981 resultados para drug uptake


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The likelihood of significant exposure to drugs in infants through breast milk is poorly defined, given the difficulties of conducting pharmacokinetics (PK) studies. Using fluoxetine (FX) as an example, we conducted a proof-of-principle study applying population PK (popPK) modeling and simulation to estimate drug exposure in infants through breast milk. We simulated data for 1,000 mother-infant pairs, assuming conservatively that the FX clearance in an infant is 20% of the allometrically adjusted value in adults. The model-generated estimate of the milk-to-plasma ratio for FX (mean: 0.59) was consistent with those reported in other studies. The median infant-to-mother ratio of FX steady-state plasma concentrations predicted by the simulation was 8.5%. Although the disposition of the active metabolite, norfluoxetine, could not be modeled, popPK-informed simulation may be valid for other drugs, particularly those without active metabolites, thereby providing a practical alternative to conventional PK studies for exposure risk assessment in this population.


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In this present thesis Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (SPIONs) with 9 nm in diameter were selected as nanocarriers in order to study their potential application as drug delivery systems. Therefore the aim of the study was to demonstrate the proof of concept by establishing an efficient system of drug delivery, which would be a valuable tool in biomedical applications, such as the treatement of cancer, by reducing the side effects due to administration of a high concentration of therapeutic agents. As demonstrated in a previous study, the uptake of SPIONs by tumoral human cells was enhanced by the presence of amino groups on their surface. The stabilization of SPIONs were then performed and optimized by the coating of poly(vinylalcohol) and poly(vinylalcohol/vinylamine). Such nanoparticles were known as aminoPVA-SPIONs. The toxicity and the inflammatory reaction of aminoPVA-SPIONs were evaluated in order to establish their potentiel use in the human body. The results demonstrated that the human cells were able to invaginate aminoPVA-SPIONS without revealing any toxicity and inflammatory reaction. The analysis by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), cryo-TEM, confocal microscopy and histological staining (i.e. Prussian Blue) showed that the iron oxide core of SPIONs were located in the cytoplasm of cells and concentrated in vesicles. The evaluation of the mechanism of uptake of aminoPVA-SPIONs revealed that their uptake by monolayer cell culture was performed via an active mechanism, which was achieved by a clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Consequently, it was suggested that aminoPVA-SPIONs were good candidates as nanocarriers in drug delivery systems, which were able to reach the cytoplasm of cells. Their incubation with three-dimensional models mimicing tissues, such as differentiated rat brain cell-derived aggregates and spheroids, revealed that aminoPVA-SPIONs were able to invade into deep cell layers according to the stage of growth of these models. In the view of these promising results, drug-SPIONs were prepared by the functionalization of aminoPVA-SPIONs via a biological labile chemical bond by one of these three antineoplastic agents, which are widely used in clinical practice: 5-fluorourdine (Fur) (an antimetabolite), or camptothecin (CPT) (a topoisomerase inhibitor) or doxorubicin (DOX) (an anthracycline which interfere with DNA). The results shown that drug-SPIONs were internalized by human melanoma cells, as it was expected due the previous results with aminoPVA-SPIONs, and in addition they were active as anticancer agents, suggesting the efficient release of the drug from the drug-SPIONs. The results with CPT-SPIONs were the most promising, whereas DOX- SPIONs did not demonstrate a prononced activity of DOX. In conclusion, the results demonstrated that functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles are a promising tool in order to deliver therapeutic agents. - Dans le cadre de ce travail de thèse, les nanoparticules superparamagnétiques d'oxyde de fer (SPIONs) ayant un diamètre de 9 nm ont été choisies, afin d'étudier leur éventuelle utilisation dans un système de délivrance d'agents thérapeutiques. Ainsi le but de la thèse est de démontrer la faisabilité de fabriquer un système efficace de délivrance d'agents thérapeutiques, qui serait un outil intéressant dans le cadre d'une utilisation biomédicale, par exemple lors du traitement du cancer, qui pourrait réduire les effets secondaires provoqués par le dosage trop élevé de médicaments. Comme il a été démontré dans une précédente étude, l'invagination des SPIONs par des cellules humaines cancéreuses est améliorée par la présence de groupes fonctionnels amino à leur surface. La stabilisation des SPIONs est ainsi effectuée et optimisée par l'enrobage de poly(vinylalcool) et de (poly(vinylalcool/vinylamine), qui sont connues sous le nom de aminoPVA-SPIONs. La toxicité et la réaction inflammatoire des aminoPVA-SPIONs ont été évaluées dans le but de déterminer leur potentielle utilisation dans le corps humain. Les résultats démontrèrent que les cellules humaines sont capables d'invaginer les aminoPVAS-SPIONs sans induire une réaction toxique ou inflammatoire. L'analyse par la microscopie électronique en transmission électronique (TEM), la microscopie électronique à balayage (SEM), le cryo-microscopie électronique (SEM), la microscopie confocale et la coloration histologique (par ex, le bleu de Prusse) a montré que l'oxyde de fer des SPIONs est localisé dans le cytoplasme des cellules et est concentré dans des vesicules. L'évaluation du méchanisme d'invagination des aminoPVA-SPIONs ont révélé que leur invagination par des monocultures de cellules est effectué par un méchanisme actif, contrôlé par une endocytose induite par les clathrins. Par conséquent, les aminoPVA-SPIONs sont de bons candidats en tant que transporteurs (nanocamers) dans un système de délivrance d'agents thérapeuthique, capable d'atteindre le cytoplasme des cellules. Leur incubation avec des modèles tridimenstionnels imitant les tissues, tels que les aggrégats de cellules de cerveau différenciées et les sphéroïdes, a montré que les aminoPVA-SPIONs sont capable de pénétrer dans les couches profondes des modèles, selon l'état d'avancement de leur croissance. En vue de ces résultats prometteurs, les drug-SPIONs ont été préparés en fonctionalisant les aminoPVA-SPIONs par le biai d'une liaison chimique labile par un des trois agents thérapeutiques, déjà utilisé en pratique : 5-fluorourdine (Fur) (un antimétabolite), or camptothecin (CPT) (un inhibiteur de la topoisomerase) or doxorubicin (DOX) (un anthracycline qui interfère avec le DNA). Les résultats ont montré que les drug-SPIONs sont capable d'être internalisés par les mélanomes, comme il a été attendu d'après les résultats obtenus précédemment avec les aminoPVA-SPIONs, et de plus, les drug-SPIONs sont actifs, ce qui suggère un relargage efficace de l'agent thérapeutique du drug-SPIONs. Les résultats obtenus avec les CPT-SPIONs sont les plus prometteurs, tandis que ceux avec les DOX-SPIONs, ce n'est pas le cas, dont l'activité thérapeutique de DOX n'a pas été aussi efficace. En conclusion, les résultats ont pu démontrer que les nanoparticules d'oxyde de fer fonctionnalisées sont un outil prometteur dans la délivrance d'agents thérapeutiques.


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A simple and sensitive liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry method was developed for the simultaneous quantification in human plasma of all selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (citalopram, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine and sertraline) and their main active metabolites (desmethyl-citalopram and norfluoxetine). A stable isotope-labeled internal standard was used for each analyte to compensate for the global method variability, including extraction and ionization variations. After sample (250μl) pre-treatment with acetonitrile (500μl) to precipitate proteins, a fast solid-phase extraction procedure was performed using mixed mode Oasis MCX 96-well plate. Chromatographic separation was achieved in less than 9.0min on a XBridge C18 column (2.1×100mm; 3.5μm) using a gradient of ammonium acetate (pH 8.1; 50mM) and acetonitrile as mobile phase at a flow rate of 0.3ml/min. The method was fully validated according to Société Française des Sciences et Techniques Pharmaceutiques protocols and the latest Food and Drug Administration guidelines. Six point calibration curves were used to cover a large concentration range of 1-500ng/ml for citalopram, desmethyl-citalopram, paroxetine and sertraline, 1-1000ng/ml for fluoxetine and fluvoxamine, and 2-1000ng/ml for norfluoxetine. Good quantitative performances were achieved in terms of trueness (84.2-109.6%), repeatability (0.9-14.6%) and intermediate precision (1.8-18.0%) in the entire assay range including the lower limit of quantification. Internal standard-normalized matrix effects were lower than 13%. The accuracy profiles (total error) were mainly included in the acceptance limits of ±30% for biological samples. The method was successfully applied for routine therapeutic drug monitoring of more than 1600 patient plasma samples over 9 months. The β-expectation tolerance intervals determined during the validation phase were coherent with the results of quality control samples analyzed during routine use. This method is therefore precise and suitable both for therapeutic drug monitoring and pharmacokinetic studies in most clinical laboratories.


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Bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are responsible for both lifelong daily maintenance of all blood cells and for repair after cell loss. Until recently the cellular mechanisms by which HSCs accomplish these two very different tasks remained an open question. Biological evidence has now been found for the existence of two related mouse HSC populations. First, a dormant HSC (d-HSC) population which harbors the highest self-renewal potential of all blood cells but is only induced into active self-renewal in response to hematopoietic stress. And second, an active HSC (a-HSC) subset that by and large produces the progenitors and mature cells required for maintenance of day-to-day hematopoiesis. Here we present computational analyses further supporting the d-HSC concept through extensive modeling of experimental DNA label-retaining cell (LRC) data. Our conclusion that the presence of a slowly dividing subpopulation of HSCs is the most likely explanation (amongst the various possible causes including stochastic cellular variation) of the observed long term Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) retention, is confirmed by the deterministic and stochastic models presented here. Moreover, modeling both HSC BrdU uptake and dilution in three stages and careful treatment of the BrdU detection sensitivity permitted improved estimates of HSC turnover rates. This analysis predicts that d-HSCs cycle about once every 149-193 days and a-HSCs about once every 28-36 days. We further predict that, using LRC assays, a 75%-92.5% purification of d-HSCs can be achieved after 59-130 days of chase. Interestingly, the d-HSC proportion is now estimated to be around 30-45% of total HSCs - more than twice that of our previous estimate.


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Monitoring spielt eine wichtige Rolle zur Therapieevaluierung und Behandlungsentscheidung - solange es auf der Basis der Messung von entsprechenden klinischen oder validierten Surrogat-Markern stattfindet. Im Hinblick auf die Imatinib-Therapie scheint das «Therapeutische Drug-Monitoring» (TDM) ein nützlicher Ansatz zum Therapie-Monitoring der CML-Behandlung zu sein, welches die Plasmakonzentration des Arzneimittels als Marker zur Therapieüberwachung verwendet. Imatinib-Plasmakonzentrationen variieren beträchtlich von Patient zu Patient unter dem gleichen Dosierungsschema, aufgrund der interindividuell unterschiedlichen Pharmakokinetik des Arzneimittels. Für die Plasmaexposition wurde gezeigt, dass sie mit dem klinischen Outcome von CML-Patienten korreliert - sowohl im Bezug auf das Therapieansprechen als auch auf das Nebenwirkungsprofil. Es ist noch unklar, ob das TDM von Imatinib nur im Falle von klinischen Problemen Verwendung finden sollte oder ob CML-Patienten bereits von einem systematischen, präventiven «Routine»-Monitoring zur Therapieindividualisierung - zur Steuerung der Plasmakonzentration in einen therapeutischen Bereich - profitieren könnten, welches in letzter Zeit immer häufiger empfohlen wird. Um diese Fragestellung zu beantworten, nimmt eine prospektive, randomisiert kontrollierte Schweizer Studie CML-Patienten auf, die seit weniger als 5 Jahren mit Imatinib behandelt werden, und bietet das TDM zudem für alle Patienten im Falle von klinischen Problemen an.


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In locally advanced cervical cancer, (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography - computed tomography (PET/CT) has become important in the initial evaluation of disease extent. It is superior to other imaging modalities for lymph node status and distant metastasis. PET-defined cervical tumor volume predicts progression-free and overall survival. Higher FDG uptake in both primary and regional lymph nodes is strongly predictive of worse outcome. FDG-PET is useful for assessing treatment response 3 months after completing concurrent chemo-radiotherapy (CRT) and predicting long-term survival, and in suspected disease recurrence. In the era of image-guided adaptive radiotherapy, accurately defining disease areas is critical to avoid irradiating normal tissue. Based on additional information provided by FDG-PET, radiation treatment volumes can be modified and higher doses to FDG-positive lymph nodes safely delivered. FDG-PET/CT has been used for image-guided brachytherapy of FDG-avid tumor volume, while respecting low doses to bladder and rectum. Despite survival improvements due to CRT in cervical cancer, disease recurrences continue to be a major problem. Biological rationale exists for combining novel non-cytotoxic agents with CRT, and drugs targeting specific molecular pathways are under clinical development. The integration of these targeted therapies in clinical trials, and the need for accurate predictors of radio-curability is essential. New molecular imaging tracers may help identifying more aggressive tumors. (64)Cu-labeled diacetyl-di(N(4)-methylthiosemicarbazone) is taken up by hypoxic tissues, which may be valuable for prognostication and radiation treatment planning. PET/CT imaging with novel radiopharmaceuticals could further impact cervical cancer treatment as surrogate markers of drug activity at the tumor microenvironment level. The present article reviews the current and emerging role of PET/CT in the management of cervical cancer.


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