978 resultados para environmental communication
Growing Iowa’s economy and sustaining vibrant healthy communities depends upon protecting the state’s environmental and natural resources. The Iowa Environmental Guide is designed to identify Iowa’s environmental compliance requirements and to provide expert resources to assist you with sustainable business solutions that protect the environment and enhance your bottom-line. The Iowa Department of Economic Development (IDED) Business and Regulatory Assistance Team is a non-regulatory, confidential point of contact to assist your company or organization in identifying permitting requirements, finding expert resources, communicating with the appropriate agencies, and in establishing a productive partnership with Iowa state government.
Iowa is one of the more progressive recycling states in the U.S. due in large part to its environmental technical assistance programs for business. The Iowa Department of Economic Development (IDED), Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), the Recycle Reuse Technology Transfer Center (RRTTC) and the Iowa Waste Reduction Center (IWRC) work together to offer services that help businesses save money, increase operational efficiencies, enhance regulatory compliance and manage difficult waste management issues.
IDED can assist you and your business, municipality, school or hospital to come into compliance with state environmental regulations. We can serve as a liaison between you and the state of Iowa, being a portal to information sources that answer environmental questions and needs.
Audit report on the ADLM Counties Environmental Public Health Agency for the year ended June 30, 2008
Evidence-based medicine has enabled to approach disease in a more rational and scientific way. Clinical research has identified behaviours and risk factors that could cause disease often "silent" at the beginning, such as diabetes. Despite the clear impact of these evidences on public health, it seems that the individual risk perception level remains weak. To mention as well, the health professionals very often have a different views, which makes it difficult to communicate the risk with patients. In this article we describe the principles of risk perception, the diabetes related risk perception concerning cardiovascular complications, and suggest some practical strategies and tools which could improve risk communication in the everyday practice.
Repetition of environmental sounds, like their visual counterparts, can facilitate behavior and modulate neural responses, exemplifying plasticity in how auditory objects are represented or accessed. It remains controversial whether such repetition priming/suppression involves solely plasticity based on acoustic features and/or also access to semantic features. To evaluate contributions of physical and semantic features in eliciting repetition-induced plasticity, the present functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study repeated either identical or different exemplars of the initially presented object; reasoning that identical exemplars share both physical and semantic features, whereas different exemplars share only semantic features. Participants performed a living/man-made categorization task while being scanned at 3T. Repeated stimuli of both types significantly facilitated reaction times versus initial presentations, demonstrating perceptual and semantic repetition priming. There was also repetition suppression of fMRI activity within overlapping temporal, premotor, and prefrontal regions of the auditory "what" pathway. Importantly, the magnitude of suppression effects was equivalent for both physically identical and semantically related exemplars. That the degree of repetition suppression was irrespective of whether or not both perceptual and semantic information was repeated is suggestive of a degree of acoustically independent semantic analysis in how object representations are maintained and retrieved.
Variation in coloration with a strong underlying genetic basis is frequently found within animal populations but little is known about its function. Covariation between colour polymorphism and life-history traits can arise because morphs perform differently among environments or because they possess alternative alleles coding for key life-history traits. To test these two hypotheses, we studied a population of tawny owls Strix aluco, a bird displaying red, brown and grey morphs. We assessed the colour morph of breeding females, swapped eggs or hatchlings between pairs of nests, and examined how body condition in 3-week-old nestlings covaries with coloration of foster and genetic mothers. Redder foster and genetic mothers produced young in better condition. Because in two other years we observed that greyish females produced offspring in better condition than those of red females, the present study suggests that colour polymorphism signals genetic and phenotypic adaptations to cope with a fluctuating environment.
Bijagos Archipelago in Guinea-Bissau is at present subject to numerous external impacts that affect its centuries old balance. Since 1975 Guinean society has been using its natural resources in an uncontrolled way over the territory and especially in the coastal area. The archipelago has been increasingly raising interest, most of which is incompatible with the guarantee for a long-term sustainable development. It has also displayed a general impoverishment as far as resource preservation is concerned, due to internal demographic pressure of a population that has doubled since 1981 and to external pressure related to neighboring migrations and consequent depletion of non-renewable resources. This article aims to analyze the actions of local and international NGOs in the preservation and sustainability of the Bijagos Archipelago. We seek through an interdisciplinary approach to analyze the phenomena that are configured within the strategies of NGOs, on the assumption that these issues are articulated in the field of geography and sociology, as well as in politics and international cooperation. It is proposed new challenges to environmental issues, especially in a current situation shaken by constant instability internal and external policies.
L’èxit de l’iniciativa ciutadana europea (ICE) com a instrument de democràcia directa a nivell europeu està directament relacionat amb la seva promulgació. Els ciutadans d’arreu Europa han d’estar informats sobre aquest nou mecanisme per tal que es dugui a terme, la qual cosa suposa una dificultat. Aquest estudi qualitatiu ens mostra els recursos i problemes en la divulgació de les ICE. Una anàlisi basat en entrevistes amb diferents organitzadors d’aquestes ICE que ens dona algunes idees sobre les seves estratègies de comunicació, així com l’ús d’eines de comunicació i relacions amb els mitjans de comunicació. A banda de les dificultats lingüístiques i financeres hi ha altres obstacles més específics relacionats amb l’ICE.
Pour que deux protagonistes parviennent à communiquer, ils doivent non seulement partager les signes verbaux et/ou non verbaux qu'ils utilisent, mais ils doivent également parvenir à accéder à l'intention communicative de chacun. Ce dernier aspect de la communication a été intimement lié aux significations et aux connaissances que les protagonistes partagent (angl. common ground). Malgré le fait que l'importance des significations partagées ait été soulignée dans la littérature concernant la communication entre adultes, cet aspect n'a pas été étudié en ce qui concerne le développement précoce de la communication. Dans le présent travail, nous suggérons d'investiguer le lien entre les significations partagées entre le jeune enfant et l'adulte et la capacité de l'enfant à communiquer de manière intentionnelle via des gestes. En nous appuyant sur l'approche de la Pragmatique de l'Objet (Moro & Rodríguez, 2005), nous suggérons que les connaissances concernant l'usage culturel de l'objet que construit progressivement l'enfant représentent un type de significations que l'enfant partage avec autrui. 12 dyades mère-enfant ont été enregistrées à l'aide d'une caméra lors d'interactions avec quatre objets. Les observations ont eu lieu au domicile des familles et ont été conduites chaque deuxième mois lorsque les enfants ont été âgés de 8 à 16 mois (groupe 1) et de 16 à 24 mois (groupe 2). Les observations ont été codées pour le niveau de maîtrise de l'usage culturel par l'enfant ainsi que pour la production de gestes par l'enfant et par l'adulte. Nous avons trouvé que plus l'enfant maîtrise les usages culturels des objets, plus il produit de gestes, et plus ces gestes remplissent une fonction communicative explicite. Concernant les gestes de l'adulte, les résultats dévoilent que plus l'enfant maîtrise les usages conventionnels des objets, plus l'adulte adresse des gestes communicatifs à l'enfant, plus ses gestes sont produits de manière complexe et plus l'intention des gestes communicatifs de l'adulte est complexe. Pris ensemble, ces résultats suggèrent que le partage de significations sur l'usage culturel des objets représente un type de connaissances communes qui permettent au bébé et à ses protagonistes de communiquer.
When sex determination in a species is predominantly genetic but environmentally reversible, exposure to (anthropogenic) changes in the environment can lead to shifts in a population's sex ratio. Such scenarios may be common in many fishes and amphibians, yet their ramifications remain largely unexplored. We used a simple model to study the (short-term) population consequences of environmental sex reversal (ESR). We examined the effects on sex ratios, sex chromosome frequencies, and population growth and persistence after exposure to environmental forces with feminizing or masculinizing tendencies. When environmental feminization was strong, X chromosomes were driven to extinction. Analogously, extinction of normally male-linked genetic factors (e.g., Y chromosomes) was caused by continuous environmental masculinization. Although moderate feminization was beneficial for population growth in the absence of large viability effects, our results suggest that the consequences of ESR are generally negative in terms of population size and the persistence of sex chromosomes. Extreme sex ratios resulting from high rates of ESR also reduced effective population sizes considerably. This may limit any evolutionary response to the deleterious effects of ESR. Our findings suggest that ESR changes population growth and sex ratios in some counter-intuitive ways and can change the predominant factor in sex determination from genetic to fully environmental, often within only a few tens of generations. Populations that lose genetic sex determination may quickly go extinct if the environmental forces that cause sex reversal cease.