998 resultados para família e qualidade de vida


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This research investigates the self-esteem of children who suffered physical violence by family members. Seven children took part in the research: three boys and four girls, aged between six and twelve years old. The analysis were done from the constructed data obtained from: semi-structured interview, activities about human feelings, activities that included facial expressions, unfinished phrases, Pinocchio s story, a drawing of a family and a drawing of their own family. Data were analyzed from the Content Analysis. The Thematic Units were: violence, intrafamily violence, and self-esteem. The synthesis of the categories studied evidenced that the physical violence and the psychological violence present in the lives of children affect the positive development of their self-concept and, consequently, of their self-esteem. Among the results, we emphasize some negative feelings that are present in children s lives such as fear, a sense of guilt, and sadness, arising out of the situations of violence they have experienced


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This research explores the meanings of family for institutionalized children. It identifies, more specifically, how the relationship between the child and his/ her family is. The field work was developed at a municipal shelter in Natal/RN, which houses children aged between 7 and 11 years old. The subjects of research consisted of three children: two boys and one girl. Besides age-group criterion, which facilitates the use of oral language and the procedures, we took into consideration another selection criterion: children whose family configurations were similar. In order to achieve the objectives, we used toys, pictures, collages and semi-structured interviews. Data were examined under the Thematic Content Analysis, with three thematic categories previously chosen: Configuration of geographic area, family composition and family s internal dynamics. Among the results, we highlight that, for children, the concept of family is based essentially on existence of affection ties, regardless of kinship. Through this study, we hope to contribute to the discussion on the rights of institutionalized children, concerning their need of experiencing family life and living in community


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The model of attention to health has been suffering alterations due to the difficulty faced to put into practice its universal, democratic and institutional layout. Since the movement of Sanitary Reform, which focused in the demands of a new health context and the process of work in the area of health, one seeks uninterruptedly, to find a way which leads to the execution of the principles of SUS. Despite having tried, the model of Sanitary Vigilance centered within the work of a multi-professional team has shown fragmentation and little adequacy to the necessity of health in the population. Whilst inserting himself in the field of health, the psychology professional has taken with him his clinic way of attending to individuals being one more in the team to act in a de-contextualised and little critical way. In virtue of this framework, the Ministry of Health invests in the Family Health Program as a new guide in the health system, restructuring the basic attention at a new logic of action. In this way, the municipality of Natal-RN implants, in the year 2002, the PSF in the Northern Sanitary District, a context in which professional teams are created where there is not an inclusion of a psychologist. Consequently, this professional is excluded of his work space in the previous Basic Unities of Health. This piece of work constitutes in the investigation of the implementation and instrumentalization of the Northern Sanitary District PSF of Natal-RN, having as its objective to analyze the implications of this execution for the structuring of the health network services and more specifically the alterations that this implementation could be making to the practice of the Psychology Professionals, emphasizing its advances, obstacles and limitations. To make this work feasible it was necessary to search for data and information from the implementation and execution of the PSF in the DSN, carrying interviews from a semi-structured guide, with 21 institutional actors (members of the team, coordinators and directors of the unities and psychologists)


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This thesis discusses family as a social and historical construction and concerns to the perceptions developed by the peripheral youth living in suburbs. It investigates the speeches of young boys and girls who take part in Engenho de sonhos a forum composed by a pool of eleven non-governmental organizations and UFRN which aim is the elaboration and execution of projects focusing local development of poor communities in violence and social exclusion context. Throughout interactive diagnosis seminars in five communities in West Side of Natal with six hundred teenagers, it was detected the need to work with family relationships. In order to build the methodological corpus a range variety of procedures were done such as: interviews, focal groups and psychosocial questionnaires with nine local young leaders. The purpose to understand data guided the research through the theory of social imagery and pointed out the following themes: conceptions, relationship, roles, family projects. Live stories of these young population reveals conflicts when it comes to the configuration of family ties, far from the family model stated by society. Family is also, in their perception, an important space to the development of affection, in experiences of all sorts, affecting personality development and determining behaviors in local contexts. The research concludes stating the urge to comprehend this academic work as a way to fight against symbolic and emotional poverty in family context producing discussions and critical reflection in a permanent relation between juvenile social vulnerability (characterized by lacks of all orders) and potential


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Numerous studies discuss the issue of adolescent in conflict with the law from the adolescent that committed infraction or from his perceptions. Taking into account the importance of the family in the life of all subject in development, this study sought the look of the families about the infraction of their adolescents under socio-educative measures. For this purpose, semi-open interviews were conducted with 20 families, ten of the boys and equal number of the girls. The institutions where the measures are applied in Natal / RN gave space for most family members to be interviewed. The data collected were arranged in tables and analyzed qualitatively following the socio-historical perspective. The survey revealed that the meanings attributed to the time of conflict with the law of the adolescents differ between the boys families and the girls . Most of the boys families see the infraction as a consequence of the influence of bad company, as a minor provocative of changes in the family s relations, left justified in a context marked by violence. Now for most part of the girls families, the infraction is seen as their responsibility, as generator of transformations within the family both emotional and economic , and inaugurates a search movement for conflicts resolutions. Through the testimonies of these families, it became evident that there was a family reality structured also by a conflicting social, economic and community context. Thus, before there is an infraction that demarcates the conflict in adolescence, there is a family in conflict.


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The Brazilian Ministry of Health regulated in 2008 the Family Health Support Nucleus (FHSN) as a device for support and complementarity to the Family Health Strategy. The FHSN, through the matrix support, potentiates the Family Health teams on dealing with a great variety of demands and activities that are under their responsibilities. It is structured in teams of professionals from various health specialties, among which is the mental health. In preliminary studies we noticed that the psychologists have been the main representatives of mental health professionals at the FHSN from Rio Grande do Norte (RN-Brazil). On this scenario, this study intends to problematize the professional practice of the psychologists who work at the FHSN teams in RN, regarding how their work is done, discussing it under the perspective of collective health and the directions for the basic health care on Brazilian s health system. Still as a goal, in more specific ways: identify the forms of professional insertion of the psychologists in this field; characterize the work done by the psychologist at the FHSN (developed activities); and produce an analysis of the characteristics and limits of those actions, from theoretical and methodological references based on Marxian ontology. Were performed semistructured interviews with psychologists working in the oldest FHSN teams form RN. We conducted the analysis of the material following the blocks of information: determinants of the psychologist entry at the services, training for current practice; operation of FHSN; activities performed by FHSN team and the psychologist; joint actions; and limits of psychology practice in the FHSN. An important result, we observed the little articulation of practicing between the psychology and other professionals and teams, further indicating the prevalence of the traditional medical model (individual and outpatient) as guidance of their performance instead of the matrix logic that is the foundation of the proposed action for the FHSN. We also emphasize the potential of psychologists actions at the FHSN on contributing to the achievement of comprehensive care


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Guided by the social-historical perspective, this research aimed to understand how the adolescents in Assisted Freedom measure have meaning the family institution. The Pastoral Minor, located in the city of Natal, was chosen as space of investigation, whose social-educative program is the source of our concerns about the attendance of adolescents in conflict with law. The corpus was accomplished, mainly, through the individual semi- structured interview with four adolescents and seven of their relatives that participated of the research. We use another instruments to constitute the corpus, like the documental research of the technical reports on the participants of program files, and the registered notes in the field diary. As resource to data treatment, we use the Thematic Content Analysis. The data discussion was focused on the three thematic units that emerged: Family, Social-Educational Measure, Family and Social-Educational Measure. On the adolescents perspective, the family configures as a group based on the existence of affective bonds. Despite of the vulnerability of their familiar reality and their wish for freedom with their peers, the affective bonds revealed it as being important in their lives. This study, glimpse possibilities to contribute for the construction of public politics and attendance programs, that can be closer of the social-familiar reality of the adolescents who are in conflict with the law and, in this case, to promote their access to the statute of subjects of rights


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The Family Scolarship Program while public politics of intersectorial form developed by Social Development Department and Famine Combat having with partner the Education Department and Health Department inaugurate in the country a new integrity way of the public politics, reinforcing a precept of 2004 Social Protection National Politics (PNAS 2004) that places the social protection while allied to the social and human development. The research INCOME TRANSFER AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT: the family scolarship program in Pedra Grande-RN municipally had as aim to avaluate the permanent Family Scolarship Program as a possible element in local development of Pedra Grande-RN municipally understood as capacity expansion and improvement of life quality from its users. For this means we elaborate specifically the families` socio-economical profile; we avaluate the program repercussion in these families` lives; we analyse in which proportion occurred the capacity expansion and improvement of life quality of the users. The methodologic process was constituted by: literarture review about Income Transfer, Social Vulnerability, Development and Public Politics Avaluation to the criation of a theoric picture analysis. The documental research joined to the Social Development Department and Famine Combat of Pedra Grande Municipally Hall to obtain of the aims, program goals, and the profile of users. And finally, carrying out the interviews with the managers and experts of the Municipally Program and focal groups with the users to avaluate the permanent of the Program starting by the points of view of those ones. It was verified that the program expand the capacity (food, consumer goods and services, bank services access and wages) and improvement in life quality of the users. Nevertheless, there are deficiencies in coming with conditionality and from the use of resources the by families users


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A Política Nacional de Saúde da Pessoa Idosa aponta a importância de: divulgação dos direitos da pessoa idosa; promoção do envelhecimento ativo e saudável; formação permanente dos profissionais de saúde e apoio ao desenvolvimento de estudos e pesquisas. São relatados resultados parciais do desenvolvimento de uma experiência de extensão universitária realizada em parceria e com a colaboração da rede de atenção básica. Dentre as atividades realizadas, objetivou-se desenvolver um processo grupal de promoção à saúde com pessoas idosas, tendo em vista o envelhecimento ativo e a qualidade de vida dessa população. Observou-se que as atividades em grupo consistiram em um espaço privilegiado para a constituição de redes de apoio, estabelecimento e ampliação de vínculos afetivos; reflexão e conscientização das determinações do processo saúde-doença; organização e mobilização para o efetivo controle social; além de ser um espaço de ensino-aprendizagem, orientação, intervenção e educação em saúde.


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE