975 resultados para driver comprehension


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The choice for suitable places for female mosquitoes to lay eggs is a key-factor for the survival of immature stages (eggs and larvae). This knowledge stands out in importance concerning the control of disease vectors. The selection of a place for oviposition requires a set of chemical, visual, olfactory and tactile cues that interact with the female before laying eggs, helping the localization of adequate sites for oviposition. The present paper presents a bibliographic revision on the main aspects of semiochemicals in regard to mosquitoes' oviposition, aiding the comprehension of their mechanisms and estimation of their potential as a tool for the monitoring and control of the Culicidae.


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O medicamento é uma tecnologia cuja importância é indiscutível seja para a saúde, como enquanto factor económico de crescimento e desenvolvimento. A sua regulação está fundamentada acrescidos os factores da sua essencialidade, da assimetria de informação, da cadeia de intermediários, dos interesses financeiros, dos requisitos para a demonstração de eficácia e segurança e as normas para promover a sua utilização eficiente. O Estado tem diversas abordagens possíveis para a regulação farmacêutica que implica sempre a existência de uma estrutura orgânica que assuma as atribuições de forma eficaz e eficiente. Este trabalho discute o modelo de regulação farmacêutica para as condições específicas de Cabo Verde usando como linhas de pesquisa (1) o enquadramento geral da prática de regulação a nível internacional, as recomendações da OMS e os países de referência no âmbito da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Oficial Portuguesa para procurar caracterizar esse processo, identificar as diferenças entre a regulação implementada em países mais desenvolvidos e os países em desenvolvimento e decidir se as agências de regulação podem ser vistas como uma transferência de tecnologia de gestão; (2) o modelo de institucionalização da regulação farmacêutica previsto para Cabo Verde e aquele que foi na prática implementado, com ênfase nas competências, estratégia de intervenção e constrangimentos, para por fim (3) proceder-se à elaboração de uma apreciação crítica, sob o pano de fundo da harmonização técnica e normativa, retomando as recomendações da OMS, a prática internacional neste contexto, corporizada pelos casos da experiência no Brasil e em Portugal e o modelo conceptualizado, relacionando as disparidades com os constrangimentos identificados. Feita a apreciação crítica propõe-se um novo modelo de regulação fazendo referência à revisão dos estatutos da autoridade reguladora e a alterações do figurino institucional.


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Na concepção deste trabalho, que tem como tema O texto literário na aula de Português L2 – Uma proposta de didactização: Vida e Morte de João Cabafume, de Gabriel Mariano, procurámos investigar e reflectir sobre a abordagem do texto literário no 3º ciclo do ensino secundário cabo-verdiano, especificamente na aula de Português L2, nas áreas de estudos Científica e Tecnológica e Económica e Social, do 11º ano de escolaridade, seguida da apresentação, a título de exemplo, de uma proposta de didactização do texto acima mencionado, na perspectiva da utilização do texto literário como material em que o uso estético da língua potencia a dimensão plural da significação. Para a consecução dos objectivos propostos, procurámos dar visibilidade, na perspectiva da leitura do texto literário, às orientações do programa, às potenciais práticas pedagógicas no ensino de narrativa literária, incluindo os métodos de ensino, os recursos utilizados pelos professores, a forma como os alunos encaram todo o processo de leitura do texto literário em que está envolvido. No entanto, para a concepção da proposta de didactização, procurámos cruzar propostas metodológicas de modelos de leitura e métodos de ensino do texto narrativo e de línguas defendidos por vários autores do campo da didáctica da literatura e das línguas, cujos princípios assentam em bases que valorizam a interacção entre o texto e o leitor. Partindo de um conto de Gabriel Mariano, escritor cabo-verdiano, Vida e Morte de João Cabafume, tentámos propor um roteiro de leitura adequada do texto narrativo, de forma a conduzir o aluno não só na leitura do contexto narrativo, como também na compreensão da dimensão plural da língua enquanto material estético, procurando desenvolver, fundamentalmente, as suas atitudes, os valores éticos e morais e, num âmbito complementar, as suas competências da escrita e da oralidade. Palavras-chave: Texto Literário, Leitura, Escrita, Oralidade, Português L2.


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A indisciplina na escola é um tema educativo de atualidade e uma preocupação daqueles que estão ligados à educação, quer seja de uma forma direta ou indireta: professores, alunos, pais ou encarregados de educação. O presente estudo teve como objetivo geral conhecer as representações que os alunos do 7º e 9º anos de escolaridade têm acerca da indisciplina na escola. Com as nove questões de investigação formuladas, pretendeu-se averiguar a distribuição dos alunos pela disrupção, vitimização e agressão na escola, e, ainda, analisar as diferenças em função do género e do ano de escolaridade nos comportamentos de disrupção, vitimização e agressão na escola. A amostra foi constituída por 240 alunos do 7º e 9º anos de escolaridade de uma escola secundária de Cabo Verde. Para se proceder à avaliação dos comportamentos disruptivos foi utilizada a Escala de Disrupção Escolar Professada pelo Aluno, desenvolvida por Veiga (1996, 2012). Foi também utilizada a escala Peer Victimization Scale, adaptada para Portugal por Veiga (2008), que permitiu avaliar comportamentos de agressor e de agredido. Os resultados indicaram uma disrupção escolar não elevada. Em termos diferenciais, de uma forma geral, os alunos do 7º ano foram mais disruptivos que os do 9º ano; os alunos do sexo masculino revelaram ser mais disruptivos que os do sexo feminino. Em relação à escala de vitimização, os resultados obtidos permitiram encontrar ocorrências de vitimização, sendo a mais frequente a verbal; nesta escala os alunos do sexo masculino foram mais vítimas do que os do sexo feminino; os alunos do 7º ano revelaram ser mais vítima do que os do 9º. Relativamente à escala de agressão, os resultados permitiram observar que não houve registo elevado de ocorrências; nesta escala os alunos do sexo masculino revelaram ser mais agressores do que os alunos do sexo feminino; os alunos do 7º ano revelaram ser mais agressores do que os do 9º ano. Os resultados aproximam-se de outros estudos semelhantes e sugerem a necessidade de novas investigações com amostras mais heterogéneas, envolvendo outros anos de escolaridade.


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Hair follicles are spaced apart from one another at regular intervals through the skin. Although follicles are predominantly epidermal structures, classical tissue recombination experiments indicated that the underlying dermis defines their location during development. Although many molecules involved in hair follicle formation have been identified, the molecular interactions that determine the emergent property of pattern formation have remained elusive. We have used embryonic skin cultures to dissect signaling responses and patterning outcomes as the skin spatially organizes itself. We find that ectodysplasin receptor (Edar)-bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling and transcriptional interactions are central to generation of the primary hair follicle pattern, with restriction of responsiveness, rather than localization of an inducing ligand, being the key driver in this process. The crux of this patterning mechanism is rapid Edar-positive feedback in the epidermis coupled with induction of dermal BMP4/7. The BMPs in turn repress epidermal Edar and hence follicle fate. Edar activation also induces connective tissue growth factor, an inhibitor of BMP signaling, allowing BMP action only at a distance from their site of synthesis. Consistent with this model, transgenic hyperactivation of Edar signaling leads to widespread overproduction of hair follicles. This Edar-BMP activation-inhibition mechanism appears to operate alongside a labile prepattern, suggesting that Edar-mediated stabilization of beta-catenin active foci is a key event in determining definitive follicle locations.


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Summary : During the evolutionary diversification of organisms, similar ecological constraints led to the recurrent appearances of the same traits (phenotypes) in distant lineages, a phenomenon called convergence. In most cases, the genetic origins of the convergent traits remain unknown, but recent studies traced the convergent phenotypes to recurrent alterations of the same gene or, in a few cases, to identical genetic changes. However, these cases remain anecdotal and there is a need for a study system that evolved several times independently and whose genetic determinism is well resolved and straightforward, such as C4 photosynthesis. This adaptation to warm environments, possibly driven by past atmospheric CO2 decreases, consists in a CO2-concentrating pump, created by numerous morphological and biochemical novelties. All genes encoding C4 enzymes already existed in C3 ancestors, and are supposed to have been recruited through gene duplication followed by neo-functionalization, to acquire the cell specific expression pattern and altered kinetic properties that characterize Ca-specific enzymes. These predictions have so far been tested only in species-poor and ecologically marginal C4 dicots. The monocots, and especially the grass family (Poaceae), the most important C4 family in terms of species number, ecological dominance and economical importance, have been largely under-considered as suitable study systems. This thesis aimed at understanding the evolution of the C4 trait in grasses at a molecular level and to use the genetics of C4 photosynthesis to infer the evolutionary history of the C4 phenotype and its driving selective pressures. A molecular phylogeny of grasses and affiliated monocots identified 17 to 18 independent acquisitions of the C4 pathway in the grass family. A relaxed molecular clock was used to date these events and the first C4 evolution was estimated in the Chloridoideae subfamily, between 32-25 million years ago, at a period when atmospheric CO2 abruptly declined. Likelihood models showed that after the COZ decline the probability of evolving the C4 pathway strongly increased, confirming low CO2 as a likely driver of C4 photosynthesis evolution. In order to depict the genetic changes linked to the numerous C4 origins, genes encoding phopshoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), the key-enzyme responsible for the initial fixation of atmospheric CO2 in the C4 pathway, were isolated from a large sample of C3 and C4 grasses. Phylogenetic analyses were used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the PEPC multigene family and showed that the evolution of C4-specific PEPC had been driven by positive selection on 21 codons simultaneously in up to eight C4 lineages. These selective pressures led to numerous convergent genetic changes in many different C4 clades, highlighting the repeatability of some evolutionary processes, even at the molecular level. PEPC C4-adaptive changes were traced and used to show multiple appearances of the C, pathway in clades where species tree inferences were unable to differentiate multiple C4 appearances and a single appearance followed by C4 to C3 reversion. Further investigations of genes involved in some of the C4 subtypes only (genes encoding decarboxylating enzymes NADP-malic enzyme and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase) showed that these C4-enzymes also evolved through strong positive selection and underwent parallel genetic changes during the different Ca origins. The adaptive changes on these subtype-specific C4 genes were used to retrace the history of the C4-subtypes phenotypes, which revealed that the evolution of C4-PEPC and C4-decarboxylating enzymes was in several cases disconnected, emphasizing the multiplicity of the C4 trait and the gradual acquisition of the features that create the CO2-pump. Finally, phylogenetic analyses of a gene encoding the Rubisco (the enzyme responsible for the fixation of CO2 into organic compounds in all photosynthetic organisms) showed that C4 evolution switched the selective pressures on this gene. Five codons were recurrently mutated to adapt the enzyme kinetics to the high CO2 concentrations of C4 photosynthetic cells. This knowledge could be used to introgress C4-like Rubisco in C3 crops, which could lead to an increased yield under predicted future high CO2 atmosphere. Globally, the phylogenetic framework adopted during this thesis demonstrated the widespread occurrence of genetic convergence on C4-related enzymes. The genetic traces of C4 photosynthesis evolution allowed reconstructing events that happened during the last 30 million years and proved the usefulness of studying genes directly responsible for phenotype variations when inferring evolutionary history of a given trait. Résumé Durant la diversification évolutive des organismes, des pressions écologiques similaires ont amené à l'apparition récurrente de certains traits (phénotypes) dans des lignées distantes, un phénomène appelé évolution convergente. Dans la plupart des cas, l'origine génétique des traits convergents reste inconnue mais des études récentes ont montré qu'ils étaient dus dans certains cas à des changements répétés du même gène ou, dans de rares cas, à des changements génétiques identiques. Malgré tout, ces cas restent anecdotiques et il y a un réel besoin d'un système d'étude qui ait évolué indépendamment de nombreuses fois et dont le déterminisme génétique soit clairement identifié. La photosynthèse dite en Ça répond à ces critères. Cette adaptation aux environnements chauds, dont l'évolution a pu être encouragé par des baisses passées de la concentration atmosphérique en CO2, est constituée de nombreuses nouveautés morphologiques et biochimiques qui créent une pompe à CO2. La totalité des gènes codant les enzymes Ç4 étaient déjà présents dans les ancêtres C3. Leur recrutement pour la photosynthèse Ç4 est supposé s'être fait par le biais de duplications géniques suivies par une néo-fonctionnalisation pour leur conférer l'expression cellule-spécifique et les propriétés cinétiques qui caractérisent les enzymes C4. Ces prédictions n'ont jusqu'à présent été testées que dans des familles C4 contenant peu d'espèces et ayant un rôle écologique marginal. Les graminées (Poaceae), qui sont la famille C4 la plus importante, tant en termes de nombre d'espèces que de dominance écologique et d'importance économique, ont toujours été considérés comme un système d'étude peu adapté et ont fait le sujet de peu d'investigations évolutives. Le but de cette thèse était de comprendre l'évolution de la photosynthèse en C4 chez les graminées au niveau génétique et d'utiliser les gènes pour inférer l'évolution du phénotype C4 ainsi que les pressions de sélection responsables de son évolution. Une phylogénie moléculaire de la famille des graminées et des monocotylédones apparentés a identifié 17 à 18 acquisitions indépendantes de la photosynthèse chez les graminées. Grâce à une méthode d'horloge moléculaire relâchée, ces évènements ont été datés et la première apparition C4 a été estimée dans la sous-famille des Chloridoideae, il y a 32 à 25 millions d'années, à une période où les concentrations atmosphériques de CO2 ont décliné abruptement. Des modèles de maximum de vraisemblance ont montré qu'à la suite du déclin de CO2, la probabilité d'évoluer la photosynthèse C4 a fortement augmenté, confirmant ainsi qu'une faible concentration de CO2 est une cause potentielle de l'évolution de la photosynthèse C4. Afin d'identifier les mécanismes génétiques responsables des évolutions répétées de la photosynthèse C4, un segment des gènes codant pour la phosphoénolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), l'enzyme responsable de la fixation initiale du CO2 atmosphérique chez les plantes C4, ont été séquencés dans une centaine de graminées C3 et C4. Des analyses phylogénétiques ont permis de reconstituer l'histoire évolutive de la famille multigénique des PEPC et ont montré que l'évolution de PEPC spécifiques à la photosynthèse Ça a été causée par de la sélection positive agissant sur 21 codons, et ce simultanément dans huit lignées C4 différentes. Cette sélection positive a conduit à un grand nombre de changements génétiques convergents dans de nombreux clades différents, ce qui illustre la répétabilité de certains phénomènes évolutifs, et ce même au niveau génétique. Les changements sur la PEPC liés au C4 ont été utilisés pour confirmer des évolutions indépendantes du phénotype C4 dans des clades où l'arbre des espèces était incapable de différencier des apparitions indépendantes d'une seule apparition suivie par une réversion de C4 en C3. En considérant des gènes codant des protéines impliquées uniquement dans certains sous-types C4 (deux décarboxylases, l'enzyme malique à NADP et la phosphoénolpyruvate carboxykinase), des études ultérieures ont montré que ces enzymes C4 avaient elles-aussi évolué sous forte sélection positive et subi des changements génétiques parallèles lors des différentes origines de la photosynthèse C4. Les changements adaptatifs sur ces gènes liés seulement à certains sous-types C4 ont été utilisés pour retracer l'histoire des phénotypes de sous-types C4, ce qui a révélé que les caractères formant le trait C4 ont, dans certains cas, évolué de manière déconnectée. Ceci souligne la multiplicité du trait C4 et l'acquisition graduelle de composants participant à la pompe à CO2 qu'est la photosynthèse C4. Finalement, des analyses phylogénétiques des gènes codant pour la Rubisco (l'enzyme responsable de la fixation du CO2 en carbones organiques dans tous les organismes photosynthétiques) ont montré que l'évolution de la photosynthèse Ça a changé les pressions de sélection sur ce gène. Cinq codons ont été mutés de façon répétée afin d'adapter les propriétés cinétiques de la Rubisco aux fortes concentrations de CO2 présentes dans les cellules photosynthétiques des plantes C4. Globalement, l'approche phylogénétique adoptée durant cette thèse de doctorat a permis de démontré des phénomène fréquents de convergence génétique sur les enzymes liées à la photosynthèse C4. Les traces génétiques de l'évolution de la photosynthèse C4 ont permis de reconstituer des évènements qui se sont produits durant les derniers 30 millions d'années et ont prouvé l'utilité d'étudier des gènes directement responsables des variations phénotypiques pour inférer l'histoire évolutive d'un trait donné.


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This paper studies the interaction between ownership structure, taken as a proxy for shareholders commitment, and customer satisfaction - the main driver of consumer loyalty - and their impact on a firm s brand equity. The results show that customer satisfaction has a positive direct effect on brand equity but an indirect negative one because of reductions in ownership concentration. This latter effect emerges when managers are mainly customer-oriented. Such result gives out a warning signal that highlights the perverse effect of implementing policies, focused excessively on satisfying customers at the expense of shareholders, on a firm s brand equity. The empirical analysis uses an incomplete panel data comprising 69 firms from 11 nations, for the period 2002-2005.


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Expression profile of a Laccase2 encoding gene during the metamorphic molt in Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Metamorphosis in holometabolous insects occurs through two subsequent molting cycles: pupation (metamorphic molt) and adult differentiation (imaginal molt). The imaginal molt in Apis mellifera L. was recently investigated in both histological and physiological-molecular approaches. Although the metamorphic molt in this model bee is extremely important to development, it is not well-known yet. In the current study we used this stage as an ontogenetic scenario to investigate the transcriptional profile of the gene Amlac2, which encodes a laccase with an essential role in cuticle differentiation. Amlac2 expression in epidermis was contrasted with the hemolymph titer of ecdysteroid hormones and with the most evident morphological events occurring during cuticle renewal. RT-PCR semiquantitative analyses using integument samples revealed increased levels of Amlac2 transcripts right after apolysis and during the subsequent pharate period, and declining levels near pupal ecdysis. Compared with the expression of a cuticle protein gene, AmelCPR14, these results highlighted the importance of the ecdysteroid-induced apolysis as an ontogenetic marker of gene reactivation in epidermis for cuticle renewal. The obtained results strengthen the comprehension of metamorphosis in Apis mellifera. In addition, we reviewed the literature about the development of A. mellifera, and emphasize the importance of revising the terminology used to describe honey bee molting cycles.


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Résumé : Erythropoietin (EPO) is a glycoprotein hormone endogenously produced by the kidney, whose main physiological role is the stimulation of erythropoiesis. Since the beginning of the nineties, recombinant human EPO (rhEPO), a potent anti-anaemia treatment drug, has been manufactured by pharmaceutical industries. However, the erythropoiesis stimulating power of rhEPO was rapidly misused by unscrupulous athletes in order to improve their performances in endurance sports. Endogenous EPO has the same amino-acid backbone as most of recombinant forms; the molecules however differ through their respective glycosylation patterns. This difference constitutes the basis of the usual EPO screening test (IEF) developed in 2000 and still currently used in all anti-doping laboratories of the world. Nowadays, 3 EPO generations have been commercialized. The fight against EPO abuse is a continuous challenge for anti-doping laboratories. The diversity of recombinant EPO forms and the continuous development of new ones considerably confuse the identification of EPO doping. Several facets of this fight were investigated in this work. One of the limiting aspects of doping agents screening is the availability of positive samples. Therefore, 2nd and 3rd generation EPOS, namely NESP and C.E.R.A., were injected to healthy subjects in the frame of pilot clinical studies. These latter allowed to review the current EPO identification criteria defined by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) in the case of NESP and to validate and implement a new assay targeting C.E.R.A. in human serum. Both studies resulted in the determination of the respective detection windows of NESP and C.E.R.A. in biological fluids. Following that, Dynepo, a 1st generation EPO presenting similarities with the endogenous form, was also in the centre of a similar clinical study. Our work aimed to overcome the actual identification criteria, which are not adapted to Dynpeo, and to propose an alternative pattern classification method based on the discriminant analysis of IEF EPO profiles. This method might be validated for other EPO forms in the future. The detection window of this molecule was also determined. Under particular conditions, confounding effects can complicate the identification of EPO in biological matrices. For example, athletes having performed a strenuous physical effort can excrete modified isoforms of endogenous EPO, making it very similar to some recombinant forms. Such phenomena, called effort urines, were reproduced under controlled conditions and, after characterization of effort EPO, an urinary biochemical marker was proposed to unequivocally identify effort urines. It also happens that EPO analyses fail to detect endogenous levels of EPO. Such profiles were thoroughly investigated and potential causes identified. Natural reasons relying on urine properties and test specificity were underlined, but the possible addition of adulterant agents in urine samples was also considered. Therefore, a simple biochemical assay targeting the suspected substances was set up. Our work was based on the characterization of atypical EPO profiles from different origins. Therefore, 3 EPO molecules representing the 3 generations of the drug and 2 confounding effects confusing the results interpretation were studied. These studies resulted in tangible applications for the laboratory, the best example of which being the C.E.R.A. assay, but also in scientific findings allowing to improve our comprehension of EPO doping in sport.


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Iowa’s speed regulations are based on the same basic speed law that is used in all 50 states: “Any person driving a motor vehicle on a highway shall drive the same at a careful and prudent speed not greater than nor less than is reasonable and proper, having due regard to the traffic, surface, and width of the highway and of any other conditions then existing, and no person shall drive any vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater than will permit the person to bring it to a stop within the assured clear distance ahead, such driver having the right to assume, however, that all persons using said highway will observe the law.” Statutory limits are based on the concept that uniform categories of highways can be traveled safely at certain preset maximum speeds under ideal conditions. Whether the speed limit is posted or unposted, drivers should reduce their speed below these values in poor weather, heavy traffic, and under other potentially hazardous conditions.


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This publication is a guide for parents and guardians of teenagers learning to drive. It should be used with the Iowa Driver’s Manual to aid you in instructing your new driver about how to safely and responsibly operate a motor vehicle. Since the task of driving is affected by changing conditions, this manual does not attempt to cover all situations that may arise. Under Iowa’s graduated driver licensing system young drivers must complete 20 hours of supervised drive time with their parents or guardians during the instruction permit stage and 10 hours during the intermediate license stage. Even though your teenager is taking or has completed driver education in school, there is a great deal of benefit to be obtained from you providing this additional practice time. Learning from your experience and under your guidance, your teenager will apply the rules of the road and more fully understand the risks involved in driving. This will require time and patience on your part, but the effort will result in you knowing that your teenager will be better able to cope with the demands of safe driving. In the back of this manual you will find several pages of diagrams. Use these diagrams to illustrate different driving situations for your teenage driver. Consider taking a notepad and pencil along during your practice sessions for additional drawings. This manual also contains a chart to log your supervised drive time. As your new driver advances through the graduated system you will be required to certify to an Iowa driver’s license examiner that you completed the minimum number of hours of supervised drive time. By becoming involved in the learning driver’s educational process, you are contributing to Iowa’s overall highway safety effort and helping your teenager develop safe driving habits that will last a lifetime.


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Besides its emotional, hormonal and physical components, sexuality has also an important social function. Analyzing these interactions in immigrant adolescents who are challenged at the same time by developmental changes and modified cultural and social rules--especially if they differ from the rules assimilated during childhood--might help professionals to access better comprehension. Personal experience, individual and external resources, whether they are family oriented or professional, are prone to influence on behavior, perception and outcome related to sexual health. The subject is discussed on the base of scientific literature and medical practice.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections are the major cause of chronic liver disease, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma worldwide. Both spontaneous and treatment-induced clearance of HCV depend on genetic variation within the interferon-lambda locus, but until now no clear causal relationship has been established. Here we demonstrate that an amino-acid substitution in the IFNλ4 protein changing a proline at position 70 to a serine (P70S) substantially alters its antiviral activity. Patients harbouring the impaired IFNλ4-S70 variant display lower interferon-stimulated gene (ISG) expression levels, better treatment response rates and better spontaneous clearance rates, compared with patients coding for the fully active IFNλ4-P70 variant. Altogether, these data provide evidence supporting a role for the active IFNλ4 protein as the driver of high hepatic ISG expression as well as the cause of poor HCV clearance.


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This paper presents the underlying concepts developed by the Institute of Geography of the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) for a popularisation project of the geoheritage in the Tsanfleuron-Sanetsch area (Valais, Switzerland). Due to its wide scientific interest, the local geoheritage is of great value (Reynard, 2008). The article details the complementary links existing between the different parts of a geotourist project - databases, educational panels, educational material and geotourist map - developed for popularising the geoheritage value of the area. Each element of the project is briefly presented. Special focus is set on mapping questions: how cartographic design and information structure can be set in order to facilitate map's use and comprehension. In this way, the Tsanfleuron-Sanetsch map is presented as an applied example of the guiding principles proposed by Coratza and Regolini-Bissig (2009).