958 resultados para electric power systems -- mathematical models


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Inverse analysis for reactive transport of chlorides through concrete in the presence of electric field is presented. The model is solved using MATLAB’s built-in solvers “pdepe.m” and “ode15s.m”. The results from the model are compared with experimental measurements from accelerated migration test and a function representing the lack of fit is formed. This function is optimised with respect to varying amount of key parameters defining the model. Levenberg-Marquardt trust-region optimisation approach is employed. The paper presents a method by which the degree of inter-dependency between parameters and sensitivity (significance) of each parameter towards model predictions can be studied on models with or without clearly defined governing equations. Eigen value analysis of the Hessian matrix was employed to investigate and avoid over-parametrisation in inverse analysis. We investigated simultaneous fitting of parameters for diffusivity, chloride binding as defined by Freundlich isotherm (thermodynamic) and binding rate (kinetic parameter). Fitting of more than 2 parameters, simultaneously, demonstrates a high degree of parameter inter-dependency. This finding is significant as mathematical models for representing chloride transport rely on several parameters for each mode of transport (i.e., diffusivity, binding, etc.), which combined may lead to unreliable simultaneous estimation of parameters.


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Thermoelectric materials are revisited for various applications including power generation. The direct conversion of temperature differences into electric voltage and vice versa is known as thermoelectric effect. Possible applications of thermoelectric materials are in eco-friendly refrigeration, electric power generation from waste heat, infrared sensors, temperature controlled-seats and portable picnic coolers. Thermoelectric materials are also extensively researched upon as an alternative to compression based refrigeration. This utilizes the principle of Peltier cooling. The performance characteristic of a thermoelectric material, termed as figure of merit (ZT) is a function of several transport coefficients such as electrical conductivity (σ), thermal conductivity (κ) and Seebeck coefficient of the material (S). ZT is expressed asκσTZTS2=, where T is the temperature in degree absolute. A large value of Seebeck coefficient, high electrical conductivity and low thermal conductivity are necessary to realize a high performance thermoelectric material. The best known thermoelectric materials are phonon-glass electron – crystal (PGEC) system where the phonons are scattered within the unit cell by the rattling structure and electrons are scattered less as in crystals to obtain a high electrical conductivity. A survey of literature reveals that correlated semiconductors and Kondo insulators containing rare earth or transition metal ions are found to be potential thermoelectric materials. The structural magnetic and charge transport properties in manganese oxides having the general formula of RE1−xAExMnO3 (RE = rare earth, AE= Ca, Sr, Ba) are solely determined by the mixed valence (3+/4+) state of Mn ions. In strongly correlated electron systems, magnetism and charge transport properties are strongly correlated. Within the area of strongly correlated electron systems the study of manganese oxides, widely known as manganites exhibit unique magneto electric transport properties, is an active area of research.Strongly correlated systems like perovskite manganites, characterized by their narrow localized band and hoping conduction, were found to be good candidates for thermoelectric applications. Manganites represent a highly correlated electron system and exhibit a variety of phenomena such as charge, orbital and magnetic ordering, colossal magneto resistance and Jahn-Teller effect. The strong inter-dependence between the magnetic order parameters and the transport coefficients in manganites has generated much research interest in the thermoelectric properties of manganites. Here, large thermal motion or rattling of rare earth atoms with localized magnetic moments is believed to be responsible for low thermal conductivity of these compounds. The 4f levels in these compounds, lying near the Fermi energy, create large density of states at the Fermi level and hence they are likely to exhibit a fairly large value of Seebeck coefficient.


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Distributed generation systems must fulfill standards specifications of current harmonics injected to the grid. In order to satisfy these grid requirements, passive filters are connected between inverter and grid. This work compares the characteristic response of the traditional inductive (L) filter with the inductive-capacitive-inductive (LCL) filter. It is shown that increasing the inductance L leads to a good ripple current suppression around the inverter switching frequency. The LCL filter provides better harmonic attenuation and reduces the filter size. The main drawback is the LCL filter impedance, which is characterized by a typical resonance peak, which must be damped to avoid instability. Passive or active techniques can be used to damp the LCL resonance. To address this issue, this dissertation presents a comparison of current control for PV grid-tied inverters with L filter and LCL filter and also discuss the use of active and passive damping for different regions of resonance frequency. From the mathematical models, a design methodology of the controllers was developed and the dynamic behavior of the system operating in closed loop was investigated. To validate the studies developed during this work, experimental results are presented using a three-phase 5kW experimental platform. The main components and their functions are discussed in this work. Experimental results are given to support the theoretical analysis and to illustrate the performance of grid-connected PV inverter system. It is shown that the resonant frequency of the system, and sampling frequency can be associated in order to calculate a critical frequency, below which is essential to perform the damping of the LCL filter. Also, the experimental results show that the active buffer per virtual resistor, although with a simple development, is effective to damp the resonance of the LCL filter and allow the system to operate stable within predetermined parameters.


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We analyze the behavior of spot prices in the Colombian wholesale power market, using a series of models derived from industrial organization theory -- We first create a Cournot-based model that simulates the strategic behavior of the market-leader power generators, which we use to estimate two industrial organization variables, the Index of Residual Demand and the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) -- We use these variables to create VAR models that estimate spot prices and power market impulse-response relationships -- The results from these models show that hydroelectric generators can use their water storage capability strategically to affect off-peak prices primarily, while the thermal generators can manage their capacity strategically to affect on-peak prices -- In addition, shocks to the Index of Residual Capacity and to the HHI cause spot price fluctuations, which can be interpreted as the generators´ strategic response to these shocks


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2015.


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Using robotic systems for many missions that require power distribution can decrease the need for human intervention in such missions significantly. For accomplishing this capability a robotic system capable of autonomous navigation, power systems adaptation, and establishing physical connection needs to be developed. This thesis presents developed path planning and navigation algorithms for an autonomous ground power distribution system. In this work, a survey on existing path planning methods along with two developed algorithms by author is presented. One of these algorithms is a simple path planner suitable for implementation on lab-size platforms. A navigation hierarchy is developed for experimental validation of the path planner and proof of concept for autonomous ground power distribution system in lab environment. The second algorithm is a robust path planner developed for real-size implementation based on lessons learned from lab-size experiments. The simulation results illustrates that the algorithm is efficient and reliable in unknown environments. Future plans for developing intelligent power electronics and integrating them with robotic systems is presented. The ultimate goal is to create a power distribution system capable of regulating power flow at a desired voltage and frequency adaptable to load demands.


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Florida is the second leading horticulture state in the United States with a total annual industry sale of over $12 Billion. Due to its competitive nature, agricultural plant production represents an extremely intensive practice with large amounts of water and fertilizer usage. Agrochemical and water management are vital for efficient functioning of any agricultural enterprise, and the subsequent nutrient loading from such agricultural practices has been a concern for environmentalists. A thorough understanding of the agrochemical and the soil amendments used in these agricultural systems is of special interest as contamination of soils can cause surface and groundwater pollution leading to ecosystem toxicity. The presence of fragile ecosystems such as the Everglades, Biscayne Bay and Big Cypress near enterprises that use such agricultural systems makes the whole issue even more imminent. Although significant research has been conducted with soils and soil mix, there is no acceptable method for determining the hydraulic properties of mixtures that have been subjected to organic and inorganic soil amendments. Hydro-physical characterization of such mixtures can facilitate the understanding of water retention and permeation characteristics of the commonly used mix which can further allow modeling of soil water interactions. The objective of this study was to characterize some of the locally and commercially available plant growth mixtures for their hydro-physical properties and develop mathematical models to correlate these acquired basic properties to the hydraulic conductivity of the mixture. The objective was also to model the response patterns of soil amendments present in those mixtures to different water and fertilizer use scenarios using the characterized hydro-physical properties with the help of Everglades-Agro-Hydrology Model. The presence of organic amendments helps the mixtures retain more water while the inorganic amendments tend to adsorb more nutrients due to their high surface area. The results of these types of characterization can provide a scientific basis for understanding the non-point source water pollution from horticulture production systems and assist in the development of the best management practices for the operation of environmentally sustainable agricultural enterprise


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Hydroelectric systems are well-known for large scale power generation. However, there are virtually no studies on energy harvesting with these systems to produce tens or hundreds of milliwatts. The goal of this work was to study which design parameters from large-scale systems can be applied to small-scale systems. Two types of hydro turbines were evaluated. The first one was a Pelton turbine which is suitable for high heads and low flow rates. The second one was a propeller turbine used for low heads and high flow rates. Several turbine geometries and nozzle diameters were tested for the Pelton system. For the propeller, a three-bladed turbine was tested for different heads and draft tubes. The mechanical power provided by these turbines was measured to evaluate the range of efficiencies of these systems. A small three-phase generator was developed for coupling with the turbines in order to evaluate the generated electric power. Selected turbines were used to test battery charging with hydroelectric systems and a comparison between several efficiencies of the systems was made. Keywords


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Power flow calculations are one of the most important tools for power system planning and operation. The need to account for uncertainties when performing power flow studies led, among others methods, to the development of the fuzzy power flow (FPF). This kind of models is especially interesting when a scarcity of information exists, which is a common situation in liberalized power systems (where generation and commercialization of electricity are market activities). In this framework, the symmetric/constrained fuzzy power flow (SFPF/CFPF) was proposed in order to avoid some of the problems of the original FPF model. The SFPF/CFPF models are suitable to quantify the adequacy of transmission network to satisfy “reasonable demands for the transmission of electricity” as defined, for instance, in the European Directive 2009/72/EC. In this work it is illustrated how the SFPF/CFPF may be used to evaluate the impact on the adequacy of a transmission system originated by specific investments on new network elements


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Hydroelectric systems are well-known for large scale power generation. However, there are virtually no studies on energy harvesting with these systems to produce tens or hundreds of milliwatts. The goal of this work was to study which design parameters from large-scale systems can be applied to small-scale systems. Two types of hydro turbines were evaluated. The first one was a Pelton turbine which is suitable for high heads and low flow rates. The second one was a propeller turbine used for low heads and high flow rates. Several turbine geometries and nozzle diameters were tested for the Pelton system. For the propeller, a three-bladed turbine was tested for different heads and draft tubes. The mechanical power provided by these turbines was measured to evaluate the range of efficiencies of these systems. A small three-phase generator was developed for coupling with the turbines in order to evaluate the generated electric power. Selected turbines were used to test battery charging with hydroelectric systems and a comparison between several efficiencies of the systems was made. Keywords


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Solar radiation takes in today's world, an increasing importance. Different devices are used to carry out spectral and integrated measurements of solar radiation. Thus the sensors can be divided into the fallow types: Calorimetric, Thermomechanical, Thermoelectric and Photoelectric. The first three categories are based on components converting the radiation to temperature (or heat) and then into electrical quantity. On the other hand, the photoelectric sensors are based on semiconductor or optoelectronic elements that when irradiated change their impedance or generate a measurable electric signal. The response function of the sensor element depends not only on the intensity of the radiation but also on its wavelengths. The radiation sensors most widely used fit in the first categories, but thanks to the reduction in manufacturing costs and to the increased integration of electronic systems, the use of the photoelectric-type sensors became more interesting. In this work we present a study of the behavior of different optoelectronic sensor elements. It is intended to verify the static response of the elements to the incident radiation. We study the optoelectronic elements using mathematical models that best fit their response as a function of wavelength. As an input to the model, the solar radiation values are generated with a radiative transfer model. We present a modeling of the spectral response sensors of other types in order to compare the behavior of optoelectronic elements with other sensors currently in use.