999 resultados para espécimes-tipo


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Ilustração. Dimensão: 1324x1494. Tamanho: 118Kb.


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Curso de Tecnologia Sucroalcooleira. Disciplina de Tecnologia de Produção de Açúcar. Ilustração. Dimensão: 1752x839. Tamanho: 93Kb.


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Curso de Tecnologia Sucroalcooleira. Disciplina de Tecnologia de Produção de Açúcar. Ilustração. Dimensão: 1100x626. Tamanho: 72Kb.


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Curso de Tecnologia Sucroalcooleira. Disciplina de Tecnologia de Produção de Açúcar. Ilustração. Dimensão: 1289x491. Tamanho: 54Kb.


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O vídeo aborda conceitos de hidráulica, ressalta tópicos sobre pressões exigidas (dinâmica e estática) recomendadas pela norma, apresenta um caso prático de rede ramificada e finaliza com dimensionamento de todas as variáveis e equações pertinentes a esse cálculo.


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Nesta dissertação investigamos a problemática da criação de sistemas e interfaces que permitam a interacção entre pessoas e máquinas através de linguagem natural(LN), recorrendo a Gestores de Diálogo (GD). Esse tipo de interacção concretiza-se através do estabelecimento de diálogos entre uma pessoa (cliente ou utilizador de um serviço) e a máquina, por exemplo, e em particular, através da fala. Quando disponibilizado da forma tradicional, o acesso ao serviço exige um intermediário Humano ou a adaptação da Pessoa a interfaces menos naturais, tais como linhas de comandos num computador, digitadas através de teclado ou o recurso (usual) a janelas, cliques de rato e preenchimento de formulários. Os sistemas que possibilitam a intermediação com esses serviços através de LN chamam-se Sistemas de Diálogo (SD), no núcleo dos quais se encontram os chamados Gestores de Diálogo. A implementação de SDs robustos ainda constitui um desafio, dada a complexidade, problemas e dificuldades que apresenta. Um SD, e em particular um GD, tem de ser configurado para levar a cabo um diálogo em linguagem natural com um Humano, por mais restrito ou mais genérico que seja o domínio (ou tarefa) considerado. Infelizmente, existem poucas metodologias e ferramentas de autoria que possibilitem a modelação fácil e intuitiva de tais diálogos (sobre os GDs). Nesta dissertação apresentamos uma metodologia [Quintal & Sampaio, 2007] e uma ferramenta para a autoria de diálogos com base no Gestor de Diálogo MIDIKI [Burke, 2005b]. A ferramenta de autoria automatiza as partes mais importantes da geração de código com vista à execução de um diálogo nesse GD.


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A importância dos vãos envidraçados deve-se não só à sua contribuição para o isolamento térmico da habitação, mas também, por permitirem obter uma otimização dos ganhos solares, maximizando-os no inverno e minimizando-os no verão, contribuindo deste modo para a melhoria das condições de conforto e diminuição dos consumos energéticos. Sendo os vãos envidraçados elementos bastante favoráveis às trocas de calor, tornase necessário conhecer de que forma as diferentes soluções envidraçadas existentes no mercado, e proteções solares/oclusão noturna, podem influenciar o desempenho térmico dos edifícios. Com a crescente tendência de utilização do vidro na construção torna-se ainda mais importante uma escolha criteriosa das soluções para os vãos envidraçados. Este trabalho contribui para a avaliação da influência do tipo de envidraçados e da inércia térmica dos materiais, na prevenção de situações de sobreaquecimento no verão, com base no RCCTE (Regulamento das Características de Comportamento Térmico dos Edifícios), bem como para identificar a melhor relação custo/benefício das soluções. Como caso de estudo, considerou-se uma moradia unifamiliar, simulando diferentes soluções envidraçadas e analisado o seu impacto na moradia. A metodologia consistiu numa análise paramétrica e económica, sustentada no RCCTE e direcionada para a influência dos envidraçados na prevenção do sobreaquecimento no verão. Para a análise da viabilidade económica das soluções propostas, recorreu-se à metodologia definida pela ADENE (Agência para a Energia), pelo cálculo dos custos de exploração e períodos de retorno do investimento, e também o método VAL (Valor Atual Líquido) que pressupõe uma análise do investimento ao longo do tempo. Com este trabalho, conclui-se que um projeto cuidado dos vãos envidraçados e uma seleção criteriosa dos elementos construtivos, aliados a uma análise inerente ao custo/benefício, contribui significativamente para a escolha adequada das soluções construtivas a adotar, de forma a privilegiar o conforto térmico, o desempenho energético dos edifícios e a conservação de energia.


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The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse the importance of the huts of Praia do Futuro to their users and to the city of Fortaleza in Ceará through the comprehension of relations between morphological categories - in urban and edified contexts - of the establishments and their use patterns. This place is one of the main recreation and leisure areas of the city, formed by six kilometres of waterfront, corresponding to a differentiated area through the coast. This space has beach huts with varied profiles: while some more simple huts persist, great complexes are being developed, building even water parks on the beach area. This study analyses relations between:i) spatial configuration (in geometric and mainly topological terms) based on the Social Logic of Space; ii) edified typology (analysing capacity, landscap treatment and program of the huts); and iii) use and environmental perception of the beach by its frequenters. There are consistent relations between the type of hut and their localization in the urban grid, of which were identified groups with different patterns: segregated (north, central and south) and integrated (north: more integrated. and south: less integrated). Such relations also reflect, in varied patterns of use and environmental perception. In spite of their strong economy, the beach huts find themselves in a fragile legal situation because they occupy the beach area, so that this study may come to assist the decision-making for the future of the region. For a sustainable development of the area by those responsible and managers it is necessary to evaluate the cultural importance of the huts at Praia do Futuro, understanding their occupation and uses.


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Nowadays the acquisition of sustainable elements and concepts in construction has been increasingly discussed, improved and incorporated to buildings, since the sector directly interferes in the urban space and environment, representing environmental impact. In order to make a sustainable building (Green Building) it is vital to incorporate less damaging constructive practice, starting from the project until the operation of the enterprise, that means to consider an integrated process of conception, implementation, construction and operation. The more effective sustainable principles participation in architecture happens at the projecting step through minimal environment impact solutions. Among the issues varieties that goes with sustainability proposal of the buildings project, there were added to this work the elements that are directly attached to bioclimatic architecture, more specifically the climate variation, ventilation, lighting and sunlight, that directly affect the project conception. It is important to put in evidence that architecture role goes far beyond the simple activity of building spaces; it is the sequence of political, economic, social and cultural elements, having the users as the main apparatus to its materialization. Thereby this professional dissertation consists of an architecture draft for a professional and technological school in the Rio Grande do Norte State, this dissertation is based on the analysis of previous experience and the bioclimatic principles that implicate in building on hot and dry, hot and humid climates, and the use of strategic solutions that aim the optimization of natural light and ventilation


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Knowledge of the environmental factors influence on the spatial-temporal variation of fishes is important to fisheries management and conservation. Thus, the aim of this work was to analyze the influence of the abiotical factors on the spatial-temporal distribution of Paralonchurus brasiliensis (Pisces, Sciaenidae) caught by-catch with the shrimp fishing of Ubatuba and Caraguatatuba regions, north coast of São Paulo State. The fishes were captured every month from January to December 2002. Samples were collected by otter trawl at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35m depths. The temperatures (surface and bottom), salinities (surface and bottom), sediment features and organic matters were verified for each depth. During all period of the study 12.642 specimens of P. brasiliensis were captured at Ubatuba and 17.166 at Caraguatatuba, which totalized the biomass of 267 for the first and 339kg for the other region. The females outnumbered males in fish population. The greatest values of biomass and number of individuals were registered at the summer and autumn seasons, while the lowest values were observed at the winter and spring seasons. The greatest abundances were found from 15 to 25m depth. In this study, it was verified that P. brasiliensis is a coastal waters associate species. The spatialtemporal distribution of P. brasiliensis is affected by intrusion of SACW and depth for the coastal region and by depth and sediment in sheltered areas such as Caraguatatuba


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The species psaroniocompsa incrustata (Lutz, 1910) was studied in relation to its abundance in different and seasonal periods, the physico-chemical of the breending ground and the fauna predation added to the immature of the species. The study was developed during eight months, from April to July, 2005 (rainy season) and from October, 2005 to January, 2006 (drought season), in one natural breending ground situated in the Pium river, that is part of the hydrographical basin of the Pirangi river in Rio Grande do Norte. The immature of Simuliidae were collected manually in vegetal substrate. At the same place, it was made one sampling of the associated fauna using Suber collectors and the measurement of the environment variants. It was also made one analysis of the stomach content of possible enemies of the simulídeos, to observe the predation of the associated fauna. It was collected 7.713 samples, all from de species P. Incrustata, it was observed a bigger abundance in the drought season, and the entomologic fauna associated totalizing 20.1314 species, distributed in the kinds: Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Trichoptera, e Hemiptera, with a bigger representativity of Dipteros. The analysis of the stomach content of the species from the families Libellulidae and Hydropsychidae showed the presence of the simulídeos in only 4% of the material analysed, therefore it was not confirmed the presence of one efficient biological control of the simulídeos in this breending ground


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Serines proteinases inhibitors (PIs) are widely distributed in nature and are able to inhibit both in vitro and in vivo enzymatic activites. Seed PIs in than leguminous are classified in seven families, Bowman-Birk and Kunitz type families that most studied representing an important role in the first line of defense toward insects pests. Some Kunitz type inhibitors possess activities serine and cysteine for proteinases named bifunctional inhibitor, as ApTKI the inhibitor isolate from seed of Adenanthera pavonina. The A. pavonina inhibitor presenting the uncommon property and was used for interaction studies between proteinases serine (trypsin) and cysteine (papain). In order to determinate the in vitro interaction of ApTKI against enzymes inhibitor purification was carried cut by using chromatographic techniques and inhibition assays. The 3D model of the bifunctional inhibitor ApTKI was constructed SWISS-MODEL program by homology modeling using soybean trypsin inhibitor (STI, pdb:1ba7), as template which presented 40% of identity to A. pavonina inhibitor. Model quality was evaluated by PROCHECK program. Moreover in silico analyzes of formed complex between the enzymes and ApTKI was evaluated by HEX 4.5 program. In vitro results confirmed the inhibitory assays, where the inhibitor presented the ability to simultaneously inhibit trypsin and papain. The residues encountered in the inhibitor model of folder structural three-dimensional that make contact to enzymes target coud explain the specificity pattern against serine and cysteine proteinases


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A chymotrypsin inhibitor was purified from Erythrina velutina seeds by ammonium sulphate fractionation, affinities chromatographies on Trypsin-Sepharose, Quimotrypsin-Sepharose and reversed phase C-18 FPLC/AKTA system. The inhibitor, named EvCI, shown molecular mass of 17 kDa, as determined by SDSPAGE. 2D-PAGE showed four isoinhibitors with pI values of 4,42, 4,63, 4,83 and 5,06, with molecular mass of 17 kDa each. The aminoacid sequence of EvCI was determined by MALDI-TOF-MS and showed a high similarity with other Kunitz-type inhibitor of Erythrina variegata. EvCI competitively inhibited chymotrypsin, with Ki of 4 x10-8 M, but did not inhibited trypsin, pancreatic elastase, bromelain and papain. The inhibitory activity of EvCI was stable over wide pH and temperature ranges. In the presence of DTT 100 mM for 120 min, EvCI lost 50 % of activity. Cytotoxicity was studied in HeLa, MDA, HepG2, K562 and PC3 cells after 72-h incubation period. EvCl inhibited HeLa cells growth with an IC50 value of 50 μg/ml. Subsequent studies in HeLa cells analysis of cell death by annexin V/PI double-staining and cell cycle, using flow cytometry. The results provide evidence for a cytostatic activity of EvCl and support further studies on potential application of this inhibitors as an antiproliferative agent in combined therapy against cervical cancer


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Heparin is a pharmaceutical animal widely used in medicine due to its potent anticoagulant effect. Furthermore, it has the ability to inhibit the proliferation, invasion and adhesion of cancer cells to vascular endothelium. However, its clinical applicability can be compromised by side effects such as bleeding. Thus, the search for natural compounds with low bleeding risk and possible therapeutic applicability has been targeted by several research groups. From this perspective, this study aims to evaluate the hemorrhagic and anticoagulant activities and citotoxic effect for different tumor cell lines (HeLa, B16-F10, HepG2, HS-5,) and fibroblast cells (3T3) of the Heparin-like from the crab Chaceon fenneri (HEP-like). The HEP-like was purified after proteolysis, ion-exchange chromatography, fractionation with acetone and characterized by electrophoresis (agarose gel) and enzymatic degradation. Hep-like showed eletroforetic behavior similar to mammalian heparin, and high trisulfated /Nacetylated disaccharides ratio. In addition, HEP-like presented low in vitro anticoagulant activity using aPTT and a minor hemorrhagic effect when compared to mammalian heparin. Furthermore, the HEP-like showed significant cytotoxic effect (p<0.001) on HeLa, HepG2 and B16-F10 tumor cells with IC50 values of 1000 ug/mL, after incubation for 72 hours. To assess the influence of heparin-like on the cell cycle in HeLa cells, analysis was performed by flow cytometry. The results of this analysis showed that HEP-like influence on the cell cycle increasing S phase and decreasing phase G2. Thus, these properties of HEP-like make these compounds potential therapeutic agents


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Heparin, a sulfated polysaccharide, was the first compound used as an anticoagulant and antithrombotic agent. Due to their structural characteristics, also has great potential anti-inflammatory, though such use is limited in inflammation because of their marked effects on coagulation. The occurrence of heparin-like compounds that exhibit anticoagulant activity decreased in aquatic invertebrates, such as crab Goniopsis cruentata, sparked interest for the study of such compounds as anti-inflammatory drugs. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the potential modulator of heparin-like compound extracted from Goniopsis cruentata in inflammatory events, coagulation, and to evaluate some aspects of its structure. The heparin-type compound had a high degree of N-sulphation in its structure, being able to reduce leukocyte migration into the peritoneal cavity at lower doses compared to heparin and diclofenac sodium (anti-inflammatory commercial). Furthermore, it was also able to inhibit the production of nitric oxide and tumor necrosis factor alpha by activated macrophages, inhibited the activation of the enzyme neutrophil elastase in low concentrations and showed a lower anticoagulant effect in high doses as compared to porcine mucosal heparin. Because of these observations, the compound extracted from crab Goniopsis cruentata can be used as a structural model for future anti-inflammatory agents