997 resultados para empirical likelihood


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Despite the continuing need for an empirically validated classification of marketing positions, for theoretical and practical purposes, it appears that no such schema exists. This study contributes to the development of such a taxonomy through an empirical examination of marketing positions. Specifically, the research extends an existing taxonomy by empirically investigating personal selling marketing activities. Based on the taxonomy developed by Darmon (1998), data were collected about the information load, information complexity, and time and relationship management activities of marketers. Various analytical techniques were used to investigate specific features of the instrument and the taxonomy, as well as to provide convergence for the conclusions drawn by the researchers. It was established that sales positions can be more meaningfully identified, and, therefore, better categorised, by six dimensions than by job title or job role. Further, it appears that marketers in the same selling position vary significantly on these dimensions. These findings have important implications for marketing theory, applied research and management. However, future research should refine the instrument used in this study, since some anomalies emerged in the findings, and extend the study by investigating a wider range of marketing positions. Such research may also explore whether the dimensions identified in this study influence the performance and job satisfaction of marketers, and the extent to which marketing managers account for these variations.


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This paper reviews 46 empirical studies which have assessed performance measurement in marketing. The paper reports on two highly relevant topics in regard to performance measurement: (1) subjective and objective measurement; and (2) financial and non-financial performance measures. Furthermore, the paper provides a tabulated summary of a comprehensive literature review of the types of performance measures utilised in recent literature. Firstly, it was found that there seems to be agreement about the use of a subjective measurement perspective as an acceptable means of measuring performance, and that this is the preferred means of measuring performance by researchers. Secondly, the literature review identified that businesses are no longer defining performance only in terms of the traditional financial measures – they are adopting new frameworks and methodologies. However, this change is not as prominent as might be thought, as financial measures still predominate in research results. Furthermore, this review of performance measures also identified that current measurement selection by researchers is somewhat arbitrary rather than scientific, which is not assisting in the development of a “general performance measure”.


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There is a distinct gap in research in marketing in relation to understanding the role of marketing employees in organisational marketing performance, in contrast to the usual focus on identifying the contribution of successfully completing marketing tasks in the pursuit of organisational marketing objectives. The major exception to this has been research related to sales personnel, as a subset of all marketing personnel, but even this has usually been from a sales management perspective and not principally from the viewpoint of individual employees. The current study explored the career orientations of marketing employees in relation to the demographic profile and other work-related characteristics of marketing employees. Operationalised by Schein's (1990) Career Orientations Inventory, the 'internal career' of 78 marketing employees at the Australian headquarters of a major multinational manufacturing firm was examined. Sample means indicated that 'Lifestyle', 'Technical Functionality', and 'Pure Challenge' were the dominant career orientations, but a 'General Managerial' orientation also emerged as important, when individual 'Career Anchors' were examined. An 'Entrepreneurial' anchor was found to be the least dominant of the eight anchors measured, which may be seen as somewhat surprising for Marketing employees. Significant relationships were found between some demographic variables and the dominant career orientations, but overall, career orientation tended to be unrelated to the demographic variables. Future research will examine the relationships between employee career orientation and individual position, and marketing productivity.


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This paper delivers the findings from a study conducted to investigate Australian SMEs and e-business security. The study established the attitudes and concerns of a sample of Australian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) towards the use of e-business within their operational environment using the members of the Geelong Chamber of Commerce as a base for survey participants. The results focus on e-business security and identifying mechanisms that SMEs use to safeguard their e-business systems.


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This paper evaluates a texture-based approach developed by Sydserff and Weetman (1999), to examine corporate annual report narratives. This is achieved by using the texture index to evaluate information content (which includes readability) in accounting narratives. Specifically, we examine the letter to shareholders of reports from Australia, Hong Kong and the United States.

We suggest a texture-based evaluation provides a robust measure of narrative quality due to the incorporation of readability and content analysis. The ability to measure content quality assists in promoting accountability, with the aim of improving usefulness of corporate
information and disclosures, and greater investor confidence in capital markets.

This paper also investigates these exploratory results to consider variations in quality between different countries. Considerable differences were found between the countries with Hong Kong reports generally superior. These tentative findings provide a small contribution to the comparative annual report literature and the emerging area of narrative evaluation.


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This paper focuses on Deshpande and Farley's (1998) MORTN market orientation instrument. Specifically, the paper investigates empirically the factor structure and reliability of the supposedly unidimensional instrument. When the MORTN instrument was tested utilising Australian organisations, a two-dimensional factor structure was found to fit the data more acceptably then the unidimensional structure proposed by Deshpande and Farley. These dimensions may be characterised as being Customer/Market Intelligence (Dimension One) and Customer Service (Dimension Two).


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This study examines the role of one type of rhetorical figure, tropes, which are creative devices that entail the arrangement of words in paradoxical relationships. Specifically, its focus lies in investigating whether the influence simple and complex tropes have on persuasion, as reported in previous research by Toncar and Munch (2003), are generalisable beyond the sample they used. In the extant literature, it is argued that by fully understanding the effects of certain types of tropes, advertisers may better apply their persuasive messages. The study finds that, when using subjective measures as initiated by Toncar and Munch (2003), tropes have no influence on persuasion. While it is noted that further research is needed to increase the generalisability of this study, this result holds true when both simple and complex trope types are used.


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The marketing planning process is said to influence organisational performance. This influence is realised through the adoption of a focused approach aimed at achieving specific marketing objectives, which motivates the adaptation of the internal capabilities of an organisation in facilitating an effective implementation. This study investigated the association of formal marketing planning with business performance. The results showed that marketing planning has a stronger, positive relationship with market share, than with the overall financial performance of the organisation. The study also compared the associations of marketing planning and market orientation variables with the performance measures. The results indicated that the two variables associate at about the same magnitude with market share and the overall financial performance.


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This paper explores whether there is an empirical relationship between trade, openness and domestic conflict for Latin America based on the analytical framework of Garfinkel, Skaperdas and Syropoulos (2004). Using ordinal regressions and Markov switching models for seventeen countries, we identify the factors responsible for the initiation and sustenance of domestic conflict. Our overall results suggest that: (i) increased trade openness reduces domestic conflict intensities but (ii) over dependence on agricultural exports, along with poor socio-political performance, lead to sustenance of low intensity conflicts. We also analyze conflict duration using proportional hazard models and find that over-reliance on agricultural exports plays the main role in conflict sustenance after controlling for socio-political factors.


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There exist multiple objectives in engineering management such as minimum cost and maximum service capacity. Although solution methods of multiobjective optimization problems have undergone continual development over the past several decades, the methods available to date are not particularly robust, and none of them performs well on the broad classes. Because genetic algorithms work with a population of points, they can capture a number of solutions simultaneously, and easily incorporate the concept of Pareto optimal set in their optimization process. In this paper, a genetic algorithm is modified to deal with the rehabilitation planning of bridge decks at a network level by minimizing the rehabilitation cost and deterioration degree simultaneously.


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Generally multiple objectives exist in transportation infrastructure management, such as minimum cost and maximum service capacity. Although solution methoak of multiobjective optimization problems have undergone continual development over the part several decades, the methods available to date are not particularly robust, and none of them perform well on the broad classes. Because genetic algorithms work with apopulation ofpoints, they can capture a number of solutions simultaneously, and easily incorporate the concept of a Pareto optimal set in their optimization process. In this paper, a genetic algorithm is modified to deal with an empirical application for the rehabilitation planning of bridge decks, at a network level, by minimizing the rehabilitation cost and deterioration degree simultaneously.


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Although approximately seven million Australians attended sporting events in 2002, male spectators outnumbered female spectators by 25 percent (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2003). This study investigates the reasons for this difference by analysing a survey of 175 female sporting event attendees. The findings show that female attendance motivations are different for different sporting events, for example, football, horse racing and tennis. A number of other factors that were also found to influence attendance amongst the female market are explained and discussed and implications for sports venue managers are presented.


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This paper reports on a longitudinal study of consumers, where two dominant theories that purport to predict innovative behavior are applied and compared directly, using a methodology suggested as ideal by past researchers. Predictions made prior to launch were then evaluated against multiple measures of purchase likelihood, and against actual adoption behavior up to 12 months after launch. The results of this study suggest that perceptions of the innovations characteristics (PIC) predicted the selfreported likelihood of adoption better than the Domain Specific Innovativeness (DSI) scale, a personality-based measure. Prediction of actual adoption was largely inaccurate and both theories massively over predicted adoption levels, however the DSI scale was slightly more accurate. The conclusions here are that no one theory could make adequate predictions of behavior, that purchase likelihood measures are a poor substitute for measuring actual behavior but that purchase probability scales should be used more often in adoption research.