956 resultados para equipamentos
Concern for the environment and the exploitation of natural resources has motivated the development of research in lignocellulosic materials, mainly from plant fibers. The major attraction of these materials include the fact that the fibers are biodegradable, they are a renewable natural resource, low cost and they usually produce less wear on equipment manufacturing when compared with synthetic fibers. Its applications are focused on the areas of technology, including automotive, aerospace, marine, civil, among others, due to the advantageous use in economic and ecological terms. Therefore, this study aims to characterize and analyze the properties of plant fiber macambira (bromelia laciniosa), which were obtained in the municipality of Ielmo Marino, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, located in the region of the Wasteland Potiguar. The characterization of the fiber is given by SEM analysis, tensile test, TG, FTIR, chemical analysis, in addition to obtaining his title and density. The results showed that the extraction of the fibers, only 0.5% of the material is converted into fibers. The results for title and density were satisfactory when compared with other fibers of the same nature. Its structure is composed of microfibrils and its surface is roughened. The cross section has a non-uniform geometry, therefore, it is understood that its diameter is variable along the entire fiber. Values for tensile strength were lower than those of sisal fibers and curauá. The degradation temperature remained equivalent to the degradation temperatures of other vegetable fibers. In FTIR analysis showed that the heat treatment may be an alternative to making the fiber hydrophobic, since, at high temperature can remove the hemicellulose layer, responsible for moisture absorption. Its chemical constitution is endowed with elements of polar nature, so their moisture is around 8.5% which is equivalent to the percentage of moisture content of hydrophilic fibers. It can be concluded that the fiber macambira stands as an alternative materials from renewable sources and depending on the actual application and purpose, it may achieve satisfactory results
The plasma produced by Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) is a promising technique for producing plasma in atmospheric pressure and has been highlighted in several areas, especially in biomedical and textile industry, this is due to the fact that the plasma generated by DBD not reaches high temperatures, enabling use it for thermally sensitive materials. But still it is necessary the development of research related to understanding of the chemical, physical and biological interaction between the non-thermal plasma at atmospheric pressure with cells, tissues, organs and organisms. This work proposes to develop equipment DBD and characterize it in order to obtain a better understanding of the process parameters of plasma production and how it behaves under the parameters adopted in the process, such as distance, frequency and voltage applied between electrodes. For this purpose two techniques were used to characterize distinct from each other. The first was the method of Lissajous figures, this technique is quite effective and accurately for complete electrical characterization equipment DBD. The second technique used was Optical Emission Spectroscopy (EEO) very effective tool for the diagnosis of plasma with it being possible to identify the excited species present in the plasma produced. Finally comparing the data obtained by the two techniques was possible to identify a set of parameters that optimize the production when combined DBD plasma atmosphere in the equipment was built precisely in this condition 0.5mm-15kV 600Hz, giving way for further work
The proposed design provides a solar furnace alternative, box-like, low-cost operation to be used in cooking, comprising three scrap tires to make the recycling thereof. The tires were coupled to each other, forming an enclosure, which stood on its bottom covered by a parable multiple mirrors made from a urupema (sieve indigenous) and the inner sides of the oven aluminum sheet painted black, obtained from beer cans, thus being made to obtain the increase in the concentration of solar radiation incident on the inside of the prototype studied. Two tires were attached, leaving an air layer between them, with the function of thermal insulation. The third tire aimed to support the other two and thermally insulate the bottom of the oven. Externally was placed a metal frame with flat mirrors to reflect the incident rays into the oven, having a mobility to correct the apparent motion of the sun. Its primary feature is the viability of clean, renewable energy to society by tackling the ecological damage caused by the large-scale use of wood for cooking food. The tests show that the furnace reached the maximum temperature of 123.8 °C and baking various foods such as pizza, bun, and other lasagne in an average time 50 minutes. Proves the feasibility of using the oven. Presenting still able to improve their performance with the addition of new materials, equipment and techniques
Cotton is a hydrofilic textile fiber and, for this reason, it changes its properties according to the environment changes. Moisture and Temperature are the two most important factors that lead a cotton Spinning sector and influence its quality. Those two properties can change the entire Spinning process. Understanding this, moisture and temperature must be kept under control when used during the Spinning process, once the environment is hot and dry, the cotton yarns absorb moisture and lose the minimal consistency. According to this information, this paper was developed testing four types of cotton yarns, one kind of cotton from Brazil and the others from Egypt. The yarns were exposed to different temperatures and moisture in five different tests and in each test, six samples that were examined through physical and mechanical tests: resistance, strength, tenacity, yarn´s hairness, yarn´s evenness and yarn´s twisting. All the analysis were accomplished at Laboratório de Mecânica dos Fluídos and at COATS Corrente S.A., where, it was possible to use the equipments whose were fundamental to develop this paper, such as the STATIMAT ME that measures strength, tenacity, Zweigler G566, that measure hairiness in the yarn, a skein machine and a twisting machine. The analysis revealed alterations in the yarn´s characteristics in a direct way, for example, as moisture and temperature were increased, the yarn´s strength, tenacity and hairness were increased as well. Having the results of all analysis, it is possible to say that a relatively low temperature and a high humidity, cotton yarns have the best performance
The continuous development of instruments and equipment used as tools or torque measurement in the industry is demanding more accurate techniques in the use of this kind instrumentation, including development of metrological characteristics in torque measurement. The same happens with the needs in calibration services. There is a diversity of methods of hand torque tools in the market with different measuring range but without complaining with technical standards in terms of requirements of quality and reliability. However, actually there is no choice of a torque measuring standard that fulfils, with low cost, the needs for the calibration of hand torque tools in a large number of ranges. The objective of this thesis is to show the development and evaluation of a torque measuring standard device with a conception to allow the calibration of hand torque tools with three levels of torque with an single instrument, promoting reduction of costs and time in the calibration, also offering reliability for the evaluation of torque measuring instrument. To attend the demand in the calibration of hand torque tools it is necessary that the calibration laboratories have a big collection of torque measuring standards, to fulfills the needs of the costumer, what is very costly. The development of this type of torque measuring standard revealed a viable technique and economically making possible the calibration of hand torque tools in different nominal ranges through a single measurement system versatile, efficient and of easy operation
The use of the natural gas is growing year after year in the whole world and also in Brazil. It is verified that in the last five years the profile of natural gas consumption reached a great advance and investments had been carried through in this area. In the oil industry, the use of the natural gas for fuel in the drive of engines is usual for a long date. It is also used to put into motion equipment, or still, to generate electric power. Such engines are based on the motor cycle of combustion Otto, who requires a natural gas with well definite specification, conferring characteristic anti-detonating necessary to the equipment performance for projects based on this cycle. In this work, process routes and thermodynamic conditions had been selected and evaluated. Based on simulation assays carried out in commercial simulators the content of the methane index of the effluent gas were evaluated at various ranges of pressure, temperature, flowrate, molecular weight and chemical nature and composition of the absorbent. As final result, it was established a route based on process efficiency, optimized consumption of energy and absorbent. Thereby, it serves as base for the compact equipment conception to be used in locu into the industry for the removal of hydrocarbon from the natural gas produced
A pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de verificar a possibilidade de uso da máquina de pré-limpeza, da máquina de limpeza e classificação (ventiladores e peneiras) e da mesa densimétrica para o beneficiamento de sementes de café e, paralelamente, avaliar seus efeitos na qualidade física do lote. Para essa finalidade, um lote de sementes de café arábica 'Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62' foi submetido ao beneficiamento nesses três equipamentos, em diversas combinações. As frações retidas pelas peneiras 22/64 e 20/64 avos de polegada, na máquina de ventiladores e peneiras, constituíram a maior parte do lote e foram processadas, separadamente, em mesa densimétrica. Foram realizadas avaliações de pureza física, massa de mil sementes, peso hectolítrico, teor de água, tipos de sementes predominantes e integridade do endocarpo. Observou-se que: a) A máquina de pré-limpeza, a máquina de ventiladores e peneiras e a mesa densimétrica foram eficientes para a homogeneização do lote de sementes de café, proporcionando obtenção de melhor qualidade física na seqüência operacional em que foram utilizadas de forma conjugada; b) O uso de peneiras com crivos oblongos e crivos circulares, intercaladas na máquina de ventiladores e peneiras, possibilitou a separação de sementes mocas, de sementes com resíduos de exocarpo aderidos ao endocarpo e de sementes desprovidas de endocarpo, melhorando a aparência do lote; c) A mesa densimétrica foi o equipamento que proporcionou melhor separação de sementes com endocarpo danificado, bem como alterações favoráveis à qualidade física do lote; d) As sementes pequenas, retidas nas menores peneiras da máquina de ventiladores e peneiras, e as sementes de menor massa específica, classificadas ou não por tamanho e coletadas na descarga inferior da mesa densimétrica, foram as de baixa qualidade física.
Considerando-se a escassez de informações sobre o beneficiamento mecanizado de sementes de café, realizou-se este trabalho para estudar seus efeitos na qualidade fisiológica das sementes de café arábica. Um lote de sementes de 'Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62' foi submetido à ação de máquina de pré-limpeza, máquina de ventiladores e peneiras e mesa densimétrica, em diversas combinações, e as sementes foram avaliadas quanto à germinação e ao vigor (envelhecimento acelerado, emergência de plântulas, altura e massa de matéria seca de plântulas e mudas). O teor de água das sementes também foi determinado. Utilizou-se o delineamento estatístico de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, e o teste de Tukey a 5% para comparação de médias. Concluiu-se que: a) a qualidade fisiológica das sementes foi aprimorada à medida que o lote passou por equipamentos específicos no beneficiamento, culminando com a melhor qualidade na seqüência operacional em que o lote foi submetido à ação da máquina de ventiladores e peneiras e mesa densimétrica; b) a mesa densimétrica, associada à máquina de ventiladores e peneiras, foi o equipamento que proporcionou a melhor separação de materiais que interferem negativamente na qualidade fisiológica das sementes; c) as sementes maiores e/ou mais pesadas tiveram qualidade fisiológica superior, e as sementes mocas graúdas, qualidade fisiológica similar à das sementes chatas graúdas; d) o descarte das frações do lote constituídas por sementes pequenas ou de menor densidade possibilitou a obtenção de lotes homogêneos e com alta qualidade fisiológica, favorecendo a obtenção de mudas mais vigorosas.
O efeito de diversas tecnologias de aplicação foi avaliado sobre a concentração, viabilidade e eficácia dos juvenis infectantes dos nematóides Heterorhabditis indica Poinar, Karunakar & David (IBCB-n5) e Steinernema sp. (IBCB-n6) no controle da lagarta-do-cartucho Spodoptera frugiperda Smith na cultura do milho. Para o controle da lagarta-do-cartucho no terceiro estádio em placas de Petri foram necessários 280 juvenis infectantes de Steinernema sp., enquanto que 400 juvenis infectantes de H. indica controlaram apenas 75% das lagartas. Podem-se pulverizar os entomopatógenos, sem que haja perda significativa na sua concentração e viabilidade, com equipamentos que forneçam carga elétrica à calda, ponta centrífuga e pontas hidráulicas. Entretanto, o emprego de pulverizadores com pontas que requerem elementos filtrantes com malha igual a 100 resultou em decréscimo na concentração de juvenis infectantes de H. indica e Steinernema sp., de 28% e 53%, respectivamente. Os tensoativos organosiliconado e etoxilados não afetaram a viabilidade dos juvenis infectantes de Steinernema sp. Nos experimentos de pulverização em plantas de milho (V6) com Steinernema sp., doses equivalentes a até 288 milhões de juvenis infectantes por hectare, diluídos em volume de calda de até 800 L ha-1 com 0,01 % do tensoativo etoxilado, ou nesse volume seguido de exposição a chuva artificial (lâmina de água de 6 mm), não foram suficientes para o controle de S. frugiperda em casa-de-vegetação.
The formation of paraffin deposits is common in the petroleum industry during production, transport and treatment stages. It happens due to modifications in the thermodynamic variables that alter the solubility of alkanes fractions present in petroleum. The deposition of paraffin can provoke significant and growing petroleum losses, arriving to block the flow, hindering to the production. This process is associated with the phases equilibrium L-S and the stages and nucleation, growth and agglomeration the crystals. That process is function of petroleum intrinsic characteristics and temperature and pressure variations, during production. Several preventive and corrective methods are used to control the paraffin crystallization, such as: use of chemical inhibitors, hot solvents injection, use of termochemistry reactions, and mechanical removal. But for offshore exploration this expensive problem needs more investigation. Many studies have been carried through Wax Appearance Temperature (WAT) of paraffin; therefore the formed crystals are responsible for the modification of the reologics properties of the oil, causing a lot off operational problems. From the determination of the WAT of a system it is possible to affirm if oil presents or not trend to the formation of organic deposits, making possible to foresee and to prevent problems of wax crystallization. The solvent n-paraffin has been widely used as fluid of perforation, raising the production costs when it is used in the removal paraffin deposits, needing an operational substitute. This study aims to determine the WAT of paraffin and the interference off additives in its reduction, being developed system paraffin/solvent/surfactant that propitiates the wax solubilization. Crystallization temperatures in varied paraffin concentrations and different solvents were established in the first stage of the experiments. In the second stage, using the methodology of variation of the photoelectric signal had been determined the temperature of crystallization of the systems and evaluated the interferences of additives to reduction of the WAT. The experimental results are expressed in function of the variations of the photoelectric signals during controlled cooling, innovating and validating this new methodology to determine WAT, relatively simple with relation the other applied that involve specific equipments and of high cost. Through the curves you differentiate of the results had been also identified to the critical stages of growth and agglomeration of the crystals that represent to the saturation of the system, indicating difficulties of flow due to the increase of the density
The rotary dryer is one of the most used equipments in processing industries. Its automatic control mode of operation is important specially to keep the moisture content of the final product in the desired value. The classical control strategies, like PID (proportional integral derivative) control, are largely used in the industrial sector because of its robustness and because they are easy to be implemented. In this work, a data acquisition system was implemented for monitoring the most relevant process variables, like: both inlet and outlet drying air temperature, dryer rotation, outlet air speed and humidity, and mass of the final product. Openloop tests were realized to identify a mathematical model able to represent the drying process for the rotary system. From this model, a PID controller was tuned using a direct synthesis method, assuming a first order trajectory. The PID controller was implemented in the system in order to control the inlet drying air temperature. By the end, closedloop tests (operating in automatic mode) were realized to observe the controller performance, and, after setting the best tune, experiments were realized using passion fruit seeds as raw material. The experiments realized in closedloop showed a satisfactory performance by the implemented control strategy for the drying air temperature of the rotary system