos aqueles com apresentação atípica em um ou mais métodos de imagem ou aqueles com evolução não usual, ilustrando os seus principais aspectos de imagem. Entre os casos apresentados, escolhemos pacientes com hemangiomas: hipoecogênicos na US; hipovasculares ou avasculares na TC e RM; com calcificações grosseiras; gigantes e medindo mais de 20 cm de diâmetro; predominantemente exofíticos; hipointensos em T2; promovendo defeito de perfusão; com cicatriz central e simulando hiperplasia nodular focal; com crescimento evolutivo. O hemangioma hepático é o tumor mais comum do fígado e geralmente tem apresentação típica. Porém, os seus diversos aspectos não usuais precisam ser conhecidos para auxiliar na orientação diagnóstica e conduta.
OBJETIVO: Determinar a freqüência e localização das alterações parenquimatosas da trombose venosa cerebral nos exames de ressonância magnética e de angiorressonância, bem como a correlação com o território e a drenagem venosa comprometida. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram analisados exames de 21 pacientes realizados entre 1996 e 2004, com diagnóstico clínico e radiológico de trombose venosa cerebral em exames de ressonância magnética e de angiorressonância nas seqüências 2D PC, 3D PC e 3D TOF com contraste paramagnético. Análise estatística foi realizada com o teste do qui quadrado. Quatro pacientes tinham exames de controle e três realizaram angiografia por subtração digital. RESULTADOS: Dos 21 pacientes, 18 eram mulheres, todos com idade entre três e 82 anos (média de 40 anos e mediana de 36 anos). Os principais fatores etiológicos foram infecção, uso de contraceptivos orais, reposição hormonal e colagenoses. Predominaram os sintomas de déficit focal, cefaléia, alteração do nível de consciência e convulsões. Por freqüência, as manifestações parenquimatosas foram: edema/infarto de distribuição cortical e/ou subcortical, congestão venosa e circulação colateral, realce meníngeo e infarto ou edema dos tálamos e núcleos da base. Os principais seios comprometidos foram o sagital superior, o transverso esquerdo, o sigmóide esquerdo e o seio reto, sendo incomum o acometimento dos seios cavernosos e de veias corticais. CONCLUSÃO: A trombose venosa cerebral é causa incomum de acidente vascular encefálico, com prognóstico favorável pelo caráter reversível das lesões. Seu diagnóstico depende fundamentalmente da capacidade do radiologista reconhecer suas formas de apresentação, principalmente nos casos em que ele é sugerido pelas alterações parenquimatosas e não necessariamente pela visualização do trombo. A precisão e a rapidez no diagnóstico permitem o pronto tratamento, reduzindo a morbi-mortalidade da doença.
À ses origines, la théorie du récit, notamment la narratologie d'inspiration formaliste et structuraliste, s'est développée dans le creuset des études littéraires. De ce fait, le point focal de cette discipline a longtemps été constitué par le récit verbal, généralement sous la forme d'un texte écrit et planifié par un auteur, laissant de côté les formes narratives émergentes, participatives ou interactives. On observe cependant, depuis une vingtaine d'année, une accélération dans le processus d'élargissement des objets d'étude de la narratologie, accompagnée par une mutation épistémologique. Retraçant cette évolution, Jan Christoph Meister observe ainsi un changement d'orientation faisant passer la théorie du récit de l'étude de phénomènes textuels à l'analyse « des fonctions cognitives de récits oraux et non littéraires, ouvrant ainsi un nouveau chapitre dans le projet narratologique » (2009 : 340). Si l'intrigue peut être décrite - en adoptant un point de vue fonctionnaliste et cognitiviste - comme une matrice de possibilités ontologiquement instable, comme un dispositif dont la fonction première est d'ouvrir des virtualités narratives et d'engendrer de la curiosité ou du suspense (Baroni 2007 ; 2009), alors il n'y a pas de raison de la considérer comme un obstacle à l'analyse de récits émergents et participatifs, voire de simulations ou de pratiques ludiques hautement interactives.
Newly generated olfactory receptor axons grow from the peripheral to the central nervous system aided by olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs). Thus, OEC transplantation has emerged as a promising therapy for spinal cord injuries and for other neural diseases. However, these cells do not present a uniform population, but, instead, a functionally heterogeneous population that exhibits a variety of responses including adhesion, repulsion and crossover during cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. Some studies report that the migratory properties of OECs are compromised by inhibitory molecules and potentiated by chemical gradients. Here, we demonstrated that rodent OECs express all the components of the Nogo Receptor complex and that their migration is blocked by Myelin. Next, we used cell tracking and traction force microscopy to analyze OEC migration and its mechanical properties over Myelin. Our data relate the absence of traction force of OEC with lower migratory capacity, which correlates with changes in the F-Actin cytoskeleton and focal adhesion distribution. Lastly, OEC traction force and migratory capacity is enhanced after cell incubation with the Nogo Receptor inhibitor NEP1-40.
Melanoma is one of the most aggressive types of skin cancer and its incidence rate is still increasing. All existing treatments are minimally effective. Consequently, new therapeutic agents for melanoma treatment should be developed. The DM-1 compound is a curcumin analog that possesses several curcumin characteristics, such as antiproliferative, antitumor, and anti-metastatic properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the different signaling pathways involved in the cytotoxic effect of DM-1 on melanoma cells. The apoptotic process and cytoskeletal changes were evaluated by immunoblotting and immunofluorescence, respectively, in melanoma cells. After DM-1 treatment, SK-MEL-5 melanoma cells showed actin filament disorganization with spicule formation throughout the cytoskeleton and significant reduction of focal adhesion as well as they were present only at cell extremities, conferring a poor connection between the cell and the substrate. Besides this, there was significant filopodium retraction and loss of typical cytoskeleton scaffold. These modifications contributed to cell detachment followed by cell death. Furthermore, DM-1-induced apoptosis was triggered by multiple Bcl-2 proteins involved in both the extrinsic and the intrinsic apoptotic pathways. SK-MEL-5 cells showed a death mechanism mainly by Bcl-2/Bax ratio decrease, whereas A375 cells presented apoptosis induction by Mcl-1 and Bcl-xL downregulation. In SK-MEL-5 and A375 melanoma cells, there was a significant increase in the active form of caspase 9, and the inactive form of the effector caspase 3 was decreased in both cell lines. Expression of cleaved poly ADP ribose polymerase was increased after DM-1 treatment in these melanoma cell lines, demonstrating that the apoptotic process occurred. Altogether, these data elucidate the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the cytotoxicity induced by the antitumor agent DM-1 in melanoma cells.
OBJECTIVE: To identify the clinical determinants of occurrence of postictal generalized EEG suppression (PGES) after generalized convulsive seizures (GCS). METHODS: We reviewed the video-EEG recordings of 417 patients included in the REPO2MSE study, a multicenter prospective cohort study of patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy. According to ictal semiology, we classified GCS into 3 types: tonic-clonic GCS with bilateral and symmetric tonic arm extension (type 1), clonic GCS without tonic arm extension or flexion (type 2), and GCS with unilateral or asymmetric tonic arm extension or flexion (type 3). Association between PGES and person-specific or seizure-specific variables was analyzed after correction for individual effects and the varying number of seizures. RESULTS: A total of 99 GCS in 69 patients were included. Occurrence of PGES was independently associated with GCS type (p < 0.001) and lack of early administration of oxygen (p < 0.001). Odds ratio (OR) for GCS type 1 in comparison with GCS type 2 was 66.0 (95% confidence interval [CI 5.4-801.6]). In GCS type 1, risk of PGES was significantly increased when the seizure occurred during sleep (OR 5.0, 95% CI 1.2-20.9) and when oxygen was not administered early (OR 13.4, 95% CI 3.2-55.9). CONCLUSION: The risk of PGES dramatically varied as a function of GCS semiologic characteristics. Whatever the type of GCS, occurrence of PGES was prevented by early administration of oxygen.
BACKGROUND: The most important adverse effect of BoNT-A is the systemic diffusion of the toxin. There is some evidence that the administration of high doses can increase the risk of systemic diffusion and the development of clinically evident adverse effects, however an international consensus does not exist about its maximum dose. AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in autonomic heart drive induced by high doses (higher than 600 units) of incobotulinumtoxinA injection in spastic stroke patients. Moreover, the treatment safety by monitoring adverse events occurrence was assessed. DESIGN: Case control study. POPULATION: Eleven stroke survivors with spastic hemiplegia. METHODS: Patients were treated with intramuscular focal injections of IncobotulinumtoxinA (NT 201; Xeomin®, Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany). Doses were below 12 units/Kg. Each patient underwent an ECG recording before injection and 10 days after treatment. Linear and non-linear Heart Rate variability (HRV) measures were derived from ECGs with a dedicated software. RESULTS: None of the variable considered showed statistically significant changes after BoNT-A injection. CONCLUSION: The use of incobotulinumtoxinA in adult patients at doses up to 12 units/kg seems to be safe regarding autonomic heart drive. CLINICAL REHABILITATION IMPACT: The use of IncobotulinumtoxinA up to 600 units could be a safe therapeutic option in spastic hemiplegic stroke survivors.