972 resultados para coupled chaotic oscillators
The larger of two diuretic hormones of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, (Mas-DH) is a peptide of 41 residues. It is one of a family of seven currently known insect diuretic hormones that are similar to the corticotropin-releasing factor–urotensin–sauvagine family of peptides. We investigated the possible inactivation of Mas-DH by incubating it in vitro with larval Malpighian tubules (Mt), the target organ of the hormone. The medium was analyzed, and degradation products were identified, using on-line microbore reversed-phase liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (RPLC-ESI-MS). This sensitive technique allows identification of metabolites of Mas-DH (present at an initial level of ≈1 μM). An accurate Mr value for a metabolite is usually sufficient for unambiguous identification. Mas-DH is cleaved by Mt proteases initially at L29–R30 and R30–A31 under our assay conditions; some Mas-DH is also oxidized, apparently at M2 and M11. The proteolysis can be inhibited by 5 mM EDTA, suggesting that divalent metals are needed for peptide cleavage. The oxidation of the hormone can be inhibited by catalase or 1 mM methionine, indicating that H2O2 or related reactive oxygen species are responsible for the oxidative degradation observed. RPLC-ESI-MS is shown here to be an elegant and efficient method for studying peptide hormone metabolism resulting from unknown proteases and pathways.
The M78 protein of murine cytomegalovirus exhibits sequence features of a G protein-coupled receptor. It is synthesized with early kinetics, it becomes partially colocalized with Golgi markers, and it is incorporated into viral particles. We have constructed a viral substitution mutant, SMsubM78, which lacks most of the M78 ORF. The mutant produces a reduced yield in cultured 10.1 fibroblast and IC21 macrophage cell lines. The defect is multiplicity dependent and greater in the macrophage cell line. Consistent with its growth defect in cultured cells, the mutant exhibits reduced pathogenicity in mice, generating less infectious progeny than wild-type virus in all organs assayed. SMsubM78 fails to efficiently activate accumulation of the viral m123 immediate-early mRNA in infected macrophages. M78 facilitates the accumulation of the immediate-early mRNA in cycloheximide-treated cells, arguing that it acts in the absence of de novo protein synthesis. We conclude that the M78 G protein-coupled receptor homologue is delivered to cells as a constituent of the virion, and it acts to facilitate the accumulation of immediate-early mRNA.
We reported previously that Go-deficient mice develop severe neurological defects that include hyperalgesia, a generalized tremor, lack of coordination, and a turning syndrome somewhat reminiscent of unilateral lesions of the dopaminergic nigro-striatal pathway. By using frozen coronal sections of serially sectioned brains of normal and Go-deficient mice, we studied the ability of several G protein coupled receptors to promote binding of GTPγS to G proteins and the ability of GTP to promote a shift in the affinity of D2 dopamine receptor for its physiologic agonist dopamine. We found a generalized, but not abolished reduction in agonist-stimulated binding of GTPγS to frozen brain sections, with no significant left–right differences. Unexpectedly, the ability of GTP to regulate the binding affinity of dopamine to D2 receptors (as seen in in situ [35S]sulpiride displacement curves) that was robust in control mice, was absent in Go-deficient mice. The data suggest that most of the effects of the Gi/Go-coupled D2 receptors in the central nervous system are mediated by Go instead of Gi1, Gi2, or Gi3. In agreement with this, the effect of GTP on dopamine binding to D2 receptors in double Gi1 plus Gi2- and Gi1 plus Gi3-deficient mice was essentially unaffected.
The Drosophila mutant methuselah (mth) was identified from a screen for single gene mutations that extended average lifespan. Mth mutants have a 35% increase in average lifespan and increased resistance to several forms of stress, including heat, starvation, and oxidative damage. The protein affected by this mutation is related to G protein-coupled receptors of the secretin receptor family. Mth, like secretin receptor family members, has a large N-terminal ectodomain, which may constitute the ligand binding site. Here we report the 2.3-Å resolution crystal structure of the Mth extracellular region, revealing a folding topology in which three primarily β-structure-containing domains meet to form a shallow interdomain groove containing a solvent-exposed tryptophan that may represent a ligand binding site. The Mth structure is analyzed in relation to predicted Mth homologs and potential ligand binding features.
Transcription-coupled repair (TCR) plays an important role in removing DNA damage from actively transcribed genes. It has been speculated that TCR is the most important mechanism for repairing DNA damage in non-dividing cells such as neurons. Therefore, abnormal TCR may contribute to the development of many age-related and neurodegenerative diseases. However, the molecular mechanism of TCR is not well understood. Oligonucleotide DNA triplex formation provides an ideal system to dissect the molecular mechanism of TCR since triplexes can be formed in a sequence-specific manner to inhibit transcription of target genes. We have recently studied the molecular mechanism of triplex-forming oligonucleotide (TFO)-mediated TCR in HeLa nuclear extracts. Using plasmid constructs we demonstrate that the level of TFO-mediated DNA repair activity is directly correlated with the level of transcription of the plasmid in HeLa nuclear extracts. TFO-mediated DNA repair activity was further linked with transcription since the presence of rNTPs in the reaction was essential for AG30-mediated DNA repair activity in HeLa nuclear extracts. The involvement of individual components, including TFIID, TFIIH, RNA polymerase II and xeroderma pigmentosum group A (XPA), in the triplex-mediated TCR process was demonstrated in HeLa nuclear extracts using immunodepletion assays. Importantly, our studies also demonstrated that XPC, a component involved in global genome DNA repair, is involved in the AG30-mediated DNA repair process. The results obtained in this study provide an important new understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the TCR process in mammalian cells.
Edman degradation remains the primary method for determining the sequence of proteins. In this study, accelerator mass spectrometry was used to determine the N-terminal sequence of glutathione S-transferase at the attomole level with zeptomole precision using a tracer of 14C. The transgenic transferase was labeled by growing transformed Escherichia coli on [14C]glucose and purified by microaffinity chromatography. An internal standard of peptides on a solid phase synthesized to release approximately equal amounts of all known amino acids with each cycle were found to increase yield of gas phase sequencing reactions and subsequent semimicrobore HPLC as did a lactoglobulin carrier. This method is applicable to the sequencing of proteins from cell culture and illustrates a path to more general methods for determining N-terminal sequences with high sensitivity.
In several biological systems, the electrical coupling of nonoscillating cells generates synchronized membrane potential oscillations. Because the isolated cell is nonoscillating and electrical coupling tends to equalize the membrane potentials of the coupled cells, the mechanism underlying these oscillations is unclear. Here we present a dynamic mechanism by which the electrical coupling of identical nonoscillating cells can generate synchronous membrane potential oscillations. We demonstrate this mechanism by constructing a biologically feasible model of electrically coupled cells, characterized by an excitable membrane and calcium dynamics. We show that strong electrical coupling in this network generates multiple oscillatory states with different spatio-temporal patterns and discuss their possible role in the cooperative computations performed by the system.
The role and even the existence of myocyte proliferation in the adult heart remain controversial. Documentation of cell cycle regulators, DNA synthesis, and mitotic images has not modified the view that myocardial growth can only occur from hypertrophy of an irreplaceable population of differentiated myocytes. To improve understanding the biology of the heart and obtain supportive evidence of myocyte replication, three indices of cell proliferation were analyzed in dogs affected by a progressive deterioration of cardiac performance and dilated cardiomyopathy. The magnitude of cycling myocytes was evaluated by the expression of Ki67 in nuclei. Ki67 labeling of left ventricular myocytes increased 5-fold, 12-fold, and 17-fold with the onset of moderate and severe ventricular dysfunction and overt failure, respectively. Telomerase activity in vivo is present only in multiplying cells; this enzyme increased 2.4-fold and 3.1-fold in the decompensated heart, preserving telomeric length in myocytes. The contribution of cycling myocytes to telomerase activity was determined by the colocalization of Ki67 and telomerase in myocyte nuclei. More than 50% of Ki67-positive cells expressed telomerase in the overloaded myocardium, suggesting that these myocytes were the morphological counterpart of the biochemical assay of enzyme activity. Moreover, we report that 20–30% of canine myocytes were telomerase competent, and this value was not changed by cardiac failure. In conclusion, the enhanced expression of Ki67 and telomerase activity, in combination with Ki67-telomerase labeling of myocyte nuclei, support the notion that myocyte proliferation contributes to cardiac hypertrophy of the diseased heart.
Many peptide hormone and neurotransmitter receptors belonging to the seven membrane-spanning G protein-coupled receptor family have been shown to transmit ligand-dependent mitogenic signals in vitro. However, the physiological roles of the mitogenic activity through G protein-coupled receptors in vivo remain to be elucidated. Here we have generated G protein-coupled cholecystokinin (CCK)-B/gastrin receptor deficient-mice by gene targeting. The homozygous mice showed a remarkable atrophy of the gastric mucosa macroscopically, even in the presence of severe hypergastrinemia. The atrophy was due to a decrease in parietal cells and chromogranin A-positive enterochromaffin-like cells expressing the H+,K(+)-ATPase and histidine decarboxylase genes, respectively. Oral administration of a proton pump inhibitor, omeprazole, which induced hypertrophy of the gastric mucosa with hypergastrinemia in wild-type littermates, did not eliminate the gastric atrophy of the homozygotes. These results clearly demonstrated that the G protein-coupled CCK-B/gastrin receptor is essential for the physiological as well as pathological proliferation of gastric mucosal cells in vivo.
Transgenic mice were generated with cardiac-specific overexpression of the G protein-coupled receptor kinase-5 (GRK5), a serine/threonine kinase most abundantly expressed in the heart compared with other tissues. Animals overexpressing GRK5 showed marked beta-adrenergic receptor desensitization in both the anesthetized and conscious state compared with nontransgenic control mice, while the contractile response to angiotensin II receptor stimulation was unchanged. In contrast, the angiotensin II-induced rise in contractility was significantly attenuated in transgenic mice overexpressing the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase-1, another member of the GRK family. These data suggest that myocardial overexpression of GRK5 results in selective uncoupling of G protein-coupled receptors and demonstrate that receptor specificity of the GRKs may be important in determining the physiological phenotype.
Transgenic mice were generated in which the cDNA for the human insulin-like growth factor 1B (IGF-1B) was placed under the control of a rat alpha-myosin heavy chain promoter. In mice heterozygous for the transgene, IGF-1B mRNA was not detectable in the fetal heart at the end of gestation, was present in modest levels at 1 day after birth, and increased progressively with postnatal maturation, reaching a peak at 75 days. Myocytes isolated from transgenic mice secreted 1.15 +/- 0.25 ng of IGF-1 per 10(6) cells per 24 hr versus 0.27 +/- 0.10 ng in myocytes from homozygous wild-type littermates. The plasma level of IGF-1 increased 84% in transgenic mice. Heart weight was comparable in wild-type littermates and transgenic mice up to 45 days of age, but a 42%, 45%, 62%, and 51% increase was found at 75, 135, 210, and 300 days, respectively, after birth. At 45, 75, and 210 days, the number of myocytes in the heart was 21%, 31%, and 55% higher, respectively, in transgenic animals. In contrast, myocyte cell volume was comparable in transgenic and control mice at all ages. In conclusion, overexpression of IGF-1 in myocytes leads to cardiomegaly mediated by an increased number of cells in the heart.
Guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein (G protein)-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) constitute a family of serine/threonine kinases that play a major role in the agonist-induced phosphorylation and desensitization of G-protein-coupled receptors. Herein we describe the generation of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that specifically react with GRK2 and GRK3 or with GRK4, GRK5, and GRK6. They are used in several different receptor systems to identify the kinases that are responsible for receptor phosphorylation and desensitization. The ability of these reagents to inhibit GRK- mediated receptor phosphorylation is demonstrated in permeabilized 293 cells that overexpress individual GRKs and the type 1A angiotensin II receptor. We also use this approach to identify the endogenous GRKs that are responsible for the agonist-induced phosphorylation of epitope-tagged beta2- adrenergic receptors (beta2ARs) overexpressed in rabbit ventricular myocytes that are infected with a recombinant adenovirus. In these myocytes, anti-GRK2/3 mAbs inhibit isoproterenol-induced receptor phosphorylation by 77%, while GRK4-6-specific mAbs have no effect. Consistent with the operation of a betaAR kinase-mediated mechanism, GRK2 is identified by immunoblot analysis as well as in a functional assay as the predominant GRK expressed in these cells. Microinjection of GRK2/3-specific mAbs into chicken sensory neurons, which have been shown to express a GRK3-like protein, abolishes desensitization of the alpha2AR-mediated calcium current inhibition. The intracellular inhibition of endogenous GRKs by mAbs represents a novel approach to the study of receptor specificities among GRKs that should be widely applicable to many G-protein-coupled receptors.
The alpha-factor pheromone receptor stimulates MATa yeast cells to undergo conjugation. The receptor contains seven transmembrane domains that function in ligand binding and in transducing a signal to the cytoplasmic receptor sequences to mediate G protein activation. A genetic screen was used to isolate receptor mutations that constitutively signal in the absence of alpha-factor. The Pro-258-->Leu (P258L) mutation caused constitutive receptor signaling that was equivalent to about 45% of the maximum level observed in wild-type cells stimulated with alpha-factor. Mutations of both Pro-258 and the adjacent Ser-259 to Leu increased constitutive signaling to > or = 90% of the maximum level. Since Pro-258 occurs in the central portion of transmembrane domain 6, and since proline residues are expected to cause a kink in alpha-helical domains, the P258L mutation is predicted to alter the structure of transmembrane domain 6. The P258L mutation did not result in a global distortion of receptor structure because alpha-factor bound to the mutant receptors with high affinity and induced even higher levels of signaling. These results suggest that sequences surrounding Pro-258 may be involved in ligand activation of the receptor. Conformational changes in transmembrane domain 6 may effect a change in the adjacent sequences in the third intracellular loop that are thought to function in G protein activation. Greater than 90% of all G protein-coupled receptors contain a proline residue at a similar position in transmembrane domain 6, suggesting that this aspect of receptor activation may be conserved in other receptors.
Recently individual two-headed kinesin molecules have been studied in in vitro motility assays revealing a number of their peculiar transport properties. In this paper we propose a simple and robust model for the kinesin stepping process with elastically coupled Brownian heads that show all of these properties. The analytic and numerical treatment of our model results in a very good fit to the experimental data and practically has no free parameters. Changing the values of the parameters in the restricted range allowed by the related experimental estimates has almost no effect on the shape of the curves and results mainly in a variation of the zero load velocity that can be directly fitted to the measured data. In addition, the model is consistent with the measured pathway of the kinesin ATPase.
Application of L-glutamate to retinal glial (Müller) cells results in an inwardly rectifying current due to the net influx of one positive charge per molecule of glutamate transported into the cell. However, at positive potentials an outward current can be elicited by glutamate. This outward current is eliminated by removal of external chloride ions. Substitution of external chloride with the anions thiocyanate, perchlorate, nitrate, and iodide, which are known to be more permeant at other chloride channels, results in a considerably larger glutamate-elicited outward current at positive potentials. The large outward current in external nitrate has the same ionic dependence, apparent affinity for L-glutamate, and pharmacology as the glutamate transporter previously reported to exist in these cells. Varying the concentration of external nitrate shifts the reversal potential in a manner consistent with a conductance permeable to nitrate. Together, these results suggest that the glutamate transporter in retinal glial cells is associated with an anionic conductance. This anionic conductance may be important for preventing a reduction in the rate of transport due the depolarization that would otherwise occur as a result of electrogenic glutamate uptake.