982 resultados para cyclic K48-linked di-ubiquitin


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The spontaneous formation of the neurotoxic carcinogen acrylamide in a wide range of cooked foods has recently been discovered. These foods include bread and other bakery products, crisps, chips, breakfast cereals, and coffee. To date, the diminutive size of acrylamide (71.08Da) has prevented the development of screening immunoassays for this chemical. In this study, a polyclonal antibody capable of binding the carcinogen was produced by the synthesis of an immunogen comprising acrylamide derivatised with 3-mercaptobenzoic acid (3-MBA), and its conjugation to the carrier protein bovine thyroglobulin. Antiserum from the immunised rabbit was harvested and fully characterised. it displayed no binding affinity for acrylamide or 3-MBA but had a high affinity for 3-MBA-derivitised acrylamide. The antisera produced was utilised in the development of an ELISA based detection system for acrylamide. Spiked water samples were assayed for acrylamide content using a previously published extraction method validated for coffee, crispbread, potato, milk chocolate and potato crisp matrices. Extracted acrylamide was then subjected to a rapid 1-h derivatisation with 3-MBA, pre-analysis. The ELISA was shown to have a high specificity for acrylamide, with a limit of detection in water samples of 65.7 mu g kg(-1), i.e. potentially suitable for acrylamide detection in a wide range of food commodities. Future development of this assay will increase sensitivity further. This is the first report of an immunoassay capable of detecting the carcinogen, as its small size has necessitated current analytical detection via expensive, slower, physico-chemical techniques such as Gas or Liquid Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Chloramphenicol is a broad-spectrum antibiotic shown to have specific activity against a wide variety of organisms that are causative agents of several disease conditions in domestic animals. Chloramphenicol has been banned for use in food-producing animals for its serious adverse toxic effects in humans. Due to the harmful effects of chloramphenicol residues livestock products should be free of any traces of these residues. Several analytical methods are available for chloramphenicol analysis but sensitive methods are required in order to ensure that no traces of chloramphenicol residues are present in edible animal products. In order to prevent the illegal use of chloramphenicol, regulatory control of its residues in food of animal origin is essential. A competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for chloramphenicol has been locally developed and optimized for the detection of chloramphenicol in sheep serum. In the assay, chloramphenicol in the test samples and that in chloramphenicol-horseradish peroxidase conjugate compete for antibodies raised against the drug in camels and immobilized on a microtitre plate. Tetramethylbenzidine-hydrogen peroxide (TMB/H2O2) is used as chromogen-substrate system. The assay has a detection limit of 0.1 ng/mL of serum with a high specificity for chloramphenicol. Cross-reactivity with florfenicol, thiamphenicol, penicillin, tetracyclines and sulfamethazine was not observed. The assay was able to detect chloramphenicol concentrations in normal sheep serum for at least 1 week after intramuscular injection with the drug at a dose of 25 mg/kg body weight (b.w.). The assay can be used as a screening tool for chloramphenicol use in animals.


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Aim To examine the effect of climate change on the occurrence and distribution of Pipistrellus nathusii (Nathusius' pipistrelle) in the United Kingdom (UK).Location We modelled habitat and climatic associations of P. nathusii in the UK and applied this model to the species' historical range in continental Europe.Methods A binomial logistic regression model was constructed relating the occurrence of P. nathusii to climate and habitat characteristics using historical species occurrence records (1940-2006) and CORINE land cover data. This model was applied to historical and projected climate data to examine changes in suitable range (1940-2080) of this species. We tested the predictive ability of the model with known records in the UK after 2006 and applied the model to the species' known range in Europe.Results The distribution of P. nathusii was related positively to the area of water bodies, woodland and small areas of urbanization, and negatively related to the area of peat/heathland. Species records were associated with higher minimum temperatures, low seasonal variation in temperature and intermediate rainfall. We found that suitable areas have existed in the UK since the 1940s and that these have expanded. The model had high predictive power when applied to new records after 2006, with a correct classification rate of 70%, estimated by receiver operating characteristic analysis. Based on climate projections, our model suggests a potential twofold increase in the area suitable for P. nathusii in the UK by 2050. The single most influential climate variable contributing to range increase was the projected increase in minimum temperature. When applied to Europe, the model predictions had best predictive capability of known records in western areas of the species' range, where P. nathusii is present during the winter.Main conclusions We show that a mobile, migratory species has adapted its range in response to recent climate change on a continental scale. We believe this may be the first study to demonstrate a case of range change linked to contemporary climate change in a mammal species in Europe.


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Recent searches by unbiased, wide-field surveys have uncovered a group of extremely luminous optical transients. The initial discoveries of SN 2005ap by the Texas Supernova Search and SCP-06F6 in a deep Hubble pencil beam survey were followed by the Palomar Transient Factory confirmation of host redshifts for other similar transients. The transients share the common properties of high optical luminosities (peak magnitudes similar to -21 to -23), blue colors, and a lack of H or He spectral features. The physical mechanism that produces the luminosity is uncertain, with suggestions ranging from jet-driven explosion to pulsational pair instability. Here, we report the most detailed photometric and spectral coverage of an ultra-bright transient (SN 2010gx) detected in the Pan-STARRS 1 sky survey. In common with other transients in this family, early-time spectra show a blue continuum and prominent broad absorption lines of O II. However, about 25 days after discovery, the spectra developed type Ic supernova features, showing the characteristic broad Fe II and Si II absorption lines. Detailed, post-maximum follow-up may show that all SN 2005ap and SCP-06F6 type transients are linked to supernovae Ic. This poses problems in understanding the physics of the explosions: there is no indication from late-time photometry that the luminosity is powered by Ni-56, the broad light curves suggest very large ejected masses, and the slow spectral evolution is quite different from typical Ic timescales. The nature of the progenitor stars and the origin of the luminosity are intriguing and open questions.


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Huntington disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by the abnormal expansion of CAG repeats in the HD gene on chromosome 4p16.3. A recent genome scan for genetic modifiers of age at onset of motor symptoms (AO) in HD suggests that one modifier may reside in the region close to the HD gene itself. We used data from 535 HD participants of the New England Huntington cohort and the HD MAPS cohort to assess whether AO was influenced by any of the three markers in the 4p16 region: MSX1 (Drosophila homeo box homologue 1, formerly known as homeo box 7, HOX7), Delta2642 (within the HD coding sequence), and BJ56 (D4S127). Suggestive evidence for an association was seen between MSX1 alleles and AO, after adjustment for normal CAG repeat, expanded repeat, and their product term (model P value 0.079). Of the variance of AO that was not accounted for by HD and normal CAG repeats, 0.8% could be attributed to the MSX1 genotype. Individuals with MSX1 genotype 3/3 tended to have younger AO. No association was found between Delta2642 (P=0.44) and BJ56 (P=0.73) and AO. This study supports previous studies suggesting that there may be a significant genetic modifier for AO in HD in the 4p16 region. Furthermore, the modifier may be present on both HD and normal chromosomes bearing the 3 allele of the MSX1 marker.


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Aims/hypothesis: The impact of AGEs and advanced lipoxidation end-products (ALEs) on neuronal and Müller glial dysfunction in the diabetic retina is not well understood. We therefore sought to identify dysfunction of the retinal Müller glia during diabetes and to determine whether inhibition of AGEs/ALEs can prevent it.

Methods: Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into three groups: (1) non-diabetic; (2) untreated streptozotocin-induced diabetic; and (3) diabetic treated with the AGE/ALE inhibitor pyridoxamine for the duration of diabetes. Rats were killed and their retinas were evaluated for neuroglial pathology. Results: AGEs and ALEs accumulated at higher levels in diabetic retinas than in controls (p<0.001). AGE/ALE immunoreactivity was significantly diminished by pyridoxamine treatment of diabetic rats. Diabetes was also associated with the up-regulation of the oxidative stress marker haemoxygenase-1 and the induction of glial fibrillary acidic protein production in Müller glia (p<0.001). Pyridoxamine treatment of diabetic rats had a significant beneficial effect on both variables (p<0.001). Diabetes also significantly altered the normal localisation of the potassium inwardly rectifying channel Kir4.1 and the water channel aquaporin 4 to the Müller glia end-feet interacting with retinal capillaries. These abnormalities were prevented by pyridoxamine treatment.

Conclusions/interpretation: While it is established that AGE/ALE formation in the retina during diabetes is linked to microvascular dysfunction, this study suggests that these pathogenic adducts also play a role in Müller glial dysfunction.