998 resultados para flexible portal frame


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In response to Terrence Casey's argument that the emergence of macroprudential regulation since the financial crash can and should save neoliberalism we raise five objections. 1). The Debt-Driven Growth Hypothesis (DDG) and the Financial Instability Hypothesis (FIH), as Casey terms them, are just as likely to be complementary as they are oppositional and they are by no means incompatible. 2) Casey's empirics are too thin and static, drawn from the 1980s and 1990s, while Anglo Liberal Financialised Capitalism (ALFC) is a complex adaptive system that has continued to evolve throughout the 2000s. 3) Casey overlooks the dynamic relationship between potentially excessive financialisation and the performance of the wider economy, which is becoming a growing concern for many policy makers using the macroprudential frame. 4) Macroprudential as a series of ideas about the economy are often incompatible with neoliberal premises and their ontological foundations. 5) Many of the policy makers who have acted as the biggest champions of macroprudential regulation have also been highly critical of ALFC and view the macroprudential turn as making a contribution to a much needed deeper financial reformation that would over time transform some of the constituent economic and social relations of the existing political economy. We conclude that what we call the social purpose of macroprudential regulation (the question of whether it is intended to patch up or transform the existing system) is contested, and that macroprudential regulation has much potential beyond saving ‘neoliberalism’.


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One of the principal tasks facing post-crash academic political economy is to analyse patterns of ideational change and the conditions that produce such change. What has been missing from the existing literature on ideational change at times of crises however, is a sense of how processes of persuasive struggle, and how the success of those ‘norm entrepreneurs’ arguing for ideational change is shaped by two contextual variables: the most immediate material symptoms and problems that a crisis displays (the variety of crisis); and the institutional character of the policy subsystem that agents have to operate within to affect change. Introducing these two variables into our accounts of persuasive struggle and ideational change enables us to deepen our understanding of the dynamics of ideational change at times of crisis. The article identifies that a quite rapid and radical intellectual change has been evident in the field of financial regulation in the form of an embrace of a macroprudential frame. In contrast in the field of macroeconomic policy - both monetary and fiscal policy, many pre-crash beliefs remain prominent, there is evidence of ideational stickiness and inertia, and despite some policy experimentation, overarching policy frameworks and their rationales have not been overhauled. The article applies Peter Hall’s framework of three orders of policy changes to help illuminate and explain the variation in patterns of change in the fields of financial regulation and macroeconomic policy since the financial crash of 2008. The different patterns of ideational change in macroeconomic policy and financial regulation in the post-crash period can be explained by timing and variety of crisis; sequencing of policy change; and institutional political differences between micro policy sub systems and macro policy systems.


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This paper presents a seismic response investigation into a code designed concentrically braced frame structure that is subjected to but not designed for in-plan mass eccentricity. The structure has an accidental uneven distribution of mass in plan resulting in an increased torsional component of vibration. The level of inelasticity that key structural elements in plan mass asymmetric structures are subjected to is important when analysing their ability to sustain uneven seismic demands. In-plan mass asymmetry of moment resisting frame and shear wall type structures have received significant investigation, however, the plan asymmetric response of braced frame type structures is less well understood. A three-dimensional non-linear time history analysis (NLTHA) model is created to capture the torsional response of the plan mass asymmetric structure to quantify the additional ductility demand, interstorey drifts and floor rotations. Results show that the plan mass asymmetric structure performs well in terms of ductility demand, but poorly in terms of interstorey drifts and floor rotations when compared to the plan mass symmetric structure. New linear relationships are developed between the normalised ductility demand and normalised slenderness of the bracing on the sides of the plan mass symmetric/asymmetric structures that the mass is distributed towards and away from.


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Reducible diffusions (RDs) are nonlinear transformations of analytically solvable Basic Diffusions (BDs). Hence, by construction RDs are analytically tractable and flexible diffusion processes. Existing literature on RDs has mostly focused on time-homogeneous transformations, which to a significant extent fail to explore the full potential of RDs from both theoretical and practical points of view. In this paper, we propose flexible and economically justifiable time variations to the transformations of RDs. Concentrating on the Constant Elasticity Variance (CEV) RDs, we consider nonlinear dynamics for our time-varying transformations with both deterministic and stochastic designs. Such time variations can greatly enhance the flexibility of RDs while maintaining sufficient tractability of the resulting models. In the meantime, our modeling approach enjoys the benefits of classical inferential techniques such as the Maximum Likelihood (ML). Our application to the UK and the US short-term interest rates suggests that from an empirical point of view time-varying transformations are highly relevant and statistically significant. We expect that the proposed models can describe more truthfully the dynamic time-varying behavior of economic and financial variables and potentially improve out-of-sample forecasts significantly.


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Previous research has shown that prior adaptation to a spatially circumscribed, oscillating grating results in the duration of a subsequent stimulus briefly presented within the adapted region being underestimated. There is an on-going debate about where in the motion processing pathway the adaptation underlying this distortion of sub-second duration perception occurs. One position is that the LGN and, perhaps, early cortical processing areas are likely sites for the adaptation; an alternative suggestion is that visual area MT+ contains the neural mechanisms for sub-second timing; and a third position proposes that the effect is driven by adaptation at multiple levels of the motion processing pathway. A related issue is in what frame of reference – retinotopic or spatiotopic – does adaptation induced duration distortion occur. We addressed these questions by having participants adapt to a unidirectional random dot kinematogram (RDK), and then measuring perceived duration of a 600 ms test RDK positioned in either the same retinotopic or the same spatiotopic location as the adaptor. We found that, when it did occur, duration distortion of the test stimulus was direction contingent; that is it occurred when the adaptor and test stimuli drifted in the same direction, but not when they drifted in opposite directions. Furthermore the duration compression was evident primarily under retinotopic viewing conditions, with little evidence of duration distortion under spatiotopic viewing conditions. Our results support previous research implicating cortical mechanisms in the duration encoding of sub-second visual events, and reveal that these mechanisms encode duration within a retinotopic frame of reference.


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Sport Mega-event hosting faces opposition that is manifested with different intensity during the different phases of the event, from its inception as an idea to its delivery and legacy. Some Social Movements Organisations (SMOs) have acted as indefatigable monitors of the Sustainable Development (SD) dimension of sporting events in general and, in some of the most recent sport mega-events, in particular the Olympics, they have served as important advisors and facilitators. Nevertheless, in many cases we see enthusiastic supporters turning to vehemently challenging whatever positives have been associated with hosting the event. In addition, there is opposition to sport Mega-events in their entirety. That type of opposition tends to employ a holistic prism that manages to identify multiple interconnected negative aspects of hosting a sport mega-event and incorporate them into an anti-systemic discourse. It is important to bear in mind that irrespective of many proclamations to the opposite as far as megas are concerned (projects and/or events), a number of studies have demonstrated that citizen participation and democratic accountability in decision-making have been notoriously absent. After all, the idea of citizen participation in the planning of sport mega-event is essentially the public response to a plan conceived by others. There were, of course, some notable cases of democratic consultation at the early stages of bidding to host a sport mega-event but these more democratic approaches resulted in the failure of the bid (for e.g. Toronto 1996). The knowledge of this by the groups that initiated the hosting idea and the bidding process has led to discouraging in depth public consultation that may fit perfectly to the democratic process but not to the tight schedules of associated projects completion. That produces ‘autocracy against which opposition may arise’ (Hiller, 2000, p. 198). It is this democratic deficit that has led to important instances of social contestation and protest mobilizations by citizen groups as well as the more regular corps of social activists. From a perspective borrowed from the sociology of protest and social movements, sport mega-events hosting can operate as an issue that stimulates protest activities by an existing protest milieu and new actors as well as an important mobilizing resource. In fact, some scholars have also argued that the Olympic Games were an important frame for the transnational activism that was marked by anti-globalization protest in Seattle in 1999 (Cottrell & Nelson, 201; Lenskyj, 2008). In addition, it’s important not to lose sight of other acts dissent that take place in relatively close proximity, about a year before the event when most infrastructural and societal changes brought by hosting the event and impact start to become apparent by the host communities, like the rioting of August 2011 in the London Olympic Boroughs and the 2012 riots of June 2013 in Sao Paulo and other Brazilian cities. This paper starts by outlining the SD claims made in the bidding to host the summer Olympic Games by five prospective hosts (Sydney; Athens; Beijing; London and Rio) proceeds towards examining the opposition and challenges that was manifested in relation to these claims. In Particular it provides an assessment of protest-events over the aforementioned different phases of sport mega-events hosting. A different picture emerges for each of the host nation that is partly explained by local, national and global configuration of protest politics. Whereas the post-event legacy of the first two hosts of the Games can be assessed and that way see the validity of claims made by challengers in the other phases, in the other three cases, the implementation of Olympic Games Impact (OGI) studies offers the tool for discussing the post-event phase for Beijing and London and engage in a speculative exercise for the case of Rio. Judging by available findings, the paper concludes that the SD aspiration made in the bid documents are unlikely to be met and social contestation based on the same issues is likely to increase due to the current global economic crisis and BRICS, like China and Brazil, having entered the process of becoming global economic hegemons.


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The production of shock- and collimated jet-like features is recorded from the self-emission of a plasma using a 16- frame camera, which can show the progression of the interaction over short (100s ns) durations. A cluster of laser beams, with intensity 1015 W/cm2, was focused onto a planar aluminum foil to produce a plasma that expanded into 0.7 mbar of argon gas. The acquisition of 16 ultrafast images on a single shot allows prompt spatial and temporal characterization of the plasma and enables the velocity of the jet- and shock-like features to be calculated.


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This book provides a systematic introduction in the German gender equality acts for public services, and also a section per section commentary for each individual act. It analyses the legal base, limits and scope of the so called women's quota, gender mainstreaming in public employment and public policy, provisions to allow conciliation of paid work and work in families and the position of women's equality officers. It compares and analyses 16 state acts and the federal equality act. The introductory chapter, written by Dagmar Schiek, also provides an analysis of the EU level and constitutional frame for this legislation. The combination of a systematic introduction and a section by section commentary ensures that this valuable handbook can be used by trained lawyers as well as by social scientists, taking into account the fact that many equality officers are not trained lawyers.


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The influence of masonry infills on the in-plane behaviour of RC framed structures is a central topic in the seismic evaluation and retrofitting of existing buildings. Many models in the literature use an equivalent strut member in order to represent the infill but, among the parameters influencing the equivalent strut behaviour, the effect of vertical loads acting on the frames is recognized but not quantified. Nevertheless a vertical load causes a non-negligible variation in the in-plane behaviour of infilled frames by influencing the effective volume of the infill. This results in a change in the stiffness and strength of the system. This paper presents an equivalent diagonal pin-jointed strut model taking into account the stiffening effect of vertical loads on the infill in the initial state. The in-plane stiffness of a range of infilled frames was evaluated using a finite element model of the frame-infill system and the cross-section of the strut equivalent to the infill was obtained for different levels of vertical loading by imposing the equivalence between the frame containing the infill and the frame containing the diagonal strut. In this way a law for identifying the equivalent strut width depending on the geometrical and mechanical characteristics of the infilled frame was generalized to consider the influence of vertical loads for use in the practical applications. The strategy presented, limited to the initial stiffness of infilled frames, is preparatory to the definition of complete non-linear cyclic laws for the equivalent strut.


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Amphibian skin has proved repeatedly to be a largely untapped source of bioactive peptides and this is especially true of members of the Phyllomedusinae subfamily of frogs native to South and Central America. Tryptophyllins are a group of peptides mainly found in the skin of members of this genus. In this study, a novel tryptophyllin (TPH) type 3 peptide, named AcT-3, has been isolated and structurally-characterised from the skin secretion and lyophilised skin extract of the red-eye leaf frog, Agalychnis callidryas. The peptide was identified in and purified from the skin secretion by reverse-phase HPLC. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and MS/MS fragmentation sequencing established its primary structure as: pGlu-Gly-Lys-Pro-Tyr-Trp-Pro-Pro-Pro-Phe-Leu-Pro-Glu, with a non-protonated molecular mass of 1538.19Da. The mature peptide possessed the canonical N-terminal pGlu residue that arises from post-translational modification of a Gln residue. The deduced open-reading frame consisted of 63 amino acid residues encoding a highly-conserved signal peptide of approximately 22 amino acid residues, an intervening acidic spacer peptide domain, a single AcT-3 encoding domain and a C terminal processing site. A synthetic replicate of AcT-3 was found to antagonise the effect of BK on rat tail artery smooth muscle and to contract the intestinal smooth muscle preparations. It was also found that AcT-3 could dose-dependently inhibit the proliferation of human prostate cancer cell lines after 72h incubation.


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Burial grounds are commonly surveyed and searched by both police/humanitarian search teams and archaeologists.
One aspect of an efficient search is to establish areas free of recent internments to allow the concentration of assets in suspect
terrain. While 100% surety in locating remains can never be achieved, the deployment of a red, amber green (RAG) system for
assessment has proven invaluable to our surveys. The RAG system is based on a desktop study (including burial ground
records), visual inspection (mounding, collapses) and use of geophysics (in this case, ground penetrating radar or GPR) for a
multi-proxy assessment that provides search authorities an assessment of the state of inhumations and a level of legal backup
for decisions they make on excavation or not (‘exit strategy’). The system is flexible and will be built upon as research


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Purpose of the research
To investigate the prevalence and nature of unmet needs among colorectal cancer (CRC) survivors and the relationship between needs and quality of life (QoL).

Methods and sample
Using the Northern Ireland Cancer Registry (NICR) as a sampling frame and working in collaboration with primary care physicians or GPs, the Cancer Survivors Unmet Needs (CaSUN) questionnaire and the Quality of Life in Adult Cancer Survivors Scale (QLACS) were posted to a randomly selected sample of 600 CRC survivors.

Key results
Approximately 69% (413/600) met eligibility criteria for participating in the study; and 30% (124/413) responded to the survey. A comparative analysis of NICR data between respondents and non-respondents did not indicate any systematic bias except that respondents appeared to be younger (65 years vs. 67 years). Approximately 60% of respondents reported having no unmet needs, with 40% reporting one or more unmet health and social care needs such as fear of recurrence, information needs, difficulty obtaining travel insurance and car parking problems. QoL was significantly lower for CRC survivors who reported an unmet need. Highest scores (poorer QoL) were reported for fatigue, welfare benefits and distress recurrence.

Overall, the majority of CRC survivors who had care needs appeared to have needs that were mainly psychosocial in nature and these unmet needs were related to poorer QoL.


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We introduce a task-based programming model and runtime system that exploit the observation that not all parts of a program are equally significant for the accuracy of the end-result, in order to trade off the quality of program outputs for increased energy-efficiency. This is done in a structured and flexible way, allowing for easy exploitation of different points in the quality/energy space, without adversely affecting application performance. The runtime system can apply a number of different policies to decide whether it will execute less-significant tasks accurately or approximately.

The experimental evaluation indicates that our system can achieve an energy reduction of up to 83% compared with a fully accurate execution and up to 35% compared with an approximate version employing loop perforation. At the same time, our approach always results in graceful quality degradation.


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We examine the representation of judgements of stochastic independence in probabilistic logics. We focus on a relational logic where (i) judgements of stochastic independence are encoded by directed acyclic graphs, and (ii) probabilistic assessments are flexible in the sense that they are not required to specify a single probability measure. We discuss issues of knowledge representation and inference that arise from our particular combination of graphs, stochastic independence, logical formulas and probabilistic assessments.


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We propose an allocation rule that takes into account the importance of both players and their links and characterize it for a fixed network. Our characterization is along the lines of the characterization of the Position value for Network games by van den Nouweland and Slikker (2012). The allocation rule so defined admits multilateral interactions among the players through their links which distinguishes it from the other existing rules. Next, we extend our allocation rule to flexible networks à la Jackson (2005).