963 resultados para endometrial epithelial


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Introduction: Formaldehyde is a compound with a wide range and is commonly used in anatomy and pathology laboratories. At room temperature is quickly volatilized to a pungent and suffocating gas and its inhalation has been correlated to nuclear alterations in different tissues. We aimed to investigate whether exposure to this compound was correlated with the appearance of cytotoxic and genotoxic features in the nasal epithelial cells of students enrolled in a human anatomy course. Material and Methods: This prospective study collected periodically nasal cells from mucosa of 17 volunteers from two different undergraduate programs with different workloads of practical lessons in an anatomy laboratory, 30 and 90 hours per semester. Cells were staining according to Feulgen method and nuclear morphology was analyzed to detect possible damage. Dunn's post hoc test was used in the statistical analysis. Pearson's correlation was performed for gender, age and questionnaire responses. Results: Epithelial cells showed indicators of cytotoxicity and mutagenicity. Students with a more extensive workload in anatomy laboratory displayed a more severe profile with an increase in karyorrhexis (p < 0.05) over time. The micronucleus analysis showed difference between first and second collection (p < 0.01), although it was not maintained over the time. Students with a less extensive workload display no differences in most of cytological features. Despite karyorrhexis was present in a greater number of cells, for this group no significant difference was observed between any range. The same was observed to karyolysis and micronucleus (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Individuals exposed for short periods of time to formaldehyde are subject to the toxic action of this gas. Karyorrhexis was the most frequently observed cytotoxic feature and micronucleus showed an increase between the first time point. The patterns observed between the student's groups suggest a negative effect due to exposure time.


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Background: Chloride transport proteins are involved in a variety of human diseases and thus represent important drug targets. They are regulated in part through the amount present at the plasma membrane and tyrosine phosphorylation has been described as a novel regulator.


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Female genital tuberculosis remains a major health problem in developing countries and is an important cause of infertility. As symptoms, laboratory data and physical fndings are non-specifc, its diagnosis can be diffcult. We describe a case of a 39-year-old woman suffering from peri-umbilical pain and increased abdominal size for one year, anorexia, asthenia, weight loss, occasionally dysuria and dyspareunia, and four months amenorrhea. Laboratory data revealed cancer antigen 125 (CA-125) level of 132.3 U/mL, erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 42 mm/h, and gamma-globulins of 2.66 g/dL. Computer Tomography scan showed loculated ascites. It was initially suspected a carcinomatous origin, but ascites evaluation was negative for malignant cells. Magnetic Resonance Imaging from another hospital showed endometrial heterogeneity. Therefore, an endometrial biopsy was performed demonstrating an infammatory infltrate with giant cells of type Langhans and bacteriological culture identifed Mycobacterium tuberculosis


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This study aimed to evaluate the accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the detection of deep myometrial invasion and cervical extension by endometrial carcinoma. This prospective study included 101 patients with histologically documented endometrial carcinoma, between July 1998 and April 2004. The findings of preoperative pelvic MRI were compared with histological diagnosis. From 101 cases studied by pelvic MRI, 43 were classified as deep myometrial invasion (50% of myometrium), where the pathological evaluation confirmed as having deep myometrial invasion. Cervical extension in the MRI study was found in 19 cases. Pathologic study found cervical extension and/or invasion in 31 cases including all cases identified by MRI. The accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of MRI were 95%, 89%, 100%, detecting deep myometrial invasion and 88%, 61%, 100%, detecting cervical invasion, respectively. The high accuracy achieved makes MRI an adequate method for determine the depth of myometrial and cervical invasion in endometrial carcinoma.


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Purpose. To investigate the influence of diadenosine polyphosphates on the rate of corneal epithelial cell migration. Methods. Primary corneal epithelial cell cultures were obtained from New Zealand White rabbits. Immunocytochemical experiments were performed by fixing the cells with 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) and incubated with cytokeratin 3 primary antibody, which was subsequently incubated with a secondary IgG mouse labeled with FITC, and the cells were observed under confocal microscopy. Migration studies were performed by taking confluent monolayers that were wounded with a pipette tip and challenged with different di- and mononucleotides with or without P2 antagonist (n = 8 each treatment). For concentration–response analysis, compounds were tested in doses ranging from 10−8 to 10−3 M (n = 8). The stability of the dinucleotides was assayed by HPLC, with an isocratic method (n = 4). Results. Cells under study were verified as corneal epithelial cells via the immunocytochemical analysis. Cell migration experiments showed that Ap4A, UTP, and ATP accelerated the rate of healing (5, 2.75, and 3 hours, respectively; P < 0.05; P < 0.001), whereas Ap3A, Ap5A, and UDP delayed it (6.5, 10, and 2 hours, respectively; P < 0.05). ADP did not modify the rate of migration. Antagonists demonstrated that Ap4A and Ap3A did activate different P2Y receptors mediating corneal wound-healing acceleration and delay. Concerning the possible degradation of the dinucleotides, it was almost impossible to detect any products resulting from their cleavage. Conclusions. Based on the pharmacological profile of all the compounds tested, the two main P2Y receptors that exist in these corneal cells are a P2Y2 receptor accelerating the rate of healing and a P2Y6 receptor that delays this process.


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Clostridium difficile-associated disease causes diarrhea to fulminant colitis and death. We investigated the role of phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) inhibitors, aristolochic acid (AA), bromophenacyl bromide BPB and quinacrine (QUIN) on the C. difficile toxin A-induced disruption of epithelial integrity, histologic inflammatory damage and intestinal secretion. Toxin A caused severe hemorrhagic and inflammatory fluid secretion at 6-8 h in rabbit ileal segments, an effect that was significantly inhibited by QUIN (71%, P < 0.01), AA (87%, P < 0.0001) or by BPB (51%, P < 0.01). The secretory effect of toxin A was also inhibited in segments adjacent to those with AA (89%, P < 0.01). Furthermore, QUIN or AA substantially reduced the histologic damage seen after 6-8 h in rabbit ileal segments. The cyclooxygenase inhibitor, indomethacin, also significantly inhibited (96%; n = 6) the secretory effects of toxin A in ligated rabbit intestinal segments. The destruction by toxin A of F-actin at the light junctions of T-84 cell monolayers was not inhibited by AA or BPB. AA or QUIN had no effect on the T-84 cell tissue resistance reduction over 8-24 h after toxin A exposure. All the inhibitors were shown to be effective in the doses administered direct in ileal loops to inhibit PLA(2) activity. The data suggest that PLA(2) is involved in the major pathway of toxin A-induced histologic inflammatory damage and hemorrhagic fluid secretion. Cop. right (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Food allergy has continued to rise over the past few decades. Theincreasing occurrence of sensitivity to certain foods remains to be identified, and the allergen-epithelial interaction in particular remains elusive. Peanuts in particular are still one of the highest contributors of anaphylaxis after ingestion of a food allergen. Previous findings by our research group observed that peanut allergens were able to cross the Caco-2 cell culture model of the intestinal epithelium. Specifically, the major peanut allergens Ara h 1, Ara h 2 and Ara h 3, as well as Ara h 6. The direction of this research has deepened into identifying the mechanism by which the Caco-2 monolayers uptake peanut allergens, specifically by endocytosis. Here, we aim to further our understanding about the pathway from allergen to allergy.


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Keratins are cytoskeletal proteins that hierarchically arrange into filaments, starting with the dimer sub-unit. They are integral to the structural support of cells, in skin, hair and nails. In skin, keratin is thought to play a critical role in conferring the barrier properties and elasticity of skin. In general, the keratin dimer is broadly described by a tri-domain structure: a head, a central rod and a tail. As yet, no atomistic-scale picture of the entire dimer structure exists; this information is pivotal for establishing molecular-level connections between structure and function in intermediate filament proteins. The roles of the head and tail domains in facilitating keratin filament assembly and function remain as open questions. To address these, we report results of molecular dynamics simulations of the entire epithelial human K1/K10 keratin dimer. Our findings comprise: (1) the first three-dimensional structural models of the complete dimer unit, comprising of the head, rod and tail domains; (2) new insights into the chirality of the rod-domain twist gained from analysis of the full domain structure; (3) evidence for tri-subdomain partitioning in the head and tail domains; and, (4) identification of the residue characteristics that mediate non-covalent contact between the chains in the dimer. Our findings are immediately applicable to other epithelial keratins, such as K8/K18 and K5/K14, and to intermediate filament proteins in general.


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Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are epithelial Na+ channels gated by external H+. Recently, it has been demonstrated that ASICs play a role in Na+ uptake in freshwater rainbow trout. The current paper investigated the potential involvement of ASICs in Na+ transport in another freshwater fish species, the zebrafish (Danio rerio). Using molecular and histological techniques we found that asic genes and the ASIC4.2 protein are expressed in the gill of adult zebrafish. Immunohistochemistry revealed that mitochondrion-rich cells positive for ASIC4.2 do not co-localize with Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA)-rich cells, but co-localize with cells expressing vacuolar-type H+-ATPase (VHA). Furthermore, pharmacological inhibitors of ASIC and Na+/H+-exchanger (NHEs) significantly reduced uptake of Na+ in adult zebrafish exposed to low Na+ media, but did not cause the same response in individuals exposed to ultra-low Na+ water. Our results suggest that in adult zebrafish ASICs play a role in branchial Na+ uptake in media with low Na+ concentrations and that mechanisms used for Na+ uptake by zebrafish may depend on the Na+ concentration in the acclimation media.


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Ceruloplasmin (Cp) is a multicopper ferroxidase that is considered to be an important source of copper in milk for normal neonatal development. We investigated the expression, subcellular localization and secretion of Cp in PMC42-LA cell culture models representative of resting, lactating and suckled human mammary epithelia. Both secreted Cp (sCp) and plasma membrane associated glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked Cp (GPI-Cp) were expressed in PMC42-LA cells. In all three epithelial models (resting, lactating and suckled), the expression and secretion of copper-bound, ferroxidase active, Cp (holo-Cp) was dependent on media copper concentration. In low copper (bathocuproinedisulphonic acid/d-penicillamine treated models) there was greater than a 2-fold decrease in holo-Cp expression and secretion, which was mirrored by a 2-fold increase in the expression and secretion of copper-free Cp protein (apo-Cp). Cell surface biotinylation studies revealed that the state of PMC42-LA cell differentiation (functionality), and the level of extracellular copper, had no significant effect on the level of plasma membrane bound GPI-Cp. Quantitative real time PCR analyses determined that there was no significant (P > 0.05) difference in Cp mRNA levels across all copper conditions investigated (0, 5, 50 μM). However, there was a significant (P < 0.05) increase (∼2-fold) in Cp mRNA in both the lactating and suckled models in comparison to the resting model. Furthermore, the Cp mRNA increase in response to PMC42-LA differentiation corresponded with more secreted Cp protein, both apo and holo forms, indicating a link between function and Cp requirement. Our results provide significant insight on the regulation of Cp expression and secretion in lactation and copper incorporation into milk.


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Chemoresistance is the main challenge for the recurrent ovarian cancer therapy and responsible for treatment failure and unfavorable clinical outcome. Understanding mechanisms of chemoresistance in ovarian cancer would help to predict disease progression, develop new therapies and personalize systemic therapy. In the last decade, accumulating evidence demonstrates that epithelial-mesenchymal transition and cancer stem cells play important roles in ovarian cancer chemoresistance and metastasis. Treatment of epithelial-mesenchymal transition and cancer stem cells holds promise for improving current ovarian cancer therapies and prolonging the survival of recurrent ovarian cancer patients in the future. In this review, we focus on the role of epithelial-mesenchymal transition and cancer stem cells in ovarian cancer chemoresistance and explore the therapeutic implications for developing epithelial-mesenchymal transition and cancer stem cells associated therapies for future ovarian cancer treatment.


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Introduction : La fécondation in vitro est de mieux en mieux connue et en amélioration constante, cependant les taux d’implantation et de grossesse sont encore bas (environ 35% par fécondation in vitro). Un des enjeux de l’amélioration de la fécondation in vitro est le développement embryonnaire et l’implantation. Pour cela, la co-culture des embryons sur un tapis de cellules endométriales maternelles autologues peut être utilisée pour améliorer le développement embryonnaire (taux d’embryon se développant jusqu’à J5 : blastocyste) et l’implantation. L’objectif de l’étude est d’étudier le lien entre la qualité du tapis cellulaire et le développement embryonnaire. Matériel et méthodes : Cette étude est une sous analyse de l’essai clinique randomisé en double aveugle OvoGen, comparant le taux de blastulation et de grossesse dans deux groupes randomisés : le groupe étude, dans lequel les embryons se développent sur un tapis cellulaire endométrial maternel et le groupe contrôle, dans lequel les embryons sont cultivés dans du milieu conventionnel. Nous avons analysé la qualité des tapis cellulaire du groupe étude (confluence des cellules, taux de cellules épithéliales et vitalité des cellules stromales) par rapport au développement embryonnaire et au taux de grossesse. Résultats : 50 tapis de cellules endométriales maternelles et 291 embryons sur les puits ont été analysés de 2012 à 2015 à la clinique ovo (Montréal, Québec). La qualité des embryons n’était pas changée par la qualité des tapis (p=0,65 pour la confluence, p=0,25 pour le taux de glande et p=0,92 pour la viabilité des cellules). En revanche, le taux de grossesse augmentait quand la confluence diminuait (p=0,022) et lorsque la viabilité des cellules stromales augmentait (p=0,001). De plus, la qualité des tapis était dépendante de la date de la biopsie : la biopsie faite à J7 après l’ovulation permettait une meilleure qualité de puits (confluence augmentée, p=0,045, taux de glande augmenté p=0,004 et viabilité stromales augmentée p=0,001) que la biopsie faite à J5 post ovulation. Discussion : Aucune des nombreuses études sur la co-culture ne porte sur la qualité des tapis cellulaire. Il est intéressant de noter que le taux de grossesse augmente avec la diminution de la confluence et l’augmentation de la viabilité des cellules stromales dans les puits contenant les embryons transférés. Comme il a déjà été démontré, (1)le jour de la biopsie endométriale influe sur la qualité du tapis cellulaire en coculture et pour que celui-ci soit de bonne qualité, il faut que l’endomètre soit réceptif (après J19 du cycle). Conclusion : Nous avons montré que la qualité des tapis cellulaires dépendait du jour de la biopsie d’endomètre et que cette qualité pouvait influencer le bénéfice de la co-culture. Il serait intéressant d’étudier la réceptivité de l’endomètre au moment de la biopsie avant utilisation des cellules en co-culture pour optimiser la qualité du tapis cellulaire.