951 resultados para error-location number
The use of energy harvesting (EH) nodes as cooperative relays is a promising and emerging solution in wireless systems such as wireless sensor networks. It harnesses the spatial diversity of a multi-relay network and addresses the vexing problem of a relay's batteries getting drained in forwarding information to the destination. We consider a cooperative system in which EH nodes volunteer to serve as amplify-and-forward relays whenever they have sufficient energy for transmission. For a general class of stationary and ergodic EH processes, we introduce the notion of energy constrained and energy unconstrained relays and analytically characterize the symbol error rate of the system. Further insight is gained by an asymptotic analysis that considers the cases where the signal-to-noise-ratio or the number of relays is large. Our analysis quantifies how the energy usage at an EH relay and, consequently, its availability for relaying, depends not only on the relay's energy harvesting process, but also on its transmit power setting and the other relays in the system. The optimal static transmit power setting at the EH relays is also determined. Altogether, our results demonstrate how a system that uses EH relays differs in significant ways from one that uses conventional cooperative relays.
An a priori error analysis of discontinuous Galerkin methods for a general elliptic problem is derived under a mild elliptic regularity assumption on the solution. This is accomplished by using some techniques from a posteriori error analysis. The model problem is assumed to satisfy a GAyenrding type inequality. Optimal order L (2) norm a priori error estimates are derived for an adjoint consistent interior penalty method.
Lamb-wave-based damage detection methods using the triangulation technique are not suitable for handling structures with complex shapes and discontinuities as the parametric/analytical representation of these structures is very difficult. The geodesic concept is used along with the triangulation technique to overcome the above problem. The present work is based on the fundamental fact that a wave takes the minimum energy path to travel between two points on any multiply connected surface and this reduces to the shortest distance path or geodesic. The geodesics are computed on the meshed surface of the structure using the fast marching method. The wave response matrix of the given sensor configuration for the healthy and the damaged structure is obtained experimentally. The healthy and damage response matrices are compared and their difference gives the time information about the reflection of waves from the damage. A wavelet transform is used to extract the arrival time information of the wave scattered by the damage from the acquired Lamb wave signals. The computed geodesics and time information are used in the ellipse algorithm of triangulation formulation to locate the loci of possible damage location points for each actuator-sensor pair. The results obtained for all actuator-sensor pairs are combined and the intersection of multiple loci gives the damage location result. Experiments were conducted in aluminum and composite plate specimens to validate this method.
The radiative impact of aerosols is one of the largest sources of uncertainty in estimating anthropogenic climate perturbations. Here we have used independent ground-based radiometer measurements made simultaneously with comprehensive measurements of aerosol microphysical and optical properties at a highly populated urban site, Bangalore (13.02 degrees N, 77.6 degrees E) in southern India during a dedicated campaign during winter of 2004 and summer and pre-monsoon season of 2005. We have also used longer term measurements carried out at this site to present general features of aerosols over this region. The aerosol radiative impact assessments were made from direct measurements of ground reaching irradiance as well as by incorporating measured aerosol properties into a radiative transfer model. Large discrepancies were observed between measured and modeled (using radiative transfer models, which employed measured aerosol properties) radiative impacts. It appears that the presence of elevated aerosol layers and (or) inappropriate description of aerosol state of mixing are (is) responsible for the discrepancies. On a monthly scale reduction of surface irradiance due to the presence of aerosols (estimated using radiative flux measurements) varies from 30 to 65 W m(-2). The lowest values in surface radiative impact were observed during June when there is large reduction in aerosol as a consequence of monsoon rainfall. Large increase in aerosol-induced surface radiative impact was observed from winter to summer. Our investigations re-iterate the inadequacy of aerosol measurements at the surface alone and importance of representing column properties (using vertical profiles) accurately in order to assess aerosol-induced climate changes accurately. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Energiataseen mallinnus on osa KarjaKompassi-hankkeeseen liittyvää kehitystyötä. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli kehittää lypsylehmän energiatasetta etukäteen ennustavia ja tuotoskauden aikana saatavia tietoja hyödyntäviä matemaattisia malleja. Selittävinä muuttujina olivat dieetti-, rehu-, maitotuotos-, koelypsy-, elopaino- ja kuntoluokkatiedot. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin 12 Suomessa tehdyistä 8 – 28 laktaatioviikon pituisesta ruokintakokeesta, jotka alkoivat heti poikimisen jälkeen. Mukana olleista 344 lypsylehmästä yksi neljäsosa oli friisiläis- ja loput ayshire-rotuisia. Vanhempien lehmien päätiedosto sisälsi 2647 havaintoa (koe * lehmä * laktaatioviikko) ja ensikoiden 1070. Aineisto käsiteltiin SAS-ohjelmiston Mixed-proseduuria käyttäen ja poikkeavat havainnot poistettiin Tukeyn menetelmällä. Korrelaatioanalyysillä tarkasteltiin energiataseen ja selittävien muuttujien välisiä yhteyksiä. Energiatase mallinnettiin regressioanalyysillä. Laktaatiopäivän vaikutusta energiataseeseen selitettiin viiden eri funktion avulla. Satunnaisena tekijänä mallissa oli lehmä kokeen sisällä. Mallin sopivuutta aineistoon tarkasteltiin jäännösvirheen, selitysasteen ja Bayesin informaatiokriteerin avulla. Parhaat mallit testattiin riippumattomassa aineistossa. Laktaatiopäivän vaikutusta energiataseeseen selitti hyvin Ali-Schaefferin funktio, jota käytettiin perusmallina. Kaikissa energiatasemalleissa vaihtelu kasvoi laktaatioviikosta 12. alkaen, kun havaintojen määrä väheni ja energiatase muuttui positiiviseksi. Ennen poikimista käytettävissä olevista muuttujista dieetin väkirehuosuus ja väkirehun syönti-indeksi paransivat selitysastetta ja pienensivät jäännösvirhettä. Ruokinnan onnistumista voidaan seurata maitotuotoksen, maidon rasvapitoisuuden ja rasva-valkuaissuhteen tai EKM:n sisältävillä malleilla. EKM:n vakiointi pienensi mallin jäännösvirhettä. Elopaino ja kuntoluokka olivat heikkoja selittäjiä. Malleja voidaan hyödyntää karjatason ruokinnan suunnittelussa ja seurannassa, mutta yksittäisen lehmän energiataseen ennustamiseen ne eivät sovellu.
We present a low-complexity algorithm based on reactive tabu search (RTS) for near maximum likelihood (ML) detection in large-MIMO systems. The conventional RTS algorithm achieves near-ML performance for 4-QAM in large-MIMO systems. But its performance for higher-order QAM is far from ML performance. Here, we propose a random-restart RTS (R3TS) algorithm which achieves significantly better bit error rate (BER) performance compared to that of the conventional RTS algorithm in higher-order QAM. The key idea is to run multiple tabu searches, each search starting with a random initial vector and choosing the best among the resulting solution vectors. A criterion to limit the number of searches is also proposed. Computer simulations show that the R3TS algorithm achieves almost the ML performance in 16 x 16 V-BLAST MIMO system with 16-QAM and 64-QAM at significantly less complexities than the sphere decoder. Also, in a 32 x 32 V-BLAST MIMO system, the R3TS performs close to ML lower bound within 1.6 dB for 16-QAM (128 bps/Hz), and within 2.4 dB for 64-QAM (192 bps/Hz) at 10(-3) BER.