967 resultados para finite integral transform technique
In the present work, microstructure improvement using FSP (Friction Stir Processing) is studied. In the first part of the work, the microstructure improvement of as-cast A356 is demonstrated. Some tensile tests were applied to check the increase in ductility. However, the expected results couldn’t be achieved. In the second part, the microstructure improvement of a fusion weld in 1050 aluminium alloy is presented. Hardness tests were carried out to prove the mechanical propertyimprovements. In the third and last part, the microstructure improvement of 1050 aluminium alloy is achieved. A discussion of the mechanical property improvements induced by FSP is made. The influence of tool traverse speed on microstructure and mechanical properties is also discussed. Hardness tests and recrystallization theory enabled us to find out such influence
As autoras apresentam um relato de caso de recuperação nutricional de criança desnutrida, envolvida no Projeto de Recuperação Integral do Desnutrido implantado no Ambulatório de Pediatria do Hospital Universitário de Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul. Mostram a importância da atuação do enfermeiro como membro da equipe multiprofissional em projetos dessa natureza.
Neste artigo, discutimos implicações políticas e práticas vinculadas a diferentes interpretações do conceito atenção integral à saúde da mulher, tomando por referência a multidimensionalidade humana/feminina.
El resultado del TFC es una aplicación distribuida para gestionar varios departamentos de una red de concesionarios. El trabajo se ha realizado utilizando las tecnologías de la plataforma .NET de Microsoft.
OBJECTIVE.: Injection of opioids to the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) has been reported to provide pain relief in patients suffering from different kinds of neuropathic facial pain conditions, such as trigeminal neuralgia, postherpetic neuralgia, and atypical facial pain. The classic approach to the SCG is a transoral technique using a so-called "stopper" to prevent accidental carotid artery puncture. The main disadvantage of this technique is that the needle tip is positioned distant from the actual target, possibly impeding successful block of the SCG. A further limitation is that injection of local anesthetics due to potential carotid artery puncture is contraindicated. We hypothesized that the SCG can be identified and blocked using ultrasound imaging, potentially increasing precision of this technique. INTERVENTIONS.: In this pilot study, 20 US-guided simulated blocks of the SCG were performed in 10 human cadavers in order to determine the accuracy of this novel block technique. After injection of 0.1 mL of dye, the cadavers were dissected to evaluate the needle position and coloring of the SCG. RESULTS.: Nineteen of the 20 needle tips were located in or next to the SCG. This corresponded to a simulated block success rate of 95% (95% confidence interval 85-100%). In 17 cases, the SCG was completely colored, and in two cases, the caudal half of the SCG was colored with dye. CONCLUSIONS.: The anatomical dissections confirmed that our ultrasound-guided approach to the SCG is accurate. Ultrasound could become an attractive alternative to the "blind" transoral technique of SCG blocks.
Background : Port-related bloodstream infection (PRBSI) is a common complication associated with long-term use of ports systems. Systemic antimicrobial therapy (ST) and removal of the device is the standard management of PRBSI. However, a conservative management combining ST with antibiotic lock therapy (ALT) without port removal has been suggested as an alternative management option for infections due to gram-positive skin colonizers with low virulence.¦Objectives : i) to assess the frequency of management of PRBSI in onco-hematological patients by combining the ALT with ST, without catheter removal and ii) to analyze the efficacy of such an approach.¦Methods : Retrospective observational study over a 6-year period between 2005 and 2010, including patients who where diagnosed with PRBSI and who were treated with ST and ALT. PRBSI diagnosis consisted in clinical signs of bacteremia with blood cultures positive for gram-positive skin colonizers. The primary endpoint was failure to cure the PRBSI.¦Results : 61 port infections were analysed, of which 23 PRBSI met the inclusion criteria. All the patients were suffering from haematological conditions and 75% were neutropenic at the time of PRBSI diagnosis. S. epidermidis was responsible for 91% of PRBSI (21/23). The median duration of ST was 14 days (range 7-35) and the median duration of ALT was 15 days (range 8-41). Failure to cure the PRBSI requiring port removal was observed in 4 patients, but was not associated with severe infectious complications. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed a success rate in port salvage at day 180 (6 months) of 78% (95%CI 59-97%).¦Conclusion : The success rate observed in the present study suggests that combining ST and ALT is an effective option to conservatively treat PRBSI caused by pathogens of low virulence such as S. epidermidis.
El objetivo del proyecto es llevar a cabo el desarrollo de una herramienta que permita a las pequeñas y medianas empresas informatizar su gestión para acercarlas al e-business.
Aplicación de gestión de una empresa con varios concesionarios de reparación y venta de vehículos.
Nowadays, the joint exploitation of images acquired daily by remote sensing instruments and of images available from archives allows a detailed monitoring of the transitions occurring at the surface of the Earth. These modifications of the land cover generate spectral discrepancies that can be detected via the analysis of remote sensing images. Independently from the origin of the images and of type of surface change, a correct processing of such data implies the adoption of flexible, robust and possibly nonlinear method, to correctly account for the complex statistical relationships characterizing the pixels of the images. This Thesis deals with the development and the application of advanced statistical methods for multi-temporal optical remote sensing image processing tasks. Three different families of machine learning models have been explored and fundamental solutions for change detection problems are provided. In the first part, change detection with user supervision has been considered. In a first application, a nonlinear classifier has been applied with the intent of precisely delineating flooded regions from a pair of images. In a second case study, the spatial context of each pixel has been injected into another nonlinear classifier to obtain a precise mapping of new urban structures. In both cases, the user provides the classifier with examples of what he believes has changed or not. In the second part, a completely automatic and unsupervised method for precise binary detection of changes has been proposed. The technique allows a very accurate mapping without any user intervention, resulting particularly useful when readiness and reaction times of the system are a crucial constraint. In the third, the problem of statistical distributions shifting between acquisitions is studied. Two approaches to transform the couple of bi-temporal images and reduce their differences unrelated to changes in land cover are studied. The methods align the distributions of the images, so that the pixel-wise comparison could be carried out with higher accuracy. Furthermore, the second method can deal with images from different sensors, no matter the dimensionality of the data nor the spectral information content. This opens the doors to possible solutions for a crucial problem in the field: detecting changes when the images have been acquired by two different sensors.
This paper presents a first approach of Evaluation Engine Architecture (EEA) as proposal to support adaptive integral assessment, in the context of a virtual learning environment. The goal of our research is design an evaluation engine tool to assist in the whole assessment process within the A2UN@ project, linking that tool with the other key elements of a learning design (learning task, learning resources and learning support). The teachers would define the relation between knowledge, competencies, activities, resources and type of assessment. Providing this relation is possible obtain more accurate estimations of student's knowledge for adaptive evaluations and future recommendations. The process is supported by usage of educational standards and specifications and for an integral user modelling
A simple extended finite field nuclear relaxation procedure for calculating vibrational contributions to degenerate four-wave mixing (also known as the intensity-dependent refractive index) is presented. As a by-product one also obtains the static vibrationally averaged linear polarizability, as well as the first and second hyperpolarizability. The methodology is validated by illustrative calculations on the water molecule. Further possible extensions are suggested
In the static field limit, the vibrational hyperpolarizability consists of two contributions due to: (1) the shift in the equilibrium geometry (known as nuclear relaxation), and (2) the change in the shape of the potential energy surface (known as curvature). Simple finite field methods have previously been developed for evaluating these static field contributions and also for determining the effect of nuclear relaxation on dynamic vibrational hyperpolarizabilities in the infinite frequency approximation. In this paper the finite field approach is extended to include, within the infinite frequency approximation, the effect of curvature on the major dynamic nonlinear optical processes
In the finite field (FF) treatment of vibrational polarizabilities and hyperpolarizabilities, the field-free Eckart conditions must be enforced in order to prevent molecular reorientation during geometry optimization. These conditions are implemented for the first time. Our procedure facilities identification of field-induced internal coordinates that make the major contribution to the vibrational properties. Using only two of these coordinates, quantitative accuracy for nuclear relaxation polarizabilities and hyperpolarizabilities is achieved in π-conjugated systems. From these two coordinates a single most efficient natural conjugation coordinate (NCC) can be extracted. The limitations of this one coordinate approach are discussed. It is shown that the Eckart conditions can lead to an isotope effect that is comparable to the isotope effect on zero-point vibrational averaging, but with a different mass-dependence